Why Did It Take / Is It Taking Some Peope So Long To Accept The Obvious?

Political issue?

Millions died around the world due to a lab leak and intentional virus spreading into a pandemic.

The people woth whom we entrust our country and our lives slapped the 'political' sticker and covered it up, lied, used it to control the populace, and is holding no one accountable.

'Partisanship' should have nothing to do with the TRUTH, but the current administration and its FBI gave been exposed for silencing anyone opposing the false narrative and telling the truth while intentionally spreading disinformation and propaganda.

'Politics' and 'partisanship' made COVID, the pandemic, and the negative effects of them being used against citizens infinitely worse.

The vaccines and the mandates to force them on people were 'politics' that have caused the deaths of many more, loss of jobs, etc...

You know, to hear you talk, you'd think someone else was President in 2020 other than the guy who messed up this response.

No evidence from animals so far, and all of a sudden up pops a virus already evolved to swiftly infect humans. WIV may have been working on a bat vaccine. Furin cleavage site is problematic: it has never before been seen in a sarbecovirus. It was, however, seen in an American dog tick on Long Island, New York, in 2013.
You know, to hear you talk, you'd think someone else was President in 2020 other than the guy who messed up this response.
More revisionist history from lefyists. Every talking point about how irs 'Trump's fault' you have has already been debunked. The truth is Trump was way ahead of everyone.

Instead of seeing it coming, Schiff was too busy engaging in Treason by participating in Pelosi's failed coup Impeachment.
I think it came from China...I think they purposely leaked it to kill as many Americans as possible -- even tho it isn't even that deadly, and barely worse than the cold...however, it was a diabolical plot by the chinks to murder Americans.....

But even tho China did wage war against us with this bio-attack- we should listen to what they have to say when it comes to their peace proposal with Ukraine and Russia...

I know, being a right-winger is complicated...
Fauci should be prosecuted. He knew all along that this virus came from that lab. He lied to the American people. He was complicit in millions of deaths.

After all he diverted US taxpayer funds to help finance it.
More revisionist history from lefyists. Every talking point about how irs 'Trump's fault' you have has already been debunked. The truth is Trump was way ahead of everyone.

Instead of seeing it coming, Schiff was too busy engaging in Treason by participating in Pelosi's failed coup Impeachment.

That's not Schiff's job. Schiff didn't turn the Pandemic response.

That was Trump's job. He failed miserably...
How long does it take for a genome , especially one specific to humans, to evolve in nature?

The reality is that we are dealing with dembots, the cult, their propagandist didn't want to rock the boat with their Chinese overlords, and moreover it was an election season, so they were more interested in playing politics, then putting Americans first. It was easier to simply blame Trump, then come together for the common good and address the obvious.

It's what dembots do
A top CCP scientist / virologist warned in Sept 2020 that COVID-19 was created in and released from the Wuhan lab.

Interesting how our enemy can look us in the eye, tell us 'this is how we attacked you', & some idiots respond by saying, "Naw, you didn't do that. It came from a wet market.'
The reality is that we are dealing with dembots, the cult, their propagandist didn't want to rock the boat with their Chinese overlords, and moreover it was an election season, so they were more interested in playing politics, then putting Americans first. It was easier to simply blame Trump, then come together for the common good and address the obvious.

It's what dembots do
The main thing is, we should focus primarily on having a partisan circle jerk. Nevermind figuring out what happened and holding the guilty parties account. You'd rather whine about the Democrats than go after China.
The main thing is, we should focus primarily on having a partisan circle jerk. Nevermind figuring out what happened and holding the guilty parties account. You'd rather whine about the Democrats than go after China.
When is the last time Biden / Democrats held anyone accountable, especially for anything on this scale?
Well, the simplest explanation is that it came from Nature, probably introduced through a Chinese Wet Market.

It certainly makes more sense than the Chinese leaked it from a lab hoping Trump's response would be so incompetent it would economically wreck their best customer.
So you disagree with the FBI and Department of energy? I guess that means you are dumb as fuck and your thoughts about ANY subject are likely wrong and based on pure ignorance. :dunno:
The main thing is, we should focus primarily on having a partisan circle jerk. Nevermind figuring out what happened and holding the guilty parties account. You'd rather whine about the Democrats than go after China.
huh? i’m fine with going after China..heck republicans have been saying that since the trump yesss in 2020

you dembots of course said that made us xenophobic
The report says that there's "low confidence" that COVID-19 came from a lab.

Of course, Republicans lie about it.
Thats better than than having no confidence level that it came from a wet market. Notice they wont say ANYTHING about their confidence in other possibilities. They only have confidence in the lab leak theory.
Thats better than than having no confidence level that it came from a wet market. Notice they wont say ANYTHING about their confidence in other possibilities. They only have confidence in the lab leak theory.
And what does that mean to you?
Yes, yes, yes --- Republicans are just as bad as Democrats. I get it. :rolleyes:

No, you din't get it, and No the GOP are NOT as bad as Democrats. Not by a longshot.

Republicans have never:

- Created / initiated an historic scandal like Hillary did

- Initiated / engaged in treason, attempted to affect a failed coup attempt the way Obama and his administration did

- Violated the Constitution / Rule of Law / defrauded the FISA Court for decades / illegally spied on Americans in violation of the Patriot Act

- Initiated and engaged in criminal Impeachment attempts to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing a President from office

- Engaged in such violent political rhetoric as to incite not 1 but 2 political assassination attempts, 1 resulting in an opposing party member being shot

I could go on, but I have made my point ... despite the whackadoodles who are now going to attack.me snd defend the Democrats for doing all of this, as documented.
And we have only one Democrat even willing to respond, and that one an obvious junior assistant to KJP.

The sick bastards will never admit that they were wrong. Meanwhile at my Jr High where I teach, mask use is actually increasing.

And instead, they went and continue to go out of their way to demonize anyone who dares to say the virus came from a Chinese lab.

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