Why did Jimmy Carter accomplish so little during his 4 years as president?

Carter was a great humanitarian and fine person but had no great leadership ability nor any experience in foreign affairs or national politics. The Soviets invasion of Afghanistan, Islamic terrors in Iran capturing US civilians, inflation, an energy crisis, and a nation with extreme distrust of government after the Viet Nam war and Watergate begged for a great leader and Cartier just didn't fill bill. However, he did restore a more constitutional balance in government after the excesses of the Johnson and Nixon and is remembered for the Camp David Accords where he mediated a peace agreement between Israel and Egypt.

He actually accomplished more after his presidency than his 4 years in the Whitehouse.
What, exactly, has he accomplished?
He's written 28 books, one winning the noble prize for literature in 2002. engaged in conflict mediation in Ethiopia and Eritrea (1989), North Korea (1994), Liberia (1994), Haiti (1994), Bosnia (1994), Sudan (1995), the Great Lakes region of Africa (1995-96), Sudan and Uganda (1999), Venezuela (2002-2003), Nepal (2004-2008), Ecuador and Colombia (2008), and the Middle East (2003-present). Under his leadership The Carter Center has sent ninety-six election-observation missions to the Americas, Africa, and Asia. These include Panama (1989), Nicaragua (1990), Guyana (1992), China (1997), Nigeria (1998), Indonesia (1999), East Timor (1999), Mexico (2000), Guatemala (2003), Venezuela (2004), Ethiopia (2005), Liberia (2005), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (2006), Nepal (2008), Lebanon (2009), Sudan (2010), Tunisia (2011), Egypt (2011-2012), and Kenya (2013). He's been activity in numerous charities, particularly the International Habitat for Humanity. He's been awarded the, international Human Rights Award, Scroll Peace Award, World Methodist Peace Award, Nonviolent Peace Prize, Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Award, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, ect... There has probably been no president who has been awarded more honors and awards than Jimmy Carter.

And he's just released another book, which is what the interview I heard was about.
If Carter was so bad you would think neoconservatives wouldn't have to lie about how bad Carter was and how good Reagan was...

True -- actually when I keep reading "the disaster that was Jimmy Carter" it sounds to me like they're trying to wipe away the disaster that was Richard Nixon.
This thread has been sidetracked into Reagan so let me mention an amazing fact. Shortly after taking office Reagan was shot by john hinckley whose parents were very good friends of VP Bush!!! The media hushed it up at the time and school textbooks never mention it.

That's true too -- the Bush and Hinckley families were neighbors in Houston and go way back, even being geneaologically related. The elder Hinckley was a big Bush campaign contributor going back to his run for Congress (1966). Hinckley's brother was supposed to be dining that night with Neil Bush (Dubya's brother).

Things that make ya go hmmm....
What, exactly, has he accomplished?
He's written 28 books, one winning the noble prize for literature in 2002. engaged in conflict mediation in Ethiopia and Eritrea (1989), North Korea (1994), Liberia (1994), Haiti (1994), Bosnia (1994), Sudan (1995), the Great Lakes region of Africa (1995-96), Sudan and Uganda (1999), Venezuela (2002-2003), Nepal (2004-2008), Ecuador and Colombia (2008), and the Middle East (2003-present). Under his leadership The Carter Center has sent ninety-six election-observation missions to the Americas, Africa, and Asia. These include Panama (1989), Nicaragua (1990), Guyana (1992), China (1997), Nigeria (1998), Indonesia (1999), East Timor (1999), Mexico (2000), Guatemala (2003), Venezuela (2004), Ethiopia (2005), Liberia (2005), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (2006), Nepal (2008), Lebanon (2009), Sudan (2010), Tunisia (2011), Egypt (2011-2012), and Kenya (2013). He's been activity in numerous charities, particularly the International Habitat for Humanity. He's been awarded the, international Human Rights Award, Scroll Peace Award, World Methodist Peace Award, Nonviolent Peace Prize, Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Award, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, ect... There has probably been no president who has been awarded more honors and awards than Jimmy Carter.

And he's just released another book, which is what the interview I heard was about.

"In Carter's new book, he says that he believes the biggest challenge facing our world today is the subjugation and abuse of women and girls"

like watching paint dry. is this all ?? LMFAO !!!!
He's written 28 books, one winning the noble prize for literature in 2002. engaged in conflict mediation in Ethiopia and Eritrea (1989), North Korea (1994), Liberia (1994), Haiti (1994), Bosnia (1994), Sudan (1995), the Great Lakes region of Africa (1995-96), Sudan and Uganda (1999), Venezuela (2002-2003), Nepal (2004-2008), Ecuador and Colombia (2008), and the Middle East (2003-present). Under his leadership The Carter Center has sent ninety-six election-observation missions to the Americas, Africa, and Asia. These include Panama (1989), Nicaragua (1990), Guyana (1992), China (1997), Nigeria (1998), Indonesia (1999), East Timor (1999), Mexico (2000), Guatemala (2003), Venezuela (2004), Ethiopia (2005), Liberia (2005), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (2006), Nepal (2008), Lebanon (2009), Sudan (2010), Tunisia (2011), Egypt (2011-2012), and Kenya (2013). He's been activity in numerous charities, particularly the International Habitat for Humanity. He's been awarded the, international Human Rights Award, Scroll Peace Award, World Methodist Peace Award, Nonviolent Peace Prize, Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Award, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, ect... There has probably been no president who has been awarded more honors and awards than Jimmy Carter.

And he's just released another book, which is what the interview I heard was about.

"In Carter's new book, he says that he believes the biggest challenge facing our world today is the subjugation and abuse of women and girls"

like watching paint dry. is this all ?? LMFAO !!!!

So... you've progressed from being unable to admit you were wrong about who released the hostages all the way to claiming to be bored by his new book you haven't read.

How far we've come.
And he's just released another book, which is what the interview I heard was about.

"In Carter's new book, he says that he believes the biggest challenge facing our world today is the subjugation and abuse of women and girls"

like watching paint dry. is this all ?? LMFAO !!!!

So... you've progressed from being unable to admit you were wrong about who released the hostages all the way to claiming to be bored by his new book you haven't read.

How far we've come.

more like how far behind you are. if Carters' all you have to cling to im finished with you
"In Carter's new book, he says that he believes the biggest challenge facing our world today is the subjugation and abuse of women and girls"

like watching paint dry. is this all ?? LMFAO !!!!

So... you've progressed from being unable to admit you were wrong about who released the hostages all the way to claiming to be bored by his new book you haven't read.

How far we've come.

more like how far behind you are. if Carters' all you have to cling to im finished with you

I think you were finished with your first post.

Carter is the topic here, is he not?
Carter is like Rodney Dangerfield. No respect, I tell you! GW Bush invaded Iraq for fake made up reasons. But that isnt a problem..
Carter is like Rodney Dangerfield. No respect, I tell you! GW Bush invaded Iraq for fake made up reasons. But that isnt a problem..

You mean like Saddam shooting at our planes patrolling the NO FLY zone, and the 16 resolutions of the U.N. that he broke along with the Gulf War I peace treaty.... Oh, the IQ level in here just dropped another 10 points!
Carter is like Rodney Dangerfield. No respect, I tell you! GW Bush invaded Iraq for fake made up reasons. But that isnt a problem..

You mean like Saddam shooting at our planes patrolling the NO FLY zone, and the 16 resolutions of the U.N. that he broke along with the Gulf War I peace treaty.... Oh, the IQ level in here just dropped another 10 points!

Yike. That means you're down to zero.

No, she means like Hans Blix reporting correctly that there were no WMD, and Shrub going in anyway.

Kind of like the way I post actual history and some of your ilk go on with the revisionista shit like you didn't read it. :lalala:

Well, this has been a fun thread.

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Carter had to absorb what over twenty years gave him. Not to mention, the shaw of iran, the CIA over throw in 1953 of a democraticaly elected government. They stll haven't outgrown that suspicion of the west. Till this day.
Carter is like Rodney Dangerfield. No respect, I tell you! GW Bush invaded Iraq for fake made up reasons. But that isnt a problem..

You mean like Saddam shooting at our planes patrolling the NO FLY zone, and the 16 resolutions of the U.N. that he broke along with the Gulf War I peace treaty.... Oh, the IQ level in here just dropped another 10 points!

Yike. That means you're down to zero.

No, she means like Hans Blix reporting correctly that there were no WMD, and Shrub going in anyway.

Kind of like the way I post actual history and some of your ilk go on with the revisionista shit like you didn't read it. :lalala:

Well, this has been a fun thread.


OCD Boy here doesn't realize that there was 550 METRIC TONS of yellow cake, and secretly sent to Canada AFTER the war.... It's a wonder you breath and type at the same time, what's this now 2 slapdowns in a week?:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Here's a story you may have missed over the long holiday weekend: 550 metric tons of yellowcake uranium worth tens of millions of dollars were shipped out of Iraq to Canada. The material was transported in 37 military flights in 3,500 secure barrels, according to the Associated Press.
Click Image to Enlarge
Jacob Silberberg/AP

There hasn't been much of a fuss about this material because it had been discovered already by United Nations inspectors after the first Gulf War. But it took a second American war in Iraq to move the material out of the Middle East. For all the talk about America's failure to discover Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, this is a big deal. We've reported on claims by top Israeli officials speaking on the record that Iraq smuggled its chemical weapons to Syria before America invaded in 2003.

The uranium issue is not a trivial one, because Iraq, sitting on vast oil reserves, has no peaceful need for nuclear power. Saddam Hussein had already invaded Kuwait, launched missiles into Israeli cities, and harbored a terrorist group, the PKK, hostile to America's NATO ally, Turkey. To leave this nuclear material sitting around the Middle East in the hands of Saddam and the same corrupt United Nations that failed to stop the genocide in Darfur and was guilty of the oil-for-food scandal would have been too big a risk.

From the beginning we have called for making the Iraq War a case study in democratization rather than disarmament, realizing that nuclear weapons, like any other weapons, are only dangerous in the hands of outlaws. Iraq's government is no longer hostile to America. It is grateful to us for freeing them from Saddam, who would rather spend money on palaces and yellowcake than on feeding the Iraqi people. But should America retreat prematurely from Iraq and a hostile regime again take hold there, we all will be safer for the act that 550 tons of nuclear fuel are now being put to peaceful use in Canada rather than being stored a few miles from Baghdad.

Iraq's Yellowcake - The New York Sun
Carter took on the establishment and lost. He pardoned war protester(which pissed of chickenhawks) He killed the B-1 Bomber project(which pissed off the Military Industrial Complex) He opposed "pork barrel" spending(which pissed off Congress) He was a proponent of alternative energy(which pissed off oil companies) He pushed consumer and environment protection(which pissed off big/ international corporations)

All of which pissed off the US corporate media. Carter underestimated how shortsighted and sheepish Americans can be....
If you call Reagan's treason to hold the hostages until after the election"bitch slapped". Carter was a friend of small business and but it was big business(International corporations, Federal Reserve) that hated him. Yes Soviet and OPEC was mad but what is stronger Carter trying to do something about it or Reagan talking tough and kissing their ass behind the scenes.
That's a crock of shit. Reagan held no office during the hostage crisis. No one knew if he would be elected or not, and the notion that he could have influenced Iran to hold the hostages is utterly ridiculous. That ludicrous scenario was dreamed up by the liberals in an effort to slander Reagan and make Jimmy Carter look less incompetent. Ted Koppel did a series on his "Nightline" show called "Closing in on the October Surprise". He claimed he was going to expose a conspiracy by Reagan to steal the presidency from Carter. He was gonna find the truth, and each week he gave an update on his investigation. Every one of his "leads" ended in a dead end. Finally he gave up but do you think he came on air and said "I found nothing"??? No, he said NOTHING. He just dropped the subject. Koppel wasn't man enough to admit he was wrong. Neither are you.

It's been a while since I read this but as I recall George Bush still can't account for his whereabouts in Paris (?) sometime in October '80. Just as he can't account for his whereabouts in Dallas on November 22nd of 1963. :eusa_think:

But hey, I'm sure it's just a lapse of memory, it's not like he was CIA or something.

Oh wait...
AHA! So THAT'S who was on the grassy knoll, eh??? The mystery is solved, folks. George Bush killed JFK! Thank you so much, Poco.
Carter took on the establishment and lost. He pardoned war protester(which pissed of chickenhawks) He killed the B-1 Bomber project(which pissed off the Military Industrial Complex) He opposed "pork barrel" spending(which pissed off Congress) He was a proponent of alternative energy(which pissed off oil companies) He pushed consumer and environment protection(which pissed off big/ international corporations)

All of which pissed off the US corporate media. Carter underestimated how shortsighted and sheepish Americans can be....
He also pardoned a few terrorists who opened fire on the U.S. Congress in 1954.

Carter is like Rodney Dangerfield. No respect, I tell you! GW Bush invaded Iraq for fake made up reasons. But that isnt a problem..

Are you referring to these 'fake, made up' reasons? Bush never should have trusted a Democrat or the intelligence community, huh!

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source
If Carter were still posing as a president there would still be American hostages in Iran.

Yeah ummm... it was the Carter Administration that got them out of there, history-man.

they were released the day Reagan was sworn in. history man

Yup//that's right Reagan and The Ayatollah made a deal.

Reagan wanted to win election and Ayatollah wanted to show the rest of the world what a EASY TOOL TO MANIPULATE the US political system (democracy) really was.

Who won the US election for POTUS in 1980?

Ayatollah Khomeini
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So... you've progressed from being unable to admit you were wrong about who released the hostages all the way to claiming to be bored by his new book you haven't read.

How far we've come.

more like how far behind you are. if Carters' all you have to cling to im finished with you

I think you were finished with your first post.

Carter is the topic here, is he not?

Actually...Carter brokered a lasting peace accord between Egypt and Israel ( w Began and Sadat at Camp David) ...something no prez was able to do before... Also was the first to establish a National Energy Policy, established the Panama Canal Treaties, Boycotted the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow after the USSR invaded Afghanistan, bailed out Chrysler, signed the Airline deregulation Act, removing gov control of that industry, deregulated the American Beer Industry and had the balls to try rescue U.S.hostages from Iran, although that particular effort didn't work out...
All in all..not to shabby for a 1 term prez, although he seems to be remembered just for that failure and a sucky economy...not his many accomplishments.
He was also awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and started the Habitat for Humanity Project, which he continues to be involved in...but that was after his presidency.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

!. Carter forced the Israelis to accept the peace deal with Egypt by threatening to cut U.S. aid, forcing Israel to give up oil producing land they had honorably won in a defensive war.

2. His National Energy Policy hindered oil production in the U.S. and diverted billions of dollars to the fantasy that is 'Green Energy'.

3. Jimmy Carter's abandonment of the Shah of Iran led to the islamic revolution against the government.Carter let the World know he was against the Shah and would not support him, called him a murdering tyrant.

4. The attack on the U.S. Embassy in Tehran was an act of war that Carter did not respond to. He had no military options at the time because he had cut the military to 'bare bones' strength.

5. The failure of the ill planned rescue attempt failed in part because the military was not capable due to the carter cuts.

6. He gave away the Panama Canal, he didn't negotiate anything. He said Panama was the rightful owner before negotiations ever began. That's the Canal thousands of Americans died digging, and Panama is the Country that owes it's very existence to the Unite States. U.S ownership of the Canal should never have been on the negotiating table.

7. The only people hurt by his Olympic Boycott was U.S.athletes.

8. The Chrysler bailout was an act of Congress that bailed out the UAW as much as the Company If Chrysler was non-union it never would have happened.

9. And what are the results of the deregulation of the Airline Industry? High prices, long lines, less competition. And BTW, it wasn't totally deregulated, the regulations were just 'reformed'.

10. Same as above, alcoholic beverage production is still regulated by the U.S. Government. If you don't believe it, try to produce your own brand and sell it.

I actually voted for Jimmy Carter, thought he could actually do the things he promised in his campaign speeches. I was working long hours and had very little time to to learn about the candidates. After the political crucifixion of Nixon by the Democrats they could have ran a rock and won.
Jimmy Carter's biggest enemy was Ted (the swimmer) Kennedy. Ted hated Carter with a passion rarely seen since the Andrew Jackson era, and Kennedy controlled the Senate.
The Carter debacle turned me against the Democrats, (I had always voted Democrat), I have never voted Democrat since, and never will again. Ronald Reagan turned me into an independent Republican voter. Barack Obama has turned me into a registered Republican.

Politics stinks and the Democrats represent the very worst of politics.
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