Why did Obama's college, publishers and reporter claim he was Kenyan in past

So sick of libs trying to claim conspiracy theorists invented the Kenyan thing. Obama had both book bios claiming he was Kenyan. He was listed as a Kenyan student. A reporter called him the Kenyan candidate when he was running for Illinois senate.

Since Obama started this, it should be okay to talk about it. So, he was lying back then. Isn't anyone curious as to why?

It was an error, as admitted by the editor of the publication. Could you please just try to introduce yourself to facts sometime instead of being such a fucking moron?

Obama's Literary Agent Said He Was Born in Kenya?
would it have been changed if obama hadn't run for any job but president (or vice) ?
i think the powers that be saw it coming, and saw they were running out of eligibility room, ala article 2.

why is there a long trail of scrubbed records, made up stories, state department break ins,
on and on and on...
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So sick of libs trying to claim conspiracy theorists invented the Kenyan thing. Obama had both book bios claiming he was Kenyan. He was listed as a Kenyan student. A reporter called him the Kenyan candidate when he was running for Illinois senate.

Since Obama started this, it should be okay to talk about it. So, he was lying back then. Isn't anyone curious as to why?
Birthers SO conflicted today. Their Messiah seems to have abandoned them.
i thought obama was the messiah.
So sick of libs trying to claim conspiracy theorists invented the Kenyan thing. Obama had both book bios claiming he was Kenyan. He was listed as a Kenyan student. A reporter called him the Kenyan candidate when he was running for Illinois senate.

Since Obama started this, it should be okay to talk about it. So, he was lying back then. Isn't anyone curious as to why?

It was an error, as admitted by the editor of the publication. Could you please just try to introduce yourself to facts sometime instead of being such a fucking moron?

Obama's Literary Agent Said He Was Born in Kenya?

I can accept that it was an error.

What I cannot accept is that He expended zero effort in having it corrected after the first printing and allowed many more to continue being distributed.

So was He carelessly irresponsible or lying? Lying about where he was born or lying to claim foreign student bennies?
What Trump did is he CAVED on an issue where the GOP wanted him to cave because too many chosen media race baiters have already equated "birther" with racism.

Truth be told, Obama has none, and never did. He was the original BIRTHER himself.
Trump ended this yesterday, guys.

Since he didn't open it in the first place, and it's dumbass Hillary handlers who thought it was a brilliant idea to bring it up yet again, this isn't a point. It blew up in her face, and she has no issues she can talk about honestly, such as her lying about being against TPP and other issues she has always lied about, all she can do is try and play these stupid games.
So sick of libs trying to claim conspiracy theorists invented the Kenyan thing. Obama had both book bios claiming he was Kenyan. He was listed as a Kenyan student. A reporter called him the Kenyan candidate when he was running for Illinois senate.

Since Obama started this, it should be okay to talk about it. So, he was lying back then. Isn't anyone curious as to why?

It was an error, as admitted by the editor of the publication. Could you please just try to introduce yourself to facts sometime instead of being such a fucking moron?

Obama's Literary Agent Said He Was Born in Kenya?

I can accept that it was an error.

What I cannot accept is that He expended zero effort in having it corrected after the first printing and allowed many more to continue being distributed.

So was He carelessly irresponsible or lying? Lying about where he was born or lying to claim foreign student bennies?

What are you talking about? How do you know Obama was even aware of this obscure publication in the first place at the time?
What are you talking about? How do you know Obama was even aware of this obscure publication in the first place at the time?


I hadn't considered the possibility that Your (failed) Messiah was illiterate (unable to read) but, since you've brought that into play, yeah, you may have a point¡
Trump ended this yesterday, guys.

Since he didn't open it in the first place, and it's dumbass Hillary handlers who thought it was a brilliant idea to bring it up yet again, this isn't a point. It blew up in her face, and she has no issues she can talk about honestly, such as her lying about being against TPP and other issues she has always lied about, all she can do is try and play these stupid games.
When you want to talk honestly, let us know.

The point is Trump is not going to walk away with "period."

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