Why did Sanders DEFEND hillary on the email scandal that she sold national secrets to China.?

Pretty obvious the hillary camp bought him off. Hillary is looking at charges of treason and sanders should have pounded away on that.
Donald Trump: Bernie Sanders let Hillary Clinton off on emails - CNNPolitics.com

Sanders received one of the biggest applause lines of the night when he criticized the ongoing investigation into the former Secretary of State's private email server.

"The American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails," he said Tuesday night. "Enough of the emails! Let's talk about the real issues facing America."

anyone who actually cares about our government isn't interested in rightwingnut manufactured scandals.

I disagree. It's very interesting watching the right self destruct. They should sell tickets.
Webb is about the only semi-honest and sane one out the bunch of all white fogies

Did anyone hear them wail about Diversity last night? that would have been a real hoot?
Pretty obvious the hillary camp bought him off. Hillary is looking at charges of treason and sanders should have pounded away on that.
Donald Trump: Bernie Sanders let Hillary Clinton off on emails - CNNPolitics.com

Sanders received one of the biggest applause lines of the night when he criticized the ongoing investigation into the former Secretary of State's private email server.

"The American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails," he said Tuesday night. "Enough of the emails! Let's talk about the real issues facing America."

This subject is toxic to the entire Democratic Party. The first line of defense is to whitewash it. If that fails, Hillary will be jettisoned.
Sanders knows he doesn't have a chance of winning the nomination, he's fishing for a payday, VP spot or cabinet post.
I don't think so. I think he is the most genuine of the candidates. Zealots tend to be that way.

I give him credit for being genuine, but that's what sunk his ship. His Howard Dean like viva la revolution moment hurt him. They guy is a little nuts, he speaks LOUD, declares everything is a CRISIS and the sky is falling. That plays well with unhinged progressive liberals but not independents.
The loudest speaker was Clinton. By far.

She wasn't shrill, but boy can she project. I guess when you speak in public for decades, you learn how to make your mouth into a megaphone.

Yes, Sanders is nuts. That doesn't mean he isn't genuine. He is. I may hate his political beliefs, but I respect the fact he is one of the few people in politics who actually sticks to his principles. The GOP should take a page from that book. They'd do a lot better with a lot more people if they did.

Okay megaphone that got me laughing its funny because its pretty much true. :laugh: You won't find me defending the GOP establishment they lie as much as the Democrats do. I liked your man Webb though.
Webb isn't my man. John Kasich is. Rubio second.
Sanders knows he doesn't have a chance of winning the nomination, he's fishing for a payday, VP spot or cabinet post.
I don't think so. I think he is the most genuine of the candidates. Zealots tend to be that way.

I give him credit for being genuine, but that's what sunk his ship. His Howard Dean like viva la revolution moment hurt him. They guy is a little nuts, he speaks LOUD, declares everything is a CRISIS and the sky is falling. That plays well with unhinged progressive liberals but not independents.
The loudest speaker was Clinton. By far.

She wasn't shrill, but boy can she project. I guess when you speak in public for decades, you learn how to make your mouth into a megaphone.

Yes, Sanders is nuts. That doesn't mean he isn't genuine. He is. I may hate his political beliefs, but I respect the fact he is one of the few people in politics who actually sticks to his principles. The GOP should take a page from that book. They'd do a lot better with a lot more people if they did.

Okay megaphone that got me laughing its funny because its pretty much true. :laugh: You won't find me defending the GOP establishment they lie as much as the Democrats do. I liked your man Webb though.
Webb isn't my man. John Kasich is. Rubio second.
I think Rubio has the best chance of winning the general election if he can get the nomination.
I don't think so. I think he is the most genuine of the candidates. Zealots tend to be that way.

I give him credit for being genuine, but that's what sunk his ship. His Howard Dean like viva la revolution moment hurt him. They guy is a little nuts, he speaks LOUD, declares everything is a CRISIS and the sky is falling. That plays well with unhinged progressive liberals but not independents.
The loudest speaker was Clinton. By far.

She wasn't shrill, but boy can she project. I guess when you speak in public for decades, you learn how to make your mouth into a megaphone.

Yes, Sanders is nuts. That doesn't mean he isn't genuine. He is. I may hate his political beliefs, but I respect the fact he is one of the few people in politics who actually sticks to his principles. The GOP should take a page from that book. They'd do a lot better with a lot more people if they did.

Okay megaphone that got me laughing its funny because its pretty much true. :laugh: You won't find me defending the GOP establishment they lie as much as the Democrats do. I liked your man Webb though.
Webb isn't my man. John Kasich is. Rubio second.
I think Rubio has the best chance of winning the general election if he can get the nomination.
Kasich is more experienced. Rubio is getting there.

A Kasich/Rubio ticket would be unbeatable. Kasich is from Ohio, Rubio is from Florida. The two most important battleground states.
Sanders is probably correct that most people don't give a shit about the email scandal. The issue is going to blow back in the GOP's face if they keeping harping on it. The people see it as another hyper partisan political witch hunt.

The GOP long ago revealed they are not interested in the truth, only political points.
That must be why Hillary’s poll numbers dropped 10 points last week.....we don't care if she's a nasty lying biatch. ....
Hillary's numbers were dropping because she has been silent. I said a while back her numbers will start to climb again once she becomes more visible. She's doing the Rope-A-Dope routine.

That's why Sanders has been climbing at her expense. He's been out in the public view while she's been in hiding.

You will start to see her numbers rise against the GOP candidates again. I think Sanders will also get a bump from last night.
Her numbers will go up if she appears at these staged events.

Her problem is she doesn't like the public....and the more she stays away from them the more fake she seems. Plus, every time she laughs she loses 2 points.....so she needs the media to prop her up....even more than Obama did.
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OP was watching FOX this morning. All they did was cry "Why did Bernie defend her from our slanderous attacks? Whhhhhhyyyyy?"
"Why did Sanders DEFEND hillary on the email scandal that she sold national secrets to China.?"

This fails as a loaded question fallacy, in addition to being another ridiculous lie from the right.
Because he sees (wrongly) the issue as a political witch hunt (tee hee!), and because he started looking like a bumbling old fool halfway into the debate and he still has enough awareness to know he needed to rehabilitate his image.
OP was watching FOX this morning. All they did was cry "Why did Bernie defend her from our slanderous attacks? Whhhhhhyyyyy?"
Nope......they also talked about that drunk chick who youtubed driving drunk live.
Sanders has effectively thrown in the towel. He give Hillary a non-contested run in exchange for a "remember what I did here when you are POTUS".
Don't you get it? The clintons are above the law, they are very special people. They can do whatever they want.

Looks that way. Bill clinton burned 80 americans alive at waco (including 25 kids) and nothing was done to him.
What you witnessed last night is the Crony corruption that runs deep in that party

Sanders and Hillary: you scratch my back or try and save my ass and I'll scratch yours. the hell if I BROKE any laws and why do I need to answer to those people I want to Represent.

it's some of the shameful way of that Socialist party of today. and to think you in their base doesn't care what they do to you
So far Sanders has focused on nothing but the issues. He is actually serious about running, and I think he doesn't want to be distracted with Hillary's 'sideshow'. I think he is also smart enough to know that he is in the 'pit' with a 'wounded grizzly', one he wants no part of attacking as he is well aware of how the Clinton 'machine' can shift into 'personal destruction mode' at any time. She doesn't want to hear it, and he doesn't want to bring it up.
Don't you get it? The clintons are above the law, they are very special people. They can do whatever they want.

Looks that way. Bill clinton burned 80 americans alive at waco (including 25 kids) and nothing was done to him.
Nothing was done because you are telling a lie. The scenario you envision is a delusion in your mind. Not even a good conspiracy theory.
Nothing was done because you are telling a lie. The scenario you envision is a delusion in your mind. Not even a good conspiracy theory.

While I may bot have put it as 'delicately' as SS did, that is basically what happened. The entire WACO situation was handled wrong.

The Federal Government used the military-style vehicles to 'attack' a group of civilians, breaching the building walls and spraying gas (not gasoline) inside. This group posed no SERIOUS threat to anyone outside their compound. Several investigators argued that if the police and everyone had just backed off, stood down, and left the leader of the group could have been picked up IN TOWN a week or so later. Instead Reno chose to sent in tanks and troops into a building that contained women and children. There WERE other OPTIONS than ram their way in and 'show them who's boss'.

"A few minutes after the raid began, one of the Davidians, Wayne Martin, a Harvard-trained lawyer well-regarded in Waco, called the emergency number 911 and reached the sheriff’s office in Waco, where he was heard (and recorded) to cry out, “There are seventy-five men around our building and they’re shooting at us! Tell ‘em there are children and women in here and to call it off!” This message and variants thereof were repeated off and on for an hour as the sheriff’s office tried to reach the ATF and put them in touch with Martin. Eventually a cease-fire was arranged, and the ATF recovered the bodies of four killed and a number of wounded agents and withdrew to a safe distance to regroup. They milled around in confusion because they had no fall-back plan for such contingencies as failure."

Waco: A Massacre and Its Aftermath
What they dont realize is that when Sanders said no one cares....thats the truth. And republicans are mad when people dont think things they deem important are important.
What they dont realize is that when Sanders said no one cares....thats the truth. And republicans are mad when people dont think things they deem important are important.
When Sanders said no one cares, all it meant is that LIBERALS don't care ,as they are used to lying, cheating, treasonous leaders/politicians who break the law, jeopardize national security, and do whatever the hell they want ir-regardless of the Constitution / Law/ what the people want for their own benefit.

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