Why did the holocaust occur?

What disturbs me, is that professional historians and academics are terrified to research the holocaust in an objective manner.

No, they're not. You're wrong.

Then why are professional historians and any others who question the accepted historical consensus open to penal and/or moral retribution with which to shut them up?

As I already stated; What are people afraid of exactly? Bully tactics will never stop people from asking genuine questions, regarding any subject matter, regardless.
What disturbs me, is that professional historians and academics are terrified to research the holocaust in an objective manner.

No, they're not. You're wrong.

Then why are professional historians and any others who question the accepted historical consensus open to penal and/or moral retribution with which to shut them up?

As I already stated; What are people afraid of exactly? Bully tactics will never stop people from asking genuine questions, regarding any subject matter, regardless.

Because 'THE WHOLE WIDE FUCKING WORLD' has accepted as'FACT' that the holocaust happened, therefore those that 'DENY' it are puposefully publishing/orating antisemitic/racist bullshit which happens to be 'AGAINST THE FUCKING LAW'.
What disturbs me, is that professional historians and academics are terrified to research the holocaust in an objective manner.

No, they're not. You're wrong.

Then why are professional historians and any others who question the accepted historical consensus open to penal and/or moral retribution with which to shut them up?

I cannot speak for those nations which go after these people.

Perhaps in the case of GERMANY, they're fully aware how a LIE becomes THE BIG LIE because they went though the NAZI experience and don't want to relive it.

As I already stated; What are people afraid of exactly? Bully tactics will never stop people from asking genuine questions, regarding any subject matter, regardless.

You assume that people are afraid?

How about historians just getting sick and tired of liars pretending to be historians?

I think that about sums up my contempt for these idiots.

I have exactly the same kind of contempt for Zionist revisiont historians, too.

The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, shall set you free.
What disturbs me, is that professional historians and academics are terrified to research the holocaust in an objective manner.

No, they're not. You're wrong.

Then why are professional historians and any others who question the accepted historical consensus open to penal and/or moral retribution with which to shut them up?

As I already stated; What are people afraid of exactly? Bully tactics will never stop people from asking genuine questions, regarding any subject matter, regardless.

Because 'THE WHOLE WIDE FUCKING WORLD' has accepted as'FACT' that the holocaust happened, therefore those that 'DENY' it are puposefully publishing/orating antisemitic/racist bullshit which happens to be 'AGAINST THE FUCKING LAW'.

That is not a logical, or valid answer. You are also incorrect, the whole world has not accepted every aspect of the Holocaust as fact. As I stated earlier, bully tactics will not shut those people with genuine questions up, regardless.

By the way Roomy, for your information, using a large font has absolutely no effect on logic and reason.

The fact still remains that all aspects of history, no matter how emotional people may feel about said aspects,are freely open and always have been, to debate and historical investigation.

There is absolutely no valid reason why the historical consensus regarding the Holocaust should not be the same, no matter how loud, much, or often people who want to stifle free speech, or exert control shout.
The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, shall set you free.

Very profound words, but you don't believe them do you?

Not all historians are liars, nor have a specific agenda, yet you feel they should not be extended the same freedoms as given to every other specific subject orientated historian.

If all aspects of the Holocaust are true, then any investigations will only mean the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth as you see it, will be discovered.
Even raging anti semites 'Know' that it 'really' happened.Idiots can be forgiven and or ignored, antisemites need to be shut up.

William the who?

My child, you are so pathetic. Your name calling is to be expected. We free people believe and know that it is our God given right to challenge unproven theories. Did 6 million die ? I say it can't be proven. I say that there weren't 6 million Jewish people in Europe prior to 1939. This entire event is a myth. A myth that was created by Hollywood. You, my child, myths - Santa Clause, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Parting of the Red Sea, The Resurrection, etc. etc.
My child, you are so pathetic. Your name calling is to be expected. We free people believe and know that it is our God given right to challenge unproven theories. Did 6 million die ? I say it can't be proven. I say that there weren't 6 million Jewish people in Europe prior to 1939. This entire event is a myth. A myth that was created by Hollywood. You, my child, myths - Santa Clause, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Parting of the Red Sea, The Resurrection, etc. etc.
What you say is unbelievably childish, it has been proven time and time again, confirmed by the people who perpetuated the crime.

Sticking your fingers in your ears and whining 'no no no' won't change what happened one iota.
My child, you are so pathetic. Your name calling is to be expected. We free people believe and know that it is our God given right to challenge unproven theories. Did 6 million die ? I say it can't be proven. I say that there weren't 6 million Jewish people in Europe prior to 1939. This entire event is a myth. A myth that was created by Hollywood. You, my child, myths - Santa Clause, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Parting of the Red Sea, The Resurrection, etc. etc.
What you say is unbelievably childish, it has been proven time and time again, confirmed by the people who perpetuated the crime.

Sticking your fingers in your ears and whining 'no no no' won't change what happened one iota.

Is 6 million an estimation or is there a list of 6 million names somewhere ?
Revisionism and tripe removed

I post this again, because you are a classic example of this:

Despite the fact that the tens of thousands of prisoners who survived Auschwitz were witnesses to the crimes committed there; despite the fact that they left behind thousands of depositions, accounts, and memoirs; despite the fact that considerable quantities of documents, photographs, and material objects remain from the camp—despite all of this, there are people and organizations who deny that hundreds of thousands of people were murdered in this camp, that gas chambers operated there, or that the crematoria could burn several thousand corpses per day. In other words, they deny that Auschwitz was the scene of genocide.

Denial of the Holocaust and the genocide in Auschwitz

And I will keep on posting it as more of you come out of the woodwork.

'Legitmate research' my ass, you tip off your true postion by claiming Israel defies 65 UN resolutions but fail to mention everyone one them was put togther by the Arab league and went through the general assembly to be rubber stamped by the usual suspects.

You goobers show up on message boards and pretend to be realsonable while you spew your garbage.

No sale, your type is worse then Sunni, he's just an idiot, you are a swindler.

When WWII ended the figure was estimated at 3 - 4 Million. It has been inflated as a result of every movie made by Hollywood on the subject. The current figure is 6 million. Is it an estimate, a guess? Who knows?

What we do know is that the Germans were meticulous in their record keeping; even the Jews admit this fact. So perhaps there is a list of those who supposedly were exterminated but believe me the world will never see it.
The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, shall set you free.

Very profound words, but you don't believe them do you?

Not all historians are liars, nor have a specific agenda, yet you feel they should not be extended the same freedoms as given to every other specific subject orientated historian.

If all aspects of the Holocaust are true, then any investigations will only mean the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth as you see it, will be discovered.

When a holocaust denier comes to us with some NEW evidence fine.

Mostly all they do is repeat the same discredited bullshit over and over again.

They have been spinning falsehoods for years and years and years.

Enough already.

Consider that Sunni actually had the termitity to offer us the Protocals of Zion as FACT.

So please do give me a fucking break.

This isn't about academic freedom this is about trying to pass of lies as facts.
Is 6 million an estimation or is there a list of 6 million names somewhere ?



This isn't hard to find.

What is hard to find is the bodies.

When WWII ended the figure was estimated at 3 - 4 Million. It has been inflated as a result of every movie made by Hollywood on the subject. The current figure is 6 million. Is it an estimate, a guess? Who knows?

What we do know is that the Germans were meticulous in their record keeping; even the Jews admit this fact. So perhaps there is a list of those who supposedly were exterminated but believe me the world will never see it.

I wonder if you said that only 4 million people died at the hands of Nazi cruelty you would be thrown in jail.
The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, shall set you free.

Very profound words, but you don't believe them do you?

Not all historians are liars, nor have a specific agenda, yet you feel they should not be extended the same freedoms as given to every other specific subject orientated historian.

If all aspects of the Holocaust are true, then any investigations will only mean the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth as you see it, will be discovered.

Consider that Sunni actually had the termitity to offer us the Protocals of Zion as FACT.

That is not ture Editec. I never stated the Protocals of Zion was a legitimate or factual document.

I have stated several times here that have no idea if the book is fact or fiction.

What I said was; even if the Protocols are a fraud:

They contain many truths and read like a list of current events unfolding before our eyes.
Of course it "isn't hard to find", you can ask any Rabbi. Please, Xenophon, for the sake of credibility at least post some information from an unbiased, neutral organization.

I did a search on "no extermination of Jews" and about got 3,200,000 posts to support my question. Do you accept that as proof? I doubt it.

Is 6 million an estimation or is there a list of 6 million names somewhere ?



This isn't hard to find.

What is hard to find is the bodies.
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Very profound words, but you don't believe them do you?

Not all historians are liars, nor have a specific agenda, yet you feel they should not be extended the same freedoms as given to every other specific subject orientated historian.

If all aspects of the Holocaust are true, then any investigations will only mean the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth as you see it, will be discovered.

Consider that Sunni actually had the termitity to offer us the Protocals of Zion as FACT.

That is not ture Editec. I never stated the Protocals of Zion was a legitimate or factual document.

I have stated several times here that have no idea if the book is fact or fiction.

What I said was; even if the Protocols are a fraud:

They contain many truths and read like a list of current events unfolding before our eyes.

Sunni--just exactly what is it that you claimed never happened ?
Perhaps in the case of GERMANY, they're fully aware how a LIE becomes THE BIG LIE because they went though the NAZI experience and don't want to relive it.

The same could be said for many Jewish people and the authenticity of the Holocaust could it not?

A small lie can become a big lie, we have ascertained this, yes?

As almost all evidence supporting Gas Chambers and the numbers killed in such a manner relies almost entirely on witness testimony alone, then we also have to ascertain that all witness testimony is above reproach and can where possible, be proven.

This is where historians come in; they challenge the accepted consensus (on any historical subject matter) and ascertain whether or not a theory is likely to be historically accurate; this is normally an ongoing operation and has been the accepted means in which to try to prove theories and/or reach the truth as far as is possible for centuries.

Such efforts by historians are in action continually, regarding every aspect of our history, apart from one, which has been completely censored.

Now, this lack of freedom to challenge and/or investigate the historical validity of the Holocaust, means in effect, that we have no way of genuinely proving that the witness testimony is not a small lie, that grew into a big lie , or even possibly due to the powerful and long reaching effects of a Chinese whisper.

To any thinking person there is something intrinsically wrong, inappropriate and unjust, that such legislative measures have/are being put into place; along with the casting of invalid moral aspersions, which are also used as a preventative tool.

What it amounts to is, the removal of individual freedoms, wholesale, only when said freedoms surround investigation and/or debate of this particular subject matter alone.
Of course it "isn't hard to find", you can ask any Rabbi. Please, Xenophon, for the sake of credibility at least post some information from an unbiased, neutral organization.
Yes, like the United States Government, where the link is from. :cuckoo:

God, you are dog stupid.

BTW, there were NINE million jews in Europe pre WWII, not 6, 6 million is the number the Nazis planted, BY THEIR OWN ADMISSION.

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