Why did the holocaust occur?

Revisionism and tripe removed

I post this again, because you are a classic example of this:

Despite the fact that the tens of thousands of prisoners who survived Auschwitz were witnesses to the crimes committed there; despite the fact that they left behind thousands of depositions, accounts, and memoirs; despite the fact that considerable quantities of documents, photographs, and material objects remain from the camp—despite all of this, there are people and organizations who deny that hundreds of thousands of people were murdered in this camp, that gas chambers operated there, or that the crematoria could burn several thousand corpses per day. In other words, they deny that Auschwitz was the scene of genocide.

(Url removed to allow me to post)

And I will keep on posting it as more of you come out of the woodwork.

'Legitmate research' my ass, you tip off your true postion by claiming Israel defies 65 UN resolutions but fail to mention everyone one them was put togther by the Arab league and went through the general assembly to be rubber stamped by the usual suspects.

You goobers show up on message boards and pretend to be realsonable while you spew your garbage.

No sale, your type is worse then Sunni, he's just an idiot, you are a swindler.

What are you afraid of here? Removing data pertaining to genuine documented articles will not make such data go away you know. This is another example of the behavoiur and mechanisms being used to silence people, which I mentioned in my first post.

It was not tripe at all. Everything I post is documented. Would you like to see the papers pertaining to these tests which were carried out? The source is impeccable and is not related in any way to 'swindlers'. As for Israel defying 65 UN resolutions and your petty excuses, Shame on you.
First of all, Dilloduck, I beleieve the number is closer to 2 or 3 hundred thousand jewish victims.

Secondly, there were no gas chambers for the extermination of people. The not air tight buildings were for lice and parisite removal.

Next, the ovens were way too small for cremating bodies. It would have been highly ineffecient, a tremendous waste of fuel, and a huge ash removal and logistical problem..

Question: why take the time to tattoo people with numbers if you are going to turn right around and kill them?

The Germans where known for being highly efficient. The holocaust story as told is a lesson in gross inefficiency
That is not ture Editec. I never stated the Protocals of Zion was a legitimate or factual document.
Liar, liar, pants on fire...

Where in an of these posts do I claim the Protocols of Zion is a 100% true or factual document?

Like I said: I have No idea if the book is fact or a fiction.

But even if it is a fraud.

So what???

It reads like it is true, and lays out the Zionist agenda in a way that anyone can recognize in the current events today.
"We first kill people with our minds, before we kill them with weapons. Whatever the conflict, the enemy is always the destroyer. We're on God's side; they're barbaric. We're good, they're evil. War gives us a feeling of moral clarity that we lack at other times." Sam Keen

This is the second time today I will answer some of this very complex question with a piece of poetry. How many people know people well or know what they are capable of given fear and a persuasive reason for hatred. Consider our actions after 911 how many would have easily be called on to kill. How many did and yet the perpetrators were already dead. Add financial and economic ruin and mankind quickly cease to be human. Hitler rose to power during a time unique in its many failures after WWI. But the impulses that made what happened possible still exist and are strong in some people. I just pulled my "Becoming Evil" off the shelf to glance at: ethnocentrism, xenophobia and a desire for social dominance are all key. But add fear and worry and the stage is set. I am amazed today at attitudes among people who fear a loss of job and the actions they go to to secure themselves. In the end people are not saints - at least the majority of them.

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Becoming-Evil-Ordinary-Genocide-Killing/dp/0195314565/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1235317402&sr=1-3]Amazon.com: Becoming Evil: How Ordinary People Commit Genocide and Mass Killing: James E. Waller: Books[/ame]

This poem was listed in Waller's book.

"Start with an empty canvas
Sketch in broad outline the forms of
men, women, and children.

Dip into the unconsciousness well of your own
disowned darkness
with a wide brush and
stain the strangers with the sinister hue
of the shadow.

Trace onto the face of the enemy the greed,
hatred, carelessness you dare not claim as
your own.

Obscure the sweet individuality of each face.

Erase all hints of the myriad loves, hopes,
fears that play through the kaleidoscope of
every infinite heart.

Twist the smile until it forms the downward
arc of cruelty.

Strip flesh from bone until only the
abstract skeleton of death remains.

Exaggerate each feature until man is
metamorphasized into beast, vermin, insect.

Fill in the background with malignant
figures from ancient nightmares – devils,
demons, myrmidons of evil.

When your icon of the enemy is complete
you will be able to kill without guilt,
slaughter without shame.

The thing you destroy will have become
merely an enemy of God, an impediment
to the sacred dialectic of history."

Sam Keen
Revisionism and tripe removed

Would you like to demonstrate to myself and the other posters here that the data I posted was tripe?

Your actions are a classic example of everything I have stated, regarding inappropriate and unjust mechanisms. Show me and the others how experiments carried out by independent respected scientists can be construed as 'tripe', then you can remove the writings of others with just cause.

At the moment you are displaying the actions of one who weants to stifle free speech. Just because you may not agree with my writings, does not mean they are lacking in validity.

You have also no idea what my motives are here.
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I have posted this link about the holocaust several times on this board.

Auschwitz and the holocaust

All I ever got for it was personal attacks and name calling.

Not one person was able to refute a single item on the video.
And for those who deny it, I personally knew a Polish Jew and Polish Christian who both showed me their tattooed numbers and told of the horror. My father in law was in the first American group to liberate Mauthausen, his descriptions are horrifying when he can even hazard discussion. And discussions of numbers are absurd to the dead.

Mauthausen | historical film footage

Seeing is believing.
Demonstrate that I am a phony. I challenge you to do so.
Ha ha ha, reread your posts, you did the work for me.

NO legitimate historian doubts the holocuast.

Not a single one.

Thanks for playing, have fun back on stormfront.
reality bite seems like another one of those posters who thinks if he uses big words his message seems more valid. It's just another sock puppet tactic, like his other buddies here.
If you read the entire article for Aushwitz museum site i linked too, it goes into detail about his type, the puesdo scince people and 'investigators' who 'just want to set the record straight' by trying to debunk historical fact.

It's always fun to see these lil Nazis among us try to pretend as if truth and science mean something to them. :lol:
And for those who deny it, I personally knew a Polish Jew and Polish Christian who both showed me their tattooed numbers
How come so many people seem to know someone with the tattoo?

This just proves my point that the Germans wern't out to kill everyone as the Holohoax claims.

These people survived because they were needed for work.

Most camp prisoners lived and were freed at the end of the war.
Demonstrate that I am a phony. I challenge you to do so.
Ha ha ha, reread your posts, you did the work for me.

NO legitimate historian doubts the holocuast.

Not a single one.

Thanks for playing, have fun back on stormfront.

You have just stated untruths once again regarding historians. Demonstrate to me and the other posters that no historian disputes the validity of the historical consensus of the Holocaust. I challenge you to do so.

So far you have proven nothing at all regarding me, or my motives here. What you have proven is, that you are very naive and extremely childish. i ask you again. show me how my post regarding experiements carried out by independent respected scientists on the Gas chamber in Auschwitz re: Zyclon B residue is tripe. I am still waiting.

You are also displaying a distinct lack of rational judgment here.
Tell ya what Sunnidiot.......go to Washington DC. Then.......go to the Holocaust Museum on the Mall.

THEN come back and tell us all what a hoax it was.

My girlfriend during my senior year? Her father was the 3rd American GI into Dachau. He brought back souveniers.......one was a set of pistol grips made of human bone.

By the way.......before you ask? I went to the Holocaust Museum. It was a very real experience, and they put it together well. The bunkroom and the rail car are especially scary. You can actually feel the presence of the people who perished.
Douchebaggery removed
I bet you bought yourself a lil Hitler Jugend suit, you wear all proudly when nobody is looking.

As almost all evidence supporting Gas Chambers and the numbers killed in such a manner relies almost entirely on witness testimony alone, then we also have to ascertain that all witness testimony is above reproach and can where possible, be proven.


Where did you hear this crap?

Do you NOT understand that the NAZIs kept meticulous records of who they killed?

The evidence that the holocaust happened is overwhelming and it comes to us as eyewitness testmony, records of the killers themselves, plus the missing millions who were carted off to camps and never seen again.

The NAZI SCUM kept records of the daily gassing and burnings. They kept records of their effieiencies.

The evidence that it is a fruad is nothing but a load of big lie specious nonsense.

Do some fucking read of legitimate historians for christ's sakes.
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Thank you, gullible douchebags, keep denying my crimes, tell them it's all lies, and my type can rise again.

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