Why did the holocaust occur?

Tell ya what Sunnidiot.......go to Washington DC. Then.......go to the Holocaust Museum on the Mall.

THEN come back and tell us all what a hoax it was.

My girlfriend during my senior year? Her father was the 3rd American GI into Dachau. He brought back souveniers.......one was a set of pistol grips made of human bone.

By the way.......before you ask? I went to the Holocaust Museum. It was a very real experience, and they put it together well. The bunkroom and the rail car are especially scary. You can actually feel the presence of the people who perished.
That so called Holocaust Museum in Washington d.c. is the Zionist Jews version of Barnum & Bailey's 3 Ring Circus.

I am sure I would find it highly entertaining, but I would rather go to a real circus.

Because there, you at least get to see the elephants. :lol:
As almost all evidence supporting Gas Chambers and the numbers killed in such a manner relies almost entirely on witness testimony alone, then we also have to ascertain that all witness testimony is above reproach and can where possible, be proven.


Where did you hear this crap?

Do you NOT understand that the NAZIs kept meticulous records of who they killed?

The evidence that the holocaust happened is ovewhelming.

The evidence that it is a fruad is specious nonsense.

Do some fucking read of legitimate historians for christ's sakes.

I assure you I have. i have also read the documentation you speak of, some of which is now open to public view.

You are being disingenuous here. The data you are referring to, via meticulous records, pertains only to the deaths of prisoners, it does not state they were gassed; this comes from witness testimony and to be fair a few Nazi diaries.

The logistics do not add up at all. This needs to be validated and the only way to do so is to open the way for historians to receive the freedom to do so.

Stop using expletives to detract from the subject matter at hand.

Xenophon, the more you remove valid and reasonable data I post, the weaker your stance becomes. I ask you again, show me how the data I posted regarding residue of Zyclon B at Auschwitz is 'tripe'.. You have not done so because you cannot, all you are good at is demonstrating childish behaviour and a lack of clear judgment.
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Hitler's dirty work removed.

Yes young douchebag, yes!

Keep trying to fool them, there are so many more Jews to kill!!

And this person is considered a responsible person who is worthy of trust, or belief and has the authority to 'monitor' posters and remove other peoples posts only because he/she does not agree with the data written???

Hmmmm....and who monitors the one who monitors one wonders.

When one has no argument, when one cannot debate the issues at hand, resort to casting personal aspersions (even though they do absolutely nothing bar disrupt, stifle freedom of speech, not to mention make them look a fool). I am still waiting for Xeno to demonstrate to me how an experiment carried out by respected scientists regarding residue of Zyclon B at Auschwitz is 'tripe'.

Do you think you will ever get around to this Xeno? You see, removing data without due and fair cause is not conducive to a productive and/or interesting forum.
And this person is considered a responsible person who is worthy of trust, or belief and has the authority to 'monitor' posters and remove other peoples posts only because he/she does not agree with the data written???

Hmmmm....and who monitors the one who monitors one wonders.

When one has no argument, when one cannot debate the issues at hand, resort to casting personal aspersions (even though they do absolutely nothing bar disrupt, stifle freedom of speech, not to mention make them look a fool). I am still waiting for Xeno to demonstrate to me how an experiment carried out by respected scientists regarding residue of Zyclon B at Auschwitz is 'tripe'.

Do you think you will ever get around to this Xeno? You see, removing data without due and fair cause is not conducive to a productive and/or interesting forum.

As a matter of fact, I do.

If you have a problem with an action taken by a monitor proper recourse is to address it via either reporting the post or private message. It will not be addressed in a public forum on this board.

Your last little paragraph is just some nicely worded bullshit. One isn't required to have an argument against a non-argument. You have NONE. The facts speak for themselves. Your denial doesn't make them go away.
First of all, Dilloduck, I beleieve the number is closer to 2 or 3 hundred thousand jewish victims.

Secondly, there were no gas chambers for the extermination of people. The not air tight buildings were for lice and parisite removal.

Next, the ovens were way too small for cremating bodies. It would have been highly ineffecient, a tremendous waste of fuel, and a huge ash removal and logistical problem..

Question: why take the time to tattoo people with numbers if you are going to turn right around and kill them?

The Germans where known for being highly efficient. The holocaust story as told is a lesson in gross inefficiency

Are you claiming that the Nazis did not order any Jews to be killed simply because they were Jews ?
And this person is considered a responsible person who is worthy of trust, or belief and has the authority to 'monitor' posters and remove other peoples posts only because he/she does not agree with the data written???

Hmmmm....and who monitors the one who monitors one wonders.

When one has no argument, when one cannot debate the issues at hand, resort to casting personal aspersions (even though they do absolutely nothing bar disrupt, stifle freedom of speech, not to mention make them look a fool). I am still waiting for Xeno to demonstrate to me how an experiment carried out by respected scientists regarding residue of Zyclon B at Auschwitz is 'tripe'.

Do you think you will ever get around to this Xeno? You see, removing data without due and fair cause is not conducive to a productive and/or interesting forum.

As a matter of fact, I do.

If you have a problem with an action taken by a monitor proper recourse is to address it via either reporting the post or private message. It will not be addressed in a public forum on this board.

Your last little paragraph is just some nicely worded bullshit. One isn't required to have an argument against a non-argument. You have NONE. The facts speak for themselves. Your denial doesn't make them go away.

Would you like to demonstrate to me that my argument regarding the residue of Zyclon B is a non argument?

The only non-argument is the one demonstrated by Xeno and also now it seems by you yourself.

I have offered Xeno and now offer you a link to documented data that supports the findings I posted, via an impeccable source, the findings were also accepted as accurate by the curator of the Austwitz museum at the time. The video I referred to in my first post, produced by a Jewish gentleman has also documented the curator's response to such findings.

Xeno chose to ignore this and instead felt that casting childish aspersions was more productive, that is a classical example of a non- argument I think you will find.
First of all, Dilloduck, I beleieve the number is closer to 2 or 3 hundred thousand jewish victims.

Secondly, there were no gas chambers for the extermination of people. The not air tight buildings were for lice and parisite removal.

Next, the ovens were way too small for cremating bodies. It would have been highly ineffecient, a tremendous waste of fuel, and a huge ash removal and logistical problem..

Question: why take the time to tattoo people with numbers if you are going to turn right around and kill them?

The Germans where known for being highly efficient. The holocaust story as told is a lesson in gross inefficiency

Are you claiming that the Nazis did not order any Jews to be killed simply because they were Jews ?
The Nazis hated the Jews.

Many jews were murdered, especially on the Russian front. (Many Russian jews were Communists and the Nazis hated communism)

And of course jews were killed in the camps for minor infractions.

I believe that most jews died in the camps from over work and disease.

But towards the end of the war, starvation led to the death of many prisoners.
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Here is where these idiots get their info, even though the Supreme Court says it is full of lies:

Did Six Million Really Die? - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anybody can write anything, and the gullible will believe it, like Yukon,sunniboy and reality bite it seems.

Maybe I'll write a book about the liars on the internet! I bet it would be a best seller!

In a 1992 court case in front of the Supreme Court of Canada, the book was examined, and the court concluded that it "misrepresented the work of historians, misquoted witnesses, fabricated evidence, and cited non-existent authorities." From the court decision:

The appellant's allegations of fact in the pamphlet were divided into 85 extracts and rebutted one by one. The trial judge summarized this material at length for the jury but it will suffice here to point only to some of the more egregious examples. The pamphlet alleged that a memorandum from Joseph Goebbels revealed that the Final Solution was never more than a plan to evacuate Jews to Madagascar. It was shown that there was no such memorandum but that the reference was to Goebbels' diary entry of March 7, 1942. This diary extract was adduced and shown to state nothing of the kind. The Crown went on to point out that the entry for March 27, 1942 made clear that the Final Solution was, in fact, genocide: "Not much will remain of the Jews. On the whole, it can be said that about 60 per cent of them will have to be liquidated, whereas only about 40 per cent can be used for forced labor...."
..The pamphlet alleged, purportedly relying on a Red Cross report, that all concentration camps were really humane work camps. Mr. Biedermann, a delegate of the International Committee of the Red Cross, testified that the Red Cross Report pertained exclusively to prisoner of war camps as the Red Cross personnel had not been inside any camps in which civilians were detained. The Crown adduced evidence from Professor Hilberg that while some camps had labour facilities annexed to them, Belzec, Treblinka, Sobibor and Chelmno were exclusively "killing factories" and that gas chambers were in operation at Auschwitz-Birkenau and Majdanek. The numbers of Jews slaughtered was verifiable from railway records showing the payments per person made by the Gestapo for transport to the camps. These numbers were compared with those having left the camps or who were found there after liberation.
On and on, the Crown showed that the appellant misrepresented the work of historians, misquoted witnesses, fabricated evidence, and cited non-existent authorities.[2]

Why haven't the idiots commented on these FACTS?
First of all, Dilloduck, I beleieve the number is closer to 2 or 3 hundred thousand jewish victims.

Secondly, there were no gas chambers for the extermination of people. The not air tight buildings were for lice and parisite removal.

Next, the ovens were way too small for cremating bodies. It would have been highly ineffecient, a tremendous waste of fuel, and a huge ash removal and logistical problem..

Question: why take the time to tattoo people with numbers if you are going to turn right around and kill them?

The Germans where known for being highly efficient. The holocaust story as told is a lesson in gross inefficiency

Are you claiming that the Nazis did not order any Jews to be killed simply because they were Jews ?

Absolutely not I would imagine.

This is a classical example of the adverse effects of total censorship.

Many historians and ordinary members of the public at large are not Holocaust deniers, they just question aspects of the accepted Holocaust history. Myself, the main bone of contention is the gassing within camps. I have issues with the historical consensus regarding the gassing of such numbers and even whether any gassings took place, because of the sheer logistics involved. When laid open to critical analysis, such claims are not logical and definitely do not add up.

There is no disputing that Nazi's killed people just because they were Jewish, but they also killed many people of many nationalities because of their origin and also because they were who they were, including gypsies, blacks, gays and the disabled.

This does not mean it is proven that 2,4 even 6 million Jews were murdered and it does not prove they were systematically gassed. The sheer numbers are disputed for many reasons, but historians are not allowed to investigate potential discrepancies, or lapses, no matter how respected the sources are.

If you question, you are demonised, it matters not.
First of all, Dilloduck, I beleieve the number is closer to 2 or 3 hundred thousand jewish victims.

Secondly, there were no gas chambers for the extermination of people. The not air tight buildings were for lice and parisite removal.

Next, the ovens were way too small for cremating bodies. It would have been highly ineffecient, a tremendous waste of fuel, and a huge ash removal and logistical problem..

Question: why take the time to tattoo people with numbers if you are going to turn right around and kill them?

The Germans where known for being highly efficient. The holocaust story as told is a lesson in gross inefficiency

Are you claiming that the Nazis did not order any Jews to be killed simply because they were Jews ?
The Nazis hated the Jews.

Many jews were murdered, especially on the Russian front. (Many Russian jews were Communists and the Nazis hated communism)

And of course jews were killed in the camps for minor infractions.

I believe that most jews died in the camps from over work and disease.

But towards the end of the war, starvation led to the death of many prisoners.

Isn't that enough reason to condemn the Nazis ? Didn't the Nazis at least minimally create the very situation that caused millions of Jews to die ?

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