Why did the holocaust occur?

Isn't that enough reason to condemn the Nazis ? Didn't the Nazis at least minimally create the very situation that caused millions of Jews to die ?

What makes you believe that people who question the validity of Holocaust history don't condemn the Nazi's??

This is the power of aspersions cast at every opportunity, by those who want nothing less than complete censorship.
No sane person could condone the actions of the Nazis.

They were psychopathic murderers and committed many henious crimes.

People wrongly think that by questioning certain details of the holocaust.

That you are somehow supporting or defending the nazis.

This couldn't be further from the truth.
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Here is where these idiots get their info, even though the Supreme Court says it is full of lies:

Did Six Million Really Die? - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anybody can write anything, and the gullible will believe it, like Yukon,sunniboy and reality bite it seems.

Maybe I'll write a book about the liars on the internet! I bet it would be a best seller!

In a 1992 court case in front of the Supreme Court of Canada, the book was examined, and the court concluded that it "misrepresented the work of historians, misquoted witnesses, fabricated evidence, and cited non-existent authorities." From the court decision:

The appellant's allegations of fact in the pamphlet were divided into 85 extracts and rebutted one by one. The trial judge summarized this material at length for the jury but it will suffice here to point only to some of the more egregious examples. The pamphlet alleged that a memorandum from Joseph Goebbels revealed that the Final Solution was never more than a plan to evacuate Jews to Madagascar. It was shown that there was no such memorandum but that the reference was to Goebbels' diary entry of March 7, 1942. This diary extract was adduced and shown to state nothing of the kind. The Crown went on to point out that the entry for March 27, 1942 made clear that the Final Solution was, in fact, genocide: "Not much will remain of the Jews. On the whole, it can be said that about 60 per cent of them will have to be liquidated, whereas only about 40 per cent can be used for forced labor...."
..The pamphlet alleged, purportedly relying on a Red Cross report, that all concentration camps were really humane work camps. Mr. Biedermann, a delegate of the International Committee of the Red Cross, testified that the Red Cross Report pertained exclusively to prisoner of war camps as the Red Cross personnel had not been inside any camps in which civilians were detained. The Crown adduced evidence from Professor Hilberg that while some camps had labour facilities annexed to them, Belzec, Treblinka, Sobibor and Chelmno were exclusively "killing factories" and that gas chambers were in operation at Auschwitz-Birkenau and Majdanek. The numbers of Jews slaughtered was verifiable from railway records showing the payments per person made by the Gestapo for transport to the camps. These numbers were compared with those having left the camps or who were found there after liberation.
On and on, the Crown showed that the appellant misrepresented the work of historians, misquoted witnesses, fabricated evidence, and cited non-existent authorities.[2]

Why haven't the idiots commented on these FACTS?

Isn't that enough reason to condemn the Nazis ? Didn't the Nazis at least minimally create the very situation that caused millions of Jews to die ?

What makes you believe that people who question the validity of Holocaust history don't condemn the Nazi's??

This is the power of aspersions cast at every opportunity, by those who want nothing less than complete censorship.

Again--What specifically is it that you are claiming is invalid ? I'm in agreement with you on the fact that ANY question that challenges somehow magically common version of what happened to the Jews in WWII is met with zealous condemnation. Is that what you have a problem with ?
Here is where these idiots get their info, even though the Supreme Court says it is full of lies:

Did Six Million Really Die? - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anybody can write anything, and the gullible will believe it, like Yukon,sunniboy and reality bite it seems.

Maybe I'll write a book about the liars on the internet! I bet it would be a best seller!

In a 1992 court case in front of the Supreme Court of Canada, the book was examined, and the court concluded that it "misrepresented the work of historians, misquoted witnesses, fabricated evidence, and cited non-existent authorities." From the court decision:

The appellant's allegations of fact in the pamphlet were divided into 85 extracts and rebutted one by one. The trial judge summarized this material at length for the jury but it will suffice here to point only to some of the more egregious examples. The pamphlet alleged that a memorandum from Joseph Goebbels revealed that the Final Solution was never more than a plan to evacuate Jews to Madagascar. It was shown that there was no such memorandum but that the reference was to Goebbels' diary entry of March 7, 1942. This diary extract was adduced and shown to state nothing of the kind. The Crown went on to point out that the entry for March 27, 1942 made clear that the Final Solution was, in fact, genocide: "Not much will remain of the Jews. On the whole, it can be said that about 60 per cent of them will have to be liquidated, whereas only about 40 per cent can be used for forced labor...."
..The pamphlet alleged, purportedly relying on a Red Cross report, that all concentration camps were really humane work camps. Mr. Biedermann, a delegate of the International Committee of the Red Cross, testified that the Red Cross Report pertained exclusively to prisoner of war camps as the Red Cross personnel had not been inside any camps in which civilians were detained. The Crown adduced evidence from Professor Hilberg that while some camps had labour facilities annexed to them, Belzec, Treblinka, Sobibor and Chelmno were exclusively "killing factories" and that gas chambers were in operation at Auschwitz-Birkenau and Majdanek. The numbers of Jews slaughtered was verifiable from railway records showing the payments per person made by the Gestapo for transport to the camps. These numbers were compared with those having left the camps or who were found there after liberation.
On and on, the Crown showed that the appellant misrepresented the work of historians, misquoted witnesses, fabricated evidence, and cited non-existent authorities.[2]

Why haven't the idiots commented on these FACTS?


Thanks for the applause! ;)

Still waiting for someone to comment about what the SUPREME COURT RULED! :eusa_whistle:

{or the lies people like to tell..................}
If you are talking about the so called Holocaust of the Jews, then the answer is simple.

During WWI the Jewish bankers had sold out Germany causing the humiliation and defeat of Germany.

The average German citizen knew this and hated the Jews for it.

When Hitler came along and voiced what everyone knew but were afraid to say.

He became wildly popular and was able to round up the traitorous Jews and put them in camps.

The average German supported the cleansing of society from Jewish decadence and immorality.

I know you're trolling but this doesn't fucking make sense.

if the grievance was against GERMAN jews who supposedly screwed over their nation WW1, then why was hitler hell bent on killing polish, russian and dutch jews?

What the fuck did dutch and polish jews have to do with being "traitors" to germany, a nation they didn't even live in?
If you are talking about the so called Holocaust of the Jews, then the answer is simple.

During WWI the Jewish bankers had sold out Germany causing the humiliation and defeat of Germany.

The average German citizen knew this and hated the Jews for it.

When Hitler came along and voiced what everyone knew but were afraid to say.

He became wildly popular and was able to round up the traitorous Jews and put them in camps.

The average German supported the cleansing of society from Jewish decadence and immorality.

I know you're trolling but this doesn't fucking make sense.

if the grievance was against GERMAN jews who supposedly screwed over their nation WW1, then why was hitler hell bent on killing polish, russian and dutch jews?

What the fuck did dutch and polish jews have to do with being "traitors" to germany, a nation they didn't even live in?
Two reasons

1) The Nazis didn't trust any jews and didn't want any in their newly accuired territories.

2) The Nazis hated Communism.

The Russian Revolution was led mainly by Communist Jews, and most Jews in Russia supported the communist government. That's one reason that so many Jews were killed on the spot on the Russian front.
If you are talking about the so called Holocaust of the Jews, then the answer is simple.

During WWI the Jewish bankers had sold out Germany causing the humiliation and defeat of Germany.

The average German citizen knew this and hated the Jews for it.

When Hitler came along and voiced what everyone knew but were afraid to say.

He became wildly popular and was able to round up the traitorous Jews and put them in camps.

The average German supported the cleansing of society from Jewish decadence and immorality.

I know you're trolling but this doesn't fucking make sense.

if the grievance was against GERMAN jews who supposedly screwed over their nation WW1, then why was hitler hell bent on killing polish, russian and dutch jews?

What the fuck did dutch and polish jews have to do with being "traitors" to germany, a nation they didn't even live in?
Two reasons

1) The Nazis didn't trust any jews and didn't want any in their newly accuired territories.

2) The Nazis hated Communism.

The Russian Revolution was led mainly by Communist Jews, and most Jews in Russia supported the communist government. That's one reason that so many Jews were killed on the spot on the Russian front.

So sunni, why did they kill the gays and the gypsies? They had nothing to do with power and banking. :eusa_whistle:
I know you're trolling but this doesn't fucking make sense.

if the grievance was against GERMAN jews who supposedly screwed over their nation WW1, then why was hitler hell bent on killing polish, russian and dutch jews?

What the fuck did dutch and polish jews have to do with being "traitors" to germany, a nation they didn't even live in?
Two reasons

1) The Nazis didn't trust any jews and didn't want any in their newly accuired territories.

2) The Nazis hated Communism.

The Russian Revolution was led mainly by Communist Jews, and most Jews in Russia supported the communist government. That's one reason that so many Jews were killed on the spot on the Russian front.

So sunni, why did they kill the gays and the gypsies? They had nothing to do with power and banking. :eusa_whistle:
Echo Zulu I am not here to defend or support the actions of the Nazis.

I am just here to debate the veracity of certain details of the so called holocaust.
Two reasons

1) The Nazis didn't trust any jews and didn't want any in their newly accuired territories.

2) The Nazis hated Communism.

The Russian Revolution was led mainly by Communist Jews, and most Jews in Russia supported the communist government. That's one reason that so many Jews were killed on the spot on the Russian front.

So sunni, why did they kill the gays and the gypsies? They had nothing to do with power and banking. :eusa_whistle:
Echo Zulu I am not here to defend or support the actions of the Nazis.

I am just here to debate the veracity of certain details of the so called holocaust.

did anyone die in the "spas" the germans set up for the jews, gypsies, gays and the rest..
Two reasons

1) The Nazis didn't trust any jews and didn't want any in their newly accuired territories.

2) The Nazis hated Communism.

The Russian Revolution was led mainly by Communist Jews, and most Jews in Russia supported the communist government. That's one reason that so many Jews were killed on the spot on the Russian front.

So sunni, why did they kill the gays and the gypsies? They had nothing to do with power and banking. :eusa_whistle:
Echo Zulu I am not here to defend or support the actions of the Nazis.

I am just here to debate the veracity of certain details of the so called holocaust.

But isn't this thread titled "Why did the Holocaust Occur?" Part of that was the murder of gays and gypsies too, yet you don't want to address that issue. You can't find any propaganda for it, so you ignore it.

The Russian Revolution was led mainly by Communist Jews, and most Jews in Russia supported the communist government. That's one reason that so many Jews were killed on the spot on the Russian front.

too funny.....communist jews were in charge of the russian revolution......i have heard everything now....
So sunni, why did they kill the gays and the gypsies? They had nothing to do with power and banking. :eusa_whistle:
Echo Zulu I am not here to defend or support the actions of the Nazis.

I am just here to debate the veracity of certain details of the so called holocaust.

But isn't this thread titled "Why did the Holocaust Occur?" Part of that was the murder of gays and gypsies too, yet you don't want to address that issue. You can't find any propaganda for it, so you ignore it.

what is better is he starts a thread......why did the holocaust occur....which is admiting it occured in itself....then spends the bulk of his time saying ... "so called holocaust....."

The Russian Revolution was led mainly by Communist Jews, and most Jews in Russia supported the communist government. That's one reason that so many Jews were killed on the spot on the Russian front.

too funny.....communist jews were in charge of the russian revolution......i have heard everything now....
Apparently, you know very little history.

Just google the founders of communism or the leaders of the russian revolution, and tell me the number of jews in leadership positions.
Hey Sunnidiot.......what are you doing, trying to channel intelligence from your avatar of Einstein?

It ain't working dude........
Hey Sunnidiot.......what are you doing, trying to channel intelligence from your avatar of Einstein?

It ain't working dude........
Echo Zulu I am not here to defend or support the actions of the Nazis.

I am just here to debate the veracity of certain details of the so called holocaust.

But isn't this thread titled "Why did the Holocaust Occur?" Part of that was the murder of gays and gypsies too, yet you don't want to address that issue. You can't find any propaganda for it, so you ignore it.

what is better is he starts a thread......why did the holocaust occur....which is admiting it occured in itself....then spends the bulk of his time saying ... "so called holocaust....."
As usual, you are wrong Manu1959

A self proclaimed zionist jew named DavidS started this thread.
Here is where these idiots get their info, even though the Supreme Court says it is full of lies:

Did Six Million Really Die? - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anybody can write anything, and the gullible will believe it, like Yukon,sunniboy and reality bite it seems.

Maybe I'll write a book about the liars on the internet! I bet it would be a best seller!

In a 1992 court case in front of the Supreme Court of Canada, the book was examined, and the court concluded that it "misrepresented the work of historians, misquoted witnesses, fabricated evidence, and cited non-existent authorities." From the court decision:

The appellant's allegations of fact in the pamphlet were divided into 85 extracts and rebutted one by one. The trial judge summarized this material at length for the jury but it will suffice here to point only to some of the more egregious examples. The pamphlet alleged that a memorandum from Joseph Goebbels revealed that the Final Solution was never more than a plan to evacuate Jews to Madagascar. It was shown that there was no such memorandum but that the reference was to Goebbels' diary entry of March 7, 1942. This diary extract was adduced and shown to state nothing of the kind. The Crown went on to point out that the entry for March 27, 1942 made clear that the Final Solution was, in fact, genocide: "Not much will remain of the Jews. On the whole, it can be said that about 60 per cent of them will have to be liquidated, whereas only about 40 per cent can be used for forced labor...."
..The pamphlet alleged, purportedly relying on a Red Cross report, that all concentration camps were really humane work camps. Mr. Biedermann, a delegate of the International Committee of the Red Cross, testified that the Red Cross Report pertained exclusively to prisoner of war camps as the Red Cross personnel had not been inside any camps in which civilians were detained. The Crown adduced evidence from Professor Hilberg that while some camps had labour facilities annexed to them, Belzec, Treblinka, Sobibor and Chelmno were exclusively "killing factories" and that gas chambers were in operation at Auschwitz-Birkenau and Majdanek. The numbers of Jews slaughtered was verifiable from railway records showing the payments per person made by the Gestapo for transport to the camps. These numbers were compared with those having left the camps or who were found there after liberation.
On and on, the Crown showed that the appellant misrepresented the work of historians, misquoted witnesses, fabricated evidence, and cited non-existent authorities.[2]

Why haven't the idiots commented on these FACTS?

Right lets deal with this now.

The supreme court case you refer to deals with one book by one revisionist. The evidence used as a rebuttal was supplied by Raul Hilberg a Jewish Historian.

Although well informed and fairer than most other Jewish Historians, the evidence collated regarding the use of Gas Chambers in concentration camps is still based only on witness testimony and put into print by Hilberg.

This still does not prove that Gas Chambers were built and used to gas millions of Jews.

The section you highlighted, regarding train tickets paid for by Jews before deportation, now records may indeed have been documented, but why is this data not within the public domain?

Even if there are records of millions of Jews being deported, this still does not prove they were all gassed, far from it.

What you also failed to point out is, that the discrepancies within the revisionists book, which were dealt with by the supreme court did not base their verdict on overwhelming proof that 6 million were gassed, only on the following testimony provided by Hilberg;

Who had stated that some camps were exclusively "killing factories" and that gas chambers were in operation at Auschwitz-Birkenau and Majdanek.

This evidence is still based on witness testimony, it by no means proves that the inmates were gassed, there is no documentation that states this.

The numbers of Jews slaughtered was verifiable from railway records showing the payments per person made by the Gestapo for transport to the camps. These numbers were compared with those having left the camps or who were found there after liberation.

Although shocking that so many people may have died, if the records do actually exist, again it by no means proves that these people were gassed.

A problematic aspect is, that we, the public and certainly not historians outside of the conventional loop have any access to these records.

Why are these records not put into the public domain? What purpose does keeping them archived serve?

Another important point is, that although Hilberg is a respected and renowned Historian, one should not forget that it is in the end still the opinion of one man and that much of his research was based on what is historically witness testimony.

Finally, you failed to mention that the Supreme Court of Canada acquitted Zundel, and upheld his right to freedom of speech, free speech is a precious commodity, a lesson some within this thread would do well to learn.

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