Why did the holocaust occur?

Yes they did, we have already ascertained this. There is no dispute there.....I have been referring entirely to Gas Chambers.......or do you now say eleven million were gassed?

I see, so every single historian throughout our history must have been, or is hate filled, or stupid, according to your doctrine....or Jillian does this only apply to those historians who revise the Holocaust? Hmmmmm....stupidity...is thrown about here willy nilly, by those in no valid position to do so.

why don't you stop, then?

Ah... but you see...this works both ways....only stupid people cannot see this. The difference being.....I post information in an informed and rational manner, but some here have no interest in genuinely debating or refuting data...they just enjoy using expletives and/or insults. Now which route is stupid?
you must underestand that not ALL the people killed by the Nazis were killed in gas chambers
they didnt start using the chemicals till later in the war
in some cases they "gassed" people with exhaust fumes
carbon monoxide poisoning
It's an inconvenient fact to the holocaust story.

But most of the inmates at Dachau and Buchenwald, about eighty percent, were non-Jews

Spielberg and the Eleven Million
What is 'inconvenient is how badly you don't understand the topic.

Dachau and Buchenwald were concentration camps for political prisoners, gays and so on.

Aushwitz was one of 6 extermination camps for jews.

If you understood the topic at all you would understand that the two types of camps were not the same nor were they intended to be the same.
And once again, just to prove what an idiot reality bites is, we have this:

The "final solution" of the Jewish question meant the complete extermination of all Jews in Europe. l was ordered to establish extermination facilities at Auschwitz in June 1941. At that time there were already in the general govemment three other extermination camps; BELZEK, TREBLINKA and WOLZEK. These camps were under the Einsatzkommando of the Security Police and SD. I visited Treblinka to find out how they carried out their exterminations. The Camp Commandant at Treblinka told me that he had liquidated 80,000 in the course of one*half year. He was principally concerned with liquidating all the Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto. He used monoxide gas and I did not think that his methods were very efficient. So when I set up the extermination building at Auschwitz, l used Cyclon B, which was a crystallized Prussic Acid which we dropped into the death chamber from a small opening. It took from 3 to 15 minutes to kill the people in the death chamber depending upon climatic conditions. We knew when the people were dead because their screaming stopped. We usually waited about one*half hour before we opened the doors and removed the bodies. After the bodies were removed our special commandos took off the rings and extracted the gold from the teeth of the corpses.

Rudolf Hoess, Commandant of Auschwitz Testimony at Nuremburg, 1946
So only Jews count in the holocaust myth?

Dance for me, my puppet, deny all!

Tell them it was lies, your furer loves you!

It's an inconvenient fact to the holocaust story.

But most of the inmates at Dachau and Buchenwald, about eighty percent, were non-Jews

Spielberg and the Eleven Million
What is 'inconvenient is how badly you don't understand the topic.

Dachau and Buchenwald were concentration camps for political prisoners, gays and so on.

Aushwitz was one of 6 extermination camps for jews.

If you understood the topic at all you would understand that the two types of camps were not the same nor were they intended to be the same.
So only Jews count in the holocaust myth?

That's a typical zionist attitude. Gentiles don't count.
It's an inconvenient fact to the holocaust story.

But most of the inmates at Dachau and Buchenwald, about eighty percent, were non-Jews

Spielberg and the Eleven Million
What is 'inconvenient is how badly you don't understand the topic.

Dachau and Buchenwald were concentration camps for political prisoners, gays and so on.

Aushwitz was one of 6 extermination camps for jews.

If you understood the topic at all you would understand that the two types of camps were not the same nor were they intended to be the same.
So only Jews count in the holocaust myth?

That's a typical zionist attitude. Gentiles don't count.
keep showing everyone what a moronic antisemite you are
All that contemporary evidence drives the denialists mad. They resort to the tactic of sliding along on semi-plausible arguments. Sometimes I think they're worse than the nutters who deny it happened at all.
The hollocaust is indedd a myth. A myth perpetuated by the Zionsist of Hollywood . They never stop. In fact this year's Best Actress Award went to a woman who starred in a movie about the Jews being exterminated during WWII. The lie goes on, and on, and on, and on, and on.........
The hollocaust is indedd a myth. A myth perpetuated by the Zionsist of Hollywood . They never stop. In fact this year's Best Actress Award went to a woman who starred in a movie about the Jews being exterminated during WWII. The lie goes on, and on, and on, and on, and on.........

I think you have the German holocaust confused with the passions movie.
I just don't understand why the holocaust can't be rationally discussed and examined by the facts?

Some people get so emotional about this subject and try their best to derail or destroy any thread concerning the so called holocaust.

If your pro-holocaust evidence is so strong. You should easily be able to win holocaust deniers over to you side and not have to resort to slander and intimidation tactics.
I just don't understand why the holocaust can't be rationally discussed and examined by the facts?

Some people get so emotional about this subject and try their best to derail or destroy any thread concerning the so called holocaust.

If your pro-holocaust evidence is so strong. You should easily be able to win holocaust deniers over to you side and not have to resort to slander and intimidation tactics.

Hmm ... that's rather lame. We don't have to prove anything you have ever posted wrong, it usually does a good job on its own. As for evidence to support it? My own family is all I needed, but there are hundreds more who survived it (many not even Jewish by blood) who say it happened. Why do you insist on slandering them?
Sorry to hear about your family members KK
I am in No way trying to slander them or any other person who lost their lives during the Third Reich.

My interest in the so called holocaust has to deal with some of the details of the alledged event.

Yes, the Nazis killed hundereds of thousands of innocent people during this terrible time. This was wrong and can't be condoned by any sane person.
So only Jews count in the holocaust myth?

That's a typical zionist attitude. Gentiles don't count.

Are you really so fucking dense as you want us to believe?

Yes, of course not only Jews were killed, Sunni.

Tens of millions of Poles, and Russians were likewise worked to death by your comrades.

Why the hell do you think that so man non-Jews like me spit on the ground ever time one of you NAZI revisionists plays this game?

My father was blown off a ship and still limps because your NAZI brothers.

Two of relatives from Czechoslovokia flew for the RAF during Britians finest hour to prevent your NAZI brotheren from extinguishing the democracy lamps from Europe, too.

Meanwhile about half my family, right before the war, were members of the National socialist movement right here in AMERICA. How quickly they changed their minds about that movement when they saw what a that rug-biting little sociopath Hitler turned out to be.

Most of those idiots STILL HATE JEWS, but they hate losers like you even more.

So sporto, while you may think you have the lock on WHITENEESS and RACIAL PRUITY, let me explain something to you...NOBODY in my Aaryan blonde haired blue eyed high cheekboned we could all be poster boys for the SS-- family fucking likes the NAZIs.

I don't particularly love the Jews, but I sure as hell admire them as a people more than I admire the goose-stumbling losers you so obviously cherish.
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They get angry, in fact rabid, when the myth is challenged. If you dont believe then you are an anti-semite. That's what they do - call names. Now certain people even try to make us believe they suffered through family members. How quaint....................
Sorry to hear about your family members KK
I am in No way trying to slander them or any other person who lost their lives during the Third Reich.

My interest in the so called holocaust has to deal with some of the details of the alledged event.

Yes, the Nazis killed hundereds of thousands of innocent people during this terrible time. This was wrong and can't be condoned by any sane person.

Then why are you denying it? Why do you really give a fuck who was really harmed anyway? It was horrible, Adolf was a monster and the Nazis were his minions. He turned on his own in the worst possible way. Are you angry because us Jews are the only ones willing to keep reminding people of what monstrosities humans are capable of if they blindly follow one belief, one leader, and one ideal without regard to others? Are you pissed because a real event gets more attention than some religious myth in some over-translated book? Really, what do you have against the Jews telling our stories? Anytime you deny it you are slandering them, you are calling all of them liars, even if your numbers were accurate (in reality they aren't since they still haven't finished digging up all the mass graves and many are now buried under buildings even) why would it be any less atrocious? Either you are jealous, a troll, or trying to justify repeating the event.

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