Why did the holocaust occur?

If you are talking about the so called Holocaust of the Jews, then the answer is simple.

During WWI the Jewish bankers had sold out Germany causing the humiliation and defeat of Germany.

The average German citizen knew this and hated the Jews for it.

When Hitler came along and voiced what everyone knew but were afraid to say.

He became wildly popular and was able to round up the traitorous Jews and put them in camps.

The average German supported the cleansing of society from Jewish decadence and immorality.

Isn't there a genocide going on right now, in Africa?

Yes, but David doesn't care about them since they're black and not Jewish.

I don't like how David refers to it as the holocaust as if there was only one.

How many times do Americans want to talk about how the U.S. Govt and many of her citizens committed genocide against the Indians?

Their population went from 12 million in 1500 to barely 237,000 in 1900.

You aren't addressing the topic. You are addressing your personal dislike for another member.
If it bores you please do us all a favour and fuck off out of the thread.

Honestly Roomy, the holocaust against the Jews has been beaten to death more then any event in history.

The reasons of why it happened are quite obvious. There is no good reason for David to bring up such a thread short of a combination of trolling and trying to draw sympathy.

You assume much. There are many new members here since your last appearance. If you're tired of the subject, I think Roomy had a good idea for what you can do ....:eusa_whistle:
Very good, you don't need to post on the topic, others are and you are trying your best to fuck the thread up.Kindly desist.

I'm not trying to fuck up any thread. I'm merely questioning why it's always the Hitler Holocaust that is referred to as the only one or why it's the only one discussed?

Why no discussions once again about how the Native Americans not only got wiped out by the U.S. Govt and many of her citizens but their legacy has been a complete lie when fabricated by many lying sources.

Or how about the current Genocide going on in Darfur?

Nobody ever talks about how the Trail of Tears if done today would be considered Genocide. Or how the number of Natives killed vastly outnumber the number in the Holocaust committed by Hitler.

Or hey about the Armenian genocide? Or the genocide committed against the Russian people by their own government during the time of the Soviet Union?

Or Mengistu in Ethiopia with the red scare?

Or Saddam's genocide against the Kurds?

Or Rwanda?

My point is, why not discussion of other genocides and not just the only one that David gives a damn about?

The reason for why the Hitler Genocide occurred has already been answered by several posters, and I simply didn't feel like beating the dead horse.

Yeah, you're fucking up the thread. If you want to post on any of the topics you listed, start another thread. If you don't want to post on the topic of this thread, go away.
I don't believe there is any question that is so simple yet that requires such a complex answer.

On another message board more relating to photography, a photographer had unveiled a new, quite excellent body of work that exhibited portraits of holocaust survivors. One critic had this to say about the subject matter:

To be perfectly frank I see no point in adding yet another body of work -even a work as masterful as this clearly is -to the subject of the Holocaust that is devoid of any serious analysis of the question of why. A million volumes have already been written and they all with few exceptions primarily function to shroud the episode in mystery, rendering the subject broadly incomprehensible and in so doing, serving to intellectually disarm any meaningful resistance to its future resuscitation.

The discussion of politics is not allowed on that forum, so I thought I would turn the discussion over to here, where there are quite a few intelligent people on this forum.

So, why do YOU think the holocaust happened? Give whatever realist or phillisophical belief you might have on why it occurred.

Also, I know there are deniers out there who believe the holocaust never happened and we've got your story down - thank you. I also know there are one or two neo-nazis/skinheads/racists on this forum, again thank you, we know you hate Jews. This discussion is not for you and I would thank you if you kept out of it.

Hitler a charasmatic leader who hated jews, convinced many in Germany that they were the cause of all their troubles. He had to pick an enemy to get the people in line and control them. He was succesful at it. When the German people woke up to what was happening to them, it was too late, Hitler and the Nazi's had full power and control. If you were caught helping jews you and your family would be shipped to a death camp.
History has a way of repeating itself and genocide continues. Man's inhumanity to man can be and often is diabolical.

Who was it? the Tutsi's and the Titsi's that were killing each other in Africa because one african was blacker than the next. Ridiculous.

When I was in high school, we had to sit through hours of actual footage of those death camps, we did an entire symester on it in history class. It was all in black and white, but beleive me it was horrific. Bulldozers piling bodies of men, women and children into mass graves. Something I will never forget. Something that probably will not happen in our High Schools today because you can bet that today's parents don't want their children to see something like that.
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Yeah........kinda like what Bush Jr. and Cheney did with scaring the American people against Muslims last admin.

Shit..........no wonder the GOP is acting like a whole bunch of idiots.
I don't believe there is any question that is so simple yet that requires such a complex answer.

On another message board more relating to photography, a photographer had unveiled a new, quite excellent body of work that exhibited portraits of holocaust survivors. One critic had this to say about the subject matter:

To be perfectly frank I see no point in adding yet another body of work -even a work as masterful as this clearly is -to the subject of the Holocaust that is devoid of any serious analysis of the question of why. A million volumes have already been written and they all with few exceptions primarily function to shroud the episode in mystery, rendering the subject broadly incomprehensible and in so doing, serving to intellectually disarm any meaningful resistance to its future resuscitation.

The discussion of politics is not allowed on that forum, so I thought I would turn the discussion over to here, where there are quite a few intelligent people on this forum.

So, why do YOU think the holocaust happened? Give whatever realist or phillisophical belief you might have on why it occurred.

Also, I know there are deniers out there who believe the holocaust never happened and we've got your story down - thank you. I also know there are one or two neo-nazis/skinheads/racists on this forum, again thank you, we know you hate Jews. This discussion is not for you and I would thank you if you kept out of it.

Hitler a charasmatic leader who hated jews, convinced many in Germany that they were the cause of all their troubles.
Hitler didn't have to convince the German people of anything.

They already knew that the back stabbing Jews were a big problem in Germany.

They were just waiting for a patriotic leader like Hitler who would do something to rid them of this plague.
If you are talking about the so called Holocaust of the Jews, then the answer is simple.

During WWI the Jewish bankers had sold out Germany causing the humiliation and defeat of Germany.

The average German citizen knew this and hated the Jews for it.

When Hitler came along and voiced what everyone knew but were afraid to say.

He became wildly popular and was able to round up the traitorous Jews and put them in camps.

The average German supported the cleansing of society from Jewish decadence and immorality.

Hitler didn't have to convince the German people of anything.

They already knew that the back stabbing Jews were a big problem in Germany.

They were just waiting for a patriotic leader like Hitler who would do something to rid them of this plague.

Why do I get the feeling that if this was reworded to say:

"Bush didn't have to convince the American people of anything.

They already knew that the back stabbing Muslims were a big problem in America.

They were just waiting for a patriotic leader like Bush who would do something to rid them of this plague."

You'd be flipping a shit.
Hitler didn't have to convince the German people of anything.

They already knew that the back stabbing Jews were a big problem in Germany.

They were just waiting for a patriotic leader like Hitler who would do something to rid them of this plague.

Most of those killed were female, young, or elderly. Surely their deaths weren't justifiable?
Hitler didn't have to convince the German people of anything.

They already knew that the back stabbing Jews were a big problem in Germany.

They were just waiting for a patriotic leader like Hitler who would do something to rid them of this plague.

Most of those killed were female, young, or elderly. Surely their deaths weren't justifiable?
The murder of even one Jew was a tragedy.
Sorry to hear about your family members KK
I am in No way trying to slander them or any other person who lost their lives during the Third Reich.

My interest in the so called holocaust has to deal with some of the details of the alledged event.

Yes, the Nazis killed hundereds of thousands of innocent people during this terrible time. This was wrong and can't be condoned by any sane person.

Just because you dont mean to slander does not mean that you did not slander or if you meant to or not. Your interest is in the details yet you purposely state thousands, not millions.

Why did the Jews die, is it because they dressed real crazy, all in black, is it because the spread blood on the doors of thier houses, is it because the Rothschilds got rich from selling antique coins to the Royalty that controled Germany. Is it because the Catholic church taught the congregation that the Jewish religion was contrary to Christianity, is it because the German people were the last to come out of the Dark Ages.

There are many, many, many, facts and events one need look at to know what happened across Europe, not just Germany, I should say across Europe and Asia, this event was not solely an event of Hitlers doing. Hitler was influenced heavy by Wagnoneer, I have yet to study wagoneer.

There is a reason there are hundreds of books on the subject.

This is not so complicated, its just a matter that you cannot base your knowledge on one book or even a dozen books, there is much to read on the subject to get a grasp of all the events.
The Holocaust with its epic proportions of tragedy, suffering, and killings existed. The Nazis did indeed create an industrial mass-murder machine that ran its victims through like machine parts in a factory.

Any who deny are either (1) mentally feeble; (2) woefully ignorant; (3) motivated by malignancy; or (4) any combination of the above.
The Holocaust with its epic proportions of tragedy, suffering, and killings existed. The Nazis did indeed create an industrial mass-murder machine that ran its victims through like machine parts in a factory.

Any who deny are either (1) mentally feeble; (2) woefully ignorant; (3) motivated by malignancy; or (4) any combination of the above.

I think you should say Germans, Nazi's were ordinary German people. It was not only the Nazi party, the communist party of Germany supported the Nazi party to form the government of the people.

There were many people involved that did not belong to the Nazi party, the conditions and event that led to the Holocaust evolved long before the Nazi party came into exsistence.

I do not presume you do know this I just thought I would add this so others would know. Hell, even Jews willingly helped kill millions of jews, only to be killed themselves, ironic.
The Holocaust with its epic proportions of tragedy, suffering, and killings existed. The Nazis did indeed create an industrial mass-murder machine that ran its victims through like machine parts in a factory.

Any who deny are either (1) mentally feeble; (2) woefully ignorant; (3) motivated by malignancy; or (4) any combination of the above.

I think you should say Germans, Nazi's were ordinary German people. It was not only the Nazi party, the communist party of Germany supported the Nazi party to form the government of the people.

There were many people involved that did not belong to the Nazi party, the conditions and event that led to the Holocaust evolved long before the Nazi party came into exsistence.

I do not presume you do know this I just thought I would add this so others would know. Hell, even Jews willingly helped kill millions of jews, only to be killed themselves, ironic.

Your comments oversimplify what happened. I do agree that all should study the culture of anti-semitism in Europe that underwrote the holocaust. But, yes, verily, yes, it was the Nazi Party with Adolph Hitler at its head that created an industrialized mass murder machine, not the German people. I will fairly point out that some Jews served as kapos and trustees in the labor, concentration, and mass murder camps, hoping to live and perhaps escape the ultimate penalty. Most did not.

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