Why did the holocaust occur?

The Jew cheated the Germans for many years. When Herr Hitler came to power he forced the Jew to work at minimum wage in Labour Camps. The Jew being weak could not tolerate work and many died as a result. There was NO mass extermination of the Jew.
Which holocaust? Our history is full of them.

True enough. History is full of stories of genocide. Some are recent. We are still haunted by the Nazi holocaust over sixty years later.

I'm not haunted by it----I'm bored to tears of hearing about it. Let's study a few other genocides and get a little broader view of history.

OK. American Indians.
One more ticket to hell for the " blue bloods"
The Jew cheated the Germans for many years. When Herr Hitler came to power he forced the Jew to work at minimum wage in Labour Camps. The Jew being weak could not tolerate work and many died as a result. There was NO mass extermination of the Jew.

Nice.......you're just as big an idiot as Sunni Man.

So........how's that white power thing working out for you?
The Jew cheated the Germans for many years. When Herr Hitler came to power he forced the Jew to work at minimum wage in Labour Camps. The Jew being weak could not tolerate work and many died as a result. There was NO mass extermination of the Jew.
Although, I don't agree with Yukon's racist veiws.

There is alot of truth to his post.
I don't believe there is any question that is so simple yet that requires such a complex answer.

On another message board more relating to photography, a photographer had unveiled a new, quite excellent body of work that exhibited portraits of holocaust survivors. One critic had this to say about the subject matter:

To be perfectly frank I see no point in adding yet another body of work -even a work as masterful as this clearly is -to the subject of the Holocaust that is devoid of any serious analysis of the question of why. A million volumes have already been written and they all with few exceptions primarily function to shroud the episode in mystery, rendering the subject broadly incomprehensible and in so doing, serving to intellectually disarm any meaningful resistance to its future resuscitation.

The discussion of politics is not allowed on that forum, so I thought I would turn the discussion over to here, where there are quite a few intelligent people on this forum.

So, why do YOU think the holocaust happened? Give whatever realist or phillisophical belief you might have on why it occurred.

Also, I know there are deniers out there who believe the holocaust never happened and we've got your story down - thank you. I also know there are one or two neo-nazis/skinheads/racists on this forum, again thank you, we know you hate Jews. This discussion is not for you and I would thank you if you kept out of it.

I'd say bottom line, jealousy of education and accomplishments. That a subgroup had the audacity of hope, to educate themselves and progeny beyond the norm, then succeed, targeted them for destruction.
The Jew cheated the Germans for many years. When Herr Hitler came to power he forced the Jew to work at minimum wage in Labour Camps. The Jew being weak could not tolerate work and many died as a result. There was NO mass extermination of the Jew.

And you say that conservatives are wackjobs.

Since you are parroting the opinions of a leader who has said the same, one can only think that said leader is your hero, or at least in the same political camp as you are.

What else has Ahmadinajad said that you agree with?

The Jew has fooled a majority of Christian Americans as has the Negro. The Jew and the Negro are pathetic people always crying and blaming others for their failure. Pathetic people all of them.......

The Jew has fooled a majority of Christian Americans as has the Negro. The Jew and the Negro are pathetic people always crying and blaming others for their failure. Pathetic people all of them.......

So..........is your KKK uniform just for dress, or is it something you wear daily?

The Jew has fooled a majority of Christian Americans as has the Negro. The Jew and the Negro are pathetic people always crying and blaming others for their failure. Pathetic people all of them.......

Well, we know where you stand at least. Most people who have antisemitic or racist ideas tend to keep them to themselves. Yours are right out there for everyone to see. I applaud you for that, but you're dead wrong.
Read the intro online.

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Nature-Prejudice-25th-Anniversary/dp/0201001799/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1239197251&sr=1-1]Amazon.com: The Nature of Prejudice: 25th Anniversary Edition (9780201001792): Gordon W. Allport, Kenneth Clark, Thomas Pettigrew: Books[/ame]

No longer easily available but worth a look. check a good library.

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Authoritarian-Personality-Studies-Prejudice/dp/0393311120/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1239196467&sr=1-1]Amazon.com: The Authoritarian Personality (Studies in Prejudice) (9780393311129): Theodor W. Adorno, Else Frenkel-Brunswik, Daniel J. Levinson: Books[/ame]

This book and the two above influenced my thinking.

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Sanctions-Evil-Sources-Social-Destructiveness/dp/B001NHAIFG/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1239197123&sr=1-3]Amazon.com: Sanctions for Evil Sources of Social Destructiveness: Nevitt & Comstock, Craig Sanford: Books[/ame]

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Becoming-Evil-Ordinary-Genocide-Killing/dp/0195189493/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1239197320&sr=1-2]Amazon.com: Becoming Evil: How Ordinary People Commit Genocide and Mass Killing (9780195189490): Books[/ame]

This is interesting too; I am hoping this is turning around though.

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Authoritarian-Specter-Robert-Altemeyer/dp/0674053052/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1239196467&sr=1-2]Amazon.com: The Authoritarian Specter (9780674053052): Robert Altemeyer: Books[/ame]
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The sources you have quoted really do lack objectivity. If you want the truth I suggest you read some of the work published by Ernst Zündel. It is objective and historically accurate.

The sources you have quoted really do lack objectivity. If you want the truth I suggest you read some of the work published by Ernst Zündel. It is objective and historically accurate.
Who Is Ernst Zundel, And Why Is He In Jail?

By Mark Weber

For more than six months now, Ernst Zundel has been held without charge in solitary confinement in Canada on the pretext that he is a threat to national security. In fact, this 64-year-old German-born writer, publisher and civil rights activist is a political prisoner and a victim of great injustice.

Zundel was arrested at his home in Tennessee on Feb. 5, where he had been living peacefully with his wife, Ingrid Rimland, on the pretext that he missed an interview date with immigration authorities. Two weeks later he was deported to Canada, even though his wife is an American citizen.

Jewish groups are demanding that Zundel be deported to Germany, where he faces years of imprisonment for the “thought crime” of “denying the Holocaust.” (“Holocaust denial” is against the law in Germany, France, Switzerland and some other European countries.)

Zundel is in prison not because his views are unpopular, or because he’s a “security risk.” He’s in prison because Jewish groups want him there. He’s a prisoner because he promotes views that the Jewish-Zionist lobby considers harmful to its interests.

This lobby is the decisive, critical factor in the decades-old campaign to silence him. The only sustained and institutionalized effort to imprison him has come from this lobby, which includes the Simon Wiesenthal Center, the Canadian Jewish Congress, the Canadian Holocaust Remembrance Association, and the League for Human Rights of B’nai B’rith (with the Anti-Defamation League, its counterpart in the US).

A few prominent Canadians have been speaking out against the unjust treatment of Ernst Zundel.

One such person is Bill Dunphy, a veteran investigative journalist and editor for the daily Hamilton Spectator. He spent six years probing Canada’s “white supremacist” movement, and got to know Zundel personally. Although he has no sympathy for Zundel’s views, in a hard-hitting column (Hamilton Spectator, May 14) he told readers:

“Our government has seized and branded Ernst Zundel, stripped him of his human rights, tried him in secret and found him wanting, and will now hand him over to a foreign government anxious to throw him in jail...

Who Is Ernst Zundel, And Why Is He In Jail?
Herr Zundel was acquitted of spreading hate by the Supreme Court of Canada but ultimately was extridited back to Germany to face bogus charges levied against him by members of the ZOG.
The ZOG "thought police" who operate out of their zionist base camp called Israel. Is a world wide terrorist organization.
I agree with you my child but I also believe that Arabs are far worse than Jews. The Arab is a sneaky, treacherous, cowardly, little, brown skinned dog and they worship a pedophile a man who married a 7 year old girl.

The ZOG "thought police" who operate out of their zionist base camp called Israel. Is a world wide terrorist organization.
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btw I am not an arab nor your child.

But I do realize you priests like children.

I mean really, really, like children.

Especially, male children!! :eek:
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Your attempt at insulting me has failed my child. It is you and your people who worship a pedophile.
The Holocaust with its epic proportions of tragedy, suffering, and killings existed. The Nazis did indeed create an industrial mass-murder machine that ran its victims through like machine parts in a factory.

Any who deny are either (1) mentally feeble; (2) woefully ignorant; (3) motivated by malignancy; or (4) any combination of the above.

I think you should say Germans, Nazi's were ordinary German people. It was not only the Nazi party, the communist party of Germany supported the Nazi party to form the government of the people.

There were many people involved that did not belong to the Nazi party, the conditions and event that led to the Holocaust evolved long before the Nazi party came into exsistence.

I do not presume you do know this I just thought I would add this so others would know. Hell, even Jews willingly helped kill millions of jews, only to be killed themselves, ironic.

Your comments oversimplify what happened. I do agree that all should study the culture of anti-semitism in Europe that underwrote the holocaust. But, yes, verily, yes, it was the Nazi Party with Adolph Hitler at its head that created an industrialized mass murder machine, not the German people. I will fairly point out that some Jews served as kapos and trustees in the labor, concentration, and mass murder camps, hoping to live and perhaps escape the ultimate penalty. Most did not.

Who was in the Nazi party if it was not the German people.
The Nazis were guilty of illegally rigging elections, invading countries, and bombing innocent children and women. If you weren't "with them" than you were "against them". Sound familiar ???????

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