Why did the holocaust occur?

Why did the holocaust occur. Its a simple answer that is hard for sane intelligent people to get their head around. Hatred for another man simply because they have different ideas. We can see examples of this irrational behavior.

Here is an example of the hatred right from Sunniman

I am sure all of the children in your neighborhood also fear meeting your pedophile ass in a dark alley

Imagine what this man may do given different times and different circumstances. I can see the hatred, can I understand, nope, how do you understand irrationality and hatred.

Why did the holocaust occur?

You know why it happened David. We have covered this ground already. The reason is that no Jew nor any supporter of Jews stepped up to the plate with a tenth of the balls of your typical palistinian suicide bomber and was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Might beg to differ with you on that one Huggy.........ever hear of the Jewish Resistance that was in the ghettos fighting against the Nazis? How's about Anne Frank (whose family was part of the resistance), as well as Oscar Schindler.

I'd kinda say that those people had just as many balls (if not more) than your basic terrorist IsLAME asshole.

I'm not a super jew hater.. I don't care for thier rudeness..don't give a crap about Israel one way or the other as long as they stay the fuck out of our way and our business. Same rules apply to any other nation.

I learned to fly ..stole a twin from boeing field in Seattle and flew it all over the western hemiphere for quite a while before getting caught. I know a little about clandestine operations. If a goofball like me could do it just for fun and profit I shudder to think what is possible when all of the lives of everyone you know and care about is on the line.
I'd have say at the very least they dropped the fuckin ball.

Better re read Gibran. You choose to lead..you choose to follow..you choose to be a victim..as well as choose to victimise.
Here is an example of the hatred right from Sunniman

I am sure all of the children in your neighborhood also fear meeting your pedophile ass in a dark alley
You do realize my response was to a physical threat GHook made to me in a rep he sent me?

A physical threat requires someone to be in your presence, its characterizations like that you make in your posts,\ based on how you feel not facts that make you such an easy target when someone posts facts.

I dont take references to children and pedophiles lightly, to use such references because of something someone said in "neg rep" is pretty low by any standard, no matter the reason.

If you think the same after reading this I will delete all my bullshit across a dozen posts if you do the same. Fair enough.
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The picture posted depicts dead people and it is FALSE. The Jews have been fabricating similar photographic evidence for years. It's all lies. There was NO, repeat NO mass extermination of people before or during WW II by the German people or representatives of the German people.
The so called holocaust is a huge fraud used by the zionists to gain sympathy for Israel.

It has become a huge money making cash cow, that rakes in billions of dollars from around the world.

People are taught the holohoax myth as children and must believe it 100%

In many countries it is against the law to question the holohoax. And you will go to prison if you do.

Even in democratic countries, freedom of speech is denied when it come to discussion of the so called holocaust.

Why is this?

What are they afraid of?

You are a cowardly fuck! You will write garbage on my visitor board, but yours is closed! Worthless coward! God help you if we ever meet in a dark alley!


Anyone else hear Mort Goldman when reading this? Come on, nose job, tell us about how you hate the word CREAMS.

What extermination are you people talking about?

Per World Almanac figures the Jew population INCREASED by 584,549 between 1941 and 1948. So, this being the case, where did the 6,000,000 dead go?
What extermination are you people talking about?

Per World Almanac figures the Jew population INCREASED by 584,549 between 1941 and 1948. So, this being the case, where did the 6,000,000 dead go?

Why did the holocaust occur?

You know why it happened David. We have covered this ground already. The reason is that no Jew nor any supporter of Jews stepped up to the plate with a tenth of the balls of your typical palistinian suicide bomber and was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Might beg to differ with you on that one Huggy.........ever hear of the Jewish Resistance that was in the ghettos fighting against the Nazis? How's about Anne Frank (whose family was part of the resistance), as well as Oscar Schindler.

Even the radical zionists don't mention the fraudlent Anne Frank story.

It has been basically proven a money making hoax.

proven by who?
here's what i'm seeing, yukon is sayin ignorant hatefull bullshit to get a rise because he's bored, and you're all biting. just ignore his dumbass comments and you'll feel better
I took an interest in this a long time ago. And, it really got my attention. Although I am not a Jew.

The Holocaust was an extreme event. But, every generation of Jews has had their "holocaust". Not as great as Nazi Germany, but each generation of Jews, for over 2000 years suffered at the hands of non-Jews.

It was a regular thing.

The Holocaust that Germans conducted was a culmination of history, in a way. It should not be seen as a surprise.

The thing is, it should never happen again. And, the Jews will not lay down anymore.
I took an interest in this a long time ago. And, it really got my attention. Although I am not a Jew.

The Holocaust was an extreme event. But, every generation of Jews has had their "holocaust". Not as great as Nazi Germany, but each generation of Jews, for over 2000 years suffered at the hands of non-Jews.

It was a regular thing.

The Holocaust that Germans conducted was a culmination of history, in a way. It should not be seen as a surprise.

The thing is, it should never happen again. And, the Jews will not lay down anymore.

Very True!!!

In reality I do wish my ancestors choose Christ or honestly forced to convert! I wish I could convince my wife to at least let our children choose Christ! Religion to me is baseless and illogical, so in reality why would anyone let it be a handicap!
I took an interest in this a long time ago. And, it really got my attention. Although I am not a Jew.

The Holocaust was an extreme event. But, every generation of Jews has had their "holocaust". Not as great as Nazi Germany, but each generation of Jews, for over 2000 years suffered at the hands of non-Jews.

It was a regular thing.

The Holocaust that Germans conducted was a culmination of history, in a way. It should not be seen as a surprise.

The thing is, it should never happen again. And, the Jews will not lay down anymore.

Very True!!!

In reality I do wish my ancestors choose Christ or honestly forced to convert! I wish I could convince my wife to at least let our children choose Christ! Religion to me is baseless and illogical, so in reality why would anyone let it be a handicap!
um, who is stopping you from being an atheist?
if you dont believe, you dont have to be anything

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