Why did the holocaust occur?

The Nazis were guilty of illegally rigging elections, invading countries, and bombing innocent children and women. If you weren't "with them" than you were "against them". Sound familiar ???????

Yep, the damned clintons and the democrat party.

Not to mention the Canadians fiasco with Rwanda, canada's turn to step up to the plate and their General does nothing, the Canadians dont send troops or nothing to support him. That sounds like crimes the NAZIs would commit as well.
Isn't there a genocide going on right now, in Africa?

Yes, but David doesn't care about them since they're black and not Jewish.

I don't like how David refers to it as the holocaust as if there was only one.

How many times do Americans want to talk about how the U.S. Govt and many of her citizens committed genocide against the Indians?

Their population went from 12 million in 1500 to barely 237,000 in 1900.

Um, seeing how the meaning of the word holocaust means to completey destroy fire, has there been another situation where millions of people were destroyed by fire? If not, then your dislike for Davids use of the word is misplaced and ignorant.

There is no holocaust in Africa, but there is genocide going on. The genocide of the Jews during WW2 was nicknamed "the holocaust" because they used ovens to burn their bodies. There are no ovens burning bodies in Africa, therefore the word genocide is used. They are different words... get it? Ok, you are free to squirm in your embarrassment now, as the adults discuss this topic.
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I don't believe there is any question that is so simple yet that requires such a complex answer.

On another message board more relating to photography, a photographer had unveiled a new, quite excellent body of work that exhibited portraits of holocaust survivors. One critic had this to say about the subject matter:

To be perfectly frank I see no point in adding yet another body of work -even a work as masterful as this clearly is -to the subject of the Holocaust that is devoid of any serious analysis of the question of why. A million volumes have already been written and they all with few exceptions primarily function to shroud the episode in mystery, rendering the subject broadly incomprehensible and in so doing, serving to intellectually disarm any meaningful resistance to its future resuscitation.

The discussion of politics is not allowed on that forum, so I thought I would turn the discussion over to here, where there are quite a few intelligent people on this forum.

So, why do YOU think the holocaust happened? Give whatever realist or phillisophical belief you might have on why it occurred.

Also, I know there are deniers out there who believe the holocaust never happened and we've got your story down - thank you. I also know there are one or two neo-nazis/skinheads/racists on this forum, again thank you, we know you hate Jews. This discussion is not for you and I would thank you if you kept out of it.

I don't have time to look through all these posts and someone may have already presented this but it comes down to one (totally debunked) area of "science", Eugenics in combination with generations of racial hatred and collective racial stereotyping. The Nazis took Eugenics to the extreme. The true complexity derives from each individual's personal rationalizations for their participation, passive or active and the historical development of Eugenics in Germany up to the introduction and application of the final solution.
I don't believe there is any question that is so simple yet that requires such a complex answer.

On another message board more relating to photography, a photographer had unveiled a new, quite excellent body of work that exhibited portraits of holocaust survivors. One critic had this to say about the subject matter:

To be perfectly frank I see no point in adding yet another body of work -even a work as masterful as this clearly is -to the subject of the Holocaust that is devoid of any serious analysis of the question of why. A million volumes have already been written and they all with few exceptions primarily function to shroud the episode in mystery, rendering the subject broadly incomprehensible and in so doing, serving to intellectually disarm any meaningful resistance to its future resuscitation.

The discussion of politics is not allowed on that forum, so I thought I would turn the discussion over to here, where there are quite a few intelligent people on this forum.

So, why do YOU think the holocaust happened? Give whatever realist or phillisophical belief you might have on why it occurred.

Also, I know there are deniers out there who believe the holocaust never happened and we've got your story down - thank you. I also know there are one or two neo-nazis/skinheads/racists on this forum, again thank you, we know you hate Jews. This discussion is not for you and I would thank you if you kept out of it.

I don't have time to look through all these posts and someone may have already presented this but it comes down to one (totally debunked) area of "science", Eugenics in combination with generations of racial hatred and collective racial stereotyping. The Nazis took Eugenics to the extreme. The true complexity derives from each individual's personal rationalizations for their participation, passive or active and the historical development of Eugenics in Germany up to the introduction and application of the final solution.

After I looked up the definition of Eugenics I pretty much agree with your post, simple but actually kind of consice. I guess I need to look up a bit more on Eugenics to really know what your talking about but I believe I get the general idea. What I dont understand and maybe I just aint reading the sentence correctly is how you state "(totally debunked)". Does that not mean this area of science is irrelevant or false?
Why did the holocaust occur?

Because it could.

That it could says more about those who wouldn't stop it than those who could make it happen.
I don't believe there is any question that is so simple yet that requires such a complex answer.

On another message board more relating to photography, a photographer had unveiled a new, quite excellent body of work that exhibited portraits of holocaust survivors. One critic had this to say about the subject matter:

The discussion of politics is not allowed on that forum, so I thought I would turn the discussion over to here, where there are quite a few intelligent people on this forum.

So, why do YOU think the holocaust happened? Give whatever realist or phillisophical belief you might have on why it occurred.

Also, I know there are deniers out there who believe the holocaust never happened and we've got your story down - thank you. I also know there are one or two neo-nazis/skinheads/racists on this forum, again thank you, we know you hate Jews. This discussion is not for you and I would thank you if you kept out of it.

I don't have time to look through all these posts and someone may have already presented this but it comes down to one (totally debunked) area of "science", Eugenics in combination with generations of racial hatred and collective racial stereotyping. The Nazis took Eugenics to the extreme. The true complexity derives from each individual's personal rationalizations for their participation, passive or active and the historical development of Eugenics in Germany up to the introduction and application of the final solution.

After I looked up the definition of Eugenics I pretty much agree with your post, simple but actually kind of consice. I guess I need to look up a bit more on Eugenics to really know what your talking about but I believe I get the general idea. What I dont understand and maybe I just aint reading the sentence correctly is how you state "(totally debunked)". Does that not mean this area of science is irrelevant or false?

Yes. If you need an example of someone who still believes in it just read any of Yukon's posts.
The Nazis believed they (Aryans) were the most evolved race, hence the master race. The ones who by evolutionary standards had the right (survival of the fittest) to do what ever they deemed necessary in dealing with everyone else. Almost all of Nazi "science" was directed along this vein.
The sources you have quoted really do lack objectivity. If you want the truth I suggest you read some of the work published by Ernst Zündel. It is objective and historically accurate.

Amazon.com: Sanctions for Evil Sources of Social Destructiveness: Nevitt & Comstock, Craig Sanford: Books

(this author is married to a Jewish women therefore biased)

Amazon.com: Becoming Evil: How Ordinary People Commit Genocide and Mass Killing (9780195189490): Books

(this author is Jewish therefore biased)

I'm not sure that any debate would change people like you, but you are obviously not very honest as James Waller wrote, "As a Christian scholar, I believe the concept of social evil -- whether it is racial prejudice, collective violence, or more general issues of social injustice -- to be one of the most pivotal spiritual challenges we face. As such, it is a central issue around which serious scholarship and public conversation should be centered. I plan to use opportunities afforded by the Lindaman Chair position to encourage such work in a number of ways."

And "Sanctions for Evil," contains many authors who are not Jewish or not married to Jewish women, which is really an odd complaint and not an argument against fact.

Holocaust deniers amaze me, well actually not - My father in law was among the first soldiers in Mulhausen, you guys should talk to him. Would it help? Nah, because your beliefs are not based in reason.

I think humans find it hard to face the fact humans can be evil and often refuse to see the past as it was. Germany could not face the loss of WW1 and required an excuse for what went wrong. People do that, it is as perennial as the grass. So someone needs to be blamed, some foe needs to be named, and some foe needs to hated for why else are things as they are.

"We first kill people with our minds, before we kill them with weapons. Whatever the conflict, the enemy is always the destroyer. We're on God's side; they're barbaric. We're good, they're evil. War gives us a feeling of moral clarity that we lack at other times." Sam Keen

Waller's book is excellent for those interested in a study of evil as he lists many with horrendous detail.
The so called holocaust is a huge fraud used by the zionists to gain sympathy for Israel.

It has become a huge money making cash cow, that rakes in billions of dollars from around the world.

People are taught the holohoax myth as children and must believe it 100%

In many countries it is against the law to question the holohoax. And you will go to prison if you do.

Even in democratic countries, freedom of speech is denied when it come to discussion of the so called holocaust.

Why is this?

What are they afraid of?
BRAVO to my stinking, rotting, disgusting, allah worshipping Arab friend...BRAVO !

You finally got soemthing right:

The so called holocaust is a huge fraud used by the zionists to gain sympathy for Israel.

It has become a huge money making cash cow, that rakes in billions of dollars from around the world.

People are taught the holohoax myth as children and must believe it 100%

In many countries it is against the law to question the holohoax. And you will go to prison if you do.

Even in democratic countries, freedom of speech is denied when it come to discussion of the so called holocaust.

Why is this?

What are they afraid of?
Nice.........Sunnidiot and Yakking One are going to form their own little racist club.

Shit........invite Chucked Ass and you'll have your own little Rainbow Coalition of hate!
If you are talking about the so called Holocaust of the Jews, then the answer is simple.

During WWI the Jewish bankers had sold out Germany causing the humiliation and defeat of Germany.

The average German citizen knew this and hated the Jews for it.

When Hitler came along and voiced what everyone knew but were afraid to say.

He became wildly popular and was able to round up the traitorous Jews and put them in camps.

The average German supported the cleansing of society from Jewish decadence and immorality.

Vile shit. Not unexpected from a guy calling himself "Sunni Man," of course.

But vile all the same.
Why did the holocaust occur?

You know why it happened David. We have covered this ground already. The reason is that no Jew nor any supporter of Jews stepped up to the plate with a tenth of the balls of your typical palistinian suicide bomber and was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice.
Without a doubt the Muslims would have been the victims of the Holocaust. In all of Europe there are less than 1 mil Jews, back in the 30s and 40s there were 9 mil Jews. Back in the 30-40s the only identifiable minority in Europe really were the Jews! Therefore they are the clear and easy target!

That is not case now there are 53 mil Muslim in Europe and 16 mil alone in EU countries!
islam.de / Newsinternational / In Europa leben gegen­wärtig knapp 53 Millionen Muslime

There are 4.3 million Muslims in Germany, far higher than the Jews in the 30-40s!
Studie: Deutlich mehr Muslime in Deutschland | Deutschland | Deutsche Welle | 23.06.2009

So who would have been Hitler's scapegoat? The Muslims would have been slaughtered like sheep! Its not out of the question happening in the near future. Muslims are flooding into Europe. Their numbers are growing and agitation between native Europeans and Muslim immigrates is not that great!

So Sunni Man don't toss stones from a glass house!
Nice.........Sunnidiot and Yakking One are going to form their own little racist club.

Shit........invite Chucked Ass and you'll have your own little Rainbow Coalition of hate!
As I have stated before ABikerSailor.

I am 100% against racism, in any way, shape or form.

Racism is based on stupidity and pure ignorance. :evil:
To disagree is not racist, to express a differing opinion is not racist. It is freedom.
Nice.........Sunnidiot and Yakking One are going to form their own little racist club.

Shit........invite Chucked Ass and you'll have your own little Rainbow Coalition of hate!
As I have stated before ABikerSailor.

I am 100% against racism, in any way, shape or form.

Racism is based on stupidity and pure ignorance. :evil:

Well......based on the posts that you and Yakking One have put on here, you are both stupid as well as ignorant of how the world really works.

Yep.......I guess you dumb ignorant fuckers qualify as racists as well!
Why did the holocaust occur?

You know why it happened David. We have covered this ground already. The reason is that no Jew nor any supporter of Jews stepped up to the plate with a tenth of the balls of your typical palistinian suicide bomber and was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Might beg to differ with you on that one Huggy.........ever hear of the Jewish Resistance that was in the ghettos fighting against the Nazis? How's about Anne Frank (whose family was part of the resistance), as well as Oscar Schindler.

I'd kinda say that those people had just as many balls (if not more) than your basic terrorist IsLAME asshole.
Why did the holocaust occur?

You know why it happened David. We have covered this ground already. The reason is that no Jew nor any supporter of Jews stepped up to the plate with a tenth of the balls of your typical palistinian suicide bomber and was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Might beg to differ with you on that one Huggy.........ever hear of the Jewish Resistance that was in the ghettos fighting against the Nazis? How's about Anne Frank (whose family was part of the resistance), as well as Oscar Schindler.

Even the radical zionists don't mention the fraudlent Anne Frank story.

It has been basically proven a money making hoax.

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