Why did the holocaust occur?

Over half the states of Europe now criminalize Holocaust denial. They accept the premise that deniers are extremists who use denial, among other means, to rehabilitate Nazism. Their legal rationale in doing so is usually that denial negates the historical facts established at Nuremburg in 1945 rather than that it constitutes offensive or threatening speech. International agreements take the same line and this was reinforced and given a legal basis in April 2007 by the EU Common Framework Decision, which requires European states to criminalize denial. Legislation, however, has not stopped extremists from continuing to promote Holocaust denial and they are now joined and invigorated by Iran, which promotes it as state policy. Nevertheless, states now accept that Holocaust education is vital and several intergovernmental initiatives offer hope for the future.
Institute for Global Jewish Affairs – Global Antisemitism, Anti-Israelism, Jewish Studies

I'm really thinking almost everything about you is complete bullshit, Sunni Man.

Why do you say that?

Because I don't believe in the Anne Frank fraud?

Just google Anne Frank hoax or fraud, and tons of info comes up showing that the official story is not quite as solid as people have been led to believe.

You can release yourself from this thrall. You'll find it liberating if you accept that the evidence is clear, that the Nazis perpetrated genocide - on various groups - and that in particular the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question" is an historical fact. Once you accept that then you can move on.

You can launch blistering attacks on Israeli foreign policy and its domestic policies such as new settlements which are apparently proscribed by law but which are going ahead anyway. You'll be able to put forward your views without anyone thinking that you're an agent provocateur who has adopted the persona of a Muslim convert (aren't you getting bored with it by now?) to stir shit. But right now every time you post something like this it convinces people that you're just another one of those seriously fucked up denialist types and anything you write which may have some sort of content validity relative to current affairs is being seen through that prism.
There is no point in discussing how and why the Holocaust occurred with a Holocaust denier and anti-semite.
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I believe that the Nazi's were racists and hate mongers who tried to spread their insane ideology to all of Europe.

Thankfully, they were defeated and the Nazi's and their movement was discredited.

That being said,

I don't see how denying the official holocaust story from a historical perspective, make's a person a nazi sympathizer?
I believe that the Nazi's were racists and hate mongers who tried to spread their insane ideology to all of Europe.

Thankfully, they were defeated and the Nazi's and their movement was discredited.

That being said,

I don't see how denying the official holocaust story from a historical perspective, make's a person a nazi sympathizer?

You might not be, but there are those with malice in their hearts who want to rehabilitate Nazism and part of that insidious process is in trying to prove that the Nazis didn't try to eradicate various racial, religious and ethnic groups in Europe.
I believe that the Nazi's were racists and hate mongers who tried to spread their insane ideology to all of Europe.

Thankfully, they were defeated and the Nazi's and their movement was discredited.

That being said,

I don't see how denying the official holocaust story from a historical perspective, make's a person a nazi sympathizer?

You might not be, but there are those with malice in their hearts who want to rehabilitate Nazism and part of that insidious process is in trying to prove that the Nazis didn't try to eradicate various racial, religious and ethnic groups in Europe.

Actually Sunni is ... or at least was like a few hours ago ... it just flipflops whenever there is something to be gained from it. Though it never actually gains anything because ... well ... hell, even Allie is smarter than him.
This is a serious and important topic and it's annoying to see it derailed by Sunni Man over and over,
Over half the states of Europe now criminalize Holocaust denial. They accept the premise that deniers are extremists who use denial, among other means, to rehabilitate Nazism. Their legal rationale in doing so is usually that denial negates the historical facts established at Nuremburg in 1945 rather than that it constitutes offensive or threatening speech. International agreements take the same line and this was reinforced and given a legal basis in April 2007 by the EU Common Framework Decision, which requires European states to criminalize denial. Legislation, however, has not stopped extremists from continuing to promote Holocaust denial and they are now joined and invigorated by Iran, which promotes it as state policy. Nevertheless, states now accept that Holocaust education is vital and several intergovernmental initiatives offer hope for the future.
Institute for Global Jewish Affairs – Global Antisemitism, Anti-Israelism, Jewish Studies

Criminalizing what someone believes is bullshit.
Don't look at me, I didn't suggest it. But I think the fact that most of the WWII was fought in Europe and impacted Europeans may have impacted their sensitivity to Holocaust denial.

They lived it, they saw it. Denying what happened is the new anti-semitism.
I believe that the Nazi's were racists and hate mongers who tried to spread their insane ideology to all of Europe.

Thankfully, they were defeated and the Nazi's and their movement was discredited.

That being said,

I don't see how denying the official holocaust story from a historical perspective, make's a person a nazi sympathizer?

You might not be, but there are those with malice in their hearts who want to rehabilitate Nazism and part of that insidious process is in trying to prove that the Nazis didn't try to eradicate various racial, religious and ethnic groups in Europe.
As I told Sky Dancer when we first meet on another Forum a long time ago. That was before she turned against me.

I am a white man married to a black woman.

So why would anyone think I would support the Nazis's or any other Aryan group?

They hate my wife, and would refer to my children as "mud babbies".

I deny the official holocaust story based on my own research, and not because of any special ideology or particular group.

To me the so called holocaust is not a clear cut case and needs further historical examination.

What's wrong with that?
I believe that the Nazi's were racists and hate mongers who tried to spread their insane ideology to all of Europe.

Thankfully, they were defeated and the Nazi's and their movement was discredited.

That being said,

I don't see how denying the official holocaust story from a historical perspective, make's a person a nazi sympathizer?

You might not be, but there are those with malice in their hearts who want to rehabilitate Nazism and part of that insidious process is in trying to prove that the Nazis didn't try to eradicate various racial, religious and ethnic groups in Europe.
As I told Sky Dancer when we first meet on another Forum a long time ago. That was before she turned against me.

I am a white man married to a black woman.

So why would anyone think I would support the Nazis's or any other Aryan group?

They hate my wife, and would refer to my children as "mud babbies".

I deny the official holocaust story based on my own research, and not because of any special ideology or particular group.

To me the so called holocaust is not a clear cut case and needs further historical examination.

What's wrong with that?
then your research is flawed
Don't look at me, I didn't suggest it. But I think the fact that most of the WWII was fought in Europe and impacted Europeans may have impacted their sensitivity to Holocaust denial.

They lived it, they saw it. Denying what happened is the new anti-semitism.

How about the exact DETAILS of what happened ? Do you get thrown in Der Schlammer in Germany if you say you think only 5,999,999 Jews were killed by the Nazis ? What the official poop that is so sacred that you cannot question it ?
Over half the states of Europe now criminalize Holocaust denial. They accept the premise that deniers are extremists who use denial, among other means, to rehabilitate Nazism. Their legal rationale in doing so is usually that denial negates the historical facts established at Nuremburg in 1945 rather than that it constitutes offensive or threatening speech. International agreements take the same line and this was reinforced and given a legal basis in April 2007 by the EU Common Framework Decision, which requires European states to criminalize denial. Legislation, however, has not stopped extremists from continuing to promote Holocaust denial and they are now joined and invigorated by Iran, which promotes it as state policy. Nevertheless, states now accept that Holocaust education is vital and several intergovernmental initiatives offer hope for the future.
Institute for Global Jewish Affairs – Global Antisemitism, Anti-Israelism, Jewish Studies

Criminalizing what someone believes is bullshit.

It's not criminal in my country.
As I told Sky Dancer when we first meet on another Forum a long time ago. That was before she turned against me.

I am a white man married to a black woman.

So why would anyone think I would support the Nazis's or any other Aryan group?

They hate my wife, and would refer to my children as "mud babbies".

I deny the official holocaust story based on my own research, and not because of any special ideology or particular group.

To me the so called holocaust is not a clear cut case and needs further historical examination.

What's wrong with that?

Your antecedents have nothing to do with the validity of your argument one way or the other, let me make that clear. Also me me make it clear that you're entitled to your views. You're also entitled to have those views - not you - attacked on the basis that they have no basis in fact and are revisionist. Nothing personal, just attacking your views.
How about the exact DETAILS of what happened ? Do you get thrown in Der Schlammer in Germany if you say you think only 5,999,999 Jews were killed by the Nazis ? What the official poop that is so sacred that you cannot question it ?

No, you just get remedial maths.

But now you're nitpicking, reminds me of the old joke about the woman who thought she wasn't a prostitute.

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