Why did they let it happen ?

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
We're going to play along and post this in conspiracy theory but as usual there will be an imaginary Pop Quiz Monday kids so study up.

Ray McGinnis joins Andy Steele to discuss some recent revelations regarding the CIA and others' involvement, including the Saudi government.
Like "Solar Cycle" in climate change debate, those behind fraud and treason put out bullshit for people who notice fraud to chase down and parrot to make it easy to "discredit skeptics" later....

There was only one plane on 911, a 767 cargo version CIA drone that hit the South Tower.

There were NO HIJACKERS.

North Tower = blew up from inside, nothing hit it
Pentagon = cruise missile
Shanksville - nothing, a ditch was dug, filled with metal junk, dosed with gasoline, and set fire for a rigged media clip
EMH go to 38:00 where he talks about Tim Osman ? .... ( whatever Osama bin Laden name was when he was a CIA asset)

Thanks. My PC sound is out.

Col Tim Osman was a CIA asset deployed to disrupt the then Soviet occupation of Afghan. When the Soviets left, the CIA recalled the team, but Osman stayed. One of the CIA from that team identified "Osama" as him right after 911.

A better summary...

When initially asked if he did 911, Tim answered no.

Then they got to him, and he came out and said, yes, but he didn't understand how the towers would fall if hit by jet planes....

CIA ASSET or "religious leader?"

Not even close...

No photos of "Osama" in Saudi. Three of Col Osman from KGB.
Thanks. My PC sound is out.

Col Tim Osman was a CIA asset deployed to disrupt the then Soviet occupation of Afghan. When the Soviets left, the CIA recalled the team, but Osman stayed. One of the CIA from that team identified "Osama" as him right after 911.

A better summary...

When initially asked if he did 911, Tim answered no.

Then they got to him, and he came out and said, yes, but he didn't understand how the towers would fall if hit by jet planes....

CIA ASSET or "religious leader?"

Not even close...

No photos of "Osama" in Saudi. Three of Col Osman from KGB.
Can you get YouTube on a smartphone or TV?
If you look in some of the bigger pawn shops you can find pretty good laptops for under $150
Can you get YouTube on a smartphone or TV?

When I get the chance I'll watch, but the 911 issue is one I lived through and observed from a thorough perspective. Any questions on 911, just ask.

There were no hijackers. Those "hijackers" were a Saudi soccer team killed in a bus crash years before 911.
When I get the chance I'll watch, but the 911 issue is one I lived through and observed from a thorough perspective. Any questions on 911, just ask.

There were no hijackers. Those "hijackers" were a Saudi soccer team killed in a bus crash years before 911.
That guy talks about a lot of that stuff in the interview including an Al-Qaeda banquet or some kind of big meeting they had in Canada they weren't allowed into. I mean I know it's gotten crazy out there but that's off the hook there.... and about how they were Saudi operatives helping to build the NSA headquarters in Maryland before 9/11
That guy talks about a lot of that stuff in the interview including an Al-Qaeda banquet or some kind of big meeting they had in Canada they weren't allowed into. I mean I know it's gotten crazy out there but that's off the hook there.... and about how they were Saudi operatives helping to build the NSA headquarters in Maryland before 9/11

Explains why Crown Prince bin Salman was Epstein's #1 customer on the island. And why it is SO IMPORTANT for the US to defend Saudi according to Israel's biggest supporters...

Explains why Crown Prince bin Salman was Epstein's #1 customer on the island. And why it is SO IMPORTANT for the US to defend Saudi according to Israel's biggest supporters...
Anyway ....I just like to see people educate themselves and watch the video. Maybe learn something new.... listen to what they say and form their own opinions. Too many people are believing lies out there and not using critical thinking to see things for what they are.

All you have to do is look at the trillion dollar a year Security State to see why they let it happen because they wanted it to happen.

By the way 40 years ago the national debt was under $1 trillion dollars. After 9/11 it went from $5 trillion to $32 trillion now....and spiraling up under bad leaders.
After 9/11 it went from $5 trillion to $32 trillion now....and spiraling up under bad leaders.

The GOP was the party of fiscal conservatism until 1998, when it switched to big government, big spending, and selling out everything to the cause of Zionist Fascism.
The GOP was the party of fiscal conservatism until 1998, when it switched to big government, big spending, and selling out everything to the cause of Zionist Fascism.
I advise everyone to go back and watch Wall Street. Try to ignore some of the corny lines and bad acting and see it as a historical reference on the financial situation in America in 1985.
I advise everyone to go back and watch Wall Street. Try to ignore some of the corny lines and bad acting and see it as a historical reference on the financial situation in America in 1985.

Newt Gingrich was the last Republican to care about fiscal conservatism, which is why the Zionist 911 W "Biden Republicans" got rid of him, and opened Pandora's box of big government deficit spending....
Newt Gingrich was the last Republican to care about fiscal conservatism, which is why the Zionist 911 W "Biden Republicans" got rid of him, and opened Pandora's box of big government deficit spending....
This is bigger than that even - WEF....then
You've got Klaus Shwab who is actually Henry Kissinger's boy ,,,,, almost a hundred Now isn't he? Their boy King Charles is all in.....

Now we have the CDC at the whim of Pfizer preparing to try to jab our kids with that God forsaken covid vaccine which doesn't work and it's harmful and it's unnecessary for children anyway in the first place.

Hopefully by the time Trump is re-elected in about a year and a half all the smart Americans will have their kids home schooled and not brainwashed by our public trans system.

Wasn't Moderna a CIA front at first ? Then we find out from the Russians that we've had biolabs in the Ukraine all this time.
Then we find out from the Russians that we've had biolabs in the Ukraine all this time.

When the subject is truth about the CIA, we get more truth from Russia than anything else...

Trump is not a bad guy or a crook, but he is not a fiscal conservative. He handed is last two budgets to Schumer and said have at it, I'll sign it...
Have you heard this ?
The leaders in Russia's space agency can't find an American flag or any evidence of the moon landing.

No, but that's been out there, and at least one of the Moon trips appears to have been a tape of another one...

Space travel today should be about robots like one we landed on Mars, not people. Too expensive. When W promised a man on Mars, I just thought what a typical brainless moron suggestion that is 500 fold more expensive than sending a rover. We could have rovers all over the solar system, and we should, because they are relatively cheap and provide really good info and do not require food, oxygen, and water...

Russia is not to be trusted blindly. But Russia has told us the truth about JFK (that LBJ did it) and 911 (Israel, us and the saudis).

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