Why did Trump support that pervert in Alabamy?

Why is he a pervert? Although my state of birth, I did not and do not follow Alabama politics...
why is he a pervert?

i'm gifted at visual prejudice
Lets support the religoius fascist that wishes to destroy peoples lives for his god just like in Turkey or Iran,.

You're evil Wolfstrike. Pure evil. Keep it to your self man.
i'd rather support the Ten Commandments judge

A woman called Rush today and pointed out the reason...

the guy is going to be in the Senate till December.....he needs the guy to not be another john mccain. Also.....Roy Moore is a Trump supporter, so Trump won either way.
Trump promised Strange that if he supported the health care bill, he would campaign for him, is my best guess.
Trump already apologized

He was wrong. He admitted it.

People love Trump but if globalists and neo cons in the White House,( why has he surrounded himself with that scum? ) advise him wrongly, America will let Trump know he is following wrong advice.

Exactly like it happened with Moore! ;)
Which pervert? One is a McConnell guy and the other is a religious bigot. I am glad I didn't have to make the choice.
Isn't the term "Alabamy' some sort of a racist slur? How was Luther Strange a pervert?

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