Why Didn't Mary Just Tell Them?

You don't remember correctly. The Angell Gabriel appeared to Joseph and told him long before Mary became pregnant. Joseph was told to care for her and protect her.

That's not quite how I remember it, though it's been a while since I've read it.

As I remember, Joseph didn't learn what was going on until after it became obvious that Mary was pregnant; and that there were three options available to a man in the position in which he found himself…

  1. He could condemn her for adultery, and she would be stoned to death.
  2. He could discretely end the engagement, and she'd be allowed to live.
  3. He could claim the child as his own, continue with the marriage process, and be considered the father of the child.

I remember it being stated that Joseph was of a mind to take that second option, to privately end his engagement to Mary; that it was after being visited by an angel, who told him what was going on, that he decided instead to take the third option, to continue with his marriage to Mary, and to claim and raise the child as his own.
All the New Testament was written by Jews except for Luke...
LOL and EDITED BY CONSTANTINE. It is important to read it
with some level of understanding -----which you ain't got. It says
somewhere in the NT that a young girl can be EXECUTED for being
pregnant? It says somewhere in the NT that UNCLE ZACHARIAH ---since
he was a "priest" could order the execution of Mary? Just what sort of
POWER did your sunday school lady tell you was or is in the hands of a "PRIEST"?
FYI------I am a levite-------what can I do since I am related to YOU KNOW WHO.
Try reading the book again-------reading the OT and NT is all I did----I have no
parochial training. (well-----I did attend sunday school about a dozen times)
That's not quite how I remember it, though it's been a while since I've read it.

As I remember, Joseph didn't learn what was going on until after it became obvious that Mary was pregnant; and that there were three options available to a man in the position in which he found himself…

  1. He could condemn her for adultery, and she would be stoned to death.
  2. He could discretely end the engagement, and she'd be allowed to live.
  3. He could claim the child as his own, continue with the marriage process, and be considered the father of the child.

I remember it being stated that Joseph was of a mind to take that second option, to privately end his engagement to Mary; that it was after being visited by an angel, who told him what was going on, that he decided instead to take the third option, to continue with his marriage to Mary, and to claim and raise the child as his own.
Bob is correct.
Bob is correct.
wrong again------Joseph could NOT condemn his wife to death for being pregnant. or
for anything else. Execution was ENTIRELY in the hands of the SANHEDRIN and pregnancy,
itself, was not proof of adultery. You guys are thinking of ROMAN LAW in which the
PATERFAMILIAS (roughly the "GODFATHER") has the power of life and death over the
entire household. Constantine----the editor of the NT-----was THE ROMAN EMPEROR.
Christian law is CLOSELY TIED TO ROMAN LAW. Interestingly----a roman husband COULD
kill a man who seduced his wife------and her
If I remember correctly when Mary was starting to show in her belly is when her parents and her husband Joseph started getting suspicious of her being pregnant because they knew that she hadn't slept with Joseph yet as I do believe she got pregnant before she was married. So, then shouldn't she have prepared them for it ahead of time? She had to have known that they were going to ask questions.
Doesn't this whole thing strike you kids a fishy? I mean, teenage girl, promised to a man, supposed to be a virgin and suddenly she's pregnant. Are we sure she didn't accidentally start the whole Jesus thing just to cover for her illicit boyfriend?
Doesn't this whole thing strike you kids a fishy? I mean, teenage girl, promised to a man, supposed to be a virgin and suddenly she's pregnant. Are we sure she didn't accidentally start the whole Jesus thing just to cover for her illicit boyfriend?

its a scriptural writing------not a comic book or a history book. The ongoing discussion is
entirely fanciful
Jews consider Jesus fanciful. Christians believe He is the Messiah. Jews won't consider Him relevant until He returns to the Mt. of Olives to prevent the Jews from being wiped off the face of the earth.
Jews consider Jesus fanciful. Christians believe He is the Messiah. Jews won't consider Him relevant until He returns to the Mt. of Olives to prevent the Jews from being wiped off the face of the earth.
oh yeah???-------the big battle at the mount of olives? -----it's just a hill----kinda
a big cemetary. When does that big AGGREGATION of the world's population of jews
on the mount of olive going to HAPPEN. Who will be attempting the giant
wiping off the face of the earth. SOUNDS EXCITING
Apparently, you haven't been listening to the Muslims in Iran. They want to (their words) wipe Israel off the face of the earth.

Here is where you are now:
For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in.

The age of the Gentiles is coming to an end. We are now watching Israel becoming a burdensome stone.
Israel will be a millstone, Jerusalem a cup of drunkeness to the enemies that surround her.
"Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples. Judah will be besieged, as well as Jerusalem

For I will gather all the nations for battle against Jerusalem, and the city will be captured, the houses looted, and the women ravished.

All nations will come against Israel. We are seeing a disdain for Israel now. Even the USA is backing Iran, and the rest of Israel's enemies. We want Israel portioned out to Hammas.
Israel will sign a false peace treaty.
They will build a new Temple.
They will start sacrificing animals again.
A Gentile leader will enter the Holy of Holies and declare himself God.
The shit will hit the fan. WW3 will be the result.
Christ returns to the Mt. of Olives. It will create an earthquake (along the fault that is under the Mt.)
Jews will run to Him and recognize Him, and will regret how they treated Him the first time around.
Jesus will take His place in their Temple and will rule and reign from there.

I'm not sure how exciting you think it's going to be. 1/3 of the Jews will be wiped out. And then a 1/3 of the remnant will die. Men's hearts will fail due to fear, not excitement. Life on earth hangs in the balance. But hey, to each his own...

Watch for the peace treaty, Rose...
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Apparently, you haven't been listening to the Muslims in Iran. They want to (their words) wipe Israel off the face of the earth.

Here is where you are now:
For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in.

The age of the Gentiles is coming to an end. We are now watching Israel becoming a burdensome stone.
Israel will be a millstone, Jerusalem a cup of drunkeness to the enemies that surround her.
For I will gather all the nations for battle against Jerusalem, and the city will be captured, the houses looted, and the women ravished.

All nations will come against Israel. We are seeing a disdain for Israel now. Even the USA is backing Iran, and the rest of Israel's enemies. We want Israel portioned out to Hammas.
Israel will sign a false peace treaty.
They will build a new Temple.
They will start sacrificing animals again.
A Gentile leader will enter the Holy of Holies and declare himself God.
The shit will hit the fan. WW3 will be the result.
Christ returns to the Mt. of Olives. It will create an earthquake (along the fault that is under the Mt.)
Jews will run to Him and recognize Him, and will regret how they treated Him the first time around.
Jesus will take His place in their Temple and will rule and reign from there.

Watch for a peace treaty, Rose...
got anymore of the crap that YOUR AUTHOR swallowed?. AS to the SHIT-----it hit the fan
when PIG CONSTANTINE became an author. He was the original author of the NUREMBURG
LAWS that legalize genocide. The world has been plagued with one genocide after the other
ever since the SON OF SLUT HELEN became king
The Irish Ram said:
Apparently, you haven't been listening to the Muslims in Iran. They want to (their words) wipe Israel off the face of the earth.

what else is new? the crap has been going on since Constantine and his mama
Helen the bitch. Muhummad just GORGED HIMSELF on the same shit
Ummmm NO. Try looking up Jewish marriage laws of that time. One of the ways a wife was "acquired" was through sex. You fuck her, she's your wife....especially if she gets preggo. And btw, generally these children obviously conceived before any formal marriage were called the CHILDREN of GOD. Mary got pregnant---waited till after it was obvious she was pregnant before officially married so she and Joseph got married (no ceremony needed) and the offspring since the timing didn't add up till she was officially joseph's wife was the Son of God. Don't have to worry about being stoned to death for it this way.

It was a KIND OF MARRIAGE------kinda like marriage by abduction (generally a mutual plan)
in order to bypass familial objections. THE CHILD of such a plot is entirely LEGIT. No one gets
stoned-------no stigma------just a disappointed DAD
a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person.

"estranged person", plural mamzerim) is a person who is born as the result of certain forbidden relationships or incest (as it is defined by the Bible), or the descendant of such a person. A child of a union not sanctioned by biblical law as interpreted by the rabbis.
You shun them. Your Laws, not mine.
If I remember correctly when Mary was starting to show in her belly is when her parents and her husband Joseph started getting suspicious of her being pregnant because they knew that she hadn't slept with Joseph yet as I do believe she got pregnant before she was married. So, then shouldn't she have prepared them for it ahead of time? She had to have known that they were going to ask questions.
Luke's Gospel tells us that the Angel informed Mary that her Cousin, Elizabeth, though thought barren, was in her sixth month, because nothing was impossible with God. Luke says that Mary hastily set out for the hill country to visit Elizabeth. This was probably a journey she had to arrange with another group of travelers for safety's sake, so what was 'in haste' for her isn't necessarily what haste means for us.

It is reasonable to think that Mary's older cousin might be able to provide some counsel as Elizabeth's pregnancy seemed to be ordained by God as well. How does one tell parents and betrothed she was pregnant?

Mary stayed with Elizabeth three months, then returned, which would be about the time she began to show.

Matthew's Gospel implies that Mary was not quite showing when Joseph learned of her pregnancy. (Joseph decided he did not want to expose her. Had she been noticeably pregnant, he wouldn't have had to "expose" her, everyone would be able to see for themselves.

I am guessing, Mary said she wanted to be with Elizabeth since her cousin was pregnant; consulted with Elizabeth; then returned home to tell her family and Joseph. Obviously, Joseph gave little credence to her story until his own dream.
a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person.

"estranged person", plural mamzerim) is a person who is born as the result of certain forbidden relationships or incest (as it is defined by the Bible), or the descendant of such a person. A child of a union not sanctioned by biblical law as interpreted by the rabbis.
You shun them. Your Laws, not mine.
Your extreme ignorance-----not mine. As to YOUR LAWS ------try to learn some of the
history of the people from which you descended. Getting back to little Mary----there was
no evidence that she committed adultery------she could have been raped ---(by one of your
holy Roman ancestors) which would render her and her baby innocent. Always remember---
The christian empire, until VERY RECENTLY, was THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE (your little
intra cult schisms are incidental)-----HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE with all the barbarity thereof. I
don't "shun" anyone. If ANYONE descended from the product of a RAPE amongst jews
got SHUNNED ------based on the number of rapes enacted by members of the HOLY ROMAN
EMPIRE------the entire tribe would be in a state of SHUNNED. There is one exception to that
which I described------the child produced by a RAPE of a married jewish woman cannot
marry a priest--------and that's about it
We've both been on this board a while now and never had cause to attack one another, and I see no reason to start now. Jews have their beliefs and Christians have theirs. We could argue til the cows come home and not be persuaded, so I'll end this with something I hope we both believe:
“love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind.”
If I remember correctly when Mary was starting to show in her belly is when her parents and her husband Joseph started getting suspicious of her being pregnant because they knew that she hadn't slept with Joseph yet as I do believe she got pregnant before she was married. So, then shouldn't she have prepared them for it ahead of time? She had to have known that they were going to ask questions.
If Mary is a Virgin, then Joseph is a Saint.

There are a number of reasons why we cannot deny these facts.
We've both been on this board a while now and never had cause to attack one another, and I see no reason to start now. Jews have their beliefs and Christians have theirs. We could argue til the cows come home and not be persuaded, so I'll end this with something I hope we both believe:
“love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind.”
You have PLENTY of cause to ATTACK----just as I was attacked by people like you----
little girls in plaid jumpers-----when I was five and walking home from Kindergarten.
They screamed as they threw rocks----YOU KILLED JESUS------the five year old sluts from
St Anne;s farted. It's your HERITAGE. I find it interesting that you ended your post with
a jewish prayer. An anecdote. I had a friend who was actually an "iranian kurdish jew"
Kurdish jews are known for being a bit "out of it" ---She was very bright. She had a KEY CHAIN
that had engraved thereon-----what I KNOW to be the "LORD'S PRAYER"---ie --our father who art
in heaven -----but wirtten in Hebrew. She was an orthodox jew so I told her "do you know
what this is"???? She looked at it and said---"a jewish prayer" "a nice lady gave it to me
at the airport" I did not even try to explain that she had been the victim of STEALTH
PROSELYTIZATION-----why aggravate her? PS-----the "SERMON ON THE MOUNT"---marks
Jesus for what he was-----a typical Pharisee jew. Don't tell your sunday school whore---she
might drop dead

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