Why do 83% of Russians support Putin?

This was China, Russia, Iran, India and Saudi Arabia plan all the long, so as much as I dislike Biden this has been building since George H.W. Bush days and now there is no way to stop it unless we want war…

I can't speak to how long or if India was involved as they sure gave Trump a warm reception in jan-Feb of 2020. They had Trump signs, Trump hats, the works. Must have spent millions.



But it sure seems likely now that Bedpan Joe has accelerated it if not set it into motion!
I can't speak to how long or if India was involved as they sure gave Trump a warm reception in jan-Feb of 2020. They had Trump signs, Trump hats, the works. Must have spent millions.

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But it sure seems likely now that Bedpan Joe has accelerated it if not set it into motion!
The only thing might stop India is China but if the two join forces with Iran and Russia while using Mexico as a puppet we are truly screwed!

I have been watching this game for so long the only way we can stop it is pull out of the majority of the world, build Canada, Mexico, Central and South America up and leave the rest of the World to defend for itself…

Can that be done?

No, and why?

So many people can not see the benefit of that plan and prefer the global agenda instead…
Russia has China and India to support them, so ask yourself are they truly worried?

This comment is not in support of Russia but reality of how this is playing out…

China supports North Korea
How is that working out

China is interested mostly in $$$$$
IOUs will only go so far
The only thing might stop India is China but if the two join forces with Iran and Russia while using Mexico as a puppet we are truly screwed!

I have been watching this game for so long the only way we can stop it is pull out of the majority of the world, build Canada, Mexico, Central and South America up and leave the rest of the World to defend for itself…

Can that be done?

No, and why?

So many people can not see the benefit of that plan and prefer the global agenda instead…
I see it entirely possible that this is all about the Globalist's move to take over right now, and Russia and China are going against it. This is not in anyway praising either Russia or China they are both evil empires. The current administration is certainly on the Globalist side and could be the ones behind the Ukraine/Russian war.
I see it entirely possible that this is all about the Globalist's move to take over right now, and Russia and China are going against it. This is not in anyway praising either Russia or China they are both evil empires. The current administration is certainly on the Globalist side and could be the ones behind the Ukraine/Russian war.
I live on a globe...you live on a globe. Until you mindless, tribal, nationalists figure that out, you will continue to embarrass yourself with simpleton comments.
I live on a globe...you live on a globe. Until you mindless, tribal, nationalists figure that out, you will continue to embarrass yourself with simpleton comments.
Well EXCUSE ME MASTER! You live in a country. That country has borders. figure that out.
Well EXCUSE ME MASTER! You live in a country. That country has borders. figure that out.
Go buy anything at Walmart and tell me what country it was made in. YOU DO NOT LIVE ON STASHMAN ISLAND.
It's becoming more and more clear that there are just many people who want an aggressive, hyper-nationalist, authoritarian strongman to lead them. They want to be led.

We've learned that here, since 2016.
isnt the president supposed to lead?....someday we might get a real leader....
Because Trump has nothing to do with Jim opinion piece.

Pootin is and will be a wanted man until his death either by old age, hanging or some other way, but a wanted man!

Nothing will change their mind because after many years dealing with savages like the Slavs of Russia I can tell ya this they enjoy misery!
went right over your head brucey.....
These are the Russians who support Putin and his war of genocide. Who do these people sound like?

‘….Lev Gudkov, a sociologist at Levada Center, a research group that tracks Russian public opinion, told me that about two-thirds of people nationwide approve of Mr. Putin’s actions in Ukraine.

It is a less-educated, older part of the population, mainly living in rural areas or in small and medium-sized cities, where the population is poorer and more dependent on power,” he said, referring to those who rely on public funds like pensions and state jobs. “They also receive their whole construction of reality exclusively from television.”

The Russians who support this war are the equivalent of our dimwitted Trumpers. It also explains why so many Trumpers support Putin and his war on the Ukraine. Same Birds of a feather.
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These are the Russians who support Putin and his war of genocide. Who do these people sound like?

‘….Lev Gudkov, a sociologist at Levada Center, a research group that tracks Russian public opinion, told me that about two-thirds of people nationwide approve of Mr. Putin’s actions in Ukraine.

It is a less-educated, older part of the population, mainly living in rural areas or in small and medium-sized cities, where the population is poorer and more dependent on power,” he said, referring to those who rely on public funds like pensions and state jobs. “They also receive their whole construction of reality exclusively from television.”

The Russians who support this war are the equivalent of our dimwitted Trumpers. It also explains why so many Trumpers support Putin and his war on the Ukraine. Same Birds of a feather.
So very true!

This is very complicated and very, very scary. What will it take for the Russian on the street to see where Putin is leading them? Will it take another world war? Will it take a Regime Change in the Kremlin?

Unless something unforeseen happens, this war is going to drag on into 2023. But instead of reinvigorating Mother Russia, as many of the 83% suppose...the war may bring Russia to it's knees and see a monumental shift in support for the totalitarian, Putin.

Putin will never stand on the stage with the leaders of developed countries again, as he would be risking arrest for war crimes, of which evidence is now being compiled.
Because they know what Ukraine has been doing to its Russian nationals for the past ten years. That's why.
These are the Russians who support Putin and his war of genocide. Who do these people sound like?

‘….Lev Gudkov, a sociologist at Levada Center, a research group that tracks Russian public opinion, told me that about two-thirds of people nationwide approve of Mr. Putin’s actions in Ukraine.

It is a less-educated, older part of the population, mainly living in rural areas or in small and medium-sized cities, where the population is poorer and more dependent on power,” he said, referring to those who rely on public funds like pensions and state jobs. “They also receive their whole construction of reality exclusively from television.”

The Russians who support this war are the equivalent of our dimwitted Trumpers. It also explains why so many Trumpers support Putin and his war on the Ukraine. Same Birds of a feather.
No....they are people who are more informed about Ukraine's genocide of pro Russian Ukranians. That simple.

It's becoming more and more clear that there are just many people who want an aggressive, hyper-nationalist, authoritarian strongman to lead them. They want to be led.

We've learned that here, since 2016.
That's ridiculous. Which war did Trump escalate? I can name a few threats he de-escalated.

This is very complicated and very, very scary. What will it take for the Russian on the street to see where Putin is leading them? Will it take another world war? Will it take a Regime Change in the Kremlin?

Unless something unforeseen happens, this war is going to drag on into 2023. But instead of reinvigorating Mother Russia, as many of the 83% suppose...the war may bring Russia to it's knees and see a monumental shift in support for the totalitarian, Putin.

Putin will never stand on the stage with the leaders of developed countries again, as he would be risking arrest for war crimes, of which evidence is now being compiled.

The answer is pretty simple.
Russians don't support Putin, Russians are against the West.

The West cheated Russians from the beginning, the paid by it Fifth Column caused numerous suffering of Russians and lead by the West 'Perestroika' murdered more as 10m Russians who are either starved or succumb to illness or crime.
The economical model provided by the West was wrong from the beginning, the West supported the criminal gang of Yeltsin who destroyed Russian Parliament in 1993 and stole election in 1996.
From the West came to Russia only Evil, from Russia to the West cheap natural resources.
Etc etc etc
Long story short.
Russians will support anyone who breaks with the West for ever.
If not Putin than Kadirov, Genghis Khan, Timur, Swjatoslav etc.
Anyone who leads Russia from the West to the East
The answer is pretty simple.
Russians don't support Putin, Russians are against the West.

The West cheated Russians from the beginning, the paid by it Fifth Column caused numerous suffering of Russians and lead by the West 'Perestroika' murdered more as 10m Russians who are either starved or succumb to illness or crime.
The economical model provided by the West was wrong from the beginning, the West supported the criminal gang of Yeltsin who destroyed Russian Parliament in 1993 and stole election in 1996.
From the West came to Russia only Evil, from Russia to the West cheap natural resources.
Etc etc etc
Long story short.
Russians will support anyone who breaks with the West for ever.
If not Putin than Kadirov, Genghis Khan, Timur, Swjatoslav etc.
Anyone who leads Russia from the West to the East
China had the same resentment of the West
In 1980, Russia had a huge advantage over China in terms of modernization
Since then, China has become an economic powerhouse while Russia has not advanced

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