Why do 83% of Russians support Putin?

What do you know about Russian plans?
Putin send only 10% of his troops to Ukraine, his best forces relax now and is well prepared to the next wave, when Germany and NATO enter the war


Yea…..you are going to lose all those tanks manning them with third stringers

Putin shot his wad and now has no way out

Based on Russian ineptness, NATO would crush them
It's becoming more and more clear that there are just many people who want an aggressive, hyper-nationalist, authoritarian strongman to lead them. They want to be led.

We've learned that here, since 2016.
America has wanted a leader for decades and we have been lacking in that department. Biden is not a leader, Obama, Bush and Clinton and Bush weren't leaders. Trump was a leader but he is not the kind of leadership he promised to be. We need real leadership that will take action as needed and speak positively to the American people. Putin is an idiot, but he is strong, firm and takes action, unfortunately he is leading them in the wrong direction, Hitler had a great following once in office however that was a terrible person.

Sadly, Biden will never be what America needs and I don't see a candidate on either side that is a leader, just a party over country person.

Yea…..you are going to lose all those tanks manning them with third stringers

Putin shot his wad and now has no way out

Based on Russian ineptness, NATO would crush them
Moscow would be a giant crater.
It's becoming more and more clear that there are just many people who want an aggressive, hyper-nationalist, authoritarian strongman to lead them. They want to be led.

We've learned that here, since 2016.

^^^This from a guy who wanted to expel unvaccinated people from society (or kill them outright).

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