CDZ Why do Americans hate Muslims?

What makes you think they do?
These Muslim girls are hardly anti American.
What makes you think they are Muslim? Race doesn't define religious beliefs.

Because I asked them.
What makes you think they do?
These Muslim girls are hardly anti American.
What makes you think they are Muslim? Race doesn't define religious beliefs.

Because I asked them.

You go up to young girls you don't know, ask them if they are Muslims and take pictures of them? :lol: You expect us to believe that?

Yes, but I took the photos, then asked them if they were Muslims.

Well, that's a bit strange, and if their mom/moms were around, I'm sure they would have shooed you away from the young girls. Why would you take their pictures and post them online? You shouldn't do that without permission from their parents, as those girls appear to be teens.
Well, that's a bit strange, and if their mom/moms were around, I'm sure they would have shooed you away from the young girls. Why would you take their pictures and post them online? You shouldn't do that without permission from their parents, as those girls appear to be teens.

You forget, you're in a country were perverts are rife, and your press stir up a fear of perverts.
Over here, we assume people are nice.
Last week, whilst on a photo hunt, a bunch of young girls, probably about 10 or 11 years old, came up to me and asked to pose for photos using their phones.
This is pretty average over here, and no one gives a second glance.
Well, that's a bit strange, and if their mom/moms were around, I'm sure they would have shooed you away from the young girls. Why would you take their pictures and post them online? You shouldn't do that without permission from their parents, as those girls appear to be teens.

You forget, you're in a country were perverts are rife, and your press stir up a fear of perverts.
Over here, we assume people are nice.
Last week, whilst on a photo hunt, a bunch of young girls, probably about 10 or 11 years old, came up to me and asked to pose for photos using their phones.
This is pretty average over here, and no one gives a second glance.

Yes, but to post them on the internet with express consent? And I'm sorry, but you may not be a pervert, but there are plenty of people who really are perverts. Take my word for it. :D
What makes you think they do?
These Muslim girls are hardly anti American.
What makes you think they are Muslim? Race doesn't define religious beliefs.

Because I asked them.

You go up to young girls you don't know, ask them if they are Muslims and take pictures of them? :lol: You expect us to believe that?
People do a lot of weirder shit than that.

No doubt! :lol:
Well, that's a bit strange, and if their mom/moms were around, I'm sure they would have shooed you away from the young girls. Why would you take their pictures and post them online? You shouldn't do that without permission from their parents, as those girls appear to be teens.

You forget, you're in a country were perverts are rife, and your press stir up a fear of perverts.
Over here, we assume people are nice.
Last week, whilst on a photo hunt, a bunch of young girls, probably about 10 or 11 years old, came up to me and asked to pose for photos using their phones.
This is pretty average over here, and no one gives a second glance.

Yes, but to post them on the internet with express consent? And I'm sorry, but you may not be a pervert, but there are plenty of people who really are perverts. Take my word for it. :D

Perhaps some would be concerned at a picture of fully dressed girls (in a public place) being on the internet, but most wouldn't consider it much of a problem.
Perhaps some would be concerned at a picture of fully dressed girls (in a public place) being on the internet, but most wouldn't consider it much of a problem.
imho, the results would be the same:
20% "nothing special, just Muslim girls in a public place"
30% "I don't trust them"
50% "they wanna kill us, run!!!"
Perhaps some would be concerned at a picture of fully dressed girls (in a public place) being on the internet, but most wouldn't consider it much of a problem.
imho, the results would be the same:
20% "nothing special, just Muslim girls in a public place"
30% "I don't trust them"
50% "they wanna kill us, run!!!"

I think you completely misunderstood the conversation and the point. :rolleyes-41: I'm getting used to that around here though.
First of all, I`m not Muslim.
Can someone explain to me why Americans hate Muslims so much? Not Terrorists, but Muslims. Like, the entire religion is responsible for its extremists. And before anyone comes running in insisting that "we don`t hate Muslims", they should all keep in mind that I have seen a lot of posts like: holding them responsible for the attacks happening around the world in the name of Islam.

Why is that?

If the only time non-Muslims hear something about Muslims is after terrorist attacks, war coverage, and the like, the impression forms Muslims are terrorists and warlike. Same thing as with how blacks are depicted as either rappers, comedians, or criminals. The impression forms blacks are those things. If you could quantify depictions of Muslims in media and entertainment, I have no doubt that in the US, the overwhelming majority of Muslim depictions are negative.
Why do Americans hate Muslims? Easy -- because we are gearing up emotionally for war against them. For humans to make war, we have to de-humanize the enemy. As a nation, we are in the process of doing that.

And we'd better: it's clear that all Muslims support, at least passively, the war-making Muslims, who use vicious tactics against us. It really is time for another Crusade.
Why do Americans hate Muslims? Easy -- because we are gearing up emotionally for war against them. For humans to make war, we have to de-humanize the enemy. As a nation, we are in the process of doing that.

And we'd better: it's clear that all Muslims support, at least passively, the war-making Muslims, who use vicious tactics against us. It really is time for another Crusade.

I agree with some of this. I do believe that there is a good portion of Muslims that support tyranny. That is what Sharia law is. I don't want to see any Crusade though. That is just stupid and solves nothing. You will NEVER kill all the Muslims. What needs to be done, is they need to be educated and exposed to the civilized world. A lot of these people live in their own little worlds over there in the ME and are VERY poor . . . dirt poor literally. So another thing that needs to be done, is the radical elements need to be purged from any kind of "leadership" roles, and that includes imams who are very influential over the people. The Muslims need to fight against Sharia laws and the people who try to put those laws into place.

A lot of the dictators in those countries love to vilify western culture, so then they can blame US for their problems, when most of their problems stem from their own disputes and their own corrupt leaders, but we are a great scapegoat for them. The dictators love to make their people think that they are suffering due to the United States, and other western countries, when it is the dictators themselves that are the cause because they are poor leaders. :D Just some of my opinions on the subject.
In order for me to hate someone, they would need to do something terrible to me and/or my family. I truly hope I don't have a member of ISIS knocking my door down so he can kill me. But, should that happen, I would do anything I could to stop him. I would hate him and would react violently. All this because ISIS got personal. This would hold true for a local talent thug who tried the same thing.

I do not appreciate the Muslim people who are in my country, telling me I can't have bacon on my Subway sandwich. I do not appreciate Muslims going on TV to rant about the local food bank not having their traditional foods, and demanding the food bank set up a special section for "their" food. As an aside, those Muslim women wearing their robes look very robust. Don't think they are going hungry. Having Muslims inhabiting a block of homes and attempting to keep everyone who isn't Muslim off their sidewalks and streets. And they don't want American dogs walked in Muslim neighborhoods by non-Muslims.
Muslims who indulge in this sort of behavior are arrogant, spoiling for a fight, and down right rude. Lord help the first one that tries to cover me from head to toe in a black shroud.

Hate is too strong an energy to waste on the overall population of Muslims. They deserve to be ridiculed and protested against and stopped if they get too pushy. These are not the ISIS terrorists who are looking for special treatment, and trying to make us think we are inferior. These are the Muslims who are waiting for ISIS to conquer us.
Can someone explain to me why Americans hate Muslims so much? Not Terrorists, but Muslims

Strawman, that some Americans hate Muslims doesn’t equate to “Americans” hate Muslims. Most Americans don’t. Except the terrorists…
People everywhere, not just here tend to find it easy to hate those that stand out. Orthodox Jews, devout Muslims, even devout Christians (with beards or unique styles of dress as with the Amish.) When people blend in, their faith or other eccentricities go unremarked. But when they stand out it usually becomes a thing.
Can someone explain to me why Americans hate Muslims so much? Not Terrorists, but Muslims

Strawman, that some Americans hate Muslims doesn’t equate to “Americans” hate Muslims. Most Americans don’t. Except the terrorists…

I'm sorry, but I just don't trust the Muslims. Hate is an awfully strong word though. :D
First of all, I`m not Muslim.
Can someone explain to me why Americans hate Muslims so much? Not Terrorists, but Muslims. Like, the entire religion is responsible for its extremists. And before anyone comes running in insisting that "we don`t hate Muslims", they should all keep in mind that I have seen a lot of posts like: holding them responsible for the attacks happening around the world in the name of Islam.

Why is that?
religion in general is madness...
I don't hate liberal muslims or moderate muslims. They don't hate me for my apostasy.They don't try to kill me.
Some of them are quite annoyed at the extremists always claiming to act on behalf of Islam.
So I consider the liberal and the moderate as my allies against the extremists.

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