why do Blacks use welfare at 6 times the rate of Whites?

I bet you think blacks were enslaved because of their skin color
In 1630......there were many races of indentured servants working in the colonies. White, black , creole, etc....by 1640...Dutch colonials in New York began setting all the white servats free when they earned their freedom. But the NY Dutch and some of the New England English decided to just keep the blacks and not give them the freedom they originally agreed upon. By 1640....the black slave industry was under way. By 1700, slavery for blacks had become a cornerstone of the building of America.

Blacks were absolutely enslaved because of their skin color.

Go home Tank
Brain characteristics???????.......there is no general genetic difference between the brains of any homo sapiens from a standpoint of itellectual inferiority or superiority.

Political correctness has nothing to do with accepted facts. Where did you hear that the brains of some races have quantitative or qualitative differences relating to intellectual ability?

inferiority/superiority are not valid terms here because they are value judgments. brains differ in size and shape racially. they also differ measurably in functioning. racial groups also differ genetically which of course is the cause of differing physical and behavioural traits. I thought you said you studied anthropology?
I'm interested in the credible study that proves that racially specific genetic adpatations cause certain racially specific and identifyable "behavioral" traits.
I'm not aware of any credible studies on the matter coroborating your assertions. And please, include studies done by credible acedemicians that also publish the studty data and criteria in great detail....no op eds please.

btw....just so you know.....in physical Anthropology courses...they do not focus on things like the differences between blacks and whites in the USA.

And the reason I still suspect you of racism, is because a non racist would have asked the question "how can we rid the welfare system of chronic manipulators"....instead of "why do Blacks use welfare at 6 times the rate of Whites?"....there is a big tell in that question. There are more whites on welfare than any other demographic. Those very same inbred welfare collecting racist hicks that infest trailer parks all over the country would probably would take your side in this.....does that worry you?.....the KKK and skinheads would take your side too......I would really be bothered by that reality.

forensic anthropology does a pretty good job of being able to distinguish racial types by physical characteristics.

I would also like to see any credible studies that coorelate cranial capacity and brain size with "functionability measurements" IN HOMO SAPIENS today.

hmmm..... there are lots of articles that reference papers but I have found no one gives a crap about citations on this message board. in the past, I have done the footwork but people only want to believe what they already believe. I dont think I have ever seen anyone change their mind here, especially on racial issues.

as far as the title of my thread- if it isnt polarizing no one pays attention or responds. I really dont care what bigots of any colour think and if someone wants to label me as a racist in the sense that I believe different races have differing average tendencies on social traits that lead to disparate social outcomes then I guess I am a racist in one sense of the word. I am a classist as well because I think those that have the ability to take care of themselves and their families are more valuable to society.

I am somewhat disappointed that you have retreated into the usual stance of devining the ulterior motives behind what I say rather than addressing my actual statements but I guess it is always easier to knock down strawmen.
I bet you think blacks were enslaved because of their skin color

Blacks were enslaved because they are good workers.

cotton was a much sought after commodity that grows best in the heat of the south. white people cant work as well in the heat because of natural selection. when the opportunity arose to buy slaves that could work in the heat it was taken. and unfortunately expanded upon because the demand was there.

mind you if that set of market opportunities hadnt been exploited, a different scenario would have arisen. possibly more economically valuable and certainly with less long term repercussions. blacks didnt build the the US, businessmen did.
Tank...represent! You are a fine example of right wingers everywhere.
inferiority/superiority are not valid terms here because they are value judgments. brains differ in size and shape racially. they also differ measurably in functioning. racial groups also differ genetically which of course is the cause of differing physical and behavioural traits. I thought you said you studied anthropology?
I'm interested in the credible study that proves that racially specific genetic adpatations cause certain racially specific and identifyable "behavioral" traits.
I'm not aware of any credible studies on the matter coroborating your assertions. And please, include studies done by credible acedemicians that also publish the studty data and criteria in great detail....no op eds please.

btw....just so you know.....in physical Anthropology courses...they do not focus on things like the differences between blacks and whites in the USA.

And the reason I still suspect you of racism, is because a non racist would have asked the question "how can we rid the welfare system of chronic manipulators"....instead of "why do Blacks use welfare at 6 times the rate of Whites?"....there is a big tell in that question. There are more whites on welfare than any other demographic. Those very same inbred welfare collecting racist hicks that infest trailer parks all over the country would probably would take your side in this.....does that worry you?.....the KKK and skinheads would take your side too......I would really be bothered by that reality.

forensic anthropology does a pretty good job of being able to distinguish racial types by physical characteristics.

I would also like to see any credible studies that coorelate cranial capacity and brain size with "functionability measurements" IN HOMO SAPIENS today.

hmmm..... there are lots of articles that reference papers but I have found no one gives a crap about citations on this message board. in the past, I have done the footwork but people only want to believe what they already believe. I dont think I have ever seen anyone change their mind here, especially on racial issues.

as far as the title of my thread- if it isnt polarizing no one pays attention or responds. I really dont care what bigots of any colour think and if someone wants to label me as a racist in the sense that I believe different races have differing average tendencies on social traits that lead to disparate social outcomes then I guess I am a racist in one sense of the word. I am a classist as well because I think those that have the ability to take care of themselves and their families are more valuable to society.

I am somewhat disappointed that you have retreated into the usual stance of devining the ulterior motives behind what I say rather than addressing my actual statements but I guess it is always easier to knock down strawmen.
I'm not asking you to do footwork...for you to make the statements you are, you must surely already know exactly where the info to back them up is....frankly, and respectfully, I don't believe that the studies that would coroborate your assertion exist in any kind of credible form. They are your assertions as well...why is my asking you to prove them unreasonable? If you provide credible proof of what you assert...I'll weigh it fairly, and change my mind if it overturns my previous understanding. I'm not out to change anyone else's mind either, and empathize with your feeling of futility on that matterin most cases.

I didn't call you a racist....I simply pointed out that many racists would take your side in this dialog. You believe different races have differing average tendencies on social traits that lead to disparate social outcomes, and pointing that out by itself is quite benign, and you have been very good at not saying you believe that whites are superior to blacks. Do I think there are quite possibly racial resentments on your part that lead to your creation of this thread...sure I do, but that's unproven and undenied as of yet.

Motives almost always affect the outcomes of analyses on boards like these. I'm not trying to ruin all the fun, but can't you see how singlling out blacks regarding welfare especially when they are not the largest demographic collecting welfare leads me to the question....are you concerned enough about whites manipulating welfare to create a thread about that?
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Motives almost always affect the outcomes of analyses on boards like these. I'm not trying to ruin all the fun, but can't you see how singlling out blacks regarding welfare especially when they are not the largest demographic collecting welfare leads me to the question....are you concerned enough about whites manipulating welfare to create a thread about that?

ever been to Central America? A good portion of the folks there live in Garifuna communities and do fine self sustaining. Fabulous cooks many of them have restaurants or sell food in tourism areas.

So they do better than Blacks in America how? has there ever been any Blacks in those countries that have become President?

yes, Hugo Chavez is Mulatto, Pepe Lobo is also Mulatto.
Motives almost always affect the outcomes of analyses on boards like these. I'm not trying to ruin all the fun, but can't you see how singlling out blacks regarding welfare especially when they are not the largest demographic collecting welfare leads me to the question....are you concerned enough about whites manipulating welfare to create a thread about that?


the link in the OP has similar numbers to Tank's graph but more up to date.
I bet you think blacks were enslaved because of their skin color

Blacks were enslaved because they are good workers.

cotton was a much sought after commodity that grows best in the heat of the south. white people cant work as well in the heat because of natural selection. when the opportunity arose to buy slaves that could work in the heat it was taken. and unfortunately expanded upon because the demand was there.

mind you if that set of market opportunities hadnt been exploited, a different scenario would have arisen. possibly more economically valuable and certainly with less long term repercussions. blacks didnt build the the US, businessmen did.
The heat was not a factor in the decision making of early planters when they decided to acquire blacks to work as slaves. Southern planters caught on to what New York Dutch and English planters were doing and bought black slaves between 1640-1700 when they started tobacco, rice, and cotton plantations. That crap you just wrote about selecting blacks because they could work in the heat sounds like something you made up. By the time slavery spread to the south....there were no other races of slaves.

Blacks performed 90% of the labor during the creation of the cotton empire. Sure...the white businessmen and planters of the south whipped them and fed them while they did it.

Where did you hear all that stuff you just wrote.....you know what.....nevermind.....I'm sure there are no credible cites from you in our future.
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Motives almost always affect the outcomes of analyses on boards like these. I'm not trying to ruin all the fun, but can't you see how singlling out blacks regarding welfare especially when they are not the largest demographic collecting welfare leads me to the question....are you concerned enough about whites manipulating welfare to create a thread about that?

You are very simple.....aren't you.....
I'm interested in the credible study that proves that racially specific genetic adpatations cause certain racially specific and identifyable "behavioral" traits.
I'm not aware of any credible studies on the matter coroborating your assertions. And please, include studies done by credible acedemicians that also publish the studty data and criteria in great detail....no op eds please.

btw....just so you know.....in physical Anthropology courses...they do not focus on things like the differences between blacks and whites in the USA.

And the reason I still suspect you of racism, is because a non racist would have asked the question "how can we rid the welfare system of chronic manipulators"....instead of "why do Blacks use welfare at 6 times the rate of Whites?"....there is a big tell in that question. There are more whites on welfare than any other demographic. Those very same inbred welfare collecting racist hicks that infest trailer parks all over the country would probably would take your side in this.....does that worry you?.....the KKK and skinheads would take your side too......I would really be bothered by that reality.

forensic anthropology does a pretty good job of being able to distinguish racial types by physical characteristics.

I would also like to see any credible studies that coorelate cranial capacity and brain size with "functionability measurements" IN HOMO SAPIENS today.

hmmm..... there are lots of articles that reference papers but I have found no one gives a crap about citations on this message board. in the past, I have done the footwork but people only want to believe what they already believe. I dont think I have ever seen anyone change their mind here, especially on racial issues.

as far as the title of my thread- if it isnt polarizing no one pays attention or responds. I really dont care what bigots of any colour think and if someone wants to label me as a racist in the sense that I believe different races have differing average tendencies on social traits that lead to disparate social outcomes then I guess I am a racist in one sense of the word. I am a classist as well because I think those that have the ability to take care of themselves and their families are more valuable to society.

I am somewhat disappointed that you have retreated into the usual stance of devining the ulterior motives behind what I say rather than addressing my actual statements but I guess it is always easier to knock down strawmen.
I'm not asking you to do footwork...for you to make the statements you are, you must surely already know exactly where the info to back them up is....frankly, and respectfully, I don't believe that the studies that would coroborate your assertion exist in any kind of credible form. They are your assertions as well...why is my asking you to prove them unreasonable? If you provide credible proof of what you assert...I'll weigh it fairly, and change my mind if it overturns my previous understanding. I'm not out to change anyone else's mind either, and empathize with your feeling of futility on that matterin most cases.

I didn't call you a racist....I simply pointed out that many racists would take your side in this dialog. You believe different races have differing average tendencies on social traits that lead to disparate social outcomes, and pointing that out by itself is quite benign, and you have been very good at not saying you believe that whites are superior to blacks. Do I think there are quite possibly racial resentments on your part that lead to your creation of this thread...sure I do, but that's unproven and undenied as of yet.

Motives almost always affect the outcomes of analyses on boards like these. I'm not trying to ruin all the fun, but can't you see how singlling out blacks regarding welfare especially when they are not the largest demographic collecting welfare leads me to the question....are you concerned enough about whites manipulating welfare to create a thread about that?

there are credible studies on average brain size by race, brain size by race corrected for body size, skull shape and size by race, brain size and IQ correlation, grey matter and IQ correlation, genetic control of brain size, genetic control of grey matter, neuron speed and IQ, response time and IQ, decision time and IQ, recently genetic surveys for IQ involved genes, genetic tests that are 99 percent accurate in determining genetic cluster origin, specific alleles for brain developement not found in blacks (Lahn chose to change his field of study rather than lose his job on that one. PC much?), and of course the hundreds of millions of data points collected on IQ, SAT, AFQT, etc tests in the last hundred years that show a distinct difference in mental acquity by race, especially the gap between blacks and whites.

there are credible sources that link IQ to social traits such as education, workforce participation and unwed child bearing. one of my favourites only looks at siblings that come from well off, stable, two parent families. the difference between the dull, normal and bright siblings was almost the same as the control group (the dulls did better, as would be expected with a competent supportive family).

there are also long term studies that correlate IQ with longevity, avoidance of injury, successful parenting and a host of other traits not typically associated with intelligence.
forensic anthropology does a pretty good job of being able to distinguish racial types by physical characteristics.

hmmm..... there are lots of articles that reference papers but I have found no one gives a crap about citations on this message board. in the past, I have done the footwork but people only want to believe what they already believe. I dont think I have ever seen anyone change their mind here, especially on racial issues.

as far as the title of my thread- if it isnt polarizing no one pays attention or responds. I really dont care what bigots of any colour think and if someone wants to label me as a racist in the sense that I believe different races have differing average tendencies on social traits that lead to disparate social outcomes then I guess I am a racist in one sense of the word. I am a classist as well because I think those that have the ability to take care of themselves and their families are more valuable to society.

I am somewhat disappointed that you have retreated into the usual stance of devining the ulterior motives behind what I say rather than addressing my actual statements but I guess it is always easier to knock down strawmen.
I'm not asking you to do footwork...for you to make the statements you are, you must surely already know exactly where the info to back them up is....frankly, and respectfully, I don't believe that the studies that would coroborate your assertion exist in any kind of credible form. They are your assertions as well...why is my asking you to prove them unreasonable? If you provide credible proof of what you assert...I'll weigh it fairly, and change my mind if it overturns my previous understanding. I'm not out to change anyone else's mind either, and empathize with your feeling of futility on that matterin most cases.

I didn't call you a racist....I simply pointed out that many racists would take your side in this dialog. You believe different races have differing average tendencies on social traits that lead to disparate social outcomes, and pointing that out by itself is quite benign, and you have been very good at not saying you believe that whites are superior to blacks. Do I think there are quite possibly racial resentments on your part that lead to your creation of this thread...sure I do, but that's unproven and undenied as of yet.

Motives almost always affect the outcomes of analyses on boards like these. I'm not trying to ruin all the fun, but can't you see how singlling out blacks regarding welfare especially when they are not the largest demographic collecting welfare leads me to the question....are you concerned enough about whites manipulating welfare to create a thread about that?

there are credible studies on average brain size by race, brain size by race corrected for body size, skull shape and size by race, brain size and IQ correlation, grey matter and IQ correlation, genetic control of brain size, genetic control of grey matter, neuron speed and IQ, response time and IQ, decision time and IQ, recently genetic surveys for IQ involved genes, genetic tests that are 99 percent accurate in determining genetic cluster origin, specific alleles for brain developement not found in blacks (Lahn chose to change his field of study rather than lose his job on that one. PC much?), and of course the hundreds of millions of data points collected on IQ, SAT, AFQT, etc tests in the last hundred years that show a distinct difference in mental acquity by race, especially the gap between blacks and whites.

there are credible sources that link IQ to social traits such as education, workforce participation and unwed child bearing. one of my favourites only looks at siblings that come from well off, stable, two parent families. the difference between the dull, normal and bright siblings was almost the same as the control group (the dulls did better, as would be expected with a competent supportive family).

there are also long term studies that correlate IQ with longevity, avoidance of injury, successful parenting and a host of other traits not typically associated with intelligence.
Okay........show the cites for these studies and let's look at how they support your previous assertions.

I'm not going to do your footwork to prove your assertions.
oops, I forgot to mention the positive correlation between low intelligence and welfare and social programs usage.
Motives almost always affect the outcomes of analyses on boards like these. I'm not trying to ruin all the fun, but can't you see how singlling out blacks regarding welfare especially when they are not the largest demographic collecting welfare leads me to the question....are you concerned enough about whites manipulating welfare to create a thread about that?

You are very simple.....aren't you.....
It's better then you're incorrect story telling
You are very simple.....aren't you.....
It's better then you're incorrect story telling

......start with this and work your way up Tank.

Poverty By Race/Ethnicity
Areas with a high incidence of poverty often reflect the low income of their racial/ethnic minorities. Nonmetro non-Hispanic Blacks had the highest incidence of poverty in 2010, at 32.9 percent (32.2 percent in 2009). The 2010 poverty rate for nonmetro Hispanics was 29.5 percent, which is 1.7 percentage points higher than in 2009. Both non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic poverty rates for 2010 were more than twice the rate for non-Hispanic Whites (13.1 percent), which was also the case in 2009. The high rate of poverty for Hispanics is noteworthy as their share of the nonmetro population has been increasing faster than other racial/ethnic groups, from less than 3 percent in 1990 to 7.4 percent in 2010. (See the section on high-poverty counties for more about poverty in an ethnic/sub regional context.)

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Of course blacks and Hispanics are poor on average, their the least intelligent on average.
ever been to Central America? A good portion of the folks there live in Garifuna communities and do fine self sustaining. Fabulous cooks many of them have restaurants or sell food in tourism areas.

So they do better than Blacks in America how? has there ever been any Blacks in those countries that have become President?

yes, Hugo Chavez is Mulatto, Pepe Lobo is also Mulatto.

I looked this up and Hugo's father is mulatto, hes basically a quarter black I guess. Couldn't find any anything that says Lobo is a mulatto though.

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