why do Blacks use welfare at 6 times the rate of Whites?

The following statement in the paper really cuts to the heart of my viewpoint.

Now that we have...albeit only from a legal perspective...begun the generations long process of correcting the social disadvantages blacks experience..

1. Has 40 years been enough?....apparently not based on the evidence you're providing

2. Should that have been enough, and do we have previous examples to draw from?

3. Have blacks actually gotten complete social equality since 1970?.....If not...could it take more than "several" generations to correct the social disadvatntages?

My guess is that people who are resentful or fearfull of blacks, will more likely think 40 years was enough.

People who empathize with blacks will more likely entertain the idea that it might not have been enough.

What are your thoughts?

my thoughts?
first off I think as soon as the egg is fertilized there is a maximum level of intelligence that can be expressed. genetics
nurture then immediately starts its influence. conditions in the womb. birthing. disease. nutrition. accidents. parenting. environmental conditions. social interactions. etc. all of these can reduce the maximum potential but none can improve it.

obviously none of us reaches our full potential, there are just too many negative factors waiting to damage us.

the next thing to contemplate is whether nature or nurture is the most important. is it better to start with high potential and take more damage or vice versa? certainly it is better to start with high potential and take less damage than the reverse. we cant directly measure initial potential (yet).
can we measure the other aspects? well sort of.

the law of large numbers make it statistically possible find average conditions for some things.
...continued later, my phone is dying...

You think Black people are just born less intelligent than whites correct? so what about someone who is half black half white? are they smarter than the average black because of their white genes?
test studies have proven that while lighter colored blacks are more intelligent than darker skinned blacks they are still less intelligent than whites !!
So they do better than Blacks in America how? has there ever been any Blacks in those countries that have become President?

yes, Hugo Chavez is Mulatto, Pepe Lobo is also Mulatto.

I looked this up and Hugo's father is mulatto, hes basically a quarter black I guess. Couldn't find any anything that says Lobo is a mulatto though.
anyone with eyes can tell that Hugo has a black heritage !! He is the typical thick lipped flat nosed Hispanic you see committing crimes on the news !While white Hispanics rarely break the law !!
thanks for the pdf. did you read Harpending's comment at the end? very interesting.
The following statement in the paper really cuts to the heart of my viewpoint.

ace clarifies crucial areas that I did not emphasize
and rightly points out that to test for differences in intelligence
between groups (some say “races”) they must
have lived “under conditions of social equality for several
.” We have not yet begun the first of these

Now that we have...albeit only from a legal perspective...begun the generations long process of correcting the social disadvantages blacks experience..

1. Has 40 years been enough?....apparently not based on the evidence you're providing

2. Should that have been enough, and do we have previous examples to draw from?

3. Have blacks actually gotten complete social equality since 1970?.....If not...could it take more than "several" generations to correct the social disadvatntages?

My guess is that people who are resentful or fearfull of blacks, will more likely think 40 years was enough.

People who empathize with blacks will more likely entertain the idea that it might not have been enough.

What are your thoughts?

I don't see how a legacy of social inequality would have anything much to do with the IQs of young black children today, as intelligence is largely an outcome of biological factors. As long as children receive adequate nutrition for the brain to develop normally, aren't raised in a traumatizing environment of severe abuse, and attend reasonably good schools, their IQ would not suffer even though their ancestors had been discriminated against. There is no empirical evidence I am aware of that persons whose ancestors were victims of social inequality - and most white people come from such a background as well - inherit a lower IQ as a result of how society treated their ancestors. The most persecuted people in European history are the Jews and they have the highest IQs.

all good points. I have often pondered how effects from past generations are carried forward. except for preferential breeding in the slavery years, culture is the most likely method. and even then it is hard to imagine an actual physical or genetic mechanism.

one thing that supports harm from nurture/environment is that the correlation statistics for genetic heritabilty are smaller in children who grow up in extremely underprivileged/abusive situations. once the minimal conditions are met the stats are very strong. for all races.
The more intelligence one has, the better the nurturing environment will be.

the average IQ of a country is strongly indicative of its overall sucess. even more so if you factor in type of govt and natural resources.
The more intelligence one has, the better the nurturing environment will be.

I concur. smart families are more likely to build a safe stable and encouraging environment for themselves
Tank and Ian, you mean like Andrea Yates? hmm?

what does a long term mentally ill woman who killed her children after being hospitalized for stating she was going to kill her children have to do with this conversation? oh wait....was she white? really, what a feeble rebuttal.

I remember a study of school children with antisocial behaviour that showed that psychopathic behaviour was heritable. of course they didnt break down into racial categories which children were most likely to display unfeeling predatory behaviour but incarceration rates lead me to believe blacks may be over represented in this negative social trait as well.
Tank and Ian, you mean like Andrea Yates? hmm?

what does a long term mentally ill woman who killed her children after being hospitalized for stating she was going to kill her children have to do with this conversation? oh wait....was she white? really, what a feeble rebuttal.

I remember a study of school children with antisocial behaviour that showed that psychopathic behaviour was heritable. of course they didnt break down into racial categories which children were most likely to display unfeeling predatory behaviour but incarceration rates lead me to believe blacks may be over represented in this negative social trait as well.

um she was more than white...you made the claim that being white and smart and well to do made a person a better parent and family...that was my example..the woman is intelligent, and the man worked for NASA at the time..so he clearly was no dummy and they were well to do as they lived in Clear Lake and he made good money. She homeschooled her children. So it wasn't quite the feeble rebuttal you thought it was. Yet, with all that crap you claim about a better parent because of white, upper middle class, smart stuff..and here we have this woman who murdered her children and was mentally ill...yep, white, black whatever there is no more intelligent race as you seem to want to claim.
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When looking at the superior intelligence of whites over blacks we do not need to look much further than a highly acclaimed Nobel Prize winner. This article did not receive much recognition in the United States because of its highly controversial findings however the results are public record. This article without a doubt lays the foundation and fills in the gaps surrounding the superiority of white culture/society. Please read timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article2677098.ece Black people 'less intelligent' scientist claims - Times Online[/url] .

I would like to ask that everyone consider this idea. Close your eyes and think of a man or woman who is the epitome of what it is to be business professional, well respected, presentable, and maybe even someone that you would ask advice from. Bellamy ask you this. Does this person say "can you breaf" or do they say "can you breathe"? Do they say "may I ask you a question" or is it "may I ax you a question"? Do they say "fo sho" or do they say "for sure"? Is this person clean, well dressed (maybe wearing a suit), and respectful of those around him or do you have some other type of image in your mind?

For those of you who suggest that blacks and whites can only be compared on an even playing field the following statistics may be alarming to you. The US Department of Education conducted the study to track the performance and retention of black and white students who enrolled in four-year degree programs. The statistics revealed that only 45% of the black males actually graduated with a degree and 55% of black women graduated with a degree. Conversely, 83% of white women graduated and 89% of white men graduated. These numbers are exclusive of athletes, students who left for medical reasons or other personal issues, and those who withdrew for financial reasons.

The argument that today's black men and women are being held back by anyone but themselves is absolutely absurd. Between the alarming outreach effect of affirmative action and the excess of $300 million per year in black only scholarships for college more than provides opportunities for today's black children to succeed.

There is a very substantial reason why black actors, politicians, and news anchors all learned to speak properly. Some may even call it learning to speak white. But as I mentioned above there is a reason for this and that reason is that people don't want to listen to some person speaking grammatically incorrect and say words in ways that most people would never dream of.
Because they're smarter than whitey.Hey. If all you have to do is ware your pants below your ass, get a gold toof and fill out a couple of forms for free money..............:eusa_shhh::cuckoo:
Because they're smarter than whitey.Hey. If all you have to do is ware your pants below your ass, get a gold toof and fill out a couple of forms for free money..............:eusa_shhh::cuckoo:

Yes because Blacks are the only ones that are doing that, seriously go fuck yourself Douger.
yes, Hugo Chavez is Mulatto, Pepe Lobo is also Mulatto.

I looked this up and Hugo's father is mulatto, hes basically a quarter black I guess. Couldn't find any anything that says Lobo is a mulatto though.
anyone with eyes can tell that Hugo has a black heritage !! He is the typical thick lipped flat nosed Hispanic you see committing crimes on the news !While white Hispanics rarely break the law !!

I thought you said you liked Hispanics.:eusa_hand:
I looked this up and Hugo's father is mulatto, hes basically a quarter black I guess. Couldn't find any anything that says Lobo is a mulatto though.
anyone with eyes can tell that Hugo has a black heritage !! He is the typical thick lipped flat nosed Hispanic you see committing crimes on the news !While white Hispanics rarely break the law !!

I thought you said you liked Hispanics.:eusa_hand:
I like white Hispanics !!not the mongrels you see on Cops !!
Blacks need their own schools where teachers can give them special attention and education to help them learn !!
Because they're smarter than whitey.Hey. If all you have to do is ware your pants below your ass, get a gold toof and fill out a couple of forms for free money..............:eusa_shhh::cuckoo:

Yes because Blacks are the only ones that are doing that, seriously go fuck yourself Douger.
I once owned a couple of liquor stores ( likka sto) in Floridastan. I've seen reality.
What was great was getting first class t-bones and lobster tails for a couple of cheap bottles of nodAhead. $40 worth of food for $15 of nAh
If you're truly black you'll know( B nowin) what that is (B).
Because they're smarter than whitey.Hey. If all you have to do is ware your pants below your ass, get a gold toof and fill out a couple of forms for free money..............:eusa_shhh::cuckoo:

Yes because Blacks are the only ones that are doing that, seriously go fuck yourself Douger.
I once owned a couple of liquor stores ( likka sto) in Floridastan. I've seen reality.
What was great was getting first class t-bones and lobster tails for a couple of cheap bottles of nodAhead. $40 worth of food for $15 of nAh
If you're truly black you'll know( B nowin) what that is (B).

anyone with eyes can tell that Hugo has a black heritage !! He is the typical thick lipped flat nosed Hispanic you see committing crimes on the news !While white Hispanics rarely break the law !!

I thought you said you liked Hispanics.:eusa_hand:
I like white Hispanics !!not the mongrels you see on Cops !!

Spaniards are not Hispanic Yidnar...Hispanics are either mestizo, black or Asian...there are some who have whiter skin but there are very few castillian folks in Latin America...they got their butts kicked over 100 years ago and shipped back to Spain. I have to wonder what a white person is other than a mongrel...can you show me anyone in the US that is pure? I doubt it....people are not white they are caucasion and usually what caucasion is is a mongrel group I hate to tell you that..but if a person is Scots Irish, German, French and say a few drops of Native American..what is he other than a mongrel?
I thought you said you liked Hispanics.:eusa_hand:
I like white Hispanics !!not the mongrels you see on Cops !!

Spaniards are not Hispanic Yidnar...Hispanics are either mestizo, black or Asian...there are some who have whiter skin but there are very few castillian folks in Latin America...they got their butts kicked over 100 years ago and shipped back to Spain. I have to wonder what a white person is other than a mongrel...can you show me anyone in the US that is pure? I doubt it....people are not white they are caucasion and usually what caucasion is is a mongrel group I hate to tell you that..but if a person is Scots Irish, German, French and say a few drops of Native American..what is he other than a mongrel?
have you ever been to Spain ?? I have and they are white Europeans !! and there are White hispanics there just aren't enough to make a difference to help south America keep up with the rest of the civilized white countries !!
I like white Hispanics !!not the mongrels you see on Cops !!

Spaniards are not Hispanic Yidnar...Hispanics are either mestizo, black or Asian...there are some who have whiter skin but there are very few castillian folks in Latin America...they got their butts kicked over 100 years ago and shipped back to Spain. I have to wonder what a white person is other than a mongrel...can you show me anyone in the US that is pure? I doubt it....people are not white they are caucasion and usually what caucasion is is a mongrel group I hate to tell you that..but if a person is Scots Irish, German, French and say a few drops of Native American..what is he other than a mongrel?
have you ever been to Spain ?? I have and they are white Europeans !! and there are White hispanics there just aren't enough to make a difference to help south America keep up with the rest of the civilized white countries !!

People are from Spain are not Hispanics you fuckin idiot.

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