why do Blacks use welfare at 6 times the rate of Whites?

Spaniards are not Hispanic Yidnar...Hispanics are either mestizo, black or Asian...there are some who have whiter skin but there are very few castillian folks in Latin America...they got their butts kicked over 100 years ago and shipped back to Spain. I have to wonder what a white person is other than a mongrel...can you show me anyone in the US that is pure? I doubt it....people are not white they are caucasion and usually what caucasion is is a mongrel group I hate to tell you that..but if a person is Scots Irish, German, French and say a few drops of Native American..what is he other than a mongrel?
have you ever been to Spain ?? I have and they are white Europeans !! and there are White hispanics there just aren't enough to make a difference to help south America keep up with the rest of the civilized white countries !!

People are from Spain are not Hispanics you fuckin idiot.
no but hispanics a have spanish descent !!
have you ever been to Spain ?? I have and they are white Europeans !! and there are White hispanics there just aren't enough to make a difference to help south America keep up with the rest of the civilized white countries !!

People are from Spain are not Hispanics you fuckin idiot.
no but hispanics a have spanish descent !!

Hispanics a have spanish descent? what does that even mean you fuckin clown?:cuckoo:
he doesn't know..I don't think he realizes that means they are mestizo just like Hugo Chavez..that they can be black mixed with Castillian, black, Asian, asian mixed with castillian, Native American mixed with Castillian, etc...he clearly hasn't visited Latin America
I like white Hispanics !!not the mongrels you see on Cops !!

Spaniards are not Hispanic Yidnar...Hispanics are either mestizo, black or Asian...there are some who have whiter skin but there are very few castillian folks in Latin America...they got their butts kicked over 100 years ago and shipped back to Spain. I have to wonder what a white person is other than a mongrel...can you show me anyone in the US that is pure? I doubt it....people are not white they are caucasion and usually what caucasion is is a mongrel group I hate to tell you that..but if a person is Scots Irish, German, French and say a few drops of Native American..what is he other than a mongrel?
have you ever been to Spain ?? I have and they are white Europeans !! and there are White hispanics there just aren't enough to make a difference to help south America keep up with the rest of the civilized white countries !!

people in Spain are not Hispanic...call them that and see the response you get..they are Castillian.
he doesn't know..I don't think he realizes that means they are mestizo just like Hugo Chavez..that they can be black mixed with Castillian, black, Asian, asian mixed with castillian, Native American mixed with Castillian, etc...he clearly hasn't visited Latin America

Yes people in Latin America can be a mix of some many things Indian, white, Meztizo, Black etc. and there are also people from countries like Italy and Lebanon who move there, Argentina has a large population of Italian immigrants. Yidnar knows fuck all about the people in those countries.
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Spaniards are not Hispanic Yidnar...Hispanics are either mestizo, black or Asian...there are some who have whiter skin but there are very few castillian folks in Latin America...they got their butts kicked over 100 years ago and shipped back to Spain. I have to wonder what a white person is other than a mongrel...can you show me anyone in the US that is pure? I doubt it....people are not white they are caucasion and usually what caucasion is is a mongrel group I hate to tell you that..but if a person is Scots Irish, German, French and say a few drops of Native American..what is he other than a mongrel?
have you ever been to Spain ?? I have and they are white Europeans !! and there are White hispanics there just aren't enough to make a difference to help south America keep up with the rest of the civilized white countries !!

people in Spain are not Hispanic...call them that and see the response you get..they are Castillian.

No doubt people from Spain don't like to be called Hispanic at all or Latino.
have you ever been to Spain ?? I have and they are white Europeans !! and there are White hispanics there just aren't enough to make a difference to help south America keep up with the rest of the civilized white countries !!

people in Spain are not Hispanic...call them that and see the response you get..they are Castillian.

No doubt people from Spain don't like to be called Hispanic at all or Latino.

yep, probably because they aren't Hispanic they are European and Hispanic or Latino is usually reserved for those who are from Latin America originally.
people in Spain are not Hispanic...call them that and see the response you get..they are Castillian.

No doubt people from Spain don't like to be called Hispanic at all or Latino.

yep, probably because they aren't Hispanic they are European and Hispanic or Latino is usually reserved for those who are from Latin America originally.

Alot of people in the US don't get it, a co worker of mine is from Spain and when he was speaking Spanish some other co workers asked him what part of Mexico he was from.:doubt:
No doubt people from Spain don't like to be called Hispanic at all or Latino.

yep, probably because they aren't Hispanic they are European and Hispanic or Latino is usually reserved for those who are from Latin America originally.

Alot of people in the US don't get it, a co worker of mine is from Spain and when he was speaking Spanish some other co workers asked him what part of Mexico he was from.:doubt:

doh...I would have gotten really silent and asked them if they really thought all Spanish speaking folks were from Mexico and that they might want to brush up on their Spanish speaking accents some...Spaniards sound NOTHING like Mexicans when they speak Spanish...good lord...same thing can be said about Hondurans and Mexicans neither speak with accents even close to one another.
yep, probably because they aren't Hispanic they are European and Hispanic or Latino is usually reserved for those who are from Latin America originally.

Alot of people in the US don't get it, a co worker of mine is from Spain and when he was speaking Spanish some other co workers asked him what part of Mexico he was from.:doubt:

doh...I would have gotten really silent and asked them if they really thought all Spanish speaking folks were from Mexico and that they might want to brush up on their Spanish speaking accents some...Spaniards sound NOTHING like Mexicans when they speak Spanish...good lord...same thing can be said about Hondurans and Mexicans neither speak with accents even close to one another.

Where I live the majority of the people who speak Spanish are illegals from Mexico, and there is a small Puerto Rican population here as well. Hispanic immigrants have only started coming here over the past 20 years or so so people are still adjusting to them, I live in Birmingham Alabama so it is predominantly white and Black. My girlfriend is from California and she is half Bolivian half Mexican, when we went to a Chinese restaurant the waitress assumed she didn't know English and started speaking to her in Spanish, because that Chinese restaurant is a favorite for alot of Mexicans who do not speak a word of English, she gets asked if she needs a translator at Doctors appointments all the time too.
Tank and Ian, you mean like Andrea Yates? hmm?

what does a long term mentally ill woman who killed her children after being hospitalized for stating she was going to kill her children have to do with this conversation? oh wait....was she white? really, what a feeble rebuttal.

I remember a study of school children with antisocial behaviour that showed that psychopathic behaviour was heritable. of course they didnt break down into racial categories which children were most likely to display unfeeling predatory behaviour but incarceration rates lead me to believe blacks may be over represented in this negative social trait as well.

um she was more than white...you made the claim that being white and smart and well to do made a person a better parent and family...that was my example..the woman is intelligent, and the man worked for NASA at the time..so he clearly was no dummy and they were well to do as they lived in Clear Lake and he made good money. She homeschooled her children. So it wasn't quite the feeble rebuttal you thought it was. Yet, with all that crap you claim about a better parent because of white, upper middle class, smart stuff..and here we have this woman who murdered her children and was mentally ill...yep, white, black whatever there is no more intelligent race as you seem to want to claim.

you dont understand my position. I am FOR judging individuals by their qualities. I am FOR affirmative action in a realistic fashion that takes an individuals accomplishments into account rather than just being a racial quota.

I am AGAINST using group achievement as proof of racism or unfair treatment. imagine this scenario- compare a group of a thousand IQ100 blacks with a thousand IQ85 whites. which group would have higher education, better jobs, more stable families etc? by any metric the blacks would be doing better. even more skewed would be taking the top 1/6 of all blacks (IQ 100+) with the bottom 1/6 of whites (IQ 85-). obviously intelligence has a lot to do with success in our technology based society. blacks and white matched for similar intelligence have similar life paths. THAT is a reasonable comparison to judge whether racism and unfair treatment are still holding blacks down.
so then why would you approve of Tank's post..tank believes that a group as a collective whole is what the individual is in reality.
When it comes to racial groups, I believe in averages:

have you ever been to Spain ?? I have and they are white Europeans !! and there are White hispanics there just aren't enough to make a difference to help south America keep up with the rest of the civilized white countries !!

people in Spain are not Hispanic...call them that and see the response you get..they are Castillian.

No doubt people from Spain don't like to be called Hispanic at all or Latino.


You'll also find that many in countries like Brazil and Portugal do not identify with "Hispanic" or "Latino".
The following statement in the paper really cuts to the heart of my viewpoint.

Now that we have...albeit only from a legal perspective...begun the generations long process of correcting the social disadvantages blacks experience..

1. Has 40 years been enough?....apparently not based on the evidence you're providing

2. Should that have been enough, and do we have previous examples to draw from?

3. Have blacks actually gotten complete social equality since 1970?.....If not...could it take more than "several" generations to correct the social disadvatntages?

My guess is that people who are resentful or fearfull of blacks, will more likely think 40 years was enough.

People who empathize with blacks will more likely entertain the idea that it might not have been enough.

What are your thoughts?

I don't see how a legacy of social inequality would have anything much to do with the IQs of young black children today, as intelligence is largely an outcome of biological factors. As long as children receive adequate nutrition for the brain to develop normally, aren't raised in a traumatizing environment of severe abuse, and attend reasonably good schools, their IQ would not suffer even though their ancestors had been discriminated against. There is no empirical evidence I am aware of that persons whose ancestors were victims of social inequality - and most white people come from such a background as well - inherit a lower IQ as a result of how society treated their ancestors. The most persecuted people in European history are the Jews and they have the highest IQs.

all good points. I have often pondered how effects from past generations are carried forward. except for preferential breeding in the slavery years, culture is the most likely method. and even then it is hard to imagine an actual physical or genetic mechanism.

one thing that supports harm from nurture/environment is that the correlation statistics for genetic heritabilty are smaller in children who grow up in extremely underprivileged/abusive situations. once the minimal conditions are met the stats are very strong. for all races.
I'm still stuck on something....let's say blacks have lower IQ's than whites, jews, and asians. I still haven't been exposed to any compelling data that would prove this...but let's, for the sake of argument, assume it's the case...

Does that mean you think a low IQ's makes it more likely to be on welfare? I mean...couldn't it be that the differing brain charateristics are there...but not be the cause of dissproportianate wefare collection stats?

Did I miss something?.....I'm frankly kind of unnerved that I see so many posters on this thread seeming comfortable with the idea that blacks are genetically and culturally inferior...and that's why they collect wefare in greater percentages, which seems like a bit of an over-reach to me. And!!....everyone who thinks that is a conservative or a conservative leaning independent!

And even if that were true...what good is it to know it?....what good is it to say it?.....if not only to vent racial resentments.
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I don't see how a legacy of social inequality would have anything much to do with the IQs of young black children today, as intelligence is largely an outcome of biological factors. As long as children receive adequate nutrition for the brain to develop normally, aren't raised in a traumatizing environment of severe abuse, and attend reasonably good schools, their IQ would not suffer even though their ancestors had been discriminated against. There is no empirical evidence I am aware of that persons whose ancestors were victims of social inequality - and most white people come from such a background as well - inherit a lower IQ as a result of how society treated their ancestors. The most persecuted people in European history are the Jews and they have the highest IQs.

all good points. I have often pondered how effects from past generations are carried forward. except for preferential breeding in the slavery years, culture is the most likely method. and even then it is hard to imagine an actual physical or genetic mechanism.

one thing that supports harm from nurture/environment is that the correlation statistics for genetic heritabilty are smaller in children who grow up in extremely underprivileged/abusive situations. once the minimal conditions are met the stats are very strong. for all races.
I'm still stuck on something....let's say blacks have lower IQ's than whites, jews, and asians. I still haven't been exposed to any compelling data that would prove this...but let's, for the sake of argument, assume it's the case...

Does that mean you think a low IQ's makes it more likely to be on welfare? I mean...couldn't it be that the differing brain charateristics are there...but not be the cause of dissproportianate wefare collection stats?

Did I miss something?.....I'm frankly kind of unnerved that I see so many posters on this thread seeming comfortable with the idea that blacks are genetically and culturally inferior...and that's why they collect wefare in greater percentages, which seems like a bit of an over-reach to me. And!!....everyone who thinks that is a conservative or a conservative leaning independent!

And even if that were true...what good is it to know it?....what good is it to say it?.....if not only to vent racial resentments.

I also don't see how low IQ means you will be on welfare, there are alot of white people on welfare and assistance as well, this would mean whites and blacks have almost the same IQ.
all good points. I have often pondered how effects from past generations are carried forward. except for preferential breeding in the slavery years, culture is the most likely method. and even then it is hard to imagine an actual physical or genetic mechanism.

one thing that supports harm from nurture/environment is that the correlation statistics for genetic heritabilty are smaller in children who grow up in extremely underprivileged/abusive situations. once the minimal conditions are met the stats are very strong. for all races.
I'm still stuck on something....let's say blacks have lower IQ's than whites, jews, and asians. I still haven't been exposed to any compelling data that would prove this...but let's, for the sake of argument, assume it's the case...

Does that mean you think a low IQ's makes it more likely to be on welfare? I mean...couldn't it be that the differing brain charateristics are there...but not be the cause of dissproportianate wefare collection stats?

Did I miss something?.....I'm frankly kind of unnerved that I see so many posters on this thread seeming comfortable with the idea that blacks are genetically and culturally inferior...and that's why they collect wefare in greater percentages, which seems like a bit of an over-reach to me. And!!....everyone who thinks that is a conservative or a conservative leaning independent!

And even if that were true...what good is it to know it?....what good is it to say it?.....if not only to vent racial resentments.

I also don't see how low IQ means you will be on welfare, there are alot of white people on welfare and assistance as well, this would mean whites and blacks have almost the same IQ.
IMHO.....This type of thing is all connected to the Christian Republican agenda in this country. Conservative media is trying to undo the social progess made since 1960. They're trying to make pollution okay again, racism okay again, monotheism okay again, women obeying their husbands again (like Michelle Bachmann does)....and other things. It all gives me the creeps.
I'm still stuck on something....let's say blacks have lower IQ's than whites, jews, and asians. I still haven't been exposed to any compelling data that would prove this...but let's, for the sake of argument, assume it's the case...

Does that mean you think a low IQ's makes it more likely to be on welfare? I mean...couldn't it be that the differing brain charateristics are there...but not be the cause of dissproportianate wefare collection stats?

Did I miss something?.....I'm frankly kind of unnerved that I see so many posters on this thread seeming comfortable with the idea that blacks are genetically and culturally inferior...and that's why they collect wefare in greater percentages, which seems like a bit of an over-reach to me. And!!....everyone who thinks that is a conservative or a conservative leaning independent!

And even if that were true...what good is it to know it?....what good is it to say it?.....if not only to vent racial resentments.

I also don't see how low IQ means you will be on welfare, there are alot of white people on welfare and assistance as well, this would mean whites and blacks have almost the same IQ.
IMHO.....This type of thing is all connected to the Christian Republican agenda in this country. Conservative media is trying to undo the social progess made since 1960. They're trying to make pollution okay again, racism okay again, monotheism okay again, women obeying their husbands again (like Michelle Bachmann does)....and other things. It all gives me the creeps.

My father is Black and he is an eletrical engineer, I believe people are born the same no matter what color, to say someone is smarter because of color is stupid and a lie.

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