Why do Democrats care more about Khashoggi than they did about Mollie Tibbetts?

Plenty of atrocities, as documented in wikipedia- and Obama did not cut off relations with them. In fact, little was said about it by the media.

The idea here isn't what happened to Khashoggi, the libs could care less. But instead its about trying to make President Trump look bad.

Human rights in Saudi Arabia - Wikipedia
President Trump is making himself look bad by excusing torture and murder
When did he excuse torture and murder?
Unfortunately, he is doing that with each moment that he "pretends" to believe the Saudis' latest lie for what happened.
In other words, NOT. All he's doing is withholding judgment until all the facts are in.
What further judgment is there going to be? The Saudis have completed their "investigation," have arrested 18 people for it, and have given their explanation to the world. Full Stop.
And the President says, "Sounds good to me."

And so he is now supposed to do what?
Rain down missiles on Riyadh?

Khashoggi was essentially adopted by the Left when he became a 'contributor' to the Leftist Washington Post last year. That immediately granted him journalist status and apparently honorary US citizenship. That is why they fail to report he is a Saudi citizen with a very shady past. But none of that matters because he is now a useful martyr for our 'Get Trump' Democratic Jihad.
Tibbets was a tragedy for a family.
Kashoggi is a tragedy for the nation.

WTF....haha, are you serious?
That’s the spin?
You sure you want to roll with that shit?
Freedom of the press is vital to a free country.

Yes, I know you don't really want a free country but the rest of us do.
He was killed in a pisshole Middle East country by a barbaric backwards Middle East country, neither of which has a free press.

Trying to pin this on America or Trump is simply weak and pathetic.
He made it seem ok to you. That's the problem.
Your problem with it is really of no concern to me.
Standard operating procedure of the region.
Send your outrage here where it belongs...
Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Ankara, Turkey

Maybe ask them about women's rights and gays while your at it.
Your problem is you been brainwashed by the RWNJs.
WTF....haha, are you serious?
That’s the spin?
You sure you want to roll with that shit?
Freedom of the press is vital to a free country.

Yes, I know you don't really want a free country but the rest of us do.
He was killed in a pisshole Middle East country by a barbaric backwards Middle East country, neither of which has a free press.

Trying to pin this on America or Trump is simply weak and pathetic.
He made it seem ok to you. That's the problem.
Your problem with it is really of no concern to me.
Standard operating procedure of the region.
Send your outrage here where it belongs...
Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Ankara, Turkey

Maybe ask them about women's rights and gays while your at it.
Your problem is you been brainwashed by the RWNJs.

Pot calling the kettle black...again.
Freedom of the press is vital to a free country.

Yes, I know you don't really want a free country but the rest of us do.
He was killed in a pisshole Middle East country by a barbaric backwards Middle East country, neither of which has a free press.

Trying to pin this on America or Trump is simply weak and pathetic.
He made it seem ok to you. That's the problem.
Your problem with it is really of no concern to me.
Standard operating procedure of the region.
Send your outrage here where it belongs...
Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Ankara, Turkey

Maybe ask them about women's rights and gays while your at it.
Your problem is you been brainwashed by the RWNJs.

Pot calling the kettle black...again.
You probably should look that phrase up before you use it again.
The Liberal media and Democrats are calling for Saudi heads....they’re absolutely livid and outraged about this FOREIGNERS death which happened on FOREIGN soil.
Remember, the Tibbetts murder couldn’t be swept under the rug fast enough by the same groups. Weird huh?
I hope Republican politicians running for office are paying attention and adding shit like this to their campaign narratives.
Tibbets was a tragedy for a family.
Kashoggi is a tragedy for the nation.

WTF....haha, are you serious?
That’s the spin?
You sure you want to roll with that shit?
Freedom of the press is vital to a free country.

Yes, I know you don't really want a free country but the rest of us do.

Kashoggi was a two face who infused his Sharia laden dialogue with words like democracy and progress. It got his stuff printed. However the real message was quite ugly.

Beneath that smile was a fundamentalist monstrosity who was an advocate for a Global caliphate, Had Strong ties to Isis,
And was a long-standing member of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Not an American citizen, not an American sympathizer, not even a free choice sympathizer.

His differences with the Crown Prince oddly placed him in the role of conservative... Iranian Style... versus the more Progressive views of the Crown Prince.

There is some question as to whether or not the squad of Assassins that was sent to Turkey were actually sanctioned by the Crown Prince.

Having said all of this the question remains: why the hell should we care about any of it?

This really is none of our business. As far as Turkey is concerned however it's a different story.... This murder was committed within the borders of their Nation. It would be altogether fitting for them to investigate and to prosecute.

Turkey is a member of NATO. They should be kicked out, as far as I'm concerned.
The Liberal media and Democrats are calling for Saudi heads....they’re absolutely livid and outraged about this FOREIGNERS death which happened on FOREIGN soil.
Remember, the Tibbetts murder couldn’t be swept under the rug fast enough by the same groups. Weird huh?
I hope Republican politicians running for office are paying attention and adding shit like this to their campaign narratives.
Tibbets was a tragedy for a family.
Kashoggi is a tragedy for the nation.

WTF....haha, are you serious?
That’s the spin?
You sure you want to roll with that shit?
Freedom of the press is vital to a free country.

Yes, I know you don't really want a free country but the rest of us do.

Kashoggi was a two face who infused his Sharia laden dialogue with words like democracy and progress. It got his stuff printed. However the real message was quite ugly.

Beneath that smile was a fundamentalist monstrosity who was an advocate for a Global caliphate, Had Strong ties to Isis,
And was a long-standing member of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Not an American citizen, not an American sympathizer, not even a free choice sympathizer.

His differences with the Crown Prince oddly placed him in the role of conservative... Iranian Style... versus the more Progressive views of the Crown Prince.

There is some question as to whether or not the squad of Assassins that was sent to Turkey were actually sanctioned by the Crown Prince.

Having said all of this the question remains: why the hell should we care about any of it?

This really is none of our business. As far as Turkey is concerned however it's a different story.... This murder was committed within the borders of their Nation. It would be altogether fitting for them to investigate and to prosecute.

Turkey is a member of NATO. They should be kicked out, as far as I'm concerned.
Who gives a crap about what you think?
Mollie Tibbets was not targeted for murder because she criticized someone in power

It's amazing that you actually have to explain these things to them, isn't it?
I wonder if the pseudo-cons are actually this bereft in simple thinking skills as I think they are....
OH, wait, yeah....they voted for Trump, an ex-game-show-TV-host with a history of six bankruptcies who launders money for Putin....forgot.
Mollie Tibbets was not targeted for murder because she criticized someone in power

It's amazing that you actually have to explain these things to them, isn't it?
I wonder if the pseudo-cons are actually this bereft in simple thinking skills as I think they are....
OH, wait, yeah....they voted for Trump, an ex-game-show-TV-host with a history of six bankruptcies who launders money for Putin....forgot.
we see you are a racist---WL don't matter to you
Tibbets was a tragedy for a family.
Kashoggi is a tragedy for the nation.

WTF....haha, are you serious?
That’s the spin?
You sure you want to roll with that shit?
Freedom of the press is vital to a free country.

Yes, I know you don't really want a free country but the rest of us do.

Kashoggi was a two face who infused his Sharia laden dialogue with words like democracy and progress. It got his stuff printed. However the real message was quite ugly.

Beneath that smile was a fundamentalist monstrosity who was an advocate for a Global caliphate, Had Strong ties to Isis,
And was a long-standing member of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Not an American citizen, not an American sympathizer, not even a free choice sympathizer.

His differences with the Crown Prince oddly placed him in the role of conservative... Iranian Style... versus the more Progressive views of the Crown Prince.

There is some question as to whether or not the squad of Assassins that was sent to Turkey were actually sanctioned by the Crown Prince.

Having said all of this the question remains: why the hell should we care about any of it?

This really is none of our business. As far as Turkey is concerned however it's a different story.... This murder was committed within the borders of their Nation. It would be altogether fitting for them to investigate and to prosecute.

Turkey is a member of NATO. They should be kicked out, as far as I'm concerned.
Who gives a crap about what you think?
You do, obviously.
I’ve noticed LefTards are still pissing themselves over Khashoggi‘s murder...yet not one of them shared any outrage over the Mollie Tibbetts murder....Why is that?
I’ve noticed LefTards are still pissing themselves over Khashoggi‘s murder...yet not one of them shared any outrage over the Mollie Tibbetts murder....Why is that?
We are not giving the killer of Mollie Tibbits a billion dollar contract
We are sending him to prison
I’ve noticed LefTards are still pissing themselves over Khashoggi‘s murder...yet not one of them shared any outrage over the Mollie Tibbetts murder....Why is that?

It is a sickening spectacle to behold. The faux outrage and the all of a sudden bleeding heart what generate uproarious laughter if it wasn't for the fact that it was such a disgusting and sickening spectacle.

To watch the left vacillate upon cue and to sway back and forth morally all in the name of political gain certainly separates them from conservatives. Say what you will about the right; the moral chameleon simply lives on the left regardless of what the right-wing may be guilty of.

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