Why Do Democrats Hate American Manufacturers?


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
they don't care, You elected these people
links in article at site


Feb 22, 2013

Here's the latest example of head-splitting cognitive dissonance in Washington: President Obama used his State of the Union address to crusade for a revitalized U.S. manufacturing sector. But while he pays lip service to supporting businesses that build their products on American soil, Obama and his left-wing operatives are hell-bent on driving a key sector of the U.S. manufacturing industry six feet under: the American firearms and ammunition industry.

The White House is pushing new government spending to "spur economic growth," protect manufacturing plants and "create good-paying jobs" to help America's middle class. Yet across the country, with aggressive lobbying by the White House itself, Democrats are working to destroy tens of thousands of good-paying jobs and the firms that created them. Assault rhetoric has lasting real-world consequences.

In New York, Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo imposed radical, ineffectual gun-grabbing measures that are backfiring in more ways than one. Nearly half a dozen gun companies have now announced that they will no longer sell their products to police in the Empire State. In protest of Cuomo's gun-control regime banning citizens from owning semi-automatic rifles or shotguns because of cosmetic features deemed "military-style," Washington-based Olympic Arms "will no longer be doing business with the State of New York or any governmental entity or employee of such governmental entity within the State of New York."

all of it here
Why Do Democrats Hate American Manufacturers? - Michelle Malkin - Page 1
American manufacturers should employ people, pay them good wages, but not actually produce anything. Like the government does.
If manufacturers don't manufacture anything, how can they pay their employees, or for their overhead, or vehicles, or other equipment and supplies, etc.?
In business, unlike the gov't, you can't pay out what you don't take in.
The oil and natural gas sectors employ over 9 million nationwide, in direct and indirect jobs. Many of them in manufacturing. Obama is set to hammer these industries with over $40 billion in taxes.
Why Do Democrats Hate
Anytime you see a thread title like this, you are about to be treated to a potpourri of logical fallacies in a single sentence.

You know how stupid it sounds to you when some fool says something like "why do republicans hate poor people" guess what you sound just as stupid and are just as big a fool with your thread title.
Why Do Democrats Hate
Anytime you see a thread title like this, you are about to be treated to a potpourri of logical fallacies in a single sentence.

You know how stupid it sounds to you when some fool says something like "why do republicans hate poor people" guess what you sound just as stupid and are just as big a fool with your thread title.

ah, she was talking about manufacturing which creates JOBS....:eusa_hand:
ah, she was talking about manufacturing which creates JOBS....:eusa_hand:
Doesn't matter, bottom line you are using a faulty premise in posing your question. You are no different than the democrat who asks why republicans hate blacks.
Why Do Democrats Hate
Anytime you see a thread title like this, you are about to be treated to a potpourri of logical fallacies in a single sentence.

You know how stupid it sounds to you when some fool says something like "why do republicans hate poor people" guess what you sound just as stupid and are just as big a fool with your thread title.

There are some huge differences here. When the presidential nominee says 47% of the country he wouldn't represent. When Republicans say, "Feed the poor and they will breed (Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer)" or "let him die" shouted out at presidential debates and on and on, then "yes", Republicans do hate poor people. There is simply too much evidence to suggest otherwise. Do ALL hate the poor? I don't know. But I never said "all".

As far as manufacturing, Obama said he wanted to invest in technical schools and Jr. Colleges. He said no one will turn over a million dollar piece of equipment to someone with no education. (Rick Santorum said he was a snob for wanting that. You can watch Rick on Youtube saying it).

From 2001 to 2008, millions of jobs were moved to China. Tens of thousands of factories closed. The month of the election, Mitt was moving one of his companies from Freeport to China.

Obama went to all that trouble to save the auto industry and all the related industries.

So saying Democrats hate manufacturing is crazy, considering the evidence.

Saying that Republicans hate poor people, mostly true, considering the evidence.
Why Do Democrats Hate
Anytime you see a thread title like this, you are about to be treated to a potpourri of logical fallacies in a single sentence.

You know how stupid it sounds to you when some fool says something like "why do republicans hate poor people" guess what you sound just as stupid and are just as big a fool with your thread title.

So your "shuck and jive" response to the question is to criticize the QUESTION?

Typical left wing answer to a question that is beyond their comprehension.

Reminds me of grade school, when some kids would be taking a test, and if they didn't know the answer to a question or problem, they would either leave it blank, or write in some nonsensical answer.

"2 + 2 = CHICKEN!"
There are some huge differences here. When the presidential nominee says 47% of the country he wouldn't represent. When Republicans say, "Feed the poor and they will breed (Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer)" or "let him die" shouted out at presidential debates and on and on, then "yes", Republicans do hate poor people.
No, a few examples of sound bites from politicians can be viewed as having negative attitudes towards the poor. If you polled a million republicans with a simple question "do you hate the poor" do you think you'd get many answering yes? I don't, therefore I don't believe it is reasonable to make that claim nor is it reasonable to attempt to gauge the opinions of others from soundbites of politicians.

So your "shuck and jive" response to the question is to criticize the QUESTION?
No, I never even attempted to answer the question my interest is in the fallacy inherent in the framing of the question in the thread title.

Typical left wing answer to a question that is beyond their comprehension.
Typical shallow minded political partisan who is only capable of forming opinions based on perceptions of which political team they are on or against.

This has nothing to do with left/right wing, and I clearly demonstrated in my post that both sides have fools who churn out the same drivel.
Last edited:
they don't care, You elected these people
links in article at site


Feb 22, 2013

Here's the latest example of head-splitting cognitive dissonance in Washington: President Obama used his State of the Union address to crusade for a revitalized U.S. manufacturing sector. But while he pays lip service to supporting businesses that build their products on American soil, Obama and his left-wing operatives are hell-bent on driving a key sector of the U.S. manufacturing industry six feet under: the American firearms and ammunition industry.

The White House is pushing new government spending to "spur economic growth," protect manufacturing plants and "create good-paying jobs" to help America's middle class. Yet across the country, with aggressive lobbying by the White House itself, Democrats are working to destroy tens of thousands of good-paying jobs and the firms that created them. Assault rhetoric has lasting real-world consequences.

In New York, Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo imposed radical, ineffectual gun-grabbing measures that are backfiring in more ways than one. Nearly half a dozen gun companies have now announced that they will no longer sell their products to police in the Empire State. In protest of Cuomo's gun-control regime banning citizens from owning semi-automatic rifles or shotguns because of cosmetic features deemed "military-style," Washington-based Olympic Arms "will no longer be doing business with the State of New York or any governmental entity or employee of such governmental entity within the State of New York."

all of it here
Why Do Democrats Hate American Manufacturers? - Michelle Malkin - Page 1


This is an Onion Article, right?

The oil and natural gas sectors employ over 9 million nationwide, in direct and indirect jobs. Many of them in manufacturing. Obama is set to hammer these industries with over $40 billion in taxes.


Those would be the sunset of the Clinton tax breaks to search for oil.

The search is done.

Time to pay up.
This has nothing to do with left/right wing, and I clearly demonstrated in my post that both sides have fools who churn out the same drivel.

There is a CLEAR difference between "left wingers" and "right wingers" that go well beyond political beliefs.

"Left wingers" are inherently ignorant, dishonest, controlling, narcissistic, lack integrity, and believe that hypocrisy is a virtue.

"Right wingers" are inherently intelligent, honest, hard-working, have core values, and believe that the U.S. Constitution is the foundation of this country.

I can be amongst a group of people I don't know, and I can identify a left winger very quickly. They are all so predictable.
At this point it's a given that nothing that issues from his mouth is truth...I believe the whole world recognizes Obama as a demogogue, and that his, and all other progressives', sole motivation is to break the US down, destroy it, and turn it into a third world shit hole.
The oil and natural gas sectors employ over 9 million nationwide, in direct and indirect jobs. Many of them in manufacturing. Obama is set to hammer these industries with over $40 billion in taxes.


Those would be the sunset of the Clinton tax breaks to search for oil.

The search is done.

Time to pay up.


Screw Clinton. He presided over an era that saw $10 oil and $1 gasoline and he sat with his thumb up his ass while thousands filed bankruptcy, tens of thousands lost jobs, domestic production plummeted, and imports rose.

Foreign companies were dumping their crude on our markets at below production cost which is a big no-no, isn't it? He gave no "tax breaks" to the industry.
And the morons who go around saying "both sides are the same" are just lying progressives.
they don't care, You elected these people
links in article at site


Feb 22, 2013

Here's the latest example of head-splitting cognitive dissonance in Washington: President Obama used his State of the Union address to crusade for a revitalized U.S. manufacturing sector. But while he pays lip service to supporting businesses that build their products on American soil, Obama and his left-wing operatives are hell-bent on driving a key sector of the U.S. manufacturing industry six feet under: the American firearms and ammunition industry.

The White House is pushing new government spending to "spur economic growth," protect manufacturing plants and "create good-paying jobs" to help America's middle class. Yet across the country, with aggressive lobbying by the White House itself, Democrats are working to destroy tens of thousands of good-paying jobs and the firms that created them. Assault rhetoric has lasting real-world consequences.

In New York, Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo imposed radical, ineffectual gun-grabbing measures that are backfiring in more ways than one. Nearly half a dozen gun companies have now announced that they will no longer sell their products to police in the Empire State. In protest of Cuomo's gun-control regime banning citizens from owning semi-automatic rifles or shotguns because of cosmetic features deemed "military-style," Washington-based Olympic Arms "will no longer be doing business with the State of New York or any governmental entity or employee of such governmental entity within the State of New York."

all of it here
Why Do Democrats Hate American Manufacturers? - Michelle Malkin - Page 1
From now on, they will only sell them to drug lords and Central American freedom fighters (hear in the country illegally) and teenagers with severe social networking issues.
Why Do Democrats Hate
Anytime you see a thread title like this, you are about to be treated to a potpourri of logical fallacies in a single sentence.

You know how stupid it sounds to you when some fool says something like "why do republicans hate poor people" guess what you sound just as stupid and are just as big a fool with your thread title.

How true. Because it's guaranteed that dishonest progressives will flock to the thread to dissimilate.
This has nothing to do with left/right wing, and I clearly demonstrated in my post that both sides have fools who churn out the same drivel.

There is a CLEAR difference between "left wingers" and "right wingers" that go well beyond political beliefs.

"Left wingers" are inherently ignorant, dishonest, controlling, narcissistic, lack integrity, and believe that hypocrisy is a virtue.

"Right wingers" are inherently intelligent, honest, hard-working, have core values, and believe that the U.S. Constitution is the foundation of this country.

I can be amongst a group of people I don't know, and I can identify a left winger very quickly. They are all so predictable.

You are so right. It's left wingers who want to use vaginal probes on women. Who feel gays are not "equal". Whose party is 90% white. Who says education is for snobs.

Oh wait, reverse that:

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