Why do Democrats Trivialize The Threat From Radical Islam

You're more likely to die falling out of your bed than you are from a terrorist attack. How many trillions should we spend on the war on beds?

You're more likely to die from falling out of your bed than you are from being hit by a drunk driver. So using your idiocy, we should allow drunk driving.

Oh, I realize that you're here to trivialize the threat from radical Islam, thinking just isn't what you do.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

(Note: not laughing at the tragedy of being killed by a drunk driver...just Uncensored's idiocy)
Why be scared of the Muslims only? It's the true blue American poor that will be rioting just as the poor in English cities are doing if the entitlement slashing continues (either right or wrong) by the Tea Party. Look at how the police couldn't come close to handling it. The poorer the poor and the hotter the temps the closer this country will get to the same rioting.
You think more about my sexuality than I do. Thanks but no thanks.

Were you a lesbian before menopause? Or is this just like everything else about you, a bullshit political statement, a statement of your far left idiocy?

Ah, more lesbian fantasies.....:lol::lol::lol: You three make a lovely....er.....couple?


I suppose you can't help being a sexually and politically impaired LEZBO to the point where you stated that you considered yourself to be SPARTACUS. And, on another occasion, a dickless "husband".

But, seriously, do you have to advertise your idiotic blather ?

I asked if you were lesbian before menopause? Is this just something you "discovered" after the sex drive was gone and you had to actually relate to men - finding out that you really couldn't?

Ooooo. An expert. Share with us all you know about that phenomenon. TIA.

Why do these people obsess over your sex life and who you have sex with?

Bunch of perverts, it's an anonymous message board, go to a damn porn site if you need that kind of thing not here.

Uh huh !!!

We are now going to get our lessons on ethics and proper political behaviour from Dr DRECK, the unofficial representative of the SMEAR MERCHANTS of the Left, whose base is the LEFT LOONIE CRAZIES from SOROS'S Merry Band of Slimebag & Sleaze Purveyors like Move On .Org, Media Matters, Daily Kos, etc., etc., etc. who, for example, have unjustifiably villified Sarah Palin, and even her children....including the Downes syndrome child.

Yeah !!! We need more lessons on propriety from LIEberrhoidal turds like you !!!
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

(Note: not laughing at the tragedy of being killed by a drunk driver...just Uncensored's idiocy)

Yep, because you're too fucking stupid to grasp the point.

Hey, you're here to trivialize the threat from radical Islam, not to reason... I understand.

Let's see here...who brought up the comparison of falling out of bed deaths with drunk driving deaths.....? :eusa_whistle: Who could that have been? :eusa_whistle: And when he has his ass handed to him, suddenly whines about the topic...? :eusa_whistle: Who could that be...? :eusa_whistle:
Interesting. Prime Minister Cameron actually blamed "gangs" as a major problem with the riots in London and other English cities. He actually blamed English gangs association with a Boston gang. Seems the gang/drug problem isn't going away in the US very soon is it?
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Let's see here...who brought up the comparison of falling out of bed deaths with drunk driving deaths.....?

Hey stupid, do you think there is a connection between terrorism and falling out of bed? Is there any relevance at all between the two?

Don't bother to answer, just bleat "Ohhh Bahhhh Bahhh Bahhh Mahhh," it's all you're good for.
Let's see here...who brought up the comparison of falling out of bed deaths with drunk driving deaths.....?

Hey stupid, do you think there is a connection between terrorism and falling out of bed? Is there any relevance at all between the two?

Don't bother to answer, just bleat "Ohhh Bahhhh Bahhh Bahhh Mahhh," it's all you're good for.

I like how you can't handle quoting my entire post......:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Fascism masquerading as the "religion" Islam is your fucking "And......?"

No other Religion in the 5 Organized Religions of the World have the same Bloodthirsty Agenda of conquering the World thru VIOLENT FORCE, if necessary ...... with clearly defined instructions for TORTURE & MURDER levied against those who oppose the maniacal Muslim fiends in achieving their goal of making "the World the Caliphate of Islam".....i.e., following the FIRST DICTUM (superseding all instructions contrary to it )of their Supreme Whackjob Fuehrer, Mohammed, who is the Historically Documented MASS MURDERER, THIEF, RAPIST & PEDOPHILIC RAPIST !!!

But then, as a LEZBO who fancies herself, as you yourself stated, a SPARTACUS.....and, then, on a different occasion, a dickless "husband" surely establishes you as a permanent resident of La La Land.

And, don't bring out the "family" bullshit.......this doesn't have anything to do with "family"...... this has to do with YOU and your own fantasy BULLSHIT !!!

You and Wicked Jester need to get together and watch your Lesbian porno flicks together. You'd make a charming couple...you hiding under your bed, him on probation.
What fuckin' probation are you babbling about, Butch?

Christ man, you're incessent babbling is becoming quite disturbing up here.

Serioulsy dude, you need to get some fuckin' help.......Onset of Alzheimers, Dementia. Possible that all those drugs through the years have fried your brain?

I mean hell, Stanley........I go away for a couple months. Take my daughters on A Disney cruise through the Carribean. The wife and I to Italy for two weeks, and I come back and your incessent babbling has increased ten fold in that time.

Get some help, son.........Ya' need it!
Fascism masquerading as the "religion" Islam is your fucking "And......?"

No other Religion in the 5 Organized Religions of the World have the same Bloodthirsty Agenda of conquering the World thru VIOLENT FORCE, if necessary ...... with clearly defined instructions for TORTURE & MURDER levied against those who oppose the maniacal Muslim fiends in achieving their goal of making "the World the Caliphate of Islam".....i.e., following the FIRST DICTUM (superseding all instructions contrary to it )of their Supreme Whackjob Fuehrer, Mohammed, who is the Historically Documented MASS MURDERER, THIEF, RAPIST & PEDOPHILIC RAPIST !!!

But then, as a LEZBO who fancies herself, as you yourself stated, a SPARTACUS.....and, then, on a different occasion, a dickless "husband" surely establishes you as a permanent resident of La La Land.

And, don't bring out the "family" bullshit.......this doesn't have anything to do with "family"...... this has to do with YOU and your own fantasy BULLSHIT !!!

You and Wicked Jester need to get together and watch your Lesbian porno flicks together. You'd make a charming couple...you hiding under your bed, him on probation.
What fuckin' probation are you babbling about, Butch?

Christ man, you're incessent babbling is becoming quite disturbing up here.

Serioulsy dude, you need to get some fuckin' help.......Onset of Alzheimers, Dementia. Possible that all those drugs through the years have fried your brain?

I mean hell, Stanley........I go away for a couple months. Take my daughters on A Disney cruise through the Carribean. The wife and I to Italy for two weeks, and I come back and your incessent babbling has increased ten fold in that time.

Get some help, son.........Ya' need it!

Sure you did....:eusa_whistle:
You and Wicked Jester need to get together and watch your Lesbian porno flicks together. You'd make a charming couple...you hiding under your bed, him on probation.
What fuckin' probation are you babbling about, Butch?

Christ man, you're incessent babbling is becoming quite disturbing up here.

Serioulsy dude, you need to get some fuckin' help.......Onset of Alzheimers, Dementia. Possible that all those drugs through the years have fried your brain?

I mean hell, Stanley........I go away for a couple months. Take my daughters on A Disney cruise through the Carribean. The wife and I to Italy for two weeks, and I come back and your incessent babbling has increased ten fold in that time.

Get some help, son.........Ya' need it!

Sure you did....:eusa_whistle:
Sure did!

Unlike you, I did well in life.

I can afford to take trips.......And of course, I can get treatment at the VA if necessary, unlike you.

Look, Clephus........There must be some government program or charity that can help ya' get the treatment you so obviously need........Incessent babbling CANNOT be a sign of anything good........Get yourself checked, Bob, it just might do ya some good.

And just think Dave, they just might be able to get ya' some help with that gender confusion thingamajigee you suffer from.

I wish ya' liuck, Bert......Sincerely.
Many thanks to Booooosh for turning 30 criminals into millions by starting a crusade against a huge religion, with the help of many stupid bigotted Pub dupes...only cost trillions...

Time to buy off Israel and Palestine...then we'll have a solution. That's all Islamists care about.

Islamists have been attacking the west since the founding of the "cult leader", Mohammed decided to spread his "peaceful" religion thru deceit, destruction, and death. For you, "you" that is over 1400 years of aggression and warfare. It hasn't stopped and it never will as long as "shariah" is part of the "religion". You can't "buy off" people that will only be happy when your head is seperated from your shoulders, and they have raped every female in your family. Sorry, that is how they see it. You, refuse to see it, and want the rest of us to be as blind as you "choose" to be.
First a political dig(tongue in cheek of course), does that mean Conservatives are Satanists?(note what I bolded):eusa_whistle:

The way I saw it, it's not really a "fake" per se... but a ritualistic thumbing of their noses at Christianity... although, they also get into Magic and Sorcery... which kind of goes a little beyond the satire they are trying to convey. Once again... I don't really give a crap what other people believe as long as they don't tell me what to believe and they obey our laws(as in the legal system... not necessarily the bible...although at times, they intersect).
No, it's what they claim Satan to be, under the Atheist/Agnostic version Satan merely represents opposition to god/s. Personally I don't get what they see in it, Satan is torturer and a sadist of epic proportions; the notion of him being anything other than that is bizarre.

Even if you were to take the bible literally (especially the old testament version), and deem that god was an evil guy out to manipulate people and hurt them; why would you want to worship a torturer and an all the round nasty guy when you could say worship a cat or a nice guy instead?
say something about islam why don't you!!!:eusa_whistle:

Islam is to be "trivialized" while those bodies with their heads removed keep piling up in those violent Christian and Jewish communities (this is for the Lord they cry, as they use four men to hold the bound person, while the fifth person, saws off the heads). Christianity has the most violent, the most hostile believers towards those of other faiths in all the world. (Ignore all those charities, and ministries, and saints, like Mother Teresa, they are not really Christians, I think they are closet muslims.)
More hugs is a more rational thought than thinking you can defeat a concept through warmongering.Not a country, a government, or a dictator, but a concept, and both sides of the aisle fall for it.I don't need to see statistics on american education to realize how bad it is, all I need to hear people talk about is "winning the war on terror."

This might be a shocking concept to you moron idiot, but there are people out there, many of them arab muslims, who cannot be reasoned with, and are committed to murdering you.

When I read posts from assholes as stupid as you, I realize that there are people in this world you can teach, show and prove to that a truck is coming down the street - but they will continue to insist that walking in the middle of the street is safest. Grow a brain, dimwit.

Fall involving bed statistics - Countries compared - NationMaster

You're more likely to die falling out of your bed than you are from a terrorist attack. How many trillions should we spend on the war on beds?

Well sorry, maybe you aren't more likely to die that way, you spend your days hiding under your bed from muslims.

With attitudes like yours, give it a few years and try that statistic again, you will find those being killed from islamic radicals, climbing. You can get back in your bed, now.
Why be scared of the Muslims only? It's the true blue American poor that will be rioting just as the poor in English cities are doing if the entitlement slashing continues (either right or wrong) by the Tea Party. Look at how the police couldn't come close to handling it. The poorer the poor and the hotter the temps the closer this country will get to the same rioting.

In this country, people are still allowed to defend themselves and their property. If those type of riots start here, they will end a whole lot quicker, and it will involve funerals.

That Wisconsin thing, that was a warning to all those that pack, and all those that hunt. It will be harder to do, next time, unless it is done where city governments have made sure the citizens that pay taxes are unarmed.
This might be a shocking concept to you moron idiot, but there are people out there, many of them arab muslims, who cannot be reasoned with, and are committed to murdering you.

When I read posts from assholes as stupid as you, I realize that there are people in this world you can teach, show and prove to that a truck is coming down the street - but they will continue to insist that walking in the middle of the street is safest. Grow a brain, dimwit.

Fall involving bed statistics - Countries compared - NationMaster

You're more likely to die falling out of your bed than you are from a terrorist attack. How many trillions should we spend on the war on beds?

Well sorry, maybe you aren't more likely to die that way, you spend your days hiding under your bed from muslims.

With attitudes like yours, give it a few years and try that statistic again, you will find those being killed from islamic radicals, climbing. You can get back in your bed, now.

That's some grade A fearmongering, you should run for public office.
what exactly is the threat, really?
Remember 9/11 and the Ft.Hood shootings.All done in the name of islam.
Thats just part of thousands of attacks from the evil islamic beasts!
Never trust a muslim!

i'm not going to say those weren't horrible, because they were, but honestly if we're talking pure loss of life and we take all the deaths in the US due to radical Islam since 9/11you're talking an average of around 1 person a day. 1 person.

And don't think I'm trivializing that but in a nation of 300,000,000 that's a statistically insignificant number.

so forgive me if i'm not shitting myself in fear over the threat of radical islam.

If that one person was you it would be trivial to me!
Why do Democrats Trivialize The Threat From Radical Islam
Why do "conservatives" insist they've got The Answer to ALL things.....because o' their belief in their plastic/fantastic FAIRY TALES?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LE_TWhzG-p0]Hell: The Devil's Domain (Part 1/10) - YouTube[/ame]

"If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward,
then we are a sorry lot indeed."
- Albert Einstein

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