Why do Democrats Trivialize The Threat From Radical Islam

Estimated by whom, some scared little girlies? Al Queda surely doesn't have 30 million!

Why do you trivialize the threat of islamists?

Why do you exaggerate the threat of Islamic Radicals?

Back to the dodge? Do the math, not an exaggeration, based on conservative estimates. If only 10% were extremists, the number would be over 160,000,000 people that believe it is their duty to deceive, destroy or murder all those that do not believe as they do. Al Queda is only one wacko group of islam extremists. There are groups for at least the 57 states of islam. Why do you trivialize the threat of islamic radicals?
Why do you trivialize the threat of islamists?

Why do you exaggerate the threat of Islamic Radicals?

Back to the dodge? Do the math, not an exaggeration, based on conservative estimates. If only 10% were extremists, the number would be over 160,000,000 people that believe it is their duty to deceive, destroy or murder all those that do not believe as they do. Al Queda is only one wacko group of islam extremists. There are groups for at least the 57 states of islam. Why do you trivialize the threat of islamic radicals?
I'll answer for him/her, L4U.

Two words: Political correctness.

You know, it's that idiotic liberal BS......Nothing more.
Many thanks to Booooosh for turning 30 criminals into millions by starting a crusade against a huge religion, with the help of many stupid bigotted Pub dupes...only cost trillions...

Time to buy off Israel and Palestine...then we'll have a solution. That's all Islamists care about.
Ok, what do you think is a legit potential risk of what radical islam can do to the US?

(I'm not a democrat, just curious)
suicide bomber setting off a nuclear bomb in the harbor of a major city!!!:eusa_eh:
Not to mention Fort Hood, Times Square, Bomb in underwear over Detroit, Disgruntled AWOL muslim troop supported by a couple o' liberal peace groups who happened to get caught by a private citizen just before he was about to strike at Ft. Hood yet again.

They just don't seem to get it......Sad really.
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Not really, depends which type of Satanist. Most still maintain spiritual or religious belief just they view god as evil; Satan as a supporter of individual liberty and freedom of choice, as opposed to God which is meant to represent oppression, servitude and so on to 'laws of morality'.

As for Atheism itself there are authors like Dawkins and Hitchens, and the angry people with issues; who generally have grudges against religious people. Then are Atheists that live a lie for some fear of persecution/punishment if they go out to family or friends, or their constituents aka closet Atheists. Lastly there are people like me that are out, dislike religion (especially when it causes death, destruction, genuine mayhem) and don't moan over Christmas. Really I don't understand Satanism at all, or the Spaghetti monster thing; if you are really there to let go of god, why waste your time creating a false religion that you know is fake, or a fake of a fake. :eusa_eh:

First a political dig(tongue in cheek of course), does that mean Conservatives are Satanists?(note what I bolded):eusa_whistle:

The way I saw it, it's not really a "fake" per se... but a ritualistic thumbing of their noses at Christianity... although, they also get into Magic and Sorcery... which kind of goes a little beyond the satire they are trying to convey. Once again... I don't really give a crap what other people believe as long as they don't tell me what to believe and they obey our laws(as in the legal system... not necessarily the bible...although at times, they intersect).
No, it's what they claim Satan to be, under the Atheist/Agnostic version Satan merely represents opposition to god/s. Personally I don't get what they see in it, Satan is torturer and a sadist of epic proportions; the notion of him being anything other than that is bizarre.

Even if you were to take the bible literally (especially the old testament version), and deem that god was an evil guy out to manipulate people and hurt them; why would you want to worship a torturer and an all the round nasty guy when you could say worship a cat or a nice guy instead?
say something about islam why don't you!!!:eusa_whistle:
Dumbfuck, the've been killing non-muslims in the name of islam long before Bush was born, but don't let that bother your demented world.

You probably don't the difference between Shia and Sunni....muslims in Saudi Arabia compared to Iran, compared to Pakistan, etc.

So just shut the fuck up.

Many thanks to Booooosh for turning 30 criminals into millions by starting a crusade against a huge religion, with the help of many stupid bigotted Pub dupes...only cost trillions...

Time to buy off Israel and Palestine...then we'll have a solution. That's all Islamists care about.
Dumbfuck, the've been killing non-muslims in the name of islam long before Bush was born, but don't let that bother your demented world.

You probably don't the difference between Shia and Sunni....muslims in Saudi Arabia compared to Iran, compared to Pakistan, etc.

So just shut the fuck up.

Many thanks to Booooosh for turning 30 criminals into millions by starting a crusade against a huge religion, with the help of many stupid bigotted Pub dupes...only cost trillions...

Time to buy off Israel and Palestine...then we'll have a solution. That's all Islamists care about.

Actually, I do, and they all are obsessed with Israel screwing the Palestinians. You seem to just hate all muslims. BRILLIANT!! Pub dupes!! And the WEST has been killing and screwing over Muslims lately- like the last 300 years!!
First a political dig(tongue in cheek of course), does that mean Conservatives are Satanists?(note what I bolded):eusa_whistle:

The way I saw it, it's not really a "fake" per se... but a ritualistic thumbing of their noses at Christianity... although, they also get into Magic and Sorcery... which kind of goes a little beyond the satire they are trying to convey. Once again... I don't really give a crap what other people believe as long as they don't tell me what to believe and they obey our laws(as in the legal system... not necessarily the bible...although at times, they intersect).
No, it's what they claim Satan to be, under the Atheist/Agnostic version Satan merely represents opposition to god/s. Personally I don't get what they see in it, Satan is torturer and a sadist of epic proportions; the notion of him being anything other than that is bizarre.

Even if you were to take the bible literally (especially the old testament version), and deem that god was an evil guy out to manipulate people and hurt them; why would you want to worship a torturer and an all the round nasty guy when you could say worship a cat or a nice guy instead?
say something about islam why don't you!!!:eusa_whistle:

Mohammad was a conqueror, who went through the middle east pillaging, having children and of course starving himself in deserts so he got hallucinations, which would later form most of the fabric of the Koran. Now, you could believe that; but when you kill people over it, it makes you a total lunatic. By all means, Muslims can believe whatever they like, say whatever they like, do whatever they like; but the moment they start sending death threats, setting fire to embassies and killing filmmakers it isn't acceptable any more.
Dumbfuck, the've been killing non-muslims in the name of islam long before Bush was born, but don't let that bother your demented world.

You probably don't the difference between Shia and Sunni....muslims in Saudi Arabia compared to Iran, compared to Pakistan, etc.

So just shut the fuck up.

Many thanks to Booooosh for turning 30 criminals into millions by starting a crusade against a huge religion, with the help of many stupid bigotted Pub dupes...only cost trillions...

Time to buy off Israel and Palestine...then we'll have a solution. That's all Islamists care about.

Actually, I do, and they all are obsessed with Israel screwing the Palestinians. You seem to just hate all muslims. BRILLIANT!! Pub dupes!! And the WEST has been killing and screwing over Muslims lately- like the last 300 years!!
Seriously, you are a laughable fuckin' idiot.
Dumbfuck, the've been killing non-muslims in the name of islam long before Bush was born, but don't let that bother your demented world.

You probably don't the difference between Shia and Sunni....muslims in Saudi Arabia compared to Iran, compared to Pakistan, etc.

So just shut the fuck up.

Actually, I do, and they all are obsessed with Israel screwing the Palestinians. You seem to just hate all muslims. BRILLIANT!! Pub dupes!! And the WEST has been killing and screwing over Muslims lately- like the last 300 years!!
Seriously, you are a laughable fuckin' idiot.

Gave up trying your "facts? Can't blame you.
Still waiting for those Christian lists of victims and the violent teachings from the places of worship. The muslims will not seperate their spiritual from their system of death, destruction and deciet, so yes, since the culture of death will not be seperated by those that claim to follow "the religion of peace", it IS THEIR RELIGION.
Now please list where Christians are doing anything remotely similar in "the name of their Lord".

In the mind of the leftists, all religions are the same.:cuckoo:


Fascism masquerading as the "religion" Islam is your fucking "And......?"

No other Religion in the 5 Organized Religions of the World have the same Bloodthirsty Agenda of conquering the World thru VIOLENT FORCE, if necessary ...... with clearly defined instructions for TORTURE & MURDER levied against those who oppose the maniacal Muslim fiends in achieving their goal of making "the World the Caliphate of Islam".....i.e., following the FIRST DICTUM (superseding all instructions contrary to it )of their Supreme Whackjob Fuehrer, Mohammed, who is the Historically Documented MASS MURDERER, THIEF, RAPIST & PEDOPHILIC RAPIST !!!

But then, as a LEZBO who fancies herself, as you yourself stated, a SPARTACUS.....and, then, on a different occasion, a dickless "husband" surely establishes you as a permanent resident of La La Land.

And, don't bring out the "family" bullshit.......this doesn't have anything to do with "family"...... this has to do with YOU and your own fantasy BULLSHIT !!!
Actually, I do, and they all are obsessed with Israel screwing the Palestinians. You seem to just hate all muslims. BRILLIANT!! Pub dupes!! And the WEST has been killing and screwing over Muslims lately- like the last 300 years!!
Seriously, you are a laughable fuckin' idiot.

Gave up trying your "facts? Can't blame you.
No, Moonbeam, I killed you with facts in that other thread, and then watched you scurry away like a cat with a firecracker up it's ass.
I don't know which scenario is harder to believe, that a moron like you is still a mod here, or that you're even alive at all.

Normally, Darwinian selection culls out dogshit like you early in life, but then, nothing's perfect.

^Conservative Poster....typical one? You decide.
^Bitter liberal lezbo poster....typical one? You betcha.

You think more about my sexuality than I do. Thanks but no thanks.
Sure, tell us again how Obama is slaughtering Libyan women and children, and no one knows...Oh, and putting Al Qaeda in...LOL!! DUPE.
In the mind of the leftists, all religions are the same.:cuckoo:


Fascism masquerading as the "religion" Islam is your fucking "And......?"

No other Religion in the 5 Organized Religions of the World have the same Bloodthirsty Agenda of conquering the World thru VIOLENT FORCE, if necessary ...... with clearly defined instructions for TORTURE & MURDER levied against those who oppose the maniacal Muslim fiends in achieving their goal of making "the World the Caliphate of Islam".....i.e., following the FIRST DICTUM (superseding all instructions contrary to it )of their Supreme Whackjob Fuehrer, Mohammed, who is the Historically Documented MASS MURDERER, THIEF, RAPIST & PEDOPHILIC RAPIST !!!

But then, as a LEZBO who fancies herself, as you yourself stated, a SPARTACUS.....and, then, on a different occasion, a dickless "husband" surely establishes you as a permanent resident of La La Land.

And, don't bring out the "family" bullshit.......this doesn't have anything to do with "family"...... this has to do with YOU and your own fantasy BULLSHIT !!!

You and Wicked Jester need to get together and watch your Lesbian porno flicks together. You'd make a charming couple...you hiding under your bed, him on probation.

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