Why do Democrats Trivialize The Threat From Radical Islam

Islamic Terrorism is the greatest threat to the entire planet. Killing the worthless Osama Bin Loser was a good start, but we need to do more. All Islamic Terrorists need to be dealt with.
Sure, tell us again how Obama is slaughtering Libyan women and children, and no one knows...Oh, and putting Al Qaeda in...LOL!! DUPE.

The PollackfromPluto is a hopelessly clueless idiot.

However, ya gotta give this whackjob some credit: he's so fucking BIZARRE he's actually amusing.
Yeah well, that's what commune living, too tight Birkenstocks, massive amounts of drugs and tie dye fumes did to a lot of these liberal freaks of the 60's and 70's.

He's admittedly 60 years old, and his mushy brain brings out the bizarre, and definitely makes for an entertaining, albeit burned out ol' coot.
Too bad you're just WRONG on the facts- Turn off the BS, Raygunist dupe. Post some more links from APRIL to show what we're doing in Libya TODAY, idiot. Or how unarmed US drones are slaughtering women and dhildren. Gaddafi loving Foxbots, now. LOL! Really sad. Hoping for your recovery...
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More hugs is a more rational thought than thinking you can defeat a concept through warmongering.Not a country, a government, or a dictator, but a concept, and both sides of the aisle fall for it.I don't need to see statistics on american education to realize how bad it is, all I need to hear people talk about is "winning the war on terror."

This might be a shocking concept to you moron idiot, but there are people out there, many of them arab muslims, who cannot be reasoned with, and are committed to murdering you.

When I read posts from assholes as stupid as you, I realize that there are people in this world you can teach, show and prove to that a truck is coming down the street - but they will continue to insist that walking in the middle of the street is safest. Grow a brain, dimwit.

Fall involving bed statistics - Countries compared - NationMaster

You're more likely to die falling out of your bed than you are from a terrorist attack. How many trillions should we spend on the war on beds?

Well sorry, maybe you aren't more likely to die that way, you spend your days hiding under your bed from muslims.
More hugs is a more rational thought than thinking you can defeat a concept through warmongering.Not a country, a government, or a dictator, but a concept, and both sides of the aisle fall for it.I don't need to see statistics on american education to realize how bad it is, all I need to hear people talk about is "winning the war on terror."

This might be a shocking concept to you moron idiot, but there are people out there, many of them arab muslims, who cannot be reasoned with, and are committed to murdering you.

When I read posts from assholes as stupid as you, I realize that there are people in this world you can teach, show and prove to that a truck is coming down the street - but they will continue to insist that walking in the middle of the street is safest. Grow a brain, dimwit.

Fall involving bed statistics - Countries compared - NationMaster

You're more likely to die falling out of your bed than you are from a terrorist attack. How many trillions should we spend on the war on beds?
Well sorry, maybe you aren't more likely to die that way, you spend your days hiding under your bed from muslims.

Perfect example of the title of this thread. Thank you for that. You are the perfect liberal Democrat… Congrats:clap2:
This might be a shocking concept to you moron idiot, but there are people out there, many of them arab muslims, who cannot be reasoned with, and are committed to murdering you.

When I read posts from assholes as stupid as you, I realize that there are people in this world you can teach, show and prove to that a truck is coming down the street - but they will continue to insist that walking in the middle of the street is safest. Grow a brain, dimwit.

Fall involving bed statistics - Countries compared - NationMaster

You're more likely to die falling out of your bed than you are from a terrorist attack. How many trillions should we spend on the war on beds?
Well sorry, maybe you aren't more likely to die that way, you spend your days hiding under your bed from muslims.

Perfect example of the title of this thread. Thank you for that. You are the perfect liberal Democrat… Congrats:clap2:

I've never voted for a single democrat in my entire life, Obama is a tragic disaster. I hate Obama's war on terror.

Perfect example of an idiot, who can only post on blind pre-thought out ignorant assumptions, well done :clap:.
Fall involving bed statistics - Countries compared - NationMaster

You're more likely to die falling out of your bed than you are from a terrorist attack. How many trillions should we spend on the war on beds?
Well sorry, maybe you aren't more likely to die that way, you spend your days hiding under your bed from muslims.

Perfect example of the title of this thread. Thank you for that. You are the perfect liberal Democrat… Congrats:clap2:

I've never voted for a single democrat in my entire life, Obama is a tragic disaster. I hate Obama's war on terror.

Perfect example of an idiot, who can only post on blind pre-thought out ignorant assumptions, well done :clap:.

Yeah? when does that start? I know he has an "overseas contingency" thing going on, in between kissing muslim ass. So you say you're not a dem? Good for you, you're still clueless on the subject .I hope you have guard rails on your bed moron.:cuckoo:
Perfect example of the title of this thread. Thank you for that. You are the perfect liberal Democrat… Congrats:clap2:

I've never voted for a single democrat in my entire life, Obama is a tragic disaster. I hate Obama's war on terror.

Perfect example of an idiot, who can only post on blind pre-thought out ignorant assumptions, well done :clap:.

Yeah? when does that start? I know he has an "overseas contingency" thing going on, in between kissing muslim ass. So you say you're not a dem? Good for you, you're still clueless on the subject .I hope you have guard rails on your bed moron.:cuckoo:

No he has a war on terror, that's why he bombs a new country every 6 months or so, which should be much to your delight.

All I stated was that you're more likely to die falling out of your bed than from terrorism here in the US, that's a fact.

Government (both parties) wants it's citizens in a constant state of panic. Look at 9/11 for example, what happens when the citizens panic? We turn to government, and put all our faith in them and they have cart blanche to do whatever they want, so they always want that.

Don't you see all the new disasters they want us to be afraid of? Terrorism, bank failures, GM failure, budget, credit rating, need for a stimulus, global warming, etc it's all some new disaster to keep us in a constant state of panic.

Their plan works on you, doesn't work on me.
You're more likely to die falling out of your bed than you are from a terrorist attack. How many trillions should we spend on the war on beds?

You're more likely to die from falling out of your bed than you are from being hit by a drunk driver. So using your idiocy, we should allow drunk driving.

Oh, I realize that you're here to trivialize the threat from radical Islam, thinking just isn't what you do.
Ah, more lesbian fantasies.....:lol::lol::lol: You three make a lovely....er.....couple?


I asked if you were lesbian before menopause? Is this just something you "discovered" after the sex drive was gone and you had to actually relate to men - finding out that you really couldn't?

Ooooo. An expert. Share with us all you know about that phenomenon. TIA.
You're more likely to die falling out of your bed than you are from a terrorist attack. How many trillions should we spend on the war on beds?

You're more likely to die from falling out of your bed than you are from being hit by a drunk driver. So using your idiocy, we should allow drunk driving.

Oh, I realize that you're here to trivialize the threat from radical Islam, thinking just isn't what you do.

You have a pattern of only saying dumb stuff on this board, but this may be the dumbest.

Drunk driving statistics

Tens of thousands of people die every year from drunk driving, my link showed 450 people died in a year from falling out of their bed.

I shouldn't be unfair and say what you said was dumb, because you have that pesky lying quota you have to fill every day so maybe you were just lying again.
Ah, more lesbian fantasies.....:lol::lol::lol: You three make a lovely....er.....couple?


I asked if you were lesbian before menopause? Is this just something you "discovered" after the sex drive was gone and you had to actually relate to men - finding out that you really couldn't?

Ooooo. An expert. Share with us all you know about that phenomenon. TIA.

Why do these people obsess over your sex life and who you have sex with?

Bunch of perverts, it's an anonymous message board, go to a damn porn site if you need that kind of thing not here.

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