Why do Democrats Trivialize The Threat From Radical Islam

There you go, lying again.

So, in your alleged mind, "lying" is defined as being an enemy of the party?

Yeah, I guess I already knew this...

There you go again.....you just can't help lying, can you? Is it hereditary?
Seeing as though you are the biggest liar on this fuckin' board, why don't you enlighten us all?........Do you come from a long line of liars and posers, or are you the first in your lineage?

Islam is a superstitious belief system design to control the masses. Everyone should cast of the shackles of superstition, including Islamic women.

Would you please list all those Christians that are openly promoting "sex slaves" to keep young men from straying away from their religion?

Would you please list the Christians that are teaching that using sex slaves will keep you faithful to your religion?

Condemning anyone that is religious while "one" religion is responsible for the majority of violence in the world today, is kind of like outlawing nuts because one person has allergies to peanuts (and yes I know they are not nuts, hence the comparison). It makes everyone pay a price to avoid the discomfort of one person taking responsibility for their own problems.

So you think it is their religion that makes them commit violent political acts?

"Ancient History": U.S. Conduct in the Middle East Since World War II and the Folly of Intervention | Sheldon L. Richman | Cato Institute: Policy Analysis

I disagree. I think the Radical Islamics use their holy book to con their followers into believing that their acts are justified. I think if Christian nations were put in the same opressive state that the Ottaman Empire was I think some of the verses in the Bible would be used to justify resistance as well.

Best post of the thousands in here.
You have repeatedly implied that islam has no more problems than Christianity. I am simply asking you to back it up with some evidence. Good dodge, though. When questioned on Islam, you go out of your way to include Christianity (even though it wasn't mentioned). It looks like you are "trivializing radical islam" by "implying" Christianity is the same. Provide the proof/evidence.

If you prefer, go the other way: where are islamic charities assisting the "down trodden" with no expectation of servitude to islam? Where does islam, lead by example? Which dictator would you like to elevate as a shining example of the magnamity of islamic leaders?

Nonesense. Feel free to post my replies where I imply that at all. The simularities are in their beliefs of many super natural creatures as they share the same mythology with Christians. Not the actions of the (or the threat of) the radical Islamics. That threat is very real and I don't think the Democrats trivialize it at all.

Satanists share "simularities" with Christians. Are you saying we should welcome their ritual killings as you want to welcome muslim ritual killings?

Satanist are nothing but closet Christans. They believe in the same mythology. If you're a Christian, don't you have to believe in Satan? (not that you worship him but believe in his existance). I condemn all ritual killing(human, or animal) by all religionist, (Christian, Muslim,...ect)
Would you please list all those Christians that are openly promoting "sex slaves" to keep young men from straying away from their religion?

Would you please list the Christians that are teaching that using sex slaves will keep you faithful to your religion?

Condemning anyone that is religious while "one" religion is responsible for the majority of violence in the world today, is kind of like outlawing nuts because one person has allergies to peanuts (and yes I know they are not nuts, hence the comparison). It makes everyone pay a price to avoid the discomfort of one person taking responsibility for their own problems.

So you think it is their religion that makes them commit violent political acts?

"Ancient History": U.S. Conduct in the Middle East Since World War II and the Folly of Intervention | Sheldon L. Richman | Cato Institute: Policy Analysis

I disagree. I think the Radical Islamics use their holy book to con their followers into believing that their acts are justified. I think if Christian nations were put in the same opressive state that the Ottaman Empire was I think some of the verses in the Bible would be used to justify resistance as well.

The Ottaman empire was run by muslims. The ME, the far East, and Africa are all crying about colonialism (similar to what was done by the Ottamans). Why do you defend (trivialize) a "system" that proclaims it will colonize the entire world?

Again you make accuastions that have no basis in reality. Like this whole thread. Democrats do not trivialize the threat posed by Radical Islam. They understand that even though the threat is coming from a small % of the worldwide Islamic population the threat of terrorist attack in an Major US city is real.
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So, in your alleged mind, "lying" is defined as being an enemy of the party?

Yeah, I guess I already knew this...

There you go again.....you just can't help lying, can you? Is it hereditary?
Seeing as though you are the biggest liar on this fuckin' board, why don't you enlighten us all?........Do you come from a long line of liars and posers, or are you the first in your lineage?


Why hello...finally on parole?
Nonesense. Feel free to post my replies where I imply that at all. The simularities are in their beliefs of many super natural creatures as they share the same mythology with Christians. Not the actions of the (or the threat of) the radical Islamics. That threat is very real and I don't think the Democrats trivialize it at all.

Satanists share "simularities" with Christians. Are you saying we should welcome their ritual killings as you want to welcome muslim ritual killings?

Satanist are nothing but closet Christans. They believe in the same mythology. If you're a Christian, don't you have to believe in Satan? (not that you worship him but believe in his existance). I condemn all ritual killing(human, or animal) by all religionist, (Christian, Muslim,...ect)

Who is beheading people in the world today?
So you think it is their religion that makes them commit violent political acts?

"Ancient History": U.S. Conduct in the Middle East Since World War II and the Folly of Intervention | Sheldon L. Richman | Cato Institute: Policy Analysis

I disagree. I think the Radical Islamics use their holy book to con their followers into believing that their acts are justified. I think if Christian nations were put in the same opressive state that the Ottaman Empire was I think some of the verses in the Bible would be used to justify resistance as well.

The Ottaman empire was run by muslims. The ME, the far East, and Africa are all crying about colonialism (similar to what was done by the Ottamans). Why do you defend (trivialize) a "system" that proclaims it will colonize the entire world?

Again you make accuastions that have no basis in reality. Like this whole thread. Democrats do not trivialize the threat posed by Radical Islam. They understand that even though the threat is coming from a small % of the worldwide Islamic population the threat of terrorist attack in an Major US city is real.

That "small % of the worldwide Islamic population" is estimated to be 30,000,000. That is a lot of trivializing.
Nonesense. Feel free to post my replies where I imply that at all. The simularities are in their beliefs of many super natural creatures as they share the same mythology with Christians. Not the actions of the (or the threat of) the radical Islamics. That threat is very real and I don't think the Democrats trivialize it at all.

Satanists share "simularities" with Christians. Are you saying we should welcome their ritual killings as you want to welcome muslim ritual killings?

Satanist are nothing but closet Christans. They believe in the same mythology. If you're a Christian, don't you have to believe in Satan? (not that you worship him but believe in his existance). I condemn all ritual killing(human, or animal) by all religionist, (Christian, Muslim,...ect)

Actually, I was watching a documentary on the History Channel called "Hell, The Devil's Domain". It mostly revolved around the historical perspective of a negative afterlife.. early ideology, Dante's Inferno, Paradise Lost, etc... but towards the end of the Documentary, it talked about modern Satanists. Turns out they are pretty much Atheists who do the "Satan" thing to reject organized Christianity....ergo, turning their back on God.

the ritual killing type of Satanists, are pretty much kids who actually believe in Satan... A much scarier proposition. As a Christian, I denounce them all... as an American, they can practice their "religion", as long as they obey Man's laws in the process.
Satanists share "simularities" with Christians. Are you saying we should welcome their ritual killings as you want to welcome muslim ritual killings?

Satanist are nothing but closet Christans. They believe in the same mythology. If you're a Christian, don't you have to believe in Satan? (not that you worship him but believe in his existance). I condemn all ritual killing(human, or animal) by all religionist, (Christian, Muslim,...ect)

Actually, I was watching a documentary on the History Channel called "Hell, The Devil's Domain". It mostly revolved around the historical perspective of a negative afterlife.. early ideology, Dante's Inferno, Paradise Lost, etc... but towards the end of the Documentary, it talked about modern Satanists. Turns out they are pretty much Atheists who do the "Satan" thing to reject organized Christianity....ergo, turning their back on God.

the ritual killing type of Satanists, are pretty much kids who actually believe in Satan... A much scarier proposition. As a Christian, I denounce them all... as an American, they can practice their "religion", as long as they obey Man's laws in the process.
Not really, depends which type of Satanist. Most still maintain spiritual or religious belief just they view god as evil; Satan as a supporter of individual liberty and freedom of choice, as opposed to God which is meant to represent oppression, servitude and so on to 'laws of morality'.

As for Atheism itself there are authors like Dawkins and Hitchens, and the angry people with issues; who generally have grudges against religious people. Then are Atheists that live a lie for some fear of persecution/punishment if they go out to family or friends, or their constituents aka closet Atheists. Lastly there are people like me that are out, dislike religion (especially when it causes death, destruction, genuine mayhem) and don't moan over Christmas. Really I don't understand Satanism at all, or the Spaghetti monster thing; if you are really there to let go of god, why waste your time creating a false religion that you know is fake, or a fake of a fake. :eusa_eh:
Satanist are nothing but closet Christans. They believe in the same mythology. If you're a Christian, don't you have to believe in Satan? (not that you worship him but believe in his existance). I condemn all ritual killing(human, or animal) by all religionist, (Christian, Muslim,...ect)

Actually, I was watching a documentary on the History Channel called "Hell, The Devil's Domain". It mostly revolved around the historical perspective of a negative afterlife.. early ideology, Dante's Inferno, Paradise Lost, etc... but towards the end of the Documentary, it talked about modern Satanists. Turns out they are pretty much Atheists who do the "Satan" thing to reject organized Christianity....ergo, turning their back on God.

the ritual killing type of Satanists, are pretty much kids who actually believe in Satan... A much scarier proposition. As a Christian, I denounce them all... as an American, they can practice their "religion", as long as they obey Man's laws in the process.
Not really, depends which type of Satanist. Most still maintain spiritual or religious belief just they view god as evil; Satan as a supporter of individual liberty and freedom of choice, as opposed to God which is meant to represent oppression, servitude and so on to 'laws of morality'.

As for Atheism itself there are authors like Dawkins and Hitchens, and the angry people with issues; who generally have grudges against religious people. Then are Atheists that live a lie for some fear of persecution/punishment if they go out to family or friends, or their constituents aka closet Atheists. Lastly there are people like me that are out, dislike religion (especially when it causes death, destruction, genuine mayhem) and don't moan over Christmas. Really I don't understand Satanism at all, or the Spaghetti monster thing; if you are really there to let go of god, why waste your time creating a false religion that you know is fake, or a fake of a fake. :eusa_eh:

First a political dig(tongue in cheek of course), does that mean Conservatives are Satanists?(note what I bolded):eusa_whistle:

The way I saw it, it's not really a "fake" per se... but a ritualistic thumbing of their noses at Christianity... although, they also get into Magic and Sorcery... which kind of goes a little beyond the satire they are trying to convey. Once again... I don't really give a crap what other people believe as long as they don't tell me what to believe and they obey our laws(as in the legal system... not necessarily the bible...although at times, they intersect).
Actually, I was watching a documentary on the History Channel called "Hell, The Devil's Domain". It mostly revolved around the historical perspective of a negative afterlife.. early ideology, Dante's Inferno, Paradise Lost, etc... but towards the end of the Documentary, it talked about modern Satanists. Turns out they are pretty much Atheists who do the "Satan" thing to reject organized Christianity....ergo, turning their back on God.

the ritual killing type of Satanists, are pretty much kids who actually believe in Satan... A much scarier proposition. As a Christian, I denounce them all... as an American, they can practice their "religion", as long as they obey Man's laws in the process.
Not really, depends which type of Satanist. Most still maintain spiritual or religious belief just they view god as evil; Satan as a supporter of individual liberty and freedom of choice, as opposed to God which is meant to represent oppression, servitude and so on to 'laws of morality'.

As for Atheism itself there are authors like Dawkins and Hitchens, and the angry people with issues; who generally have grudges against religious people. Then are Atheists that live a lie for some fear of persecution/punishment if they go out to family or friends, or their constituents aka closet Atheists. Lastly there are people like me that are out, dislike religion (especially when it causes death, destruction, genuine mayhem) and don't moan over Christmas. Really I don't understand Satanism at all, or the Spaghetti monster thing; if you are really there to let go of god, why waste your time creating a false religion that you know is fake, or a fake of a fake. :eusa_eh:

First a political dig(tongue in cheek of course), does that mean Conservatives are Satanists?(note what I bolded):eusa_whistle:

The way I saw it, it's not really a "fake" per se... but a ritualistic thumbing of their noses at Christianity... although, they also get into Magic and Sorcery... which kind of goes a little beyond the satire they are trying to convey. Once again... I don't really give a crap what other people believe as long as they don't tell me what to believe and they obey our laws(as in the legal system... not necessarily the bible...although at times, they intersect).
No, it's what they claim Satan to be, under the Atheist/Agnostic version Satan merely represents opposition to god/s. Personally I don't get what they see in it, Satan is torturer and a sadist of epic proportions; the notion of him being anything other than that is bizarre.

Even if you were to take the bible literally (especially the old testament version), and deem that god was an evil guy out to manipulate people and hurt them; why would you want to worship a torturer and an all the round nasty guy when you could say worship a cat or a nice guy instead?
Satanists share "simularities" with Christians. Are you saying we should welcome their ritual killings as you want to welcome muslim ritual killings?

Satanist are nothing but closet Christans. They believe in the same mythology. If you're a Christian, don't you have to believe in Satan? (not that you worship him but believe in his existance). I condemn all ritual killing(human, or animal) by all religionist, (Christian, Muslim,...ect)

Who is beheading people in the world today?

Whomever it is I condemn them for it. My best guess is religionist.
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The Ottaman empire was run by muslims. The ME, the far East, and Africa are all crying about colonialism (similar to what was done by the Ottamans). Why do you defend (trivialize) a "system" that proclaims it will colonize the entire world?

Again you make accuastions that have no basis in reality. Like this whole thread. Democrats do not trivialize the threat posed by Radical Islam. They understand that even though the threat is coming from a small % of the worldwide Islamic population the threat of terrorist attack in an Major US city is real.

That "small % of the worldwide Islamic population" is estimated to be 30,000,000. That is a lot of trivializing.

Estimated by whom, some scared little girlies? Al Queda surely doesn't have 30 million!
Satanists share "simularities" with Christians. Are you saying we should welcome their ritual killings as you want to welcome muslim ritual killings?

Satanist are nothing but closet Christans. They believe in the same mythology. If you're a Christian, don't you have to believe in Satan? (not that you worship him but believe in his existance). I condemn all ritual killing(human, or animal) by all religionist, (Christian, Muslim,...ect)

Actually, I was watching a documentary on the History Channel called "Hell, The Devil's Domain". It mostly revolved around the historical perspective of a negative afterlife.. early ideology, Dante's Inferno, Paradise Lost, etc... but towards the end of the Documentary, it talked about modern Satanists. Turns out they are pretty much Atheists who do the "Satan" thing to reject organized Christianity....ergo, turning their back on God.

the ritual killing type of Satanists, are pretty much kids who actually believe in Satan... A much scarier proposition. As a Christian, I denounce them all... as an American, they can practice their "religion", as long as they obey Man's laws in the process.

I'm just saying that the supernatural creature named Satan (formerly the Angel of Light, aka Lucifer) is merely a part of the Judeo-Christian beleif system. Anyone who claims to be a Satan worshipper, Satanist, embrace the same system of beliefs.
Again you make accuastions that have no basis in reality. Like this whole thread. Democrats do not trivialize the threat posed by Radical Islam. They understand that even though the threat is coming from a small % of the worldwide Islamic population the threat of terrorist attack in an Major US city is real.

That "small % of the worldwide Islamic population" is estimated to be 30,000,000. That is a lot of trivializing.

Estimated by whom, some scared little girlies? Al Queda surely doesn't have 30 million!

Why do you trivialize the threat of islamists?
More hugs is a more rational thought than thinking you can defeat a concept through warmongering.Not a country, a government, or a dictator, but a concept, and both sides of the aisle fall for it.I don't need to see statistics on american education to realize how bad it is, all I need to hear people talk about is "winning the war on terror."

This might be a shocking concept to you moron idiot, but there are people out there, many of them arab muslims, who cannot be reasoned with, and are committed to murdering you.

When I read posts from assholes as stupid as you, I realize that there are people in this world you can teach, show and prove to that a truck is coming down the street - but they will continue to insist that walking in the middle of the street is safest. Grow a brain, dimwit.
More hugs is a more rational thought than thinking you can defeat a concept through warmongering.Not a country, a government, or a dictator, but a concept, and both sides of the aisle fall for it.I don't need to see statistics on american education to realize how bad it is, all I need to hear people talk about is "winning the war on terror."

This might be a shocking concept to you moron idiot, but there are people out there, many of them arab muslims, who cannot be reasoned with, and are committed to murdering you.

When I read posts from assholes as stupid as you, I realize that there are people in this world you can teach, show and prove to that a truck is coming down the street - but they will continue to insist that walking in the middle of the street is safest. Grow a brain, dimwit.

shut up, douchebag
shut up, douchebag

I don't know which scenario is harder to believe, that a moron like you is still a mod here, or that you're even alive at all.

Normally, Darwinian selection culls out dogshit like you early in life, but then, nothing's perfect.

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