Why do Democrats Trivialize The Threat From Radical Islam

Yeah sure, that's why liberals have fought for equal rights and protection for women for a century.

Fighting to increase the number of abortions performed does nothing to help women abducted and sold into slavery in the Muslim world.

I understand that you leftists have your priorities...

Furthermore I don't know of a single liberal/progressive who would befriend Islam becuase Islam is an alleged enemy of Christianity. Not one. Can you name one?

Bodecea, Rdean, Synthaholic - probably can add BlindBoo to that list..

Its the right for a women to do what she wants with her own body. Im not sure how you can say that by giving women the right to abort were somehow restricting the rights of women.
When will Christians understand that they're not persecuted in the US just because they have lost the right to persecute everyone else?

Links, evidence?

Please list those that were beheaded by those wacko Christians. Don't forget to list those that were raped by several Christian men telling them they would be raped until they converted. And list those that had family members kidnapped and brutally murdered by Christians in the name of their god to force others to put their puppets in government.

When will Christians understand that they're not persecuted in the US just because they have lost the right to persecute everyone else?

When will leftists understand that it isn't okay to promote the sexual enslavement of women just because they hate Christians and want to promote Islam?

Name the leftists here who are promoting the sexual enslavement of women.

Everyone that claims islam is a "religion" of peace, while failing to mention that it is a "system" of deceit, destruction, and death.
Why do Democrats Trivialize The Threat From Radical Islam

Simple to compensate for the right wingers overly fearful paniky reaction to Islam.
the entire Iraq war happened becuase of over reaction. And how many lives were lost and how much money wasted?

Did fearmongering of Islam come into play in the decision to attack Iraq?

You bet your ass

Did fear and hatred drive the supposed ground zero mosque protests?

You bet your ass

Wonder if the reporter that was raped in Egypt "fears" those that belong to that "religion" of peace? Think that might be an over reaction?

Radical anything is a threat. Democrats don't trivialize 'radical Islam'. What they apparently value, however, is the idea that we live in a pluralistic democratic society that doesn't encourage hate speech.

Apparently, they don't let the facts get in the way of a good story, either.
Why do Republicans trivialize the threat from Anthropogenic Global Climate Change?

Both AGCC and Radical Islam are threats, but neither is as present nor imminent as our budget woes.

Tell us how to reverse AGCC. Tell us what we can do (besides kill off half the population of the globe) to stop AGCC. Why is it , that only this country is expected to do something about it? Why don't those that oppose AGCC go to China and protest their polluting?

I can tell you. It is called: American resources. You, your production, your children and their production will be taxed in the name of AGCC. It will support some intellectual Ponzi scheme like the UN to bilk resources off working people, so the intellectual "elites" can pretend like they are super wealthy on our dime.

Tell us how to stop radical islam. We know how to stop it. We just have no leaders with the intestinal fortitude to do it. What happens if we stop radical islam? I can tell you: we have less deceit, less destruction and less death.

You would think the dems would be all over that, but, sadly, no, no, they prefer causes where you can see no solutions (no accountablity), and can reach deeper into taxpayer pockets each year claiming a benefit that never materializes. The real threats, they prefer to leave to republicans, and then criticize how they did the job.
Where are the dems protesting this?

Sex Slavery OK in Islam, Says Female Kuwaiti Politician [PHOTO] [VIDEO] - International Business Times

Sex slaves are OK in Islam, according to a former candidate for the Kuwaiti parliament, who is advocating for the legalization of sex slavery.

SHE-- that's right, folks-- is the hot topic on the Gulfi presses.

A woman, dressed in headscarf, takes part in a "Beauty of Chechen woman" march in Groznyd dress in the city
In a video posted on YouTube earlier this year [see below], Salwa Al-Mutairi proclaimed that a sex slave trade would prevent Kuwait's Muslim men from extramarital sexual activity, explaining that a purchase transaction for a sex partner would be tantamount to marriage.

"We want our youth to be protected from adultery," she said.

Mutairi claimed that on a recent trip to Mecca, she spoke with several muftis, or Muslim religious scholars, who believe that there is a basis for the purchase of concubines in the shariah, or Islamic holy law.

She gave the example of Haroun al-Rashid, the third caliph or head of state of the Islamic Abbasid Empire, is rumored to have had some 2,000 concubines.

Appropriate candidates for the sex trade would be Muslim women from war-torn countries like Chechnya, Mutairi suggested.

Mutairi is married.

Liberals are always silent when it comes to the subjugation and persecution of women by these people, It doesn’t fit their agenda.

Yeah sure, that's why liberals have fought for equal rights and protection for women for a century. Furthermore I don't know of a single liberal/progressive who would befriend Islam becuase Islam is an alleged enemy of Christianity. Not one. Can you name one?

Is this your idea of citicizing islam for encouraging women being forced into sexual slavery?
Liberals are always silent when it comes to the subjugation and persecution of women by these people, It doesn’t fit their agenda.

Yeah sure, that's why liberals have fought for equal rights and protection for women for a century. Furthermore I don't know of a single liberal/progressive who would befriend Islam becuase Islam is an alleged enemy of Christianity. Not one. Can you name one?

Sky Dancer.

Will you get fireworks or silence?
What is the basis for your opinion in this regard

The posts by the leftists here.

When presented with facts pertaining to the acceptance and promotion of sexual slavery in Islam - in a modern Islamic nation, the leftist react by attacking Christians.

Clearly the goal is to obfuscate the issue by attacking the usual enemies of the party. Also clear is that leftists, at least those posting in this thread, could care less about the victimization and rape of women, covering for their allies in radical Islam being the only goal.

Reread what your fellow leftists posted - see if you can find any hint of condemnation of Islam for exploiting women as sexual slaves, see if you can find even a hint of disapproval: OR do they instantly attack Christians in hopes of distracting from the issue and covering up the crimes of their allies?

It is a World Wide problem occurring to women, with or without religious entanglements. We call it domestic violence. Go check the stats on that.:eusa_angel:

Example of trivialization of islam barbaric behavior
Yeah sure, that's why liberals have fought for equal rights and protection for women for a century.

Fighting to increase the number of abortions performed does nothing to help women abducted and sold into slavery in the Muslim world.

I understand that you leftists have your priorities...

Furthermore I don't know of a single liberal/progressive who would befriend Islam becuase Islam is an alleged enemy of Christianity. Not one. Can you name one?

Bodecea, Rdean, Synthaholic - probably can add BlindBoo to that list..

Its the right for a women to do what she wants with her own body. Im not sure how you can say that by giving women the right to abort were somehow restricting the rights of women.

I am just shocked that you, you don't get this.
Its the right for a women to do what she wants with her own body.

Abortion isn't done to the woman's body - it is the deliberate killing of a separate and distinct being: One with unique DNA and brain-waves.

If women want to go have their own arms and legs torn off, or have scalpel plunged into the back of their own skulls, I fully support their right to do so. When they do it to others, I draw the line.

"Your right to swing your arm ends at the tip of my nose." - Murray Rothbard.
Yeah sure, that's why liberals have fought for equal rights and protection for women for a century.

Fighting to increase the number of abortions performed does nothing to help women abducted and sold into slavery in the Muslim world.

I understand that you leftists have your priorities...

Furthermore I don't know of a single liberal/progressive who would befriend Islam becuase Islam is an alleged enemy of Christianity. Not one. Can you name one?

Bodecea, Rdean, Synthaholic - probably can add BlindBoo to that list..

Coming from a known liar like your I find your answer duboius. I can only speak for myself and I think the belief in a super natural being is a holdover from the Dark Ages regardless of the flavor of supersitition. Now if that is befriending Islam because it is an alleged enemy Christianity, then color me pink and tickle my ass with feather.......
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Liberals are always silent when it comes to the subjugation and persecution of women by these people, It doesn’t fit their agenda.

Yeah sure, that's why liberals have fought for equal rights and protection for women for a century. Furthermore I don't know of a single liberal/progressive who would befriend Islam becuase Islam is an alleged enemy of Christianity. Not one. Can you name one?

Is this your idea of citicizing islam for encouraging women being forced into sexual slavery?

Islam is a superstitious belief system design to control the masses. Everyone should cast of the shackles of superstition, including Islamic women.
Coming from a known liar like your I find you answer duboius.

One of us is a known liar - everyone here knows that the one who is, isn't me.

I can only speak for myself and I think the belief in a super natural being is a holdover from the Dark Ages regardless of the flavor of supersitition.

Who cares? You never miss a chance to promote Islam, regardless. That your motives are based on the "enemy of my enemy" principle changes nothing,

Here we have a case of an Islamic woman promoting and supporting the practice of sexual slavery in Islam. Do you criticize her? Do you express outrage?

Nope, you attack Christians. Yes, you stop short of openly endorsing her, but you sure have no criticism - these are your allies, after all - you'll do nothing to offend them.
Coming from a known liar like your I find you answer duboius.

One of us is a known liar - everyone here knows that the one who is, isn't me.

I can only speak for myself and I think the belief in a super natural being is a holdover from the Dark Ages regardless of the flavor of supersitition.

Who cares? You never miss a chance to promote Islam, regardless. That your motives are based on the "enemy of my enemy" principle changes nothing,

Here we have a case of an Islamic woman promoting and supporting the practice of sexual slavery in Islam. Do you criticize her? Do you express outrage?

Nope, you attack Christians. Yes, you stop short of openly endorsing her, but you sure have no criticism - these are your allies, after all - you'll do nothing to offend them.
There you go, lying again.

Yay! Now I know I was spot on! Allie Baba the crazy lady just negged me again! (She cannot STAND hearing the Truth....it burns her ears) :clap: :clap: :clap:
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Coming from a known liar like your I find you answer duboius.

One of us is a known liar - everyone here knows that the one who is, isn't me.

I can only speak for myself and I think the belief in a super natural being is a holdover from the Dark Ages regardless of the flavor of supersitition.

Who cares? You never miss a chance to promote Islam, regardless. That your motives are based on the "enemy of my enemy" principle changes nothing,

Here we have a case of an Islamic woman promoting and supporting the practice of sexual slavery in Islam. Do you criticize her? Do you express outrage?

Nope, you attack Christians. Yes, you stop short of openly endorsing her, but you sure have no criticism - these are your allies, after all - you'll do nothing to offend them.

I make the same claim for both religions, that is their deity and major prophet (or in Christians the offspring of their deity) to be supernatural beings (non-existant). Is that promoting their religion over Christianity?

How does denying the divinity of their "God" (or yours) promote Islam?
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Coming from a known liar like your I find you answer duboius.

One of us is a known liar - everyone here knows that the one who is, isn't me.

I can only speak for myself and I think the belief in a super natural being is a holdover from the Dark Ages regardless of the flavor of supersitition.

Who cares? You never miss a chance to promote Islam, regardless. That your motives are based on the "enemy of my enemy" principle changes nothing,

Here we have a case of an Islamic woman promoting and supporting the practice of sexual slavery in Islam. Do you criticize her? Do you express outrage?

Nope, you attack Christians. Yes, you stop short of openly endorsing her, but you sure have no criticism - these are your allies, after all - you'll do nothing to offend them.

"Islam is a superstitious belief system design to control the masses. Everyone should cast of the shackles of superstition, including Islamic women. "

I'm not sure how you can read that and think Boo is ok with, promotes or is neutral on Islam or people being muslims.

Seems clear to me that Boo wants Islam done away with for good. I do too.

Now just because we want the same with all of man's superstitious religions, doesn't mean we promote one or the other.
I make the same claim for both religions,

Of course you do; which is about as legitimate as if I made the same claim for the democratic party and Khmer Rouge.

When you claim equivalence between a violent and bloodthirsty religion that engages in daily terror attacks to one that condemns any acts of violence, we should nod and wink.

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