Why do Democrats Trivialize The Threat From Radical Islam

Because its fucking useless.

I thought the general thought behind the conservative ideology is that the government is horrible at fine tuning peoples daily lives. You will never stop a group of 3 muslims making a bomb in a garage, just like youll never stop people from doing drugs.

Whats even worse is that were spending hundreds of billions of dollars destroying five different muslim countries with troops and drones to pursue a goal that will never work.

What needs to happen is widespread education and modernization in the arab world. Until that moment nothing will ever change. This might be that point. I think the internet has provided a conduit to the rest of the world for middle eastern youth. In Egypt theyre protesting again, in large numbers too. Thats impressive.
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What is the basis for your opinion in this regard

The posts by the leftists here.

When presented with facts pertaining to the acceptance and promotion of sexual slavery in Islam - in a modern Islamic nation, the leftist react by attacking Christians.

Clearly the goal is to obfuscate the issue by attacking the usual enemies of the party. Also clear is that leftists, at least those posting in this thread, could care less about the victimization and rape of women, covering for their allies in radical Islam being the only goal.

Reread what your fellow leftists posted - see if you can find any hint of condemnation of Islam for exploiting women as sexual slaves, see if you can find even a hint of disapproval: OR do they instantly attack Christians in hopes of distracting from the issue and covering up the crimes of their allies?
Question: Is there ANY criticism of either the Right, Christians, whites or Sarah Palin you would NOT characterize as "hate speech"?

Do you view criticism of skin color to be legitimate?

{Late night TV host David Letterman "joked" that during their recent trip to New York, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's daughter "was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez" during a Yankees baseball game. The next night Letterman said that the hardest part of Palin's trip was "keeping Eliot Spitzer away from her daughter."}

Letterman "Jokes" About Palin's Daughter

Pretty cool, huh?

I mean, if she doesn't want her 14 year old daughter called a whore on national TV by DNC operatives, she shouldn't be an enemy of the party. It's her fault for not obeying the party and speaking the words the party approves of - right?
Because they are dealing with a much greater threat to America: Radical Republicans.

There we have it.

Flying planes into buildings is all good with you fascist fucks - opposing Obama is what you really want to fight!

Thank you for illustrating what a fucking scumbag you, and leftists in general are.

Sadly I agree with him to a point, but he only went halfway.

Republicans AND democrats are a far bigger threat to this country than anything else.
Why do Republicans trivialize the threat from Anthropogenic Global Climate Change?

Both AGCC and Radical Islam are threats, but neither is as present nor imminent as our budget woes.
Because progressives subscribe to the notion that their "enemies enemy is their friend."

They've been brainwashed with the notion that conservative Christianity is the absolute worst and oppressive religion on the planet.

Progressives don't know one fucking thing about Islam other than the notion they want to kill their enemy (old white male Christians) therefore they're on board...

The ironic part is that progressive liberals are the REASON why Islam has beef with the US and our culture..

Gay rights
Reproductive Rights
Freedom of speech
Freedom of expression
Freedom of NON-religion

Then the progressive communists attempt to label Christian Conservatives as oppressive???

Under Sharia Law what progressives deem to be "normal" carries a death sentence under Islamic Sharia Law..

Yet its the progressives defending this Sharia bullshit......

Its very ironic, if not blatantly hypocritical - and only so out of HATE for Christian conservatives...

Why did Ronnie Raygun support Saddam Hussein?

No they don't.

Who? Name some names of liberal/progressive that support Sharia Laws in the USA.

What a bunch of bullshit.:cuckoo:

Iranian hostage crisis.......

Big bad Russians getting their communist asses drained financially via the Afghan War...

As a matter of fact - the Soviet/Afghan war is a fantastic example of the economic failures of communism/socialism... The Soviets couldn't generate enough resources/money for their war and Reagan knew that, because communism/socialism is meant to sustain - not create or generate wealth.

Reagan played Osama like a clown - Reagan used those asshats like tools or cannon fodder.

Of course in Afghanistan those clowns are using the same weaponry used during the Afghan/Soviet war (AK-47's) to kill US soldiers...

There is more to it than that but thats a brief synopsis of why...

Raygun was a progressive liberal! Good job at pointing that out Nick.

\Or maybe the pseudo-cons are the ones brainwashed?
Where are the dems protesting this?

Sex Slavery OK in Islam, Says Female Kuwaiti Politician [PHOTO] [VIDEO] - International Business Times

Sex slaves are OK in Islam, according to a former candidate for the Kuwaiti parliament, who is advocating for the legalization of sex slavery.

SHE-- that's right, folks-- is the hot topic on the Gulfi presses.

A woman, dressed in headscarf, takes part in a "Beauty of Chechen woman" march in Groznyd dress in the city
In a video posted on YouTube earlier this year [see below], Salwa Al-Mutairi proclaimed that a sex slave trade would prevent Kuwait's Muslim men from extramarital sexual activity, explaining that a purchase transaction for a sex partner would be tantamount to marriage.

"We want our youth to be protected from adultery," she said.

Mutairi claimed that on a recent trip to Mecca, she spoke with several muftis, or Muslim religious scholars, who believe that there is a basis for the purchase of concubines in the shariah, or Islamic holy law.

She gave the example of Haroun al-Rashid, the third caliph or head of state of the Islamic Abbasid Empire, is rumored to have had some 2,000 concubines.

Appropriate candidates for the sex trade would be Muslim women from war-torn countries like Chechnya, Mutairi suggested.

Mutairi is married.

Liberals are always silent when it comes to the subjugation and persecution of women by these people, It doesn’t fit their agenda.

Yeah sure, that's why liberals have fought for equal rights and protection for women for a century. Furthermore I don't know of a single liberal/progressive who would befriend Islam becuase Islam is an alleged enemy of Christianity. Not one. Can you name one?
When will Christians understand that they're not persecuted in the US just because they have lost the right to persecute everyone else?

When will leftists understand that it isn't okay to promote the sexual enslavement of women just because they hate Christians and want to promote Islam?

When will you ever post the name of some leftists who promotes sexual enslavement of women or who promote Islam because they hate Christianity?

You're a liar, and not very good one.
When will Christians understand that they're not persecuted in the US just because they have lost the right to persecute everyone else?

When will leftists understand that it isn't okay to promote the sexual enslavement of women just because they hate Christians and want to promote Islam?

When will you ever post the name of some leftists who promotes sexual enslavement of women or who promote Islam because they hate Christianity?

You're a liar, and not very good one.

He can't....we know it, he knows it.....but he will keep playing his lying game.
Where are the dems protesting this?

Sex Slavery OK in Islam, Says Female Kuwaiti Politician [PHOTO] [VIDEO] - International Business Times

Sex slaves are OK in Islam, according to a former candidate for the Kuwaiti parliament, who is advocating for the legalization of sex slavery.

SHE-- that's right, folks-- is the hot topic on the Gulfi presses.

A woman, dressed in headscarf, takes part in a "Beauty of Chechen woman" march in Groznyd dress in the city
In a video posted on YouTube earlier this year [see below], Salwa Al-Mutairi proclaimed that a sex slave trade would prevent Kuwait's Muslim men from extramarital sexual activity, explaining that a purchase transaction for a sex partner would be tantamount to marriage.

"We want our youth to be protected from adultery," she said.

Mutairi claimed that on a recent trip to Mecca, she spoke with several muftis, or Muslim religious scholars, who believe that there is a basis for the purchase of concubines in the shariah, or Islamic holy law.

She gave the example of Haroun al-Rashid, the third caliph or head of state of the Islamic Abbasid Empire, is rumored to have had some 2,000 concubines.

Appropriate candidates for the sex trade would be Muslim women from war-torn countries like Chechnya, Mutairi suggested.

Mutairi is married.

Liberals are always silent when it comes to the subjugation and persecution of women by these people, It doesn’t fit their agenda.

Yeah sure, that's why liberals have fought for equal rights and protection for women for a century. Furthermore I don't know of a single liberal/progressive who would befriend Islam becuase Islam is an alleged enemy of Christianity. Not one. Can you name one?

Sky Dancer.
Liberals are always silent when it comes to the subjugation and persecution of women by these people, It doesn’t fit their agenda.

Yeah sure, that's why liberals have fought for equal rights and protection for women for a century. Furthermore I don't know of a single liberal/progressive who would befriend Islam becuase Islam is an alleged enemy of Christianity. Not one. Can you name one?

Sky Dancer.

That's incorrect, both the Q'uran and Bible preach that gays deserve to burn in hell, of course she wouldn't side with any religion that promotes that.
What is the basis for your opinion in this regard

The posts by the leftists here.

When presented with facts pertaining to the acceptance and promotion of sexual slavery in Islam - in a modern Islamic nation, the leftist react by attacking Christians.

Clearly the goal is to obfuscate the issue by attacking the usual enemies of the party. Also clear is that leftists, at least those posting in this thread, could care less about the victimization and rape of women, covering for their allies in radical Islam being the only goal.

Reread what your fellow leftists posted - see if you can find any hint of condemnation of Islam for exploiting women as sexual slaves, see if you can find even a hint of disapproval: OR do they instantly attack Christians in hopes of distracting from the issue and covering up the crimes of their allies?

It is a World Wide problem occurring to women, with or without religious entanglements. We call it domestic violence. Go check the stats on that.:eusa_angel:
Liberals are always silent when it comes to the subjugation and persecution of women by these people, It doesn’t fit their agenda.

Yeah sure, that's why liberals have fought for equal rights and protection for women for a century. Furthermore I don't know of a single liberal/progressive who would befriend Islam becuase Islam is an alleged enemy of Christianity. Not one. Can you name one?

Sky Dancer.

I looked at a few of Sky Dancers post and I don't see where she/he befriends Islam. Definantely anti-religionist which of course includes Muslim extremist.
Yeah sure, that's why liberals have fought for equal rights and protection for women for a century.

Fighting to increase the number of abortions performed does nothing to help women abducted and sold into slavery in the Muslim world.

I understand that you leftists have your priorities...

Furthermore I don't know of a single liberal/progressive who would befriend Islam becuase Islam is an alleged enemy of Christianity. Not one. Can you name one?

Bodecea, Rdean, Synthaholic - probably can add BlindBoo to that list..
Yeah sure, that's why liberals have fought for equal rights and protection for women for a century.

Fighting to increase the number of abortions performed does nothing to help women abducted and sold into slavery in the Muslim world.

I understand that you leftists have your priorities...

Furthermore I don't know of a single liberal/progressive who would befriend Islam becuase Islam is an alleged enemy of Christianity. Not one. Can you name one?

Bodecea, Rdean, Synthaholic - probably can add BlindBoo to that list..

You lie so easily. You must have been taught how to do it naturally at a young age.
What is the basis for your opinion in this regard

The posts by the leftists here.

When presented with facts pertaining to the acceptance and promotion of sexual slavery in Islam - in a modern Islamic nation, the leftist react by attacking Christians.

Clearly the goal is to obfuscate the issue by attacking the usual enemies of the party. Also clear is that leftists, at least those posting in this thread, could care less about the victimization and rape of women, covering for their allies in radical Islam being the only goal.

Reread what your fellow leftists posted - see if you can find any hint of condemnation of Islam for exploiting women as sexual slaves, see if you can find even a hint of disapproval: OR do they instantly attack Christians in hopes of distracting from the issue and covering up the crimes of their allies?

It is a World Wide problem occurring to women, with or without religious entanglements. We call it domestic violence. Go check the stats on that.:eusa_angel:

You've trivialized radical Islam in your post by attempting to equalize domestic violence with the hard line crazy radicals insane brutality against women.

Oh and also Islamic courts. The UAE courts have ruled that a husband may beat his wife and his children as long as he leaves no marks.

Are you getting the reality of this?

Does this world wide problem that has nothing to do with religion include stoning to death for the crime of adultery because you were raped? Let's see. What religion does this?

Presbyterians? Maybe Southern Baptists? Mormons? Let's see....

Somalian rape victim, 13, stoned to death

Chris McGreal, Africa correspondent The Guardian, Monday 3 November 2008 An Islamist rebel administration in Somalia has had a 13-year-old girl stoned to death for adultery after the child's father reported that she was raped by three men.

Amnesty International said al-Shabab militia, which controls the southern city of Kismayo, arranged for 50 men to stone Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow in front of about 1,000 spectators. A lorry load of stones was brought to the stadium for the killing.

Amnesty said Duhulow struggled with her captors and had to be forcibly carried into the stadium.

"At one point during the stoning, Amnesty International has been told by numerous eyewitnesses that nurses were instructed to check whether Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow was still alive when buried in the ground.

They removed her from the ground, declared that she was, and she was replaced in the hole where she had been buried for the stoning to continue," the human rights group said.

It continued: "Inside the stadium, militia members opened fire when some of the witnesses to the killing attempted to save her life, and shot dead a boy who was a bystander."

If you want a real eyeopener you should go to one of my favorite sites Women against Shariah. They are pretty awesome. I personally have been involved with muslim women's rights since the mid 90's.

Here's their mission statement and a link for you.

It is our position that shariah law imposes second class status on women and is incompatible with the standards of liberal Western societies and the basic principles of human rights that include equality under the law and the protection of individual freedoms.

The shariah code mandates the complete authority of men over women, including the control of their movement, education, marital options, clothing, bodies, place of residence and all other aspects of their existence. Further, it calls for the beating, punishment, and murder of women who don’t comply with shariah requirements.

In our efforts to stem the encroachment of shariah in the West, we are focusing on the following objectives:
Education of the American public about the inherent human rights violations and the attempt to undermine or replace U.S. law and American statutes with Islamic shariah

Publicizing of important issues related to sharia requirements such as honor killings, forced marriages, child marriage, polygamy, female genital mutilation, violence against women, etc.
Alerting policy makers and legislators to potential human rights and equal rights violations and working toward the development of possible remedies and legal actions
Building coalitions with like-minded organizations to develop policy initiatives and interventions for victims of shariah. "


If you care about women and womens rights you should really investigate this website thoroughly.

It will convince you that what muslim women face is far more than "domestic violence".

And by no means am I trivializing domestic violence, but our version of domestic violence is very different than radical hardline Islams treatment of women.

EDIT TO ADD: Just a note. The men who raped the child were never prosecuted. Only the 13 year old rape victim was punished for adultery.

Duhulow's father told Amnesty that when they tried to report her rape to the militia, the child was accused of adultery and detained. None of the men Duhulow accused was arrested.
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