Why do Democrats Want to Take Away More Jobs From Americans and Give to H1-Bs?

Check out this video which includes Hillary advocating increasing H1-B visas. Already 7 out of 10 H1-Bs go to outsourcing American jobs? And 4 out of 5 are entry level jobs, not highly skilled jobs.

If the Democratic Party is for the working American, then why do they favor Hillary who would export more jobs and allow more foreign workers to come in and take American jobs?

I don't know if you are aware that in 2011, 2013 and 2015, the GOP wrote legislation to reduce job training for skilled positions, at the same time they continuously have tried to increase the number of H1-B visas.
GOP candidates Cruz, Rubio and Trump have all come out in favor of increasing HB-1 visas.
So it seems to be not just Hillary or the Dems, as the GOP's top presidential candidates and the GOP controlled Congress have fought to reduced skilled labor training and increase the total amount of H1-B visas.
Check out this video which includes Hillary advocating increasing H1-B visas. Already 7 out of 10 H1-Bs go to outsourcing American jobs? And 4 out of 5 are entry level jobs, not highly skilled jobs.

If the Democratic Party is for the working American, then why do they favor Hillary who would export more jobs and allow more foreign workers to come in and take American jobs?

I don't know if you are aware that in 2011, 2013 and 2015, the GOP wrote legislation to reduce job training for skilled positions, at the same time they continuously have tried to increase the number of H1-B visas.
GOP candidates Cruz, Rubio and Trump have all come out in favor of increasing HB-1 visas.
So it seems to be not just Hillary or the Dems, as the GOP's top presidential candidates and the GOP controlled Congress have fought to reduced skilled labor training and increase the total amount of H1-B visas.

Cruz and Trump have NOT advocated H1-B increases. They want to allow for foreign college graduates to remain in the US to become citizens and start businesses. That has nothing to do with the H1-B even though Ted Cruz seems to think it would fall under the H1-B, which is a nonimmigrant visa.
I ask myself the same question when I see government subsidies spent on windmill components that are made overseas.
Not quite Jim.
"Specifically, Cruz wanted to increase the cap from 65,000 visas to 325,000. (There are currently another 20,000 H-1B visas set aside for people from other countries who have earned advanced degrees at U.S. universities, for a total cap of 85,000.)"
A victorious GOP would shape the Senate's H-1B debate

Republican front-runner Donald Trump said Thursday he is softening his stance on visas for highly-skilled workers.
“I’m changing. We need highly-skilled people in this country,” Trump said during the Fox News Republican debate in Detroit. “If we can’t do it, we will get them in.”
Trump’s stance toward awarding H1-B visas is different from the one he takes on his campaign website, which argues that more visas for highly-skilled foreigners would “decimate American workers.”
Trump softens H1B-visa policy during GOP debate | Fox News
Of course with Trump, he changes his mind often.it depends what direction the wind is blowing.
Not quite Jim.
"Specifically, Cruz wanted to increase the cap from 65,000 visas to 325,000. (There are currently another 20,000 H-1B visas set aside for people from other countries who have earned advanced degrees at U.S. universities, for a total cap of 85,000.)"
A victorious GOP would shape the Senate's H-1B debate

Republican front-runner Donald Trump said Thursday he is softening his stance on visas for highly-skilled workers.
“I’m changing. We need highly-skilled people in this country,” Trump said during the Fox News Republican debate in Detroit. “If we can’t do it, we will get them in.”
Trump’s stance toward awarding H1-B visas is different from the one he takes on his campaign website, which argues that more visas for highly-skilled foreigners would “decimate American workers.”
Trump softens H1B-visa policy during GOP debate | Fox News
Of course with Trump, he changes his mind often.it depends what direction the wind is blowing.
See post #22
"Why do Democrats Want to Take Away More Jobs From Americans and Give to H1-Bs?"

Why do conservatives think anyone will believe their ridiculous lies – this being one of many examples.
Cruz and Trump are talking about a very specific set of foreign students who graduate here in the US and then get sent home, when they would like to stay here, start businesses and become citizens. Cruz is mistaken if he thinks that the H1-B visa would allow these people to stay long term, as many of them apply for citizenship but most fail to get it.

This is not nearly the same thing as what is currently happening with the H1-B abuse that is being used to REPLACE American workers.
I have long been a supporter of bringing in high-skilled workers because I think that benefits economic growth.
- Ted Cruz, Dec 11, 2015
"High Skilled Workers" does not equal H1-B visa workers, dude.
Notice how the Right when caught with their foot in their mouth, edit the post, play dumb and move the goalposts.

First you claim Cruz only wanted visas for graduates who were cresting jobs and not replacing American workers, and when shown that Cruz also wanted to import workers to replace Americans you pretend he was not talking about H1-B visas in the quote I posted.

Here is more of the quote I posted clearly showing Cruz was in fact talking about H1-B visas:

“Jeff Sessions and I together we launched a major reform bill on the H-1B visa program.
As you know, the H-1B visa program was designed to bring in high-skilled workers,” Cruz said. "I have long been a supporter of bringing in high-skilled workers because I think that benefits economic growth."
Cruz and Trump have NOT advocated H1-B increases. They want to allow for foreign college graduates to remain in the US to become citizens and start businesses. That has nothing to do with the H1-B even though Ted Cruz seems to think it would fall under the H1-B, which is a nonimmigrant visa.
I already debunked that lie earlier in this thread, repeating that lie does not make it any less of a lie.
Check out this video which includes Hillary advocating increasing H1-B visas. Already 7 out of 10 H1-Bs go to outsourcing American jobs? And 4 out of 5 are entry level jobs, not highly skilled jobs.

If the Democratic Party is for the working American, then why do they favor Hillary who would export more jobs and allow more foreign workers to come in and take American jobs?

This is from 2007, before the 'great recession'.

Do you have the slightest evidence that HIllary supports more H1-B visas today? For example, I can cite Cruz advocating increases in H1-Bs as of 2015.
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Check out this video which includes Hillary advocating increasing H1-B visas. Already 7 out of 10 H1-Bs go to outsourcing American jobs? And 4 out of 5 are entry level jobs, not highly skilled jobs.

If the Democratic Party is for the working American, then why do they favor Hillary who would export more jobs and allow more foreign workers to come in and take American jobs?

So, Hillary on one side wanting more, Trump on the other who uses more......

vote third party then.... they do exist.
Why did the party of slavery, segregation and Jim Crow change to the champions of Civil rights in less than a decade ? VOTES.
Cruz and Trump are talking about a very specific set of foreign students who graduate here in the US and then get sent home, when they would like to stay here, start businesses and become citizens. Cruz is mistaken if he thinks that the H1-B visa would allow these people to stay long term, as many of them apply for citizenship but most fail to get it.

This is not nearly the same thing as what is currently happening with the H1-B abuse that is being used to REPLACE American workers.
I have long been a supporter of bringing in high-skilled workers because I think that benefits economic growth.
- Ted Cruz, Dec 11, 2015
"High Skilled Workers" does not equal H1-B visa workers, dude.
Notice how the Right when caught with their foot in their mouth, edit the post, play dumb and move the goalposts.

First you claim Cruz only wanted visas for graduates who were cresting jobs and not replacing American workers, and when shown that Cruz also wanted to import workers to replace Americans you pretend he was not talking about H1-B visas in the quote I posted.

Here is more of the quote I posted clearly showing Cruz was in fact talking about H1-B visas:

“Jeff Sessions and I together we launched a major reform bill on the H-1B visa program.
As you know, the H-1B visa program was designed to bring in high-skilled workers,” Cruz said. "I have long been a supporter of bringing in high-skilled workers because I think that benefits economic growth."

Again, you are clouding the issue on H1-B visas. When we look at the specific programs that Ted Cruz supports it is NOT the regular H1-B visa he is talking about. He is talking about letting foreign college graduates stay in the country, become Americans and create new businesses and jobs. He supports his arguments by talking about how many jobs on average these people would create if they were allowed to remain in the country.

That is obviously not the normal H1-B visa as that is NOT an IMMIGRANT visa, but only a guest worker visa and these H1-Bs do not create jobs they TAKE JOBs.

Why Ted Cruz uses the term 'H1-B' to describe what he is wanting to allow I dont know. Maybe he wants to revise the program to do what it was originally intended to do, while protecting American workers. But the H1-B visa as it currently exists does not have anything to do with citizenship and immigration.

You can keep trying to obfuscate the issue, but it is a clear indication of your partisanship and hackery. BOTH parties are allowing corporations to exploit and abuse the H1-B visa program, but what is currently happening with that program is not what Cruz is wanting to expand at all, but wanting to reduce while reforming the H1-B visa program to its original intent.
Cruz and Trump have NOT advocated H1-B increases. They want to allow for foreign college graduates to remain in the US to become citizens and start businesses. That has nothing to do with the H1-B even though Ted Cruz seems to think it would fall under the H1-B, which is a nonimmigrant visa.
I already debunked that lie earlier in this thread, repeating that lie does not make it any less of a lie.
You have debunked nothing.

You have demonstrated that you will not honestly discuss the issue.
Why did the party of slavery, segregation and Jim Crow change to the champions of Civil rights in less than a decade ? VOTES.
Who says they have changed? They have shifted from advocating majority racial rights to advocating minority racial rights.

Either way the Democratic Party still specializes in racial rights brokering and is thus inherently racist.
Cruz and Trump have NOT advocated H1-B increases. They want to allow for foreign college graduates to remain in the US to become citizens and start businesses. That has nothing to do with the H1-B even though Ted Cruz seems to think it would fall under the H1-B, which is a nonimmigrant visa.
Brain, you seem to find facts to be humorous.

Could it be that you just are not used to them and so they cause a tickling itch?
Cruz and Trump are talking about a very specific set of foreign students who graduate here in the US and then get sent home, when they would like to stay here, start businesses and become citizens. Cruz is mistaken if he thinks that the H1-B visa would allow these people to stay long term, as many of them apply for citizenship but most fail to get it.

This is not nearly the same thing as what is currently happening with the H1-B abuse that is being used to REPLACE American workers.
I have long been a supporter of bringing in high-skilled workers because I think that benefits economic growth.
- Ted Cruz, Dec 11, 2015
"High Skilled Workers" does not equal H1-B visa workers, dude.
Notice how the Right when caught with their foot in their mouth, edit the post, play dumb and move the goalposts.

First you claim Cruz only wanted visas for graduates who were cresting jobs and not replacing American workers, and when shown that Cruz also wanted to import workers to replace Americans you pretend he was not talking about H1-B visas in the quote I posted.

Here is more of the quote I posted clearly showing Cruz was in fact talking about H1-B visas:

“Jeff Sessions and I together we launched a major reform bill on the H-1B visa program.
As you know, the H-1B visa program was designed to bring in high-skilled workers,” Cruz said. "I have long been a supporter of bringing in high-skilled workers because I think that benefits economic growth."

Again, you are clouding the issue on H1-B visas. When we look at the specific programs that Ted Cruz supports it is NOT the regular H1-B visa he is talking about. He is talking about letting foreign college graduates stay in the country, become Americans and create new businesses and jobs. He supports his arguments by talking about how many jobs on average these people would create if they were allowed to remain in the country.

That is obviously not the normal H1-B visa as that is NOT an IMMIGRANT visa, but only a guest worker visa and these H1-Bs do not create jobs they TAKE JOBs.

Why Ted Cruz uses the term 'H1-B' to describe what he is wanting to allow I dont know. Maybe he wants to revise the program to do what it was originally intended to do, while protecting American workers. But the H1-B visa as it currently exists does not have anything to do with citizenship and immigration.

You can keep trying to obfuscate the issue, but it is a clear indication of your partisanship and hackery. BOTH parties are allowing corporations to exploit and abuse the H1-B visa program, but what is currently happening with that program is not what Cruz is wanting to expand at all, but wanting to reduce while reforming the H1-B visa program to its original intent.

So he supports immigrants coming here and taking jobs. Do we really need that right now?
H1-B system needs to be reformed to be more "pro-American" but we cant just get rid of the program.
A point of clarification; I am not suggesting that the Republicans do not exploit H1-B visas just like the Democrats do. Populists in the GOP are trying to fix that, trust me.

But the point of my question is that the Democrats are supposed to be the party of the working class, while the GOP is supposed to represent the party of the business class. So it kind of stands to reason that the GOP would support H1-Bs, and, again, populists are trying to address that within the GOP.

But how in the world does this fit into what the Democratic Party is supposed to stand for? Hoe in the hell does Dingell support one of the very few candidates of either party who wants MORE H1-B visas under the current system of abuse and exploitation?

Isnt the Democratic Party supposed to be specifically opposed to such things?

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