Why do Democrats Want to Take Away More Jobs From Americans and Give to H1-Bs?

So he supports immigrants coming here and taking jobs.

That is exactly the opposite of what I explained to you. Cruz and Trump are in favor of reforming the H1-B process to use foreign college graduates who want to stay here and become citizens and start businesses to CREATE JOBS.

Now, once again, you can ignore the facts I am presenting to you and you can mindlessly repeat that Cruz wants to give away AMerican jobs to H1-B immigrants and I will respond again in kind showing you to be either a moron or a liar.
Cruz and Trump are talking about a very specific set of foreign students who graduate here in the US and then get sent home, when they would like to stay here, start businesses and become citizens. Cruz is mistaken if he thinks that the H1-B visa would allow these people to stay long term, as many of them apply for citizenship but most fail to get it.

This is not nearly the same thing as what is currently happening with the H1-B abuse that is being used to REPLACE American workers.
I have long been a supporter of bringing in high-skilled workers because I think that benefits economic growth.
- Ted Cruz, Dec 11, 2015
"High Skilled Workers" does not equal H1-B visa workers, dude.
Notice how the Right when caught with their foot in their mouth, edit the post, play dumb and move the goalposts.

First you claim Cruz only wanted visas for graduates who were cresting jobs and not replacing American workers, and when shown that Cruz also wanted to import workers to replace Americans you pretend he was not talking about H1-B visas in the quote I posted.

Here is more of the quote I posted clearly showing Cruz was in fact talking about H1-B visas:

“Jeff Sessions and I together we launched a major reform bill on the H-1B visa program.
As you know, the H-1B visa program was designed to bring in high-skilled workers,” Cruz said. "I have long been a supporter of bringing in high-skilled workers because I think that benefits economic growth."

Again, you are clouding the issue on H1-B visas. When we look at the specific programs that Ted Cruz supports it is NOT the regular H1-B visa he is talking about. He is talking about letting foreign college graduates stay in the country, become Americans and create new businesses and jobs. He supports his arguments by talking about how many jobs on average these people would create if they were allowed to remain in the country.

That is obviously not the normal H1-B visa as that is NOT an IMMIGRANT visa, but only a guest worker visa and these H1-Bs do not create jobs they TAKE JOBs.

Why Ted Cruz uses the term 'H1-B' to describe what he is wanting to allow I dont know. Maybe he wants to revise the program to do what it was originally intended to do, while protecting American workers. But the H1-B visa as it currently exists does not have anything to do with citizenship and immigration.

You can keep trying to obfuscate the issue, but it is a clear indication of your partisanship and hackery. BOTH parties are allowing corporations to exploit and abuse the H1-B visa program, but what is currently happening with that program is not what Cruz is wanting to expand at all, but wanting to reduce while reforming the H1-B visa program to its original intent.
No one is clouding any issue, just recognizing the fact that you're a liar.
Neither Ted Cruz nor Donald Trump signed the letter given to Pelosi that you article refers to, and the two other links in it do not work.

But partr of the letter does describe the effort that Cruz and Trump do support; allowing foreign college graduates with masters degrees or higher to remain in the US to CREATE BUSINESSES AND MORE JOBS for Americans.

IT is interesting when those who are trying to forma rebuttal present evidence that supports the opposite of their own assertion.
So he supports immigrants coming here and taking jobs.

That is exactly the opposite of what I explained to you. Cruz and Trump are in favor of reforming the H1-B process to use foreign college graduates who want to stay here and become citizens and start businesses to CREATE JOBS.

Now, once again, you can ignore the facts I am presenting to you and you can mindlessly repeat that Cruz wants to give away AMerican jobs to H1-B immigrants and I will respond again in kind showing you to be either a moron or a liar.

Foreign college graduates are immigrants. You are aware of that? US graduates can't create jobs? Seriously?
Cruz and Trump are talking about a very specific set of foreign students who graduate here in the US and then get sent home, when they would like to stay here, start businesses and become citizens. Cruz is mistaken if he thinks that the H1-B visa would allow these people to stay long term, as many of them apply for citizenship but most fail to get it.

This is not nearly the same thing as what is currently happening with the H1-B abuse that is being used to REPLACE American workers.
I have long been a supporter of bringing in high-skilled workers because I think that benefits economic growth.
- Ted Cruz, Dec 11, 2015
"High Skilled Workers" does not equal H1-B visa workers, dude.
Notice how the Right when caught with their foot in their mouth, edit the post, play dumb and move the goalposts.

First you claim Cruz only wanted visas for graduates who were cresting jobs and not replacing American workers, and when shown that Cruz also wanted to import workers to replace Americans you pretend he was not talking about H1-B visas in the quote I posted.

Here is more of the quote I posted clearly showing Cruz was in fact talking about H1-B visas:

“Jeff Sessions and I together we launched a major reform bill on the H-1B visa program.
As you know, the H-1B visa program was designed to bring in high-skilled workers,” Cruz said. "I have long been a supporter of bringing in high-skilled workers because I think that benefits economic growth."

Again, you are clouding the issue on H1-B visas. When we look at the specific programs that Ted Cruz supports it is NOT the regular H1-B visa he is talking about. He is talking about letting foreign college graduates stay in the country, become Americans and create new businesses and jobs. He supports his arguments by talking about how many jobs on average these people would create if they were allowed to remain in the country.

That is obviously not the normal H1-B visa as that is NOT an IMMIGRANT visa, but only a guest worker visa and these H1-Bs do not create jobs they TAKE JOBs.

Why Ted Cruz uses the term 'H1-B' to describe what he is wanting to allow I dont know. Maybe he wants to revise the program to do what it was originally intended to do, while protecting American workers. But the H1-B visa as it currently exists does not have anything to do with citizenship and immigration.

You can keep trying to obfuscate the issue, but it is a clear indication of your partisanship and hackery. BOTH parties are allowing corporations to exploit and abuse the H1-B visa program, but what is currently happening with that program is not what Cruz is wanting to expand at all, but wanting to reduce while reforming the H1-B visa program to its original intent.
This is the thing about the Right, even after Cruz says outright that he supports "BRINGING IN" foreign workers, his brainwashed fools just keep lying for him.
Foreign college graduates are immigrants. You are aware of that? [/QUOTE]

Yes, and that is why they currently do not fall under the H1-B visa program which is not an immigrant visa.

US graduates can't create jobs? Seriously?

Obviously they can create jobs, what these foreign graduates cannot do is remain in the country and become citizens and thus be able to create jobs.

This is the thing about the Right, even after Cruz says outright that he supports "BRINGING IN" foreign workers, his brainwashed fools just keep lying for him.
Lol, Eddi, we bring in foreign students to study here in the USA.

Trump and Cruz would like to use the H1-B program to let the ones with masters degrees and above stay and start businesses thus creating more jobs.

Now fuck up reading my post again and tell me why Trump and Cruz want to restore black chattel slavery and reduce women to sex slaves.

Good grief.
Cruz and Trump have NOT advocated H1-B increases. They want to allow for foreign college graduates to remain in the US to become citizens and start businesses. That has nothing to do with the H1-B even though Ted Cruz seems to think it would fall under the H1-B, which is a nonimmigrant visa.
I already debunked that lie earlier in this thread, repeating that lie does not make it any less of a lie.
You have debunked nothing.

You have demonstrated that you will not honestly discuss the issue.
This is the thing about the Right, even after Cruz says outright that he supports "BRINGING IN" foreign workers, his brainwashed fools just keep lying for him.
Lol, Eddi, we bring in foreign students to study here in the USA.

Trump and Cruz would like to use the H1-B program to let the ones with masters degrees and above stay and start businesses thus creating more jobs.

Now fuck up reading my post again and tell me why Trump and Cruz want to restore black chattel slavery and reduce women to sex slaves.

Good grief.
See, the Right never stop lying as they exaggerate a Straw Man to argue against.

If the Democratic Party is for the working American, then why do they favor Hillary who would export more jobs and allow more foreign workers to come in and take American jobs?

Why do Democrats Want to Take Away More Jobs From Americans and Give to H1-Bs?

"why do they favor Hillary"

pssssst!! they hate America just like their America hating presidunce!!

any more questions?
Cruz and Trump have NOT advocated H1-B increases. They want to allow for foreign college graduates to remain in the US to become citizens and start businesses. That has nothing to do with the H1-B even though Ted Cruz seems to think it would fall under the H1-B, which is a nonimmigrant visa.
I already debunked that lie earlier in this thread, repeating that lie does not make it any less of a lie.
You have debunked nothing.

You have demonstrated that you will not honestly discuss the issue.

Lol, his poison pill amendment to kill the Gang of 8 bill.

Long ago explained, please do keep up, dude.
This is the thing about the Right, even after Cruz says outright that he supports "BRINGING IN" foreign workers, his brainwashed fools just keep lying for him.
Lol, Eddi, we bring in foreign students to study here in the USA.

Trump and Cruz would like to use the H1-B program to let the ones with masters degrees and above stay and start businesses thus creating more jobs.

Now fuck up reading my post again and tell me why Trump and Cruz want to restore black chattel slavery and reduce women to sex slaves.

Good grief.
See, the Right never stop lying as they exaggerate a Straw Man to argue against.

Starting at 1:27 of that above video, Cruz talks about H1-B visas 'creating 1.6 new jobs'. H1-Bs do not create jobs, they TAKE jobs. Why he is referencing the H1-B program is that he would like to change it to allow foreign students to remain here and create new businesses and create jobs.

The only mystery is why is Cruz referring to this as H1-B visas as though it already does that, when the H1-B visa is not an immigrant visa but only a temporary guest worker visa.

Of course, libtards like you presenting it as evidence of support for the H1-B guest worker program is not helpful as you deliberately muddy the water.

Ted Cruz proposal for over hauling the H1-B visa program.

Ted Cruz, Jeff Sessions Roll Out Antidote To Broken H-1B Program: American Jobs First Act - Breitbart
Last edited:
Cruz and Trump have NOT advocated H1-B increases. They want to allow for foreign college graduates to remain in the US to become citizens and start businesses. That has nothing to do with the H1-B even though Ted Cruz seems to think it would fall under the H1-B, which is a nonimmigrant visa.
I already debunked that lie earlier in this thread, repeating that lie does not make it any less of a lie.
You have debunked nothing.

You have demonstrated that you will not honestly discuss the issue.

Lol, his poison pill amendment to kill the Gang of 8 bill.

Long ago explained, please do keep up, dude.

So you say he was lying then. So why do you believe the admitted liar now?

Actually Cruz said the "path to citizenship" part of the immigration reform bill was the "poison pill" so the Dems could use it to campaign on, not his legalization amendment which he said at the time was a compromise that would lead to passage. As is always the case with the Right, when they haven't "kept up" they tell others to keep up!

Here is what Cruz said on the Senate floor about his amendment:
Cruz, May 21, 2013: Now I would suggest to all of those who passionately want to see this program fixed, that saying it’s all-or-nothing if there’s no path to citizenship, quote, there is no reform, tying immigration reform hostage to a path to citizenship is not a strategy to pass a bill. It’s a strategy to create partisan division. It’s a strategy that may well result in more political battles. But it’s not a strategy to fix the problem and so I would urge everyone on this committee to roll up our sleeves and fix the problem in a humane way that secures the border, gets serious about fixing that problem, that expands and improves legal immigration and that does not unfairly treat legal immigrants by removing a path to citizenship but allowing as this legislation does a legal status for those who are here illegally. That would be reform that a great many people across this country, both Republican and Democrat, would embrace and I would urge the committee to consider the amendment.

And here is what Cruz said 10 days later:
Cruz, May 31, 2013: “And what I believe is happening is that citizenship provision is designed, and the White House knows it’s designed, to be a poison pill in the House to torpedo the bill, because then they want to campaign in 2014 and 2016, and say, ‘See those Republicans? They killed immigration reform.’…”

Trust not him that hath once broken faith; he who betrayed thee once, will betray thee again.
- Shakespeare.
Cruz and Trump have NOT advocated H1-B increases. They want to allow for foreign college graduates to remain in the US to become citizens and start businesses. That has nothing to do with the H1-B even though Ted Cruz seems to think it would fall under the H1-B, which is a nonimmigrant visa.
I already debunked that lie earlier in this thread, repeating that lie does not make it any less of a lie.
You have debunked nothing.

You have demonstrated that you will not honestly discuss the issue.

Lol, his poison pill amendment to kill the Gang of 8 bill.

Long ago explained, please do keep up, dude.

So you say he was lying then. So why do you believe the admitted liar now?

Actually Cruz said the "path to citizenship" part of the immigration reform bill was the "poison pill" so the Dems could use it to campaign on, not his legalization amendment which he said at the time was a compromise that would lead to passage. As is always the case with the Right, when they haven't "kept up" they tell others to keep up!

Here is what Cruz said on the Senate floor about his amendment:
Cruz, May 21, 2013: Now I would suggest to all of those who passionately want to see this program fixed, that saying it’s all-or-nothing if there’s no path to citizenship, quote, there is no reform, tying immigration reform hostage to a path to citizenship is not a strategy to pass a bill. It’s a strategy to create partisan division. It’s a strategy that may well result in more political battles. But it’s not a strategy to fix the problem and so I would urge everyone on this committee to roll up our sleeves and fix the problem in a humane way that secures the border, gets serious about fixing that problem, that expands and improves legal immigration and that does not unfairly treat legal immigrants by removing a path to citizenship but allowing as this legislation does a legal status for those who are here illegally. That would be reform that a great many people across this country, both Republican and Democrat, would embrace and I would urge the committee to consider the amendment.

And here is what Cruz said 10 days later:
Cruz, May 31, 2013: “And what I believe is happening is that citizenship provision is designed, and the White House knows it’s designed, to be a poison pill in the House to torpedo the bill, because then they want to campaign in 2014 and 2016, and say, ‘See those Republicans? They killed immigration reform.’…”

Trust not him that hath once broken faith; he who betrayed thee once, will betray thee again.
- Shakespeare.

Great, a real breakthrough in our discussion.

Ted Cruz has reformed or 'flip flopped' on the H1-B visa program. In the past he wanted to raise it above the 65,000 annual and over the proposed 110k annual cap, but he has changed his mind once things like the Disney abuse of the program became public. Cruz is a libertarian and one was an open borders kind of libertarian. But over the eyars he has gradually reformed those views to something more reasonable.

This progression has been documented publicly on the internet by his fans and opponents.

Exclusive RedState Video: Ted Cruz Explains why His Position on H-1B Visas Has Changed | RedState

A Response to Ted Cruz on H-1B Visas | RedState

Ted Cruz Flips on H-1B Visas

Ted Cruz, Jeff Sessions Roll Out Antidote To Broken H-1B Program: American Jobs First Act - Breitbart

Republican Candidate Ted Cruz Calls to Suspend H-1B Visa for 6 Months

Obviously I dont expect you to read ALL of that, but I am passing it to you as a sampling of what is out there on the internet discussing Cruz H1-B reform proposals long before Trump made the H1-B a major component to his campaign.
This is the thing about the Right, even after Cruz says outright that he supports "BRINGING IN" foreign workers, his brainwashed fools just keep lying for him.
Lol, Eddi, we bring in foreign students to study here in the USA.

Trump and Cruz would like to use the H1-B program to let the ones with masters degrees and above stay and start businesses thus creating more jobs.

Now fuck up reading my post again and tell me why Trump and Cruz want to restore black chattel slavery and reduce women to sex slaves.

Good grief.

Are fresh graduate foreign students more likely to create jobs or take jobs? Pretty sure take jobs is the answer.
I already debunked that lie earlier in this thread, repeating that lie does not make it any less of a lie.
You have debunked nothing.

You have demonstrated that you will not honestly discuss the issue.

Lol, his poison pill amendment to kill the Gang of 8 bill.

Long ago explained, please do keep up, dude.

So you say he was lying then. So why do you believe the admitted liar now?

Actually Cruz said the "path to citizenship" part of the immigration reform bill was the "poison pill" so the Dems could use it to campaign on, not his legalization amendment which he said at the time was a compromise that would lead to passage. As is always the case with the Right, when they haven't "kept up" they tell others to keep up!

Here is what Cruz said on the Senate floor about his amendment:
Cruz, May 21, 2013: Now I would suggest to all of those who passionately want to see this program fixed, that saying it’s all-or-nothing if there’s no path to citizenship, quote, there is no reform, tying immigration reform hostage to a path to citizenship is not a strategy to pass a bill. It’s a strategy to create partisan division. It’s a strategy that may well result in more political battles. But it’s not a strategy to fix the problem and so I would urge everyone on this committee to roll up our sleeves and fix the problem in a humane way that secures the border, gets serious about fixing that problem, that expands and improves legal immigration and that does not unfairly treat legal immigrants by removing a path to citizenship but allowing as this legislation does a legal status for those who are here illegally. That would be reform that a great many people across this country, both Republican and Democrat, would embrace and I would urge the committee to consider the amendment.

And here is what Cruz said 10 days later:
Cruz, May 31, 2013: “And what I believe is happening is that citizenship provision is designed, and the White House knows it’s designed, to be a poison pill in the House to torpedo the bill, because then they want to campaign in 2014 and 2016, and say, ‘See those Republicans? They killed immigration reform.’…”

Trust not him that hath once broken faith; he who betrayed thee once, will betray thee again.
- Shakespeare.

Great, a real breakthrough in our discussion.

Ted Cruz has reformed or 'flip flopped' on the H1-B visa program. In the past he wanted to raise it above the 65,000 annual and over the proposed 110k annual cap, but he has changed his mind once things like the Disney abuse of the program became public. Cruz is a libertarian and one was an open borders kind of libertarian. But over the eyars he has gradually reformed those views to something more reasonable.

This progression has been documented publicly on the internet by his fans and opponents.

Exclusive RedState Video: Ted Cruz Explains why His Position on H-1B Visas Has Changed | RedState

A Response to Ted Cruz on H-1B Visas | RedState

Ted Cruz Flips on H-1B Visas

Ted Cruz, Jeff Sessions Roll Out Antidote To Broken H-1B Program: American Jobs First Act - Breitbart

Republican Candidate Ted Cruz Calls to Suspend H-1B Visa for 6 Months

Ted Cruz Wants Minimum H-1B Wage of $110,000 - Slashdot
Obviously I dont expect you to read ALL of that, but I am passing it to you as a sampling of what is out there on the internet discussing Cruz H1-B reform proposals long before Trump made the H1-B a major component to his campaign.

Again, facts amuse the egomaniacal self described 'Brain'.
I already debunked that lie earlier in this thread, repeating that lie does not make it any less of a lie.
You have debunked nothing.

You have demonstrated that you will not honestly discuss the issue.

Lol, his poison pill amendment to kill the Gang of 8 bill.

Long ago explained, please do keep up, dude.

So you say he was lying then. So why do you believe the admitted liar now?

Actually Cruz said the "path to citizenship" part of the immigration reform bill was the "poison pill" so the Dems could use it to campaign on, not his legalization amendment which he said at the time was a compromise that would lead to passage. As is always the case with the Right, when they haven't "kept up" they tell others to keep up!

Here is what Cruz said on the Senate floor about his amendment:
Cruz, May 21, 2013: Now I would suggest to all of those who passionately want to see this program fixed, that saying it’s all-or-nothing if there’s no path to citizenship, quote, there is no reform, tying immigration reform hostage to a path to citizenship is not a strategy to pass a bill. It’s a strategy to create partisan division. It’s a strategy that may well result in more political battles. But it’s not a strategy to fix the problem and so I would urge everyone on this committee to roll up our sleeves and fix the problem in a humane way that secures the border, gets serious about fixing that problem, that expands and improves legal immigration and that does not unfairly treat legal immigrants by removing a path to citizenship but allowing as this legislation does a legal status for those who are here illegally. That would be reform that a great many people across this country, both Republican and Democrat, would embrace and I would urge the committee to consider the amendment.

And here is what Cruz said 10 days later:
Cruz, May 31, 2013: “And what I believe is happening is that citizenship provision is designed, and the White House knows it’s designed, to be a poison pill in the House to torpedo the bill, because then they want to campaign in 2014 and 2016, and say, ‘See those Republicans? They killed immigration reform.’…”

Trust not him that hath once broken faith; he who betrayed thee once, will betray thee again.
- Shakespeare.

Great, a real breakthrough in our discussion.

Ted Cruz has reformed or 'flip flopped' on the H1-B visa program. In the past he wanted to raise it above the 65,000 annual and over the proposed 110k annual cap, but he has changed his mind once things like the Disney abuse of the program became public. Cruz is a libertarian and one was an open borders kind of libertarian. But over the eyars he has gradually reformed those views to something more reasonable.

This progression has been documented publicly on the internet by his fans and opponents.

Exclusive RedState Video: Ted Cruz Explains why His Position on H-1B Visas Has Changed | RedState

A Response to Ted Cruz on H-1B Visas | RedState

Ted Cruz Flips on H-1B Visas

Ted Cruz, Jeff Sessions Roll Out Antidote To Broken H-1B Program: American Jobs First Act - Breitbart

Republican Candidate Ted Cruz Calls to Suspend H-1B Visa for 6 Months

Ted Cruz Wants Minimum H-1B Wage of $110,000 - Slashdot
Obviously I dont expect you to read ALL of that, but I am passing it to you as a sampling of what is out there on the internet discussing Cruz H1-B reform proposals long before Trump made the H1-B a major component to his campaign.

How is Cruz's campaign conversion any more credible than Trump's campaign conversions?

Remember when confronted on his flip-flop on legalization, his campaign said he was bluffing on the Senate floor and would not have voted for the immigration reform bill even if his amendment had passed, in spite of his passionate argument for passage on the Senate floor.

Cruz, May 21, 2013: And a second point to those advocacy groups that are so passionately engaged. In my view if this committee rejects this amendment — and I think everyone here views it is quite likely this committee will choose to reject this amendment — in my view that decision will make it much much more likely that this entire bill will fail in the House of Representatives. I don’t want immigration reform to fail. I want immigration reform to pass. And so I would urge people of good faith on both sides of the aisle if the objective is to pass common sense immigration reform that secures the borders, that improves legal immigration and that allows those who are here illegally to come in out of the shadows, then we should look for areas of bipartisan agreement and compromise to come together. And this amendment, I believe if this amendment were to pass, the chances of this bill passing into law would increase dramatically. And so I would urge the committee to give it full consideration and to adopt the amendment.

Trust not him that hath once broken faith; he who betrayed thee once, will betray thee again.
- Shakespeare.

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