Why do Democrats Want to Take Away More Jobs From Americans and Give to H1-Bs?

Check out this video which includes Hillary advocating increasing H1-B visas. Already 7 out of 10 H1-Bs go to outsourcing American jobs? And 4 out of 5 are entry level jobs, not highly skilled jobs.

If the Democratic Party is for the working American, then why do they favor Hillary who would export more jobs and allow more foreign workers to come in and take American jobs?

I don't know if you are aware that in 2011, 2013 and 2015, the GOP wrote legislation to reduce job training for skilled positions, at the same time they continuously have tried to increase the number of H1-B visas.
GOP candidates Cruz, Rubio and Trump have all come out in favor of increasing HB-1 visas.
So it seems to be not just Hillary or the Dems, as the GOP's top presidential candidates and the GOP controlled Congress have fought to reduced skilled labor training and increase the total amount of H1-B visas.

Cruz and Trump have NOT advocated H1-B increases. They want to allow for foreign college graduates to remain in the US to become citizens and start businesses. That has nothing to do with the H1-B even though Ted Cruz seems to think it would fall under the H1-B, which is a nonimmigrant visa.
The common sense solution is to stop issuing all those F-1 visas in the first place.
The common sense solution is to stop issuing all those F-1 visas in the first place.
Allowing foreign students to come here and see how our system of government works is, or at least once was, a good way of spreading democracy and capitalism.

Maybe we should suspend the program until we can fix our problems first then resume the program.

But there is no good reason I see that a student that would stay in this country, become a citizen and then start a business that creates jobs is a bad thing at all.
So he supports immigrants coming here and taking jobs.

That is exactly the opposite of what I explained to you. Cruz and Trump are in favor of reforming the H1-B process to use foreign college graduates who want to stay here and become citizens and start businesses to CREATE JOBS.

Now, once again, you can ignore the facts I am presenting to you and you can mindlessly repeat that Cruz wants to give away AMerican jobs to H1-B immigrants and I will respond again in kind showing you to be either a moron or a liar.
Bullshit. Breaking story on gma this morning how trump imported hundred of models on the h1b visa program and didn't even pay some of them what they were promised.

They even put $75k on her paperwork and said she was full time on the paperwork but didn't pay her $75k. Highly illegal. Importing slaves to steal from America.

Couldn't he find pretty girls in America?

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