CDZ Why do Dems Keep Saying there is no Proof of Voter Fraud? It is a Proven FACT

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Probably the same reason Republicans who get caught doing it never learn

Republicans are just now barely beginning to learn how to play dirty like the Dims.
And the Dims are furious since playing dirty is supposed to be their advantage alone.
Multiple precincts in Detroit reported more votes than voters in the 2016 general election, suggesting voter or electoral fraud.


About this rating

What's True
Confirmation from officials and records obtained by a local newspaper documented widespread discrepancies in Detroit's 2016 general election vote tallies.

What's False
The discrepancy did not involve Detroit's recording more votes than registered voters, but rather precinct poll workers miscounting the number of people who voted.

FACT CHECK: More Votes than Voters in Detroit?



So since it was random mistakes, then Trump got roughly the same number of votes in his favor that Clinton did right?

ROFLMAO, no it all went to Clinton, but just randomly.
Huh? They corrected the mistakes before any final, certified tally.
Here were the discrepancies for Wagne County... same link...

Among the discrepancies found by Wayne County were:

77 precincts +1 vote
62 precincts +2 votes
37 precincts +3 votes
20 precincts +4 votes
52 precincts +5 or more votes
81 precincts -1 vote
29 precincts -2 votes
19 precincts -3 votes
7 precincts -4 votes
8 precincts -5 or more votes

So while elections officials in Detroit confirmed that voting irregularities involving excess vote counts existed, that issue was about inaccurate head counts taken by poll workers rather than fraud. The discrepancies mostly involved a handful of votes per precinct, and neither candidate was believed to have been favored by the errors.

Reports of equipment malfunctions in Michigan precincts were widely covered after the 8 November 2016 general election.
So according to election officials, the miscounts were not mostly for one candidate?


Pardon me if I don't take their word for it, will ya? I'll bet that they were at least 90% in favor of Clinton, since she took 93% of the Detroit vote.

See what I did there? :D
You've been given 3 different sources so far and you're only answer is, nuh-uh, I don't believe any of them. So the debate's over. You b'lieve what you b'lieve and others believe what they believe.
You've been given 3 different sources so far and you're only answer is, nuh-uh, I don't believe any of them. So the debate's over. You b'lieve what you b'lieve and others believe what they believe.

Actually it was only 2 since one was repeated.

Third, the "sources" were baskets of roasted shit on a stick.
Provide some unbiased, honest "facts", rather than propaganda "facts" and try again toots.

In other news....the Obama's are making the news sleezy hypocritical waste products yet again....
Obamas accused of ‘deplorable behavior’ amid trademark dispute: 'Not consistent with the values they preach'
Man, and at one point I REALLY wanted to like them. Shame on me.
Why are Democrats such awful human beings?
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Democrats have been losing the black vote for a while now.
Without replacements, or trickery / corruption, they have no chance.

Everyone knows this. Nothing new. Hence the cry for open borders and free shit for all.
The willful ignorance from the left is off the charts.
The ONLY things the Left HAS left in their arsenal is name-calling and violence. The only platform the Left has is, "We hate Trump. Orange man bad." THAT'S it! And ALL of the violence in the last 2 to 2 and a half years has come from the Left. This brings to mind a quote by writer Isaac Asimov - "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent." And the Left has shown their incompetency again and again these last couple years. Pitiful.
Multiple precincts in Detroit reported more votes than voters in the 2016 general election, suggesting voter or electoral fraud.


About this rating

What's True
Confirmation from officials and records obtained by a local newspaper documented widespread discrepancies in Detroit's 2016 general election vote tallies.

What's False
The discrepancy did not involve Detroit's recording more votes than registered voters, but rather precinct poll workers miscounting the number of people who voted.

FACT CHECK: More Votes than Voters in Detroit?



So since it was random mistakes, then Trump got roughly the same number of votes in his favor that Clinton did right?

ROFLMAO, no it all went to Clinton, but just randomly.
Huh? They corrected the mistakes before any final, certified tally.
Here were the discrepancies for Wagne County... same link...

Among the discrepancies found by Wayne County were:

77 precincts +1 vote
62 precincts +2 votes
37 precincts +3 votes
20 precincts +4 votes
52 precincts +5 or more votes
81 precincts -1 vote
29 precincts -2 votes
19 precincts -3 votes
7 precincts -4 votes
8 precincts -5 or more votes

So while elections officials in Detroit confirmed that voting irregularities involving excess vote counts existed, that issue was about inaccurate head counts taken by poll workers rather than fraud. The discrepancies mostly involved a handful of votes per precinct, and neither candidate was believed to have been favored by the errors.

Reports of equipment malfunctions in Michigan precincts were widely covered after the 8 November 2016 general election.
So according to election officials, the miscounts were not mostly for one candidate?


Pardon me if I don't take their word for it, will ya? I'll bet that they were at least 90% in favor of Clinton, since she took 93% of the Detroit vote.

See what I did there? :D
Trump won by 10,000 votes, THAT was the anomaly, Jim.

He should not have won at all, in Michigan.


if you want to know about REAL voter fraud,

North Carolina operative indicted in ballot fraud scandal that led to new House election

Why North Carolina's Election Fraud Hurts American Democracy

so, election fraud occurs.... the NC election fraud is REAL

The argument by Democrats is that gvt issued picture voter id's, for in person voter fraud does not take place in any kind of numbers that are meaningful, if at all.... gvt pictured ID's do NOT STOP any of the voter or election fraud that actually takes place... like in NC,

Absentee ballots is where it is happening, like in North Carolina. along with other ways, but none can or would be stopped by a gvt issued pictured id at the polling place.
Other than the multiple people prosecuted in Texas, we have the Jill Steing recount that was halted because it was exposing Democrat fraud.

Detroit's election woes: 782 more votes than voters

"Donald Trump carried Michigan by 10,704 votes, or 47.5% to 47.3%, according to the final results submitted to the Michigan Secretary of State. But in Detroit, Democrat Hillary Clinton trounced Trump, winning 95% of the vote to his 3%.

The Free Press analysis found there were 248 precincts in Detroit where voting machines tabulated more Election Day votes than people who were counted as checking in to vote. The affected precincts represent 37% of the city's 662 precincts....

Most of those overages were by small amounts — on average about 3 votes — with the largest being 12 votes in a single precinct. Those small numbers, which add up to 782 total spread out across more than 200 precincts, tend to point to human or machine malfunction as the culprit, rather than widespread fraud.

In 158 precincts, the number of ballots tabulated by the optical-scanning voting machines was inexplicably less than the number of people who signed in to vote. At least 362 ballots were not counted in those precincts, even though the voters had been listed in poll books.

Altogether, the total of over-counted and under-counted ballots was about 1,144. As a result, nearly 60% of Detroit's precincts weren't eligible for recount because the number of ballots in the ballot box didn't match the number of people listed as voting in the poll book.

The Free Press analysis came from handwritten tabulations logged by the Wayne County Board of Canvassers. The numbers are approximated because notes in eight precincts were illegible or unclear. This is the first time that actual figures for over-counted and under-counted votes have been reported

Detroit's inability to reconcile its ballots with its voter lists was exposed in the recount requested by Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein that was later ordered stopped by the Michigan Supreme Court. The discrepancy became national news, including headlines suggesting voter fraud...

Under Michigan law, precincts cannot be recounted when the number of voters in the poll book doesn't match the number of ballots in the ballot box. Almost 60% of Detroit's precincts were mismatched — either having too many or not enough ballots to match poll books — and ineligible for recount, according to the Wayne County Clerk's Office.​

No it wasnt voter fraud just cuz Clinton got all the gain from the 'miscounts', lol.

I know exactly what you are not fear...

Because Q already said, the 2020 elections are safe.:2up:


Trust Q.:wink_2:
Probably the same reason Republicans who get caught doing it never learn

Republicans are just now barely beginning to learn how to play dirty like the Dims.
And the Dims are furious since playing dirty is supposed to be their advantage alone.

how quickly they forget or ignore

the decree

Thirty-five a decree years ago it was issued against the RNC barring the RNC from pursuing “ballot security” measures. In 1981 they were in court to fight allegations of practices of intimidation and sending sample ballots to communities of color and then had the names for each ballot returned as undeliverable thus removed them from voter rolls. RNC hired off-duty cops to patrol majority-minority precincts, wearing “National Ballot Security Task Force” armbands. Ultimately they settled and the RNC was forced to stop from engaging in voter-intimidation practices.

To make it worst then that decree came up for review and the chance to free the RNC but the RNC could not get free because they continued their actions or had local and state officials do their dirty work

Finally recently they were able to stop their tactics and became free of this decree

So when the RNC is doing it then states will follow suit

The recent North Carolina voter fraud

The failed Trump initiative to discover voter fraud and yet it was right in front of them but because they were republicans then they ignored it as it relates to republican initiatives. It was obvious that they were only looking for democrat incidents that prove their case

Still it failed
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Because Q already said, the 2020 elections are safe.:2up:
Trust Q.:wink_2:

Lol, Who do you think QAnon is?

Could he be a Democrat plant to pull the rug out from under 'Publicans next year?

I dunno, I think I trust verification laws more than some 4chan anonymous dude.

But I appreciate your confidence that the GOP is doing something to stop this highway robbery.

In 2020 Democrats will be in full throat.
Because Q already said, the 2020 elections are safe.:2up:
Trust Q.:wink_2:

Lol, Who do you think QAnon is?

Could he be a Democrat plant to pull the rug out from under 'Publicans next year?

I dunno, I think I trust verification laws more than some 4chan anonymous dude.

But I appreciate your confidence that the GOP is doing something to stop this highway robbery.

In 2020 Democrats will be in full throat.

I think Q Anon is Military /Conservative/ pro Trump ....but....of course I am not sure.

All I know is that what he/they have said has been correct.:)

We'll have to wait and see.:thup:
You've been given 3 different sources so far and you're only answer is, nuh-uh, I don't believe any of them. So the debate's over. You b'lieve what you b'lieve and others believe what they believe.

Actually it was only 2 since one was repeated.

Third, the "sources" were baskets of roasted shit on a stick.
Provide some unbiased, honest "facts", rather than propaganda "facts" and try again toots.

In other news....the Obama's are making the news sleezy hypocritical waste products yet again....
Obamas accused of ‘deplorable behavior’ amid trademark dispute: 'Not consistent with the values they preach'
Man, and at one point I REALLY wanted to like them. Shame on me.
Why are Democrats such awful human beings?
You're right, my bad. Didn't realize one was repeated. So here are 3 more the right will ignore...

State audit: No evidence of fraud in Detroit vote

Fraud not the cause of elections issues in Detroit, state audit concludes -

State audit finds 216 questionable votes in Detroit

So why do the leftist white elites love him so much?

oh....wait, never mind.
W ay Over blown, part of the propaganda that keeps us focused away from looking at what is really happening.
Other than the multiple people prosecuted in Texas, we have the Jill Steing recount that was halted because it was exposing Democrat fraud.

Detroit's election woes: 782 more votes than voters
"Donald Trump carried Michigan by 10,704 votes, or 47.5% to 47.3%, according to the final results submitted to the Michigan Secretary of State. But in Detroit, Democrat Hillary Clinton trounced Trump, winning 95% of the vote to his 3%.​
The Free Press analysis found there were 248 precincts in Detroit where voting machines tabulated more Election Day votes than people who were counted as checking in to vote. The affected precincts represent 37% of the city's 662 precincts....​
Most of those overages were by small amounts — on average about 3 votes — with the largest being 12 votes in a single precinct. Those small numbers, which add up to 782 total spread out across more than 200 precincts, tend to point to human or machine malfunction as the culprit, rather than widespread fraud.​
In 158 precincts, the number of ballots tabulated by the optical-scanning voting machines was inexplicably less than the number of people who signed in to vote. At least 362 ballots were not counted in those precincts, even though the voters had been listed in poll books.​
Altogether, the total of over-counted and under-counted ballots was about 1,144. As a result, nearly 60% of Detroit's precincts weren't eligible for recount because the number of ballots in the ballot box didn't match the number of people listed as voting in the poll book.​
The Free Press analysis came from handwritten tabulations logged by the Wayne County Board of Canvassers. The numbers are approximated because notes in eight precincts were illegible or unclear. This is the first time that actual figures for over-counted and under-counted votes have been reported​
Detroit's inability to reconcile its ballots with its voter lists was exposed in the recount requested by Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein that was later ordered stopped by the Michigan Supreme Court. The discrepancy became national news, including headlines suggesting voter fraud...​
Under Michigan law, precincts cannot be recounted when the number of voters in the poll book doesn't match the number of ballots in the ballot box. Almost 60% of Detroit's precincts were mismatched — either having too many or not enough ballots to match poll books — and ineligible for recount, according to the Wayne County Clerk's Office.​

No it wasnt voter fraud just cuz Clinton got all the gain from the 'miscounts', lol.

you've been hoodwinked by giuliani.
Voter fraud is an individual doing something wrong when they vote. It is not that it doesn't happen on both sides. It is that it doesn't change the outcome. So if 20 people do something wrong then it does not change the outcome. Chances are they will be caught and the vote won't count. Sure you can point your finger at them but they were caught.

Wasting time on voter fraud is missing the train. Let election officials worry about it. That is there job.

Electoral fraud is the concern as it could effect results more than voter fraud.

The problem is repubs wanted to wave the flag of voter fraud and then claim that it caused Trump to lose or that Reps never do the same thing.

No one denies that it happens. What is being denied is the lack of proof that it changes the results. That affidavits which do not show voter fraud is taken beyond the fact that it just a statement that you saw something. If the same person had to go to court and repeat the same statement then under cross examination would it still hold up. With no threat of it going to court then affidavits can be embellished as no one challenges it.

Well even Rudy standing before the court says that their lawsuit is not claiming voter fraud.

It just people with no first hand knowledge claiming voter fraud and that it cost Trump the election. There has to be significant proof that it cost Trump the election. It has to stand up in a court of law.

Public opinion doesn't matter. There is a court of law which decides this not public opinion. Public opinion is easily swayed by which way the wind blows or on the words of bloggers and other social media outlets who just repeat things.
There is always some cheating, but never enough to change the results in a national election. No one asked for a recount in some Republican county's that counts May have been a little unrealistic.
There is always some cheating, but never enough to change the results in a national election. No one asked for a recount in some Republican county's that counts May have been a little unrealistic.
Statement: Why do Dems Keep Saying there is no Proof of Voter Fraud? It is a Proven FACT

Response: The Federal Courts have been packed by conservative judges and justices, why have the trier of facts not convicted any Democrat of voter fraud?
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