CDZ Why do flag kneelers protesting police shootings want the cops to have all the guns


Gold Member
Feb 27, 2019
I don't get it, if you believe that the cops who are armed are the problem, wouldn't you want your own arms to defend yourself.

Or are you really saying that the cops are not the problem?
If you're going to start using logic, we're gonna be here all night.
I don't get it, if you believe that the cops who are armed are the problem, wouldn't you want your own arms to defend yourself.

Or are you really saying that the cops are not the problem?
what are you saying????!!!
the cops usually are called to go after bad guys/jackasses
links/examples/details please
your OP does not explain much
I don't get it, if you believe that the cops who are armed are the problem, wouldn't you want your own arms to defend yourself.

Or are you really saying that the cops are not the problem?

The masses feared a logical question and sat this one out. Thank you for a poignant question. If things aren't on the MSM's radar, the masses ignore the issue; ironically they then bitch because the media harps on the same thing, day in and day out being more of a lobbyist group than newscasters.
I don't get it, if you believe that the cops who are armed are the problem, wouldn't you want your own arms to defend yourself.

Or are you really saying that the cops are not the problem?

99% of cops are good guys doing a tough job under difficult circumstances.

1% of cops are bullies with badges and guns.

The idea that you need a gun to defend yourself from the cops is silly. You shoot a cop,all his buddies will move heaven and earth to get you.

So we need to kind of do both. Disarm the people who plain old shouldn't have guns, by making sure that the nuts can't get them as easily as they can.

And reform the police departments to get the bad apples off the force.
I don't get it, if you believe that the cops who are armed are the problem, wouldn't you want your own arms to defend yourself.

Or are you really saying that the cops are not the problem?

99% of cops are good guys doing a tough job under difficult circumstances.

1% of cops are bullies with badges and guns.

The idea that you need a gun to defend yourself from the cops is silly. You shoot a cop,all his buddies will move heaven and earth to get you.

So we need to kind of do both. Disarm the people who plain old shouldn't have guns, by making sure that the nuts can't get them as easily as they can.

And reform the police departments to get the bad apples off the force.

I see two things wrong with your post:

1) You got your figures upside down. Otherwise more cops would stand up and refuse to enforce unconstitutional laws

2) "To disarm the people is the most effectual way to enslave them" said the co-author of the Second Amendment, George Mason.

People who should not own guns can be detected early in life, and with most of the mass shooters, our society CREATED them. If we weed out the people who pose a threat to society by holding them in protective custody (like mental facilities) and change our society so as to quit creating mass shooters and we begin helping dysfunctional families, we could reduce mass shootings by 90 percent with no tax increases, no new bureaucracies, and no gun control.
Don't believe that (most) people want the police too have all the guns, never forgetting the nuts on both sides of the issue most people want the people who have guns (police & citizens to be well trained and responsible.
Don't believe that (most) people want the police too have all the guns, never forgetting the nuts on both sides of the issue most people want the people who have guns (police & citizens to be well trained and responsible.

It should be required in high school to take a course in firearms identification, safety, and marksmanship.
I see two things wrong with your post:

1) You got your figures upside down. Otherwise more cops would stand up and refuse to enforce unconstitutional laws

2) "To disarm the people is the most effectual way to enslave them" said the co-author of the Second Amendment, George Mason.

People who should not own guns can be detected early in life, and with most of the mass shooters, our society CREATED them. If we weed out the people who pose a threat to society by holding them in protective custody (like mental facilities) and change our society so as to quit creating mass shooters and we begin helping dysfunctional families, we could reduce mass shootings by 90 percent with no tax increases, no new bureaucracies, and no gun control.

Guy, besides your slander on fine law enforcement officers, the fact is, we can't lock up all the crazies. That actually WOULD be unconstitutional. Also impractical, as 18% of the population struggles with some kind of mental illness.

What makes mass shooters possible is that we've made guns a lot more accessible.
I see two things wrong with your post:

1) You got your figures upside down. Otherwise more cops would stand up and refuse to enforce unconstitutional laws

2) "To disarm the people is the most effectual way to enslave them" said the co-author of the Second Amendment, George Mason.

People who should not own guns can be detected early in life, and with most of the mass shooters, our society CREATED them. If we weed out the people who pose a threat to society by holding them in protective custody (like mental facilities) and change our society so as to quit creating mass shooters and we begin helping dysfunctional families, we could reduce mass shootings by 90 percent with no tax increases, no new bureaucracies, and no gun control.

Guy, besides your slander on fine law enforcement officers, the fact is, we can't lock up all the crazies. That actually WOULD be unconstitutional. Also impractical, as 18% of the population struggles with some kind of mental illness.

What makes mass shooters possible is that we've made guns a lot more accessible.

The truth is NEVER slander. As a group, LEOs commit far more crimes than any other segment of the population. Most are taught that the badge makes them immune to the laws of this country so they violate them with impunity. Ride with me for a week and I'll prove it to you.

Secondly, when you're willing to enforce laws that you know are unconstitutional and / or contradict your own values, sense of morality, religion, or conscience, that does not make for a very ethical individual.

You cite NO source for your figures and, even if that inflated number were true, there is a very small minority of people who will commit a violent act. The fact that over 99 percent of all the firearms manufactured are NEVER used in a crime speaks to the utter nonsense that you post. Besides, I have discovered 16 markers that will tell us an propensity toward violence. Mixed with SSRIs (psychotropic drugs) the chances are around 100 percent that the individual WILL commit a violent act during their lifetime. We could identify these people early in their youth and rehabilitate them. The few who cannot be rehabilitated could be kept in protective custody (like a mental institution) or put somewhere so that they have 24 / 7 / 365 supervision.

Finally, it has been proven over and over and over again that the number of firearms has NO correlation to the number of deaths in any given society. People point to Japan and extol the virtues of their gun free society. But, people in Switzerland are allowed to own weapons and they have a low death rate by firearms. Both of those countries are more homogeneous, especially racially and in terms of religious ideology than most other countries. And, unlike the United States, those places do not consume 80 percent of the worlds opioid supply NOR do they have a government that is creating drug addicts. They do not share our multicultural society; do not have the immigration problems we have AND, if Japan were all that freaking great, how come every foreigner on God's green earth heads for America the first chance they get?
The truth is NEVER slander. As a group, LEOs commit far more crimes than any other segment of the population. Most are taught that the badge makes them immune to the laws of this country so they violate them with impunity. Ride with me for a week and I'll prove it to you.

Okay, buddy, you have issues... not going to waste much more time with you.

Finally, it has been proven over and over and over again that the number of firearms has NO correlation to the number of deaths in any given society. People point to Japan and extol the virtues of their gun free society. But, people in Switzerland are allowed to own weapons and they have a low death rate by firearms.

Actually, Switzerland severely cut back on gun ownership after some nut shot up a city council.

Mixed with SSRIs (psychotropic drugs) the chances are around 100 percent that the individual WILL commit a violent act during their lifetime.

Uh-oh, you are one of these anti-drug types, too.
The truth is NEVER slander. As a group, LEOs commit far more crimes than any other segment of the population. Most are taught that the badge makes them immune to the laws of this country so they violate them with impunity. Ride with me for a week and I'll prove it to you.

Okay, buddy, you have issues... not going to waste much more time with you.

Finally, it has been proven over and over and over again that the number of firearms has NO correlation to the number of deaths in any given society. People point to Japan and extol the virtues of their gun free society. But, people in Switzerland are allowed to own weapons and they have a low death rate by firearms.

Actually, Switzerland severely cut back on gun ownership after some nut shot up a city council.

Mixed with SSRIs (psychotropic drugs) the chances are around 100 percent that the individual WILL commit a violent act during their lifetime.

Uh-oh, you are one of these anti-drug types, too.

I don't believe in knee jerk reactions like Switzerland did over an incident like that. Hell, we could outlaw automobiles in most places and force people to take buses because fruit loops are getting drunk and mowing people down with cars.

Yeah, you don't sound like you could carry on a civil discussion, so it might be better that we try to avoid each other at a personal level.
I don't believe in knee jerk reactions like Switzerland did over an incident like that. Hell, we could outlaw automobiles in most places and force people to take buses because fruit loops are getting drunk and mowing people down with cars.

Yeah, you don't sound like you could carry on a civil discussion, so it might be better that we try to avoid each other at a personal level.

It's been my experience that the kind of people who complain about SSRI's like they are some vast conspiracy are the people who probably need to be taking them.
I don't get it, if you believe that the cops who are armed are the problem, wouldn't you want your own arms to defend yourself.

Or are you really saying that the cops are not the problem?

You really aren't making much sense here. Yes, the kneelers are protesting police violence and police who kill unarmed suspects, but, if they arm themselves to defend against the police, when they step out of their house, the police will shoot them BECAUSE they are armed.

And yes, there are lots of problems with our police force today. If I or any of my shipmates had done anything close to what a lot of these officers are accused of, we would have gone to courts martial, done brig time, and then been kicked out of the service, never allowed to enlist again.

What happens when a police officer is caught doing something illegal? They are usually given a desk job so they can keep drawing their check. If found to be guilty? Usually they are simply fired from that force. Unfortunately, being fired from one force doesn't necessarily disqualify someone from getting hired on another police force somewhere else. If you are kicked out of the military, you can't just join another service.

I wish the police were held to the same standards that the military is, both morally and physically, because a fat police officer is more likely to shoot a suspect than chase them down. And, just like the military, the police have authorization to use deadly force when needed.
I don't believe in knee jerk reactions like Switzerland did over an incident like that. Hell, we could outlaw automobiles in most places and force people to take buses because fruit loops are getting drunk and mowing people down with cars.

Yeah, you don't sound like you could carry on a civil discussion, so it might be better that we try to avoid each other at a personal level.

It's been my experience that the kind of people who complain about SSRI's like they are some vast conspiracy are the people who probably need to be taking them.

You think drugs are the cure all for everything, don't you?
I don't get it, if you believe that the cops who are armed are the problem, wouldn't you want your own arms to defend yourself.

Or are you really saying that the cops are not the problem?

Not a bad question at all.. Since related Western countries like Britain have largely DISARMED their police and their civilians.. Resulting in NOW (seriously) asking for "knife registration"....

So there are many choices. But the only GOOD one is the way it's written in the US Constitution...

Cops really should be "better armed"... Sometimes the 10 minute response from SWAT is too damn long...
Not a bad question at all.. Since related Western countries like Britain have largely DISARMED their police and their civilians.. Resulting in NOW (seriously) asking for "knife registration"....

So there are many choices. But the only GOOD one is the way it's written in the US Constitution...

Cops really should be "better armed"... Sometimes the 10 minute response from SWAT is too damn long...

We have 19,000 homicides a year, 15,000 of them with guns. The police kill 992 people every year.

The British have 600 homicides a year, 50 with guns, the police kill maybe 2 people a year.

Um, yeah, the British have got a better handle on this than we do.
I don't get it, if you believe that the cops who are armed are the problem, wouldn't you want your own arms to defend yourself.

Or are you really saying that the cops are not the problem?
what are you saying????!!!
the cops usually are called to go after bad guys/jackasses
links/examples/details please
your OP does not explain much
the push now is for the only people that should have access to firearms are the police and military. If you find this news to you all I can say is you are out of touch with the subject.
Furthermore, Only a moron would want to give up a right that allowed them the best outcome for their survival. Those people have mental issues and should be silenced and locked away for their own safety.
Not a bad question at all.. Since related Western countries like Britain have largely DISARMED their police and their civilians.. Resulting in NOW (seriously) asking for "knife registration"....

So there are many choices. But the only GOOD one is the way it's written in the US Constitution...

Cops really should be "better armed"... Sometimes the 10 minute response from SWAT is too damn long...

We have 19,000 homicides a year, 15,000 of them with guns. The police kill 992 people every year.

The British have 600 homicides a year, 50 with guns, the police kill maybe 2 people a year.

Um, yeah, the British have got a better handle on this than we do.
Good for them why don't you move there? Why haven't the British government done as the majority wanted to be done EXIST THE EU?

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