Why do I have to wear mask? 100% politics NOT science

You can still get infected with COVID after you're vaccinated.

You're safe because the vaccine told your body how to fight COVID.

But you're still carrying COVID around and you can spread it to vulnerable people.

I guess if you care zero about your fellow man, not wearing a mask would be okay.
Lost Wages Masqueraiders

People who are immune inhale live viruses and exhale dead ones. Masked or breathing freely, they are no threat to anyone.
It’s not impossible. And it’s not my problem that you guys are so upset about a minor inconvenience. I think you guys just love to whine.

Except that masks are counter productive with our current strategy.

There are 2 main strategies.
One is totally quarantine, to quickly end it with the least number of infections.
They other is to quickly spread infection deliberately to those most likely to survive, to use up hosts and quickly end it, with the least number of deaths.

Clearly which of these 2 strategies you pick depends on lethality.
With something like Ebola, you quarantine.
With something like flu, you instead deliberately try to spread it among the young, so that it ends quickly and the elderly don't get it eventually.

While we have forgotten about the fact "variolation" is the traditional way to deal with measles, mumps, chickenpox, etc., that is the reality.
Now that we do not have to because we have vaccines, we need to remember that variolation is the historic and only strategy when we do not have vaccines and the lethality is not high enough for full quarantine.

So then getting back to covid.
We did not have vaccines and it was not very lethal, so our strategy likely should have been variolation.
Why we instead went with "flattening the curve" is VERY suspect.
It appears we deliberately killed half half a million elderly so that we could sell very dubious vaccines.

Before someone brings up the fact Fauci claimed that would mean 2.4 million deaths, I have to explain why Fauci was wrong.
First of all his lethality specs were very high because those infected but with few/no symptoms were not being counted.
Second is his lethality specs were very high because he did not consider age differential in that most of those dying were over 70, and you could allow only volunteers for variolation who were under 40. That reduces deaths by a factor of 400. Divide 2.4 million by 400 and you only get 6,000 deaths.
Except that masks are counter productive with our current strategy.

There are 2 main strategies.
One is totally quarantine, to quickly end it with the least number of infections.
They other is to quickly spread infection deliberately to those most likely to survive, to use up hosts and quickly end it, with the least number of deaths.

Clearly which of these 2 strategies you pick depends on lethality.
With something like Ebola, you quarantine.
With something like flu, you instead deliberately try to spread it among the young, so that it ends quickly and the elderly don't get it eventually.

While we have forgotten about the fact "variolation" is the traditional way to deal with measles, mumps, chickenpox, etc., that is the reality.
Now that we do not have to because we have vaccines, we need to remember that variolation is the historic and only strategy when we do not have vaccines and the lethality is not high enough for full quarantine.

So then getting back to covid.
We did not have vaccines and it was not very lethal, so our strategy likely should have been variolation.
Why we instead went with "flattening the curve" is VERY suspect.
It appears we deliberately killed half half a million elderly so that we could sell very dubious vaccines.

Before someone brings up the fact Fauci claimed that would mean 2.4 million deaths, I have to explain why Fauci was wrong.
First of all his lethality specs were very high because those infected but with few/no symptoms were not being counted.
Second is his lethality specs were very high because he did not consider age differential in that most of those dying were over 70, and you could allow only volunteers for variolation who were under 40. That reduces deaths by a factor of 400. Divide 2.4 million by 400 and you only get 6,000 deaths.
And a 13% total infection rate in the US. 87% of the population has never been infected.
Just wear your mask and shut the fuck up. Or burn your mask like a feminist burns a bra. Just stop crying about it like it’s some big deal. Conservatives are pussies. If the Chinese invade we’re fucked.

You miss the point.
The masks are a bad idea in that they prevent herd immunity and make an epidemic last forever.
Masks are part of "flattening the curve", which does not reduce deaths but maximizes them over a greater time period, all for the profits from eventual vaccines.
Masks are a right wing conspiracy to sell more doubtful vaccines.
And a 13% total infection rate in the US. 87% of the population has never been infected.

It could even be that half the population is inherently immune and was or will be asymptomatic.
Seems a middle path were we do not end it quickly with quarantine and do not end it quickly with variolation, is the worst of both worlds.
We end up with the maximum infection and death, by making it last forever.
Masks essentially conserve hosts, so there is always someone who is not yet immune, in order to keep it from dying out.
Lost Wages Masqueraiders

People who are immune inhale live viruses and exhale dead ones. Masked or breathing freely, they are no threat to anyone.

Not exactly.
Those immune still have to get infected before their immune system starts ramping up antibody production.
They can then also spread it but less.
But they won't then be at risk of dying.
And if enough become immune, that ends it.
Maybe if waiting at the Pearly gates.Where serious concerns are being
raised.As to Character. he
was Promoted by Republicans.First President Reagan then,Bush 41 and Bush
43.He was friendly with RINO John McCain and many thought his choice
for President in 2008.But in September of 2008 Powell made a startling
confession.He would be voting for Barack Obama.Considered the GOP
having moved too far to the Right.Then if that wasn't turncoat enough,
and seeing how Obama was anything but the advertised Moderate of
2008 ,Again voted Obama in 2012.
How much character did that reguire.? Considering how many Democrats
helped his career.How about Less than Zero.Like Zilch.
Racially Ranked

He also bragged about being too sensible to get stuck-stupid in Iraq and Afghanistan, as he and I were in Vietnam. He posed as having an exit strategy, that way tricking more people into accepting Cowboy Georgie's decidering. Pow-Wow was just another Affirmative-Action incompetent, no different from Obi Wan Kenyobi.
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It’s not impossible. And it’s not my problem that you guys are so upset about a minor inconvenience. I think you guys just love to whine.
Minor to you. Not so minor to others.

Trust the science....

Don't post in this thread if you're triggered by it.
Just wear your mask and shut the fuck up. Or burn your mask like a feminist burns a bra. Just stop crying about it like it’s some big deal. Conservatives are pussies. If the Chinese invade we’re fucked.
I actually agree with your last sentence. But the 2nd to last, replace Conservatives with leftists.
We do not Have to do any of it. Cooperation has been entirely by choice but that spirit is diminishing quickly. There is no force of law behind this. Liberal declarations of firings, arrests and confiscation to instill fear have been totally bogus.
Liberals want everyone equally feckless so more government can step in to take care and more government dependents can be created. We thinkers and producers will not permit that.
Nope. I do it to make a point. People accuse me of being racist with zero proof. So as a Jew, I say you're antisemitic based on "gut". Don't need proof when it comes to leftists. I did post their exact quote and attached a link.
For someone that doesnt like to be called a racist with no proof, you sure dont mind throwing completely baseless accusations around yourself. So I guess we can add hypocrite to being a liar. Of course I'm assuming you're just trying to bait me into calling you something anti-semitic. You did not post the exact quote because I've seen the exact quote. Stop lying.
For someone that doesnt like to be called a racist with no proof, you sure dont mind throwing completely baseless accusations around yourself. So I guess we can add hypocrite to being a liar. Of course I'm assuming you're just trying to bait me into calling you something anti-semitic. You did not post the exact quote because I've seen the exact quote. Stop lying.
Dummy. That is the whole point of it. Went over your empty head. I did too...."Jews invented whining" is the exact quote.
I actually agree with your last sentence. But the 2nd to last, replace Conservatives with leftists.
Well let’s look at the great resignation:

Liberals are quitting their jobs because the pay is terrible and the hours are long so they are demanding better conditions and pay.

Conservatives are quitting their jobs because they don’t want to execute the most basic safety precautions during the largest global pandemic since 1918 which is simply getting a vaccine and wearing some PPE.

Something is very wrong there pal.
You miss the point.
The masks are a bad idea in that they prevent herd immunity and make an epidemic last forever.
Masks are part of "flattening the curve", which does not reduce deaths but maximizes them over a greater time period, all for the profits from eventual vaccines.
Masks are a right wing conspiracy to sell more doubtful vaccines.
Well, herd immunity happens when those who will die from the virus die fast and get weeded out so the rest of us are immune.

Or you could simply vaccine the herd so they don’t have to weed out the herd through millions of deaths.
Well let’s look at the great resignation:

Liberals are quitting their jobs because the pay is terrible and the hours are long so they are demanding better conditions and pay.

Conservatives are quitting their jobs because they don’t want to execute the most basic safety precautions during the largest global pandemic since 1918 which is simply getting a vaccine and wearing some PPE.

Something is very wrong there pal.
You’re conflating liberals with leftists. Until we agree they are two totally different groups or people our debate will just go in circles. Are you ready to grow up and be civil and debate me or do you want to throw another temper tantrum?
You’re conflating liberals with leftists. Until we agree they are two totally different groups or people our debate will just go in circles. Are you ready to grow up and be civil and debate me or do you want to throw another temper tantrum?
Liberals and leftists are resigning. Biden supporters and Warren supporters. Just not for vax reasons.

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