Why do I have to wear mask? 100% politics NOT science

I had COVID-19. I still have the antibodies. I am vaccinated. What in the Blue Hell does the mask do when I have "super immunity"? Leftists like Fauci keep saying to "trust the science"...same people who wear masks when they are driving alone in the car and who said College Football games would be super spreader events. Same people who say gender is a social construct.

It is time to throw the masks away! ENOUGH. 100% about politics and NOT remotely about science. Leftists don't understand science.

Truth over Facts
To avoid smelling someones bad breath is the main benefit
Lots of you guys whine that you don’t like masks.

Sucks for you huh?
How was he whining? I ask Again? He just expressed an opinion. Rigby5 and I rarely if ever see eye to eye but I did not see his post as whining at all. Do you know what the word means? Did you mean to use a different word?
How was he whining? I ask Again? He just expressed an opinion. Rigby5 and I rarely if ever see eye to eye but I did not see his post as whining at all. Do you know what the word means? Did you mean to use a different word?
He’s wrong in his assessment of what our strategy is.

He gave two options, neither of which is correct. The truth of the matter is that people are trying to live their lives in a normal-ish way but also want to reduce, at least to some extent, their chance of getting infected. So we have things open but we also wear masks. Kind of a compromise.

His misconception on this leads me to believe that he’s either whining about masks or just wrong as he often is. Probably both.
Hahaha. It was the choice of Palin that pushed him to publicly support Obama. He felt that she represented the future of the Neo-GOP. He was correct.
Lame revisionist interpretation of events.Just Use Palin as excuse for
everything Republicans touch as if rabid.Powell Turned candy-ass.
Apparently believed Obama to be the Black man's Savior.
Which made absolutely No sense.Obama wasn't rugged enough to even
have a paper route.Let alone be a Cub scout.Or a military fighter pilot
Like Bush 43 or getting used as a POW like McCain.Why Powell just
discounted all that in order to vote for an Experimental Pol,
Just a sophomore U.S. Senator.With the 2nd most Liberal voting record.
Conservatives were pleading that Powell Run for Potus,for years.
So what does the turncoat Candy-ass do.Announces at the last minute
in September of 2008 his Choice of Obama.,Imagine how McCain must have
felt like.I lost all Respect for Powell and it intensified in 2012 when Powell
voted Again for Obama.
I guess it was just coincidence that Powell by voting for Obama managed to
help son Michael be a key player in the Telecommunications arena.
Which is noble.But also needs to be viewed in the lens of what is Right.
It was just NOT right to vote twiced for Obama.It also sent a powerful
signal.That Career dedication can be just tossed aside for convenience.
Or to Protect someone who was a Power Player among the GOP.
Like how Bush 43 caved and also Liz Cheney.
He’s wrong in his assessment of what our strategy is.

He gave two options, neither of which is correct. The truth of the matter is that people are trying to live their lives in a normal-ish way but also want to reduce, at least to some extent, their chance of getting infected. So we have things open but we also wear masks. Kind of a compromise.

His misconception on this leads me to believe that he’s either whining about masks or just wrong as he often is. Probably both.
So again, how is expressing an opinion whining? My OP states that science says I have “super immunity” so why the mask requirements and why aren’t mask requirements universal?

Asking legitimate questions isn’t whining.
It’s a debate. Whining is what you do when your 49ers choke year after year. Learn the difference, leftist.

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