Why do Lefties Continue to Deny that Biden has Intentionally Opened our Souther Border?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
The evidence is irrefutable.

Try to cross the border and you will find out how "open" it isn't.
Why refer to legal entry when the problem lies with illegal entry? Oh wait...yeah...one size fits all in all discussions....got it.
Considering the capitalists love the immigrants you would be hard-pressed to see them gone.
Considering the capitalists love the immigrants you would be hard-pressed to see them gone.
You are right there about agricultural and other labor intensive job incentives to work under the table but that's not a partisan-led thing, certainly not down the middle in any form. I'll have to look but people don't always use their political affiliation to make all life decisions...some do I guess- like, "I will no longer buy white bread because my leftist affiliations have declared an offensive racist foul on all white bread" lol
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The evidence is irrefutable.

I have not heard them deny it, but he dang sure did open our southern border and announced it to the world causing a stampede to get there, and had no plan to deal with it, when they did get there. Joe still has no plan, other than to fly them out to other parts of the country under cover of darkness, and it sounds like he has invited another swarm to head north towards the border.
Can somebody tell me where I am wrong?
Try to cross the border and you will find out how "open" it isn't.
Is that why they are projecting approx 18,000 a day? At the end of Biden’s term there will be more illegals then the population of Texas, Why did he forbid border control to not let them come in?
As to the "why?" it is the lack of intelligence, lack of honesty and lack of shits given as long as something supports the Democrat party.
Try to cross the border and you will find out how "open" it isn't.
I crossed the border in both directions last month, without encountering any border security. I parked my pickup near Dragoon and went cross country on a 1984 Yamaha 500 to get some needed dental care.
No problems encountered.
Damned if he do and damned if he don't. It is not up to Biden to open borders..The president do not have absolute powers like trump thought.

President Joe Biden’s administration is defending two of his predecessor’s more inhumane immigration policies in court: pandemic-related border restrictions and family separations.

For the Biden administration, defending some of the Trump administration’s most controversial immigration policies could be an attempt to preserve tools to manage the border, said Stephen Yale-Loehr, a professor of immigration law at Cornell Law School. Or, he said, they could mark an internal disagreement on righting the wrongs of the Trump era.

On Wednesday, the Justice Department told a federal appeals court that the border restrictions known as the Title 42 policy, allowing the federal government to bar noncitizens entry into the US for health reasons, were necessary to protect public health. In just one year, the Biden administration has used the policy to carry out more than 1 million expulsions of migrants arriving on the southern border, either sending them back to potential danger in overwhelmed border cities in Mexico or to their home countries. Public health experts, however, have repeatedly argued that there is no scientific rationale for the policy and that it’s possible to safely process people at the border with the right precautions.

You right wing radicals, if you don't have a reason to hate Biden, you create one.
Is that why they are projecting approx 18,000 a day? At the end of Biden’s term there will be more illegals then the population of Texas, Why did he forbid border control to not let them come in?
They come to claim asylum and surrender at the border, if they snuck across you would never know the true numbers.
I crossed the border in both directions last month, without encountering any border security. I parked my pickup near Dragoon and went cross country on a 1984 Yamaha 500 to get some needed dental care.
No problems encountered.
Is that your Final Fantasy?
The Biden administration’s defense of Title 42 and the legality of family separations in court may allow the president to truthfully say that he isn’t as “soft” on immigration as Republicans claim. But it also makes it hard to take Biden’s stated commitment to immigration reform seriously, and comes at an enormous cost: depriving hundreds of thousands of people of their legal right to seek asylum and magnifying the suffering of thousands of families broken by US policy.
They come to claim asylum and surrender at the border, if they snuck across you would never know the true numbers.
That’s not true. There are many “ get a ways” Let them “ Wait their Turn” like thousands of others around the World. Keep denying the influx of drugs, cartels, sex Trafficking, our border control being shot at , Ranchers complaining their property has been destroyed, afraid to walk around their property at night, etc,
WE can never secure the border with walls and border agents because they will come over a wall, under a wall or around a wall. To control illegal immigration is as simple as enforcing our immigration laws and going after businesses that illegally hire illegals. For farmworkers, there is the bracero program that will work if it is used. Simple as that but neither republicans nor democrats want to enforce the laws. If they cannot work and have automatic citizenship for their children born here has to be amended. They will not come, We have as much crime here as south of the border so that should not be a legit reason for asylum.

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