Why do liberals criticize Romneys lack of military experience, but not Obamas???

The thread title says it all.

Have at it.

Well, the first major difference-

Obama came of age in 1979, a time when we were at peace, there was no war going on, and all he was really required to do was register for the draft, which he did.

Romney came of age in 1965, when we were in a war, and actively pulled strings to get an exemption from a draft.

Obama has never been a warmonger.

Romney has never seen a war he didn't like so long as poor people were doing the fighting.
The thread title says it all.

Have at it.

Well, the first major difference-

Obama came of age in 1979, a time when we were at peace, there was no war going on, and all he was really required to do was register for the draft, which he did.

Romney came of age in 1965, when we were in a war, and actively pulled strings to get an exemption from a draft.

Obama has never been a warmonger.
Romney has never seen a war he didn't like so long as poor people were doing the fighting.

Wtf? He campaigned on enhancing the warmongering in Afghanistan, the war in Libya and our support of Al Qaeda there as out of nowhere, he's done drone strikes in what a half dozen countries? And now we have troops in Uganda, where I'm sure COINCIDENTALLY oil was found there and there will soon be billions and billions of dollars of oil extracted from the area.
The thread title says it all.

Have at it.

Well, the first major difference-

Obama came of age in 1979, a time when we were at peace, there was no war going on, and all he was really required to do was register for the draft, which he did.

Romney came of age in 1965, when we were in a war, and actively pulled strings to get an exemption from a draft.

Obama has never been a warmonger.
Romney has never seen a war he didn't like so long as poor people were doing the fighting.

Wtf? He campaigned on enhancing the warmongering in Afghanistan, the war in Libya and our support of Al Qaeda there as out of nowhere, he's done drone strikes in what a half dozen countries? And now we have troops in Uganda, where I'm sure COINCIDENTALLY oil was found there and there will soon be billions and billions of dollars of oil extracted from the area.

Obama also spoke against the war in Iraq

Romneys warmongering was at a time he was getting draft deferments while he was advocating that others needed to go and do the fighting
Well, the first major difference-

Obama came of age in 1979, a time when we were at peace, there was no war going on, and all he was really required to do was register for the draft, which he did.

Romney came of age in 1965, when we were in a war, and actively pulled strings to get an exemption from a draft.

Obama has never been a warmonger.
Romney has never seen a war he didn't like so long as poor people were doing the fighting.

Wtf? He campaigned on enhancing the warmongering in Afghanistan, the war in Libya and our support of Al Qaeda there as out of nowhere, he's done drone strikes in what a half dozen countries? And now we have troops in Uganda, where I'm sure COINCIDENTALLY oil was found there and there will soon be billions and billions of dollars of oil extracted from the area.

Obama also spoke against the war in Iraq

Romneys warmongering was at a time he was getting draft deferments while he was advocating that others needed to go and do the fighting

It's too bad his actions haven't backed his words.

Yes, Romney is a warmonger, I have no disagreement there.
Wtf? He campaigned on enhancing the warmongering in Afghanistan, the war in Libya and our support of Al Qaeda there as out of nowhere, he's done drone strikes in what a half dozen countries? And now we have troops in Uganda, where I'm sure COINCIDENTALLY oil was found there and there will soon be billions and billions of dollars of oil extracted from the area.

Obama also spoke against the war in Iraq

Romneys warmongering was at a time he was getting draft deferments while he was advocating that others needed to go and do the fighting

It's too bad his actions haven't backed his words.

Yes, Romney is a warmonger, I have no disagreement there.

On Romney being Romney: "It's too bad his actions haven't backed his words."
Well hell RW.

Barry sure as hell coun't see Russia from his porch either.

No, but he has met with Putin and negotiated a major arms treaty

What is Mitt "the Barbers" foreign policy experience?

Exactly the same as Obama's foreign policy experience prior to taking office.

And exactly the same as Bill Clinton, Franklin Roosevelt, Herbert Hoover, Calvin Coolidge, Warren Harding, Woodrow Wilson, William Taft, Grover Cleveland, Martin Van Buren, John Q. Adams and John Adams, all of which served no time in the military.

Lastly, I am unaware of any official qualifications for being president other than age and citizenship?? No where is it written or required that a presidential candidate have foreign policy experience or served in the military...
Casting a vote is not equivalent to having a clue about what he was voting on. He signed that health-care abortion without having read it, or without anyone else having apparently read it.

Romney never read anything he signed as Governor. He was just a figurehead

And, you know this how? Oh, wait...you don't care about truth, or facts, you only care about the Dem Dear Leader continuing his rape and pillage of the once-great-nation...

I note the word, "continuing" in your post. I take that to mean, rightfully so, that the rape and pillaging of this once great nation began before he took office.

I'll criticize both their lack of military experience. I criticize everyone's lack of military experience.

Personally I think it should be a prerequisite for citizenship.

Of course, since I was in the military, I can do that.

But, putting that aside for now...

There's a big difference between a draft-dodger and someone that just never served.

If memory serves, I believe Clinton took a hell of a lot of heat from the right because he was a draft dodger.

And let me guess, you want to cut the military budget? ;)

Do you want to enslave all Americans for two? four? years in order to give them military experience and make them citizens?
Obama has never been a warmonger.
Romney has never seen a war he didn't like so long as poor people were doing the fighting.

Wtf? He campaigned on enhancing the warmongering in Afghanistan, the war in Libya and our support of Al Qaeda there as out of nowhere, he's done drone strikes in what a half dozen countries? And now we have troops in Uganda, where I'm sure COINCIDENTALLY oil was found there and there will soon be billions and billions of dollars of oil extracted from the area.

He campaigned on fighting the war effectively. Not quite the same thing as advocating a war.

Libya he acted under UN Auspices. Same in Uganda. (I guess you think child armies are okay, then?)

Now, wait, are the Republicans suddenly becoming "doves"? Really? Or like Deficits, are they only against wars when the other guy is fighting the ones they started?
Romney probably never trashed the military like a liberal does, so he gets a pass not serving. I gurantee Obamination has trashed the military during college, etc.
Romney probably never trashed the military like a liberal does, so he gets a pass not serving. I gurantee Obamination has trashed the military during college, etc.

Romney was one of the few college students who loved the military during the 60's. What did he care? He knew he wouldn't get called to serve
He didn't get drafted because he was in college.....big fucking deal.

You didn't serve, so shut the fuck up.

Romney probably never trashed the military like a liberal does, so he gets a pass not serving. I gurantee Obamination has trashed the military during college, etc.

Romney was one of the few college students who loved the military during the 60's. What did he care? He knew he wouldn't get called to serve
Romney probably never trashed the military like a liberal does, so he gets a pass not serving. I gurantee Obamination has trashed the military during college, etc.

Okay, can you provide a link proving he did. Or is this something you are really sure about like he was born in Kenya?
Shut the fuck up.

I never said Obamination was born in Kenya.

Oh, based on his past, it's pretty clear he didn't think much about the military.

Shouldn't you be sleeping in some breakroom about right now?

Romney probably never trashed the military like a liberal does, so he gets a pass not serving. I gurantee Obamination has trashed the military during college, etc.

Okay, can you provide a link proving he did. Or is this something you are really sure about like he was born in Kenya?
And let me guess, you want to cut the military budget? ;)

Do you want to enslave all Americans for two? four? years in order to give them military experience and make them citizens?


So, the draft was slavery?

Perhaps people would appreciate their freedom more if they had to defend it first.

Service would be a contribution to your nation, like paying your taxes.
And let me guess, you want to cut the military budget? ;)

Do you want to enslave all Americans for two? four? years in order to give them military experience and make them citizens?


So, the draft was slavery?

Perhaps people would appreciate their freedom more if they had to defend it first.

Service would be a contribution to your nation, like paying your taxes.

Point being cut the defense budget and then make everyone serve... i.e. for free. That equals enslavement and I was just ribbing you. I don't know what your stance is on spending cuts and the defense budget.

Knowing you, I suspect they are somewhat reasonable.

He didn't get drafted because he was in college.....big fucking deal.

You didn't serve, so shut the fuck up.

Romney probably never trashed the military like a liberal does, so he gets a pass not serving. I gurantee Obamination has trashed the military during college, etc.

Romney was one of the few college students who loved the military during the 60's. What did he care? He knew he wouldn't get called to serve

Mitt actually dropped out of college which would have made him eligible for the draft.
But.....miraculously, he was chosen to serve as a missionary...To France and avoided the draft once again

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