Why do liberals criticize Romneys lack of military experience, but not Obamas???

Romney was at an age to serve during a war, Obama was not(.) Romney did not live the high life like Bush & Cheney however; he served on a mission, living in spartan conditions. Contrast Cheney, who spent the Vietnam years racking up DUIs.

Romney joined a protest to send other boys to serve while he pulled his daddy's political strings to get a deferment

Yes hiding out in France is tough duty

I don't remember reading anywhere that a person is ineligible
for the Presidency if he or she did not serve in the military...
Sorry that one got by me.I thank you for clearing that up. :(

Who ever said he was ineligible ?

The topic of the thread is why is Romney criticized and Obama is not?

That us why
Obama did it numerous times AS a State Senator AND a US Senator.

TRY again...

Every politician has managed to campaign and fulfill their official responsibilities for 235 years

I call bullshit on that one. If that were frigging true, we wouldn't be in the mess we are in.


How many politicians in history have resigned their position while they ran for reelection? None

It is part of the job to campaign while you still hold your position
Every politician has managed to campaign and fulfill their official responsibilities for 235 years

I call bullshit on that one. If that were frigging true, we wouldn't be in the mess we are in.


How many politicians in history have resigned their position while they ran for reelection? None

It is part of the job to campaign while you still hold your position

That is not the point. You made the claim that they had fulfilled their responsibilities while campaigning. Bullshit. They have not fulfilled their responsibilities. If they had we would not be in the pile of shit we find ourselves in.

It's not just Mitts lack of Military experience but foreign policy in general. Being Governor of Massachusets does not give you much foreign policy experience......he cannot even see Russia from his house

And yet, you voted for one who had considerably less foreign policy experience... and the same military experience as Romney.

Fucking hypocrite.

Not at all. As a United States Senator, Obama had to vote on foreign policy issues. Romney has never had that responsibility

In 2008, Obama had more experience than Romney has today

Casting a vote is not equivalent to having a clue about what he was voting on. He signed that health-care abortion without having read it, or without anyone else having apparently read it.
Most elections are about the economy and the Presidents have little or no control over that aspect.
The thread title says it all.

Have at it.

Because he got Bin Ladin. The question of "how would he respond to a call at 3am in the morning" has been answered. Who knows how Romney would react.

And Obama is in the Military. He's the fucking Commander and Chief. A few pay grades above yours.
And yet, you voted for one who had considerably less foreign policy experience... and the same military experience as Romney.

Fucking hypocrite.

Not at all. As a United States Senator, Obama had to vote on foreign policy issues. Romney has never had that responsibility

In 2008, Obama had more experience than Romney has today

Casting a vote is not equivalent to having a clue about what he was voting on. He signed that health-care abortion without having read it, or without anyone else having apparently read it.

Romney never read anything he signed as Governor. He was just a figurehead
Not at all. As a United States Senator, Obama had to vote on foreign policy issues. Romney has never had that responsibility

In 2008, Obama had more experience than Romney has today

Casting a vote is not equivalent to having a clue about what he was voting on. He signed that health-care abortion without having read it, or without anyone else having apparently read it.

Romney never read anything he signed as Governor. He was just a figurehead

And, you know this how? Oh, wait...you don't care about truth, or facts, you only care about the Dem Dear Leader continuing his rape and pillage of the once-great-nation...
Not at all. As a United States Senator, Obama had to vote on foreign policy issues. Romney has never had that responsibility

In 2008, Obama had more experience than Romney has today

Casting a vote is not equivalent to having a clue about what he was voting on. He signed that health-care abortion without having read it, or without anyone else having apparently read it.

Romney never read anything he signed as Governor. He was just a figurehead

a Reagan Governor?
I'll criticize both their lack of military experience. I criticize everyone's lack of military experience.

Personally I think it should be a prerequisite for citizenship.

Of course, since I was in the military, I can do that.

But, putting that aside for now...

There's a big difference between a draft-dodger and someone that just never served.

If memory serves, I believe Clinton took a hell of a lot of heat from the right because he was a draft dodger.
Because they are trying to deter Romney's base from showing up with these attacks and not trying to persuade people to support Obama.
I'll criticize both their lack of military experience. I criticize everyone's lack of military experience.

Personally I think it should be a prerequisite for citizenship.

Of course, since I was in the military, I can do that.

But, putting that aside for now...

There's a big difference between a draft-dodger and someone that just never served.

If memory serves, I believe Clinton took a hell of a lot of heat from the right because he was a draft dodger.

as a matter of fact, Clinton did dodge the draft. but he did not break any laws in doing so. Bush dodged combat in Vietnam. Kerry volunteered both for duty and combat.

cheney dodged the draft with 5 deferments later saying he had better things to do.

Clinton took advantage of the rules as a way to dodge the draft, as did most every single neo-con and conservative who didn't serve during Vietnam war Era, when eligible
Casting a vote is not equivalent to having a clue about what he was voting on. He signed that health-care abortion without having read it, or without anyone else having apparently read it.

Romney never read anything he signed as Governor. He was just a figurehead

And, you know this how? Oh, wait...you don't care about truth, or facts, you only care about the Dem Dear Leader continuing his rape and pillage of the once-great-nation...

The same way you know that Obama did not know what he was voting on

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