Why do liberals tend to assume that non-liberals aren't even sincere?

Why do liberals tend to assume that non-liberals aren't even sincere?

Because the only people they are used to working with, are other liberals, who by nature are not sincere. So they assume that either (a) everybody is like them, or (b) they can harass and browbeat others into acquiescing to their plans. They do this by accusing them of being insincere, thus putting them on the defensive and causing them to argue about whether they are sincere. This keeps the others from arguing the real point: That the liberals' plans are destructive, unworkable, and unwanted by normal, sensible people.

Liberals have long known that normal Americans don't want the programs they are pushing - big-govt intrusion and control, "spreading the wealth around", fundamentally transforming the United States into a country where Government is the major player and the people are merely subjects of it. And they know they can only promote those plans by lying about them to their subjects, to fool them into voting for them. Insincerity is a basic way of life for the liberals, who can't forward their agenda without it.
I'm still learning the ins and outs of holding a conversation with liberals. Obviously many of their unique behaviors and tactics still baffle me. I've already posted about some of my previous observations, such as the tendency to change the subject without warning or the odd assumption that becoming a convinced believer of leftist political theory and education are synonymous. Another odd assumption I've run into enough to find noteworthy is that non-liberals aren't even honestly presenting their own beliefs.

When discussing the abortion issue, for instance, you generally only have to count the minutes until you're informed that you're not actually pro-life because you actually believe abortion is a euphemism for feticide and consider feticide murder. The real reason you oppose abortion must be that you hate women and want to enslave them with pregnancy. If the topic is immigration reform, it will inevitably be explained to you that you don't actually believe that a sovereign nation has the right to control entry into itself and restrict certain civil rights like voting to its citizens. You really just claim to believe these things as an excuse for racism and xenophobia. You can say that you simply believe that your nation is worth defending and its basic ideals and culture worth promoting. Unfortunately, you're really just a plastic patriot fascist with outdated ideas about outdated pieces of paper written by dead white men who probably wants to enslave everyone to a corporate dictatorship.

Is there a reason for this tendency beyond simple partisan good vs evil thinking? It caught me off guard when I first encountered it. I've since grown used to it to a degree and now just find it puzzling.
Abortion, safe, legal, and rare.
Borders, you can control them, you just haven't for 60 years. Capitalism like cheap labor.
America, promote it at home where it belongs. You don't get to tell the world how to spin.

Clear now?
Liberals have long known that normal Americans don't want the programs they are pushing - big-govt intrusion and control, "spreading the wealth around", fundamentally transforming the United States into a country where Government is the major player and the people are merely subjects of it.
Actually they do want that, but you don't, which is why you haven't been able to undo those things. For most that means clean water, clean air, safe drugs, regulated capitalism, national security, and something like a retirement not in abject poverty. While you believe those can occur without government actions your elders learned that wasn't true, which is why all of that exists today. They weren't just being nice, they were making life better here, and they used the government to do it which sucks for you but not the rest of us.
Liberals have long known that normal Americans don't want the programs they are pushing - big-govt intrusion and control, "spreading the wealth around", fundamentally transforming the United States into a country where Government is the major player and the people are merely subjects of it.
Actually they do want that, but you don't, which is why you haven't been able to undo those things. For most that means clean water, clean air, safe drugs, regulated capitalism, national security, and something like a retirement not in abject poverty. While you believe those can occur without government actions your elders learned that wasn't true, which is why all of that exists today. They weren't just being nice, they were making life better here, and they used the government to do it which sucks for you but not the rest of us.
There you go again painting with a fire hose,you assume way to much,or just plain uninformed.
Liberals have long known that normal Americans don't want the programs they are pushing - big-govt intrusion and control, "spreading the wealth around", fundamentally transforming the United States into a country where Government is the major player and the people are merely subjects of it.
Actually they do want that, but you don't, which is why you haven't been able to undo those things. For most that means clean water, clean air, safe drugs, regulated capitalism, national security, and something like a retirement not in abject poverty. While you believe those can occur without government actions your elders learned that wasn't true, which is why all of that exists today. They weren't just being nice, they were making life better here, and they used the government to do it which sucks for you but not the rest of us.
There you go again painting with a fire hose,you assume way to much,or just plain uninformed.
If you have something to say, say it.
Why do right wingers keep starting straw man topics about liberals?
I'm not sure. I don't really pay much attention to the right wingers. My question was about the second side's motivations for assuming ulterior purposes within conversations already occurring. The easiest example would be in the feticide debate. It's remarkably common to see the very reasons someone on the pro-life side gives for their beliefs brushed aside as meaningless deception, with their real goals being totally different than what they're presenting as such. It's by no means the only example of this but it is the easiest to illustrate. Relatedly, a previous thread I started documented another of their tendencies to attempt to derail the topic on a seemingly random basis. The observation was given ample evidence within minutes.

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