Why do men like to kill men?


VIP Member
Jan 12, 2012
Why do men like to kill men?

At times of war, many men smile in the anticipation of killing another man. Sons love to anticipate killing as well. Killing is the epitome of personal drama and that is why we love it. Fathers love to see it in their children, and the children are eager to emulate their parents.

We just love war, and it we do not collectively stop loving it, it looks like we will go extinct. We are just to god damned powerful for this little spaceship earth.

Nice that modern humans, as a species we are so nice that we mostly do economic war. Not so nice when we wage military war. Unfortunately, we now seem to be waring against our own existence.

Better to trade, even with nature; so why do we seem eager to destroy ourselves by killing the earth?

The notion of honorable killing served us well to date. That notion, because of population pressures and M.A.D., now means more of an honorable suicide or genocide by all the military forces of the world, should they be stupid enough to get to a nuclear WWIII.

We men are no longer doing the best that we can for our children or our own best end. We have not curbed our love of killing enough and have put our full global habitat at risk of extinction. Stupid is as stupid does.

There were times when "Mars" and other "gods of war" were celebrated.

It's "survival of the fittest," in its most brutal form. The victorious men kill off the defeated men, take their women and lands.

The human penis even evolved a plunger like mechanism to remove the semen from prior partners that was depositied inside the females of the conquered society.

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Evolution takes hundreds of thousands of years. The mere 2-3k years of recorded history is simply too short a time to have bred out this violent rape-conquest nature of men.

Like stags fighting in a forest for the does, men want to kill each other over women. Sounds sick, but it's the truth. Even if no women are captured and raped in modern military conflicts (Iraq, Afghanistan) or gang wars within our own cities, the general impulse and ecstasy for/of violence remains.

Also remember that women died quite often in child birth in days gone by, so naturally a surplus population of males found excuses to kill each other for the smaller pool of women.
Why do men like to kill men?

At times of war, many men smile in the anticipation of killing another man. Sons love to anticipate killing as well. Killing is the epitome of personal drama and that is why we love it. Fathers love to see it in their children, and the children are eager to emulate their parents.

We just love war, and it we do not collectively stop loving it, it looks like we will go extinct. We are just to god damned powerful for this little spaceship earth.

Nice that modern humans, as a species we are so nice that we mostly do economic war. Not so nice when we wage military war. Unfortunately, we now seem to be waring against our own existence.

Better to trade, even with nature; so why do we seem eager to destroy ourselves by killing the earth?

The notion of honorable killing served us well to date. That notion, because of population pressures and M.A.D., now means more of an honorable suicide or genocide by all the military forces of the world, should they be stupid enough to get to a nuclear WWIII.

We men are no longer doing the best that we can for our children or our own best end. We have not curbed our love of killing enough and have put our full global habitat at risk of extinction. Stupid is as stupid does.


Mark of Cain...
Why do men like to kill men?

At times of war, many men smile in the anticipation of killing another man. Sons love to anticipate killing as well. Killing is the epitome of personal drama and that is why we love it. Fathers love to see it in their children, and the children are eager to emulate their parents.

We just love war, and it we do not collectively stop loving it, it looks like we will go extinct. We are just to god damned powerful for this little spaceship earth.

Nice that modern humans, as a species we are so nice that we mostly do economic war. Not so nice when we wage military war. Unfortunately, we now seem to be waring against our own existence.

Better to trade, even with nature; so why do we seem eager to destroy ourselves by killing the earth?

The notion of honorable killing served us well to date. That notion, because of population pressures and M.A.D., now means more of an honorable suicide or genocide by all the military forces of the world, should they be stupid enough to get to a nuclear WWIII.

We men are no longer doing the best that we can for our children or our own best end. We have not curbed our love of killing enough and have put our full global habitat at risk of extinction. Stupid is as stupid does.


There is a big difference between smiling and gritting ones teeth when facing another person who has the intent to kill you.....Only liberal psychopaths smile when gunning down innocent men, women and children. It is just their nature...

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
I would have no problem putting down any liberal who has the intent to harm others...

Love killing people? Somebody was let out of mental ward?


I guess that you have not noticed the 5,000 years of war that we have enjoyed from the moment governments backed up religions.

If we did not like to kill, we would not do so on such an ongoing basis.

There were times when "Mars" and other "gods of war" were celebrated.


Let's not forget the genocidal Yahweh/Jesus combo who plans to use, to the great delight of Christians, another genocide of mankind when we see him again. Christians chose him because of his killing ability.

I liked the rest of your thoughts. A good education and the Intelligence to apply it well is not abundant in these places.

Why do men like to kill men?

At times of war, many men smile in the anticipation of killing another man. Sons love to anticipate killing as well. Killing is the epitome of personal drama and that is why we love it. Fathers love to see it in their children, and the children are eager to emulate their parents.

We just love war, and it we do not collectively stop loving it, it looks like we will go extinct. We are just to god damned powerful for this little spaceship earth.

Nice that modern humans, as a species we are so nice that we mostly do economic war. Not so nice when we wage military war. Unfortunately, we now seem to be waring against our own existence.

Better to trade, even with nature; so why do we seem eager to destroy ourselves by killing the earth?

The notion of honorable killing served us well to date. That notion, because of population pressures and M.A.D., now means more of an honorable suicide or genocide by all the military forces of the world, should they be stupid enough to get to a nuclear WWIII.

We men are no longer doing the best that we can for our children or our own best end. We have not curbed our love of killing enough and have put our full global habitat at risk of extinction. Stupid is as stupid does.


Mark of Cain...

Which means what?

He never existed.

Why? Because of the pillaging rights. You just can't pillage properly without killing a bunch of men.
When wars start, many times there seems to be pageantry to it. With many reasoning it is going to be one way. You see military people smiling at the start in many conflicts. It does not last that long as the battles wear on. The look of disdain and solemn reality of the situation enters the fray at some point. It takes a while to heal for many after the incursions end. For some it never does. There is a clear evidence that the long wars we fight that end up being violent policing, causes an issue with people in the military. It is not normal to do a few to several tours in a war zone. Even people who do 20 years and longer as a lifer should not be asked to do that. But the volunteer military had neatly sanitized any rebuttals against it. So for the last 30 years we have been dabbling in the middle east. There are people wondering what we have to show for it. And how much longer we will be dabbling there.
Love killing people? Somebody was let out of mental ward?


I guess that you have not noticed the 5,000 years of war that we have enjoyed from the moment governments backed up religions.

If we did not like to kill, we would not do so on such an ongoing basis.



Apart from a few I don't believe this is the word to use.
When wars start, many times there seems to be pageantry to it. With many reasoning it is going to be one way. You see military people smiling at the start in many conflicts. It does not last that long as the battles wear on. The look of disdain and solemn reality of the situation enters the fray at some point. It takes a while to heal for many after the incursions end. For some it never does. There is a clear evidence that the long wars we fight that end up being violent policing, causes an issue with people in the military. It is not normal to do a few to several tours in a war zone. Even people who do 20 years and longer as a lifer should not be asked to do that. But the volunteer military had neatly sanitized any rebuttals against it. So for the last 30 years we have been dabbling in the middle east. There are people wondering what we have to show for it. And how much longer we will be dabbling there.

There will be war until all people recognize that they live in oligarchies and decide that they no longer wish to be owned by people who will use them as war fodder.

Why do men like to kill men?

At times of war, many men smile in the anticipation of killing another man. Sons love to anticipate killing as well. Killing is the epitome of personal drama and that is why we love it. Fathers love to see it in their children, and the children are eager to emulate their parents.

We just love war, and it we do not collectively stop loving it, it looks like we will go extinct. We are just to god damned powerful for this little spaceship earth.

Nice that modern humans, as a species we are so nice that we mostly do economic war. Not so nice when we wage military war. Unfortunately, we now seem to be waring against our own existence.

Better to trade, even with nature; so why do we seem eager to destroy ourselves by killing the earth?

The notion of honorable killing served us well to date. That notion, because of population pressures and M.A.D., now means more of an honorable suicide or genocide by all the military forces of the world, should they be stupid enough to get to a nuclear WWIII.

We men are no longer doing the best that we can for our children or our own best end. We have not curbed our love of killing enough and have put our full global habitat at risk of extinction. Stupid is as stupid does.


The old riddle asks, "Why do men go to war?"

The answer being: "Because the women are watching".
Love killing people? Somebody was let out of mental ward?


I guess that you have not noticed the 5,000 years of war that we have enjoyed from the moment governments backed up religions.

If we did not like to kill, we would not do so on such an ongoing basis.



Apart from a few I don't believe this is the word to use.

It does seem counterintuitive, sure, but would we do so much of it if we did not enjoy it?

Do you see our politicians talking more about peace plans or war plans?

Note how the last peace plan the U.S. offered was only negotiated with one of the combatants.

That is not a plan for peace. It is a plan for war as it just insulted the other side.

Why do men like to kill men?

At times of war, many men smile in the anticipation of killing another man. Sons love to anticipate killing as well. Killing is the epitome of personal drama and that is why we love it. Fathers love to see it in their children, and the children are eager to emulate their parents.

We just love war, and it we do not collectively stop loving it, it looks like we will go extinct. We are just to god damned powerful for this little spaceship earth.

Nice that modern humans, as a species we are so nice that we mostly do economic war. Not so nice when we wage military war. Unfortunately, we now seem to be waring against our own existence.

Better to trade, even with nature; so why do we seem eager to destroy ourselves by killing the earth?

The notion of honorable killing served us well to date. That notion, because of population pressures and M.A.D., now means more of an honorable suicide or genocide by all the military forces of the world, should they be stupid enough to get to a nuclear WWIII.

We men are no longer doing the best that we can for our children or our own best end. We have not curbed our love of killing enough and have put our full global habitat at risk of extinction. Stupid is as stupid does.


The old riddle asks, "Why do men go to war?"

The answer being: "Because the women are watching".

I hear you, but if you have tracked PTSD at all, you might advocate we return to just beating the hell out of each other to impress the women and not take our chauvinism to the killing point.

Few animals in the wild will set out to kill their competitors. Usually just a show of strength is all that is required.

That is actually a better survival method to our instincts than being overly aggressive. The less you fight, the less chance of dying you have.

The entirety of nature is at war and kills. Even plants which wage both weaponized war and chemical war.
Why do men like to kill men?

At times of war, many men smile in the anticipation of killing another man. Sons love to anticipate killing as well. Killing is the epitome of personal drama and that is why we love it. Fathers love to see it in their children, and the children are eager to emulate their parents.

We just love war, and it we do not collectively stop loving it, it looks like we will go extinct. We are just to god damned powerful for this little spaceship earth.

Nice that modern humans, as a species we are so nice that we mostly do economic war. Not so nice when we wage military war. Unfortunately, we now seem to be waring against our own existence.

Better to trade, even with nature; so why do we seem eager to destroy ourselves by killing the earth?

The notion of honorable killing served us well to date. That notion, because of population pressures and M.A.D., now means more of an honorable suicide or genocide by all the military forces of the world, should they be stupid enough to get to a nuclear WWIII.

We men are no longer doing the best that we can for our children or our own best end. We have not curbed our love of killing enough and have put our full global habitat at risk of extinction. Stupid is as stupid does.


The old riddle asks, "Why do men go to war?"

The answer being: "Because the women are watching".

I hear you, but if you have tracked PTSD at all, you might advocate we return to just beating the hell out of each other to impress the women and not take our chauvinism to the killing point.

Few animals in the wild will set out to kill their competitors. Usually just a show of strength is all that is required.

That is actually a better survival method to our instincts than being overly aggressive. The less you fight, the less chance of dying you have.


Obviously yes. But frankly if a woman is impressed by beating the hell out of (anything), I sure don't want anything to do with her.

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