Why do people claim the military "risks their lives" to "protect our freedoms"?


Active Member
Dec 27, 2014
The vast majority of military members go their entire careers without seeing combat. The rise of drone warfare means an increasing number of those who do are still risking not much more than a tax payer bought robot. None of our recent wars actually had anything to do with defending the United States or its citizens' freedom. Afghanistan was supposedly about finding bin Ladin. Iraq was about kicking Saddam out of power to find his non-existent chemical weapons and a few billion tons worth of oil for Bush's butt buddies. The newest Iraq war will be to try to fix the problem of the massive army of genocidal conservative crazies our most recent fuck up there created.

Wouldn't it be more accurate to thank our troops for the sacrifice of six years they could have spent going to college to go out and risk occasional inconvenience for our national oiligarchs' bank accounts?

Because the majority of Americans have become indoctrinated into worshipping us as "heroes". They've been mind-raped with propaganda and have a delusional sense of patriotism.

The vast majority of military members go their entire careers without seeing combat. The rise of drone warfare means an increasing number of those who do are still risking not much more than a tax payer bought robot. None of our recent wars actually had anything to do with defending the United States or its citizens' freedom. Afghanistan was supposedly about finding bin Ladin. Iraq was about kicking Saddam out of power to find his non-existent chemical weapons and a few billion tons worth of oil for Bush's butt buddies. The newest Iraq war will be to try to fix the problem of the massive army of genocidal conservative crazies our most recent fuck up there created.

Wouldn't it be more accurate to thank our troops for the sacrifice of six years they could have spent going to college to go out and risk occasional inconvenience for our national oiligarchs' bank accounts?
It's called "Blind Patriotism". There is no freedom. The only freedom one has in the United States of America is one's luck. Democracy is also a joke. Rights are taken away little by little with each passing year. Soldiers go into combat because they are told to do so, and not because they want to fight and die for freedom and democracy. Soldiers are sacrificial lambs in diplomatic wars by idiot leaders. We no longer fight wars as war, instead we engage in high stakes police actions where we're told not to shoot unless shot at.

We shelve high tech and sophisticated weaponry and advanced weapon systems, allow them to collect dust, and send soldiers into combat much the same as we did in WWII. In addition, we play war until we decide it's time to pick up our marbles and go home. We practice the "cut n' run" routine when we decide that we've lost enough soldiers, and destroyed enough property and real estate. Examples: VietNam, Iraq, and now Afghanistan. Yet, people honestly believe that we go to foreign countries all in the name of freedom and democracy. Serious questions: How many countries have we established freedom and/or democracy? And, how many lives have been sacrificed on those two pretenses? Wake up folks, this isn't rocket science, nor does it take an MIT graduate or a Philadelphia lawyer to see and understand what's going on here.
The vast majority of military members go their entire careers without seeing combat. The rise of drone warfare means an increasing number of those who do are still risking not much more than a tax payer bought robot. None of our recent wars actually had anything to do with defending the United States or its citizens' freedom. Afghanistan was supposedly about finding bin Ladin. Iraq was about kicking Saddam out of power to find his non-existent chemical weapons and a few billion tons worth of oil for Bush's butt buddies. The newest Iraq war will be to try to fix the problem of the massive army of genocidal conservative crazies our most recent fuck up there created.

Wouldn't it be more accurate to thank our troops for the sacrifice of six years they could have spent going to college to go out and risk occasional inconvenience for our national oiligarchs' bank accounts?
Since the beginning of warfare, an essential part of soldiers reentering society should include parades, rhetoric, and such, because combat soldiers need clear division between the savagery of war, and civilian life.

I think military people who never had any chance of seeing combat don't really deserve a bunch of thanks from me.

But the ones who saw combat need support
Ok. Looks like there are significant grievances here. Our Constitution allows for the petitioning of our government for the redress of grievances.

So how do you plan to do it?

Regards from Rosie
What a bunch of total ingrates! I suppose nobody in this country lost any of their freedoms on 9/11 or in any of the other terror attacks since. I suppose the goat fuckers are really just kiddin around when they cut off people's heads. You haven't seen any dead bodies littering the sidewalks and streets of your neighborhood lately so you let yourselves become convinced that war is something from Hollywood or TV drama that exists to provide you entertainment.
You apparently have gotten tired of, or bored with, The War on Terror but miss the fact that terror's not done with it's war on you. And you obviously don't understand that it's much much better to fight on your enemies' territory than on your own.
For the most part you sound like a bunch of spoiled snot-nosed children incapable of understanding the sacrifices made daily to keep you secure in your ivory towers. I certainly expect more from adult Americans!
What a bunch of total ingrates! I suppose nobody in this country lost any of their freedoms on 9/11 or in any of the other terror attacks since. I suppose the goat fuckers are really just kiddin around when they cut off people's heads. You haven't seen any dead bodies littering the sidewalks and streets of your neighborhood lately so you let yourselves become convinced that war is something from Hollywood or TV drama that exists to provide you entertainment.
You apparently have gotten tired of, or bored with, The War on Terror but miss the fact that terror's not done with it's war on you. And you obviously don't understand that it's much much better to fight on your enemies' territory than on your own.
For the most part you sound like a bunch of spoiled snot-nosed children incapable of understanding the sacrifices made daily to keep you secure in your ivory towers. I certainly expect more from adult Americans!

I was with you right up to the end. I have no idea why you would expect more.
What a bunch of total ingrates! I suppose nobody in this country lost any of their freedoms on 9/11 or in any of the other terror attacks since. I suppose the goat fuckers are really just kiddin around when they cut off people's heads. You haven't seen any dead bodies littering the sidewalks and streets of your neighborhood lately so you let yourselves become convinced that war is something from Hollywood or TV drama that exists to provide you entertainment.
You apparently have gotten tired of, or bored with, The War on Terror but miss the fact that terror's not done with it's war on you. And you obviously don't understand that it's much much better to fight on your enemies' territory than on your own.
For the most part you sound like a bunch of spoiled snot-nosed children incapable of understanding the sacrifices made daily to keep you secure in your ivory towers. I certainly expect more from adult Americans!
Sorry not sorry. I'm not going to treat you like a hero just because of your choice of employment or suck your cock because you sacrificed a few years of your life doing paperwork and dealing with the occasional minor inconvenience. The "War on Terror" is a fascist sham and you know it. Besides, the military didn't protect us on 9/11. The US military poses a greater threat to me than the Taliban freedom fighters living in caves halfway across the world. The US government is more likely to kill me than the latest CIA cock up ISIS. I'm just going to keep my eye on the real dangers and let the cons mindlessly worship military personnel for their inability to get a good job.
What a bunch of total ingrates! I suppose nobody in this country lost any of their freedoms on 9/11 or in any of the other terror attacks since. I suppose the goat fuckers are really just kiddin around when they cut off people's heads. You haven't seen any dead bodies littering the sidewalks and streets of your neighborhood lately so you let yourselves become convinced that war is something from Hollywood or TV drama that exists to provide you entertainment.
You apparently have gotten tired of, or bored with, The War on Terror but miss the fact that terror's not done with it's war on you. And you obviously don't understand that it's much much better to fight on your enemies' territory than on your own.
For the most part you sound like a bunch of spoiled snot-nosed children incapable of understanding the sacrifices made daily to keep you secure in your ivory towers. I certainly expect more from adult Americans!
Sorry not sorry. I'm not going to treat you like a hero just because of your choice of employment or suck your cock because you sacrificed a few years of your life doing paperwork and dealing with the occasional minor inconvenience. The "War on Terror" is a fascist sham and you know it. Besides, the military didn't protect us on 9/11. The US military poses a greater threat to me than the Taliban freedom fighters living in caves halfway across the world. The US government is more likely to kill me than the latest CIA cock up ISIS. I'm just going to keep my eye on the real dangers and let the cons mindlessly worship military personnel for their inability to get a good job.

What an excellent argument in favor of Heinlein's approach to society.
Sorry not sorry. I'm not going to treat you like a hero just because of your choice of employment or suck your cock because you sacrificed a few years of your life doing paperwork and dealing with the occasional minor inconvenience. The "War on Terror" is a fascist sham and you know it. Besides, the military didn't protect us on 9/11. The US military poses a greater threat to me than the Taliban freedom fighters living in caves halfway across the world. The US government is more likely to kill me than the latest CIA cock up ISIS. I'm just going to keep my eye on the real dangers and let the cons mindlessly worship military personnel for their inability to get a good job

Don't flatter yourself. I could care less what dumbasses and totally self-centered assholes think of me and mine. You are the obvious pathetic result of what happens when drugged-out hippies are allowed to breed and a total waste of oxygen. Also your guesswork sucks. I was drafted and sent to Vietnam in service to your grandparents where I was awarded a Combat Medical Badge. They don't award those for pushin papers. Then I came home where your Ilk labeled us as baby burners. I have no need or wish to be treated as a hero but I have earned your respect; not your abuse. That you do not choose to give it is on you; not me.
Because the majority of Americans have become indoctrinated into worshipping us as "heroes". They've been mind-raped with propaganda and have a delusional sense of patriotism.

Because WORSHIPPING an OCCUPY WALL STREET HIPPIE with his pants down around his ankles SHITTING ON A COP CAR is SO MUCH BETTER.

Go fuck yourself with a chain saw you ignorant, shit talking pile of dog crap.
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It's not just combat where lives are at risk. It's also during normal evolutions and exercises that lives are in danger.

Ever hear of an UNREP? It's and underway replenishment where two ships cruise side by side at around 20 knots and shoot lines that bring cables so that they can send pallets of supplies back and forth. Ever seen what a 2 inch steel cable can do to a human body when it snaps? It cuts it in half.

Ever hear of soldiers doing normal exercises via helo when something goes wrong with the airframe and it crashes?

Sorry...................but even in some of the most mundane tasks there is an element of danger in the military.

Yes..................military members DO risk their lives, and they do it in support of the goals of this nation as outlined by Congress and the POTUS.

And.....................if a person spends more than 10 years in the military, the chances are very good for them to be serving in a combat zone at some time during their career.

Me? I served from July 1982 until Aug 2002, and was in no less than 4 combat zones.
It's not just combat where lives are at risk. It's also during normal evolutions and exercises that lives are in danger.

Ever hear of an UNREP? It's and underway replenishment where two ships cruise side by side at around 20 knots and shoot lines that bring cables so that they can send pallets of supplies back and forth. Ever seen what a 2 inch steel cable can do to a human body when it snaps? It cuts it in half.

Ever hear of soldiers doing normal exercises via helo when something goes wrong with the airframe and it crashes?

Sorry...................but even in some of the most mundane tasks there is an element of danger in the military.

Yes..................military members DO risk their lives, and they do it in support of the goals of this nation as outlined by Congress and the POTUS.

And.....................if a person spends more than 10 years in the military, the chances are very good for them to be serving in a combat zone at some time during their career.

Me? I served from July 1982 until Aug 2002, and was in no less than 4 combat zones.
I never saw combat but I had to do a few hairy things as an electrician. OSHA would go ape shit in the real world.

I think the OP doesn't understand that when you are in the military, you go where you are told, even to combat or war. You are at risk at any time. I'd like to see a 2 year mandatory duty so this kind of stupidity wouldn't be floating around.
And......................if nothing else, the military is one of the few jobs that will take you outside of the U.S. for 6 months to 4 years at a time. Granted, it's kinda nice to be able to travel to all those places that I did, but it still sucks when you have to leave your family and friends behind for 6 months to 4 years.

Matter of fact, on my last sea duty tour, out of the just over 2 years that I was onboard that ship, I only spent 3 months in homeport, and part of that 3 months was 2 weeks that I was on emergency leave.

Most civilians wouldn't stand for being separated from their families that long.

And yeah IceWeasel, I agree. Spending 2 years in the military after you get out of high school would do several good things. First, you'd get used to teamwork and have some kind of skill when you got out, second, you'd have a good shot at saving up some money for college, and (at least I believe) it would make a person a better human being.
And......................if nothing else, the military is one of the few jobs that will take you outside of the U.S. for 6 months to 4 years at a time. Granted, it's kinda nice to be able to travel to all those places that I did, but it still sucks when you have to leave your family and friends behind for 6 months to 4 years.

Matter of fact, on my last sea duty tour, out of the just over 2 years that I was onboard that ship, I only spent 3 months in homeport, and part of that 3 months was 2 weeks that I was on emergency leave.

Most civilians wouldn't stand for being separated from their families that long.

And yeah IceWeasel, I agree. Spending 2 years in the military after you get out of high school would do several good things. First, you'd get used to teamwork and have some kind of skill when you got out, second, you'd have a good shot at saving up some money for college, and (at least I believe) it would make a person a better human being.
I was in the Coast Guard so we typically didn't go out for long stretches (ice breaker duty was the exception). Even so it was 2 weeks out, 2 weeks in. Divorce rates were very high.
What a bunch of total ingrates! I suppose nobody in this country lost any of their freedoms on 9/11 or in any of the other terror attacks since. I suppose the goat fuckers are really just kiddin around when they cut off people's heads. You haven't seen any dead bodies littering the sidewalks and streets of your neighborhood lately so you let yourselves become convinced that war is something from Hollywood or TV drama that exists to provide you entertainment.
You apparently have gotten tired of, or bored with, The War on Terror but miss the fact that terror's not done with it's war on you. And you obviously don't understand that it's much much better to fight on your enemies' territory than on your own.
For the most part you sound like a bunch of spoiled snot-nosed children incapable of understanding the sacrifices made daily to keep you secure in your ivory towers. I certainly expect more from adult Americans!
Sorry not sorry. I'm not going to treat you like a hero just because of your choice of employment or suck your cock because you sacrificed a few years of your life doing paperwork and dealing with the occasional minor inconvenience. The "War on Terror" is a fascist sham and you know it. Besides, the military didn't protect us on 9/11. The US military poses a greater threat to me than the Taliban freedom fighters living in caves halfway across the world. The US government is more likely to kill me than the latest CIA cock up ISIS. I'm just going to keep my eye on the real dangers and let the cons mindlessly worship military personnel for their inability to get a good job.

Even in peacetime we need a military. Someone has to keep the ships at sea and train the new recruits. Maybe you were turned down by recruiters and you have a grudge against the military is my guess. The military doesn't take just anybody. That said, I went in the Navy to avoid getting drafted back in the 60's. I learned how to fire a boiler, operate a turbine, and put out shipboard fires. Worked out pretty good. Got some GI bill money for schooling afterwards. Too bad you were rejected guy, you might have had some fun on Wespac cruises, especially when in port in Hong Kong, Yoko, Subic, etc.

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