Why do people hate Liberals?

But returning to your comment, I do believe time is running out, and this is the last generation who will have the ability to begin restoring the concept of Ameica short of another bloody revolution.
Some people find illusions to be comforting.

I'm quite willing to say something "liberal."

I think all children should receive access to education and opportunities for advancement equal to those available to the children of inherited wealth.

Paid for by armed robbery, no doubt?

But then, it cannot be "liberal" because you seek to strip the liberty of those who produce or have wealth to be secure in the persons for predation by larcenous thugs.

Everyone should be encouraged and given the opportunity to lead as worthwhile a life as possible.

Is a "conservative" going to disagree?

I support an equal opportunity - but that is a far cry from the demand for an equal outcome, based on the theft and coercion of those more talented or even more lucky.
But returning to your comment, I do believe time is running out, and this is the last generation who will have the ability to begin restoring the concept of Ameica short of another bloody revolution.
Some people find illusions to be comforting.


No idea what you mean by that. I have a goal in mind and believe I have enough sense of history to know how to achieve it.
If they truly do hate liberals, aka people they don't even know, and couldn't pick out of a line-up, I'm guessing they are mentally ill.

What people are expressing, is that leftists constitute a clear and present danger to their way of life.

The sharp turn left of the democrats with the open hostility toward individual liberty and basic concepts of privacy, evoke strong emotions in many people. The campaign to mislabel the philosophy involved has been largely successful, so despite the fact that democrats have nothing to do with liberal, people equate the two.

When people say that they hate liberals, they mean they hate the authoritarian concentration of centralized power in the hands of Washington oligarchs who are crushing the life out of the nation with an iron boot to our neck.

And yes, I do mean Obama.

Understandable you mean Obama. But when people focus THAT hate on people here, then there's a problem. And I am not talking about the bulk of the board. I believe they say it, they may even believe it - but that's not thinking. That's reactionary. If anybody who shows their ass here on a daily basis popped up and said "So the doctor says ... I got six months." Right? Okay. Who (other than somebody who is mentally ill) would point and laugh and say "Karma, asshole!! Life's a beeeeeeeaaaaatch!!!"

If they truly do hate liberals, aka people they don't even know, and couldn't pick out of a line-up, I'm guessing they are mentally ill.

What people are expressing, is that leftists constitute a clear and present danger to their way of life.

The sharp turn left of the democrats with the open hostility toward individual liberty and basic concepts of privacy, evoke strong emotions in many people. The campaign to mislabel the philosophy involved has been largely successful, so despite the fact that democrats have nothing to do with liberal, people equate the two.

When people say that they hate liberals, they mean they hate the authoritarian concentration of centralized power in the hands of Washington oligarchs who are crushing the life out of the nation with an iron boot to our neck.

And yes, I do mean Obama.

Understandable you mean Obama. But when people focus THAT hate on people here, then there's a problem. And I am not talking about the bulk of the board. I believe they say it, they may even believe it - but that's not thinking. That's reactionary. If anybody who shows their ass here on a daily basis popped up and said "So the doctor says ... I got six months." Right? Okay. Who (other than somebody who is mentally ill) would point and laugh and say "Karma, asshole!! Life's a beeeeeeeaaaaatch!!!"


I'm not connecting your example with the issue though.

Earlier this year we buried a family member who drank himself to death. Though he died way too young, he accomplished some good things in his lifetime and he was loved and his passing was and is mourned. And nobody laughed and said "Karma" or anything like that. Some dealt with it, however, by pushing the reason for his too early death out of their minds and focused on the good. And some of us are more realistic and know that had he made different choices or if he had accepted the counsel of those who would have helped him learn how to stop doing such a destructive thing to himself, he likely would have live to a ripe old age..

His situation was not a six-months-to-live kind of thing that too many don't know what caused it or could have known how not to prevent it. His six-months-to-live was a failure to do what he had to do to continue to live.

In Obama's situation he has full ability to choose. He can choose listen to those who will encourage him to continue on the current destructive path for our country. Or he can choose to listen to those who counsel him to change course and stop doing what is destructive to the country. He isn't confronted with a six-months-to-live scenario. But he is possessed of a power in which he can make a positive or negative difference. He does not have ability to make no difference.
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What people are expressing, is that leftists constitute a clear and present danger to their way of life.

The sharp turn left of the democrats with the open hostility toward individual liberty and basic concepts of privacy, evoke strong emotions in many people. The campaign to mislabel the philosophy involved has been largely successful, so despite the fact that democrats have nothing to do with liberal, people equate the two.

When people say that they hate liberals, they mean they hate the authoritarian concentration of centralized power in the hands of Washington oligarchs who are crushing the life out of the nation with an iron boot to our neck.

And yes, I do mean Obama.

Understandable you mean Obama. But when people focus THAT hate on people here, then there's a problem. And I am not talking about the bulk of the board. I believe they say it, they may even believe it - but that's not thinking. That's reactionary. If anybody who shows their ass here on a daily basis popped up and said "So the doctor says ... I got six months." Right? Okay. Who (other than somebody who is mentally ill) would point and laugh and say "Karma, asshole!! Life's a beeeeeeeaaaaatch!!!"


I'm not connecting your example with the issue though.

Earlier this year we buried a family member who drank himself to death. Though he died way too young, he accomplished some good things in his lifetime and he was loved and his passing was and is mourned. And nobody laughed and said "Karma" or anything like that. Some dealt with it, however, by pushing the reason for his too early death out of their minds and focused on the good. And some of us are more realistic and know that had he made different choices or if he had accepted the counsel of those who would have helped him learn how to stop doing such a destructive thing to himself, he likely would have live to a ripe old age..

His situation was not a six-months-to-live kind of thing that too many don't know what caused it or could have known how not to prevent it. His six-months-to-live was a failure to do what he had to do to continue to live.

In Obama's situation he has full ability to choose. He can choose listen to those who will encourage him to continue on the current destructive path for our country. Or he can choose to listen to those who counsel him to change course and stop doing what is destructive to the country. He isn't confronted with a six-months-to-live scenario. But he is possessed of a power in which he can make a positive or negative difference. He does not have ability to make no difference.

I can understand why you're not connecting, you took it in a totally different direction than what I was saying.

I am saying fine. Hate Obama. NOT a problem. But hate people on here? Really?? When you couldn't pick them out of the proverbial lineup? That's just crazy. And if someone on this board says I have six months to live, and you tell them they deserve to die, then that is proof that you have to be a crazy person to hate a nameless, faceless internet denizen.

Does that make more sense.
Understandable you mean Obama. But when people focus THAT hate on people here, then there's a problem. And I am not talking about the bulk of the board. I believe they say it, they may even believe it - but that's not thinking. That's reactionary. If anybody who shows their ass here on a daily basis popped up and said "So the doctor says ... I got six months." Right? Okay. Who (other than somebody who is mentally ill) would point and laugh and say "Karma, asshole!! Life's a beeeeeeeaaaaatch!!!"


I'm not connecting your example with the issue though.

Earlier this year we buried a family member who drank himself to death. Though he died way too young, he accomplished some good things in his lifetime and he was loved and his passing was and is mourned. And nobody laughed and said "Karma" or anything like that. Some dealt with it, however, by pushing the reason for his too early death out of their minds and focused on the good. And some of us are more realistic and know that had he made different choices or if he had accepted the counsel of those who would have helped him learn how to stop doing such a destructive thing to himself, he likely would have live to a ripe old age..

His situation was not a six-months-to-live kind of thing that too many don't know what caused it or could have known how not to prevent it. His six-months-to-live was a failure to do what he had to do to continue to live.

In Obama's situation he has full ability to choose. He can choose listen to those who will encourage him to continue on the current destructive path for our country. Or he can choose to listen to those who counsel him to change course and stop doing what is destructive to the country. He isn't confronted with a six-months-to-live scenario. But he is possessed of a power in which he can make a positive or negative difference. He does not have ability to make no difference.

I can understand why you're not connecting, you took it in a totally different direction than what I was saying.

I am saying fine. Hate Obama. NOT a problem. But hate people on here? Really?? When you couldn't pick them out of the proverbial lineup? That's just crazy. And if someone on this board says I have six months to live, and you tell them they deserve to die, then that is proof that you have to be a crazy person to hate a nameless, faceless internet denizen.

Does that make more sense.

Okay that does make sense. Like I said, I just wasn't connecting the example you used.

I can accept the juvenile taunts like "eat shit and die!" stuff because you know it does not mean literal shit or literal death. But yes, I have myself witnessed members here so cruel, so hateful, so totally devoid of human compassion that they would wish death on others, most especially those struggling with life threatening conditions. Or one member who was told that her mentally challenged son should just be allowed to die.

I don't care what a person's political beliefs or ideology is, that is evil.

But then I lately find myself more and more beating the drum for tolerance of what people believe. It takes a whole lot of energy and mental/emotional resources to condemn, blame, accuse, judge, and hate people for who they are or what they do that affects nobody but themselves. And to hate them for who they are is the 180 degree opposite of tolerance.

But to hate or despise what they do when it unnecessarily or intentionally hurts others or us? That is productive hate. And we should encourage more of it.
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But to hate or despise what they do when it unnecessarily hurts others or us? That is productive hate. And we should encourage more of it.
Heh... indeed. I certainly move to the 'fuck off and die' mindset after reading the coporatist shills' posts (still) trying to sell ACA. Especially when they're deliberately making dishonest arguments.
I can understand why you're not connecting, you took it in a totally different direction than what I was saying.

I am saying fine. Hate Obama. NOT a problem. But hate people on here? Really?? When you couldn't pick them out of the proverbial lineup? That's just crazy. And if someone on this board says I have six months to live, and you tell them they deserve to die, then that is proof that you have to be a crazy person to hate a nameless, faceless internet denizen.

Does that make more sense.

I reiterate, the hatred is against cancerous ideas - not against people.
I can understand why you're not connecting, you took it in a totally different direction than what I was saying.

I am saying fine. Hate Obama. NOT a problem. But hate people on here? Really?? When you couldn't pick them out of the proverbial lineup? That's just crazy. And if someone on this board says I have six months to live, and you tell them they deserve to die, then that is proof that you have to be a crazy person to hate a nameless, faceless internet denizen.

Does that make more sense.

I reiterate, the hatred is against cancerous ideas - not against people.

Yes. But a fair number of people on this board are practicing transference.
But to hate or despise what they do when it unnecessarily hurts others or us? That is productive hate. And we should encourage more of it.
Heh... indeed. I certainly move to the 'fuck off and die' mindset after reading the coporatist shills' posts (still) trying to sell ACA. Especially when they're deliberately making dishonest arguments.

That's a good example. And yes, we can legitimately hate the way our government has quite literally and intentionally misled us re the ACA and that it continues to do so. Every freedom loving person should be condemning that as well as condemning the almost daily exceptions and exemptions being doled out to keep it all from blowing up before the current professional politicians and bureaucrats can get themselves clear of the fall out.

Even the President is mostly avoiding the subject these days.

I do not, however, hate our less well informed, less coherant brothers and sisters at USMB who genuinely do believe government healthcare is the right way to go. I hate how they have been hoodwinked. I hate how they are completely unwilling to even look at the history of government healthcare along and how they are unwilling to even consider how a free market could and would be better.

And I hate the dishonest, ad hominem hate speech that suggests because I DO believe a free market has been and still could and would be better, I want to deny people healthcare, want to push granny off the cliff, yadda yadda.
Oh, I see, a typical conservative troll, infested with FEAR.

Go run home to mommy and hide under the bed...:lol::lol::lol:

Typical progressive/liberal response from a cocksucking plagiarizer that's got nothing...

By the way liberals will be hiding under the bed when the time comes...:fu:

No plagiarism pea brain. The key narrative was Robert Frost's who I gave credit to. You are just confused, and stupid. A typical right wing turd.


If they truly do hate liberals, aka people they don't even know, and couldn't pick out of a line-up, I'm guessing they are mentally ill.

What people are expressing, is that leftists constitute a clear and present danger to their way of life.

The sharp turn left of the democrats with the open hostility toward individual liberty and basic concepts of privacy, evoke strong emotions in many people. The campaign to mislabel the philosophy involved has been largely successful, so despite the fact that democrats have nothing to do with liberal, people equate the two.

When people say that they hate liberals, they mean they hate the authoritarian concentration of centralized power in the hands of Washington oligarchs who are crushing the life out of the nation with an iron boot to our neck.

And yes, I do mean Obama.

You live in an upside down world. BOTH parties have moved to the right over the last 30 years. The health care bill shows just how little power the liberals and progressives have in the Democratic Party. Did we get single payer? No. Did we get even a public option? No. Did we get the 1993 Republican/ Heritage Foundation/ American Enterprise Institute bill...YES we did.
But to hate or despise what they do when it unnecessarily hurts others or us? That is productive hate. And we should encourage more of it.
Heh... indeed. I certainly move to the 'fuck off and die' mindset after reading the coporatist shills' posts (still) trying to sell ACA. Especially when they're deliberately making dishonest arguments.

That's a good example. And yes, we can legitimately hate the way our government has quite literally and intentionally misled us re the ACA and that it continues to do so. Every freedom loving person should be condemning that as well as condemning the almost daily exceptions and exemptions being doled out to keep it all from blowing up before the current professional politicians and bureaucrats can get themselves clear of the fall out.

Even the President is mostly avoiding the subject these days.

I do not, however, hate our less well informed, less coherant brothers and sisters at USMB who genuinely do believe government healthcare is the right way to go. I hate how they have been hoodwinked. I hate how they are completely unwilling to even look at the history of government healthcare along and how they are unwilling to even consider how a free market could and would be better.

And I hate the dishonest, ad hominem hate speech that suggests because I DO believe a free market has been and still could and would be better, I want to deny people healthcare, want to push granny off the cliff, yadda yadda.

Totally false. Almost every other industrial nation has government health care. They spends half of what we spend per capita, have better mortality rates and outcomes.

America is at the bottom of the heap. The bottom four countries – Germany, USA, Portugal and Switzerland – all depend more heavily on profit-based, private health insurance provided primarily through the employer/employee relationship.

That is the core of the problem I have with conservatism, you people can't accept the truth. There is NO WAY of solving our problems if you start from a false premise.
You live in an upside down world. BOTH parties have moved to the right over the last 30 years.

If "to the right" you mean toward the philosophies and programs of Karl Marx, Vlad Lenin, and Josef Stalin, then I suppose so.

Of course, you are also the folks redefining "liberal" to support a centrally managed and planned economy, so we need to keep in perspective the gross bastardization of language involved.

The health care bill shows just how little power the liberals and progressives have in the Democratic Party. Did we get single payer? No.

No liberal would seek to take the freedom over ones health away from the individual and hand it to the central authority, thousands of miles away.

Further demonstrating that you have nothing in common with liberals, you are leftists, authoritarians seeking control of the details of the lives of commoners by the bureaucrats and the oligarchs controlling them.

Can you imagine Madison declaring "We hold these truths to be self-evident, our rulers know better than we, what the appropriate care of our health should be."

Madison, surely not - but it is precisely what one would expect of Pol Pot.

Did we get even a public option? No. Did we get the 1993 Republican/ Heritage Foundation/ American Enterprise Institute bill...YES we did.

Public opinion, surely you jest. The public was SQUARELY against Obama's fascist care, but the democrats controlled congress, forced it down the gullet of a resistant people - such is the way of authoritarians.
If they truly do hate liberals, aka people they don't even know, and couldn't pick out of a line-up, I'm guessing they are mentally ill.

Welcome back BDB, but in this thread, based upon your statement that those who hate people they couldn't pick out of a line-up are mentally ill, there are many more liberals who are mentally ill than there are conservatives. Seems to me that hate for those who do not agree with you is more of a liberal trait than a conservative one.

You live in an upside down world. BOTH parties have moved to the right over the last 30 years.

If "to the right" you mean toward the philosophies and programs of Karl Marx, Vlad Lenin, and Josef Stalin, then I suppose so.

Of course, you are also the folks redefining "liberal" to support a centrally managed and planned economy, so we need to keep in perspective the gross bastardization of language involved.

The health care bill shows just how little power the liberals and progressives have in the Democratic Party. Did we get single payer? No.

No liberal would seek to take the freedom over ones health away from the individual and hand it to the central authority, thousands of miles away.

Further demonstrating that you have nothing in common with liberals, you are leftists, authoritarians seeking control of the details of the lives of commoners by the bureaucrats and the oligarchs controlling them.

Can you imagine Madison declaring "We hold these truths to be self-evident, our rulers know better than we, what the appropriate care of our health should be."

Madison, surely not - but it is precisely what one would expect of Pol Pot.

Did we get even a public option? No. Did we get the 1993 Republican/ Heritage Foundation/ American Enterprise Institute bill...YES we did.

Public opinion, surely you jest. The public was SQUARELY against Obama's fascist care, but the democrats controlled congress, forced it down the gullet of a resistant people - such is the way of authoritarians.

Both parties have moved to the right, towards corporatism and away from government of the people, by the people and for the people. Special interests run our government. And those same special interests are the ones who set up the right wing think tanks like the Heritage Foundation, which is nothing but the propaganda arm of those special interests.

It is amazing you right wing turds make it across the street without getting flattened. You only look ONE way.

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