Why do people hate Liberals?

I hate liberals because they are arrogant. Liberals tend to believe they’re brilliant, compassionate, moral, enlightened, perceptive, and courageous, not because of anything they’ve actually done, but just because they’re liberal. :cuckoo:

I also hate liberals because they see anyone who disagrees with them about anything as evil. :cuckoo:

I also hate liberals because they tend to spew lie after lie after lie, all from the crap that they were gullible enough to believe in the first place. :cuckoo:

I also hate liberals because just like the Democraps & Progressives, they tend to blame everyone else of why things don't work out, or why things are fucked up. :cuckoo: Whine, whine,whine.

There is nothing great or special about liberals

I don't hate liberals. The liberals in my family, among my friends, neighbors, and associates, including several here at USMB, are intelligent, warm, funny, caring people. I like them very much. I don't hate them. I don't hate anybody actually.

But I do hate liberalism. I hate it because I believe it weakens, erodes, attacks, and decimates basic principles and values that are good for people and substitutes blame, victimization, proactive judgment, intimidation, and coercion. And because it does, it hurts people. It really does see itself as more noble, more virtuous, more compassionate, more caring--just nicer people--than the rest of us and it will tolerate no argument that challenges its concepts.

That makes it very difficult to love; very easy to hate.

we Progressives hate Randianism even :up: more because its regressive
link? :eusa_whistle: you sayin' you're a t-partier as well :eusa_eh:
Hate Messages at Oberlin Revealed to be Hoax by Obama-Supporting Leftist

August 30, 2013 By Sara Dogan


The perpetrators of a series of alleged bias incidents at Oberlin College have been caught—and one of them is a fervent leftist who helped organize a voting drive for President Obama and is a member of a group called Ithaca White Allies Against Structural Racism. The incidents, which included posting racist, anti-Semitic and antigay messages and graffiti around the campus and harassing a female student, sparked a one-day cancellation of classes so that students could attend a teach-in on the evils of racism and homophobia.


Hate Messages at Oberlin Revealed to be Hoax by Obama-Supporting Leftist | FrontPage Magazine

It is a favorite tactic of the seedier and most dishonest sector of the Left actually. When we have had Tea Party rallies here, we meet with everybody ahead of time, admonish everybody to be polite, pleasant, obey the laws, properly dispose of any trash, and be good Americans in every regard so as not to bring criticism down on our efforts. The very few who bring signs that we think overly antagonistic or hateful, we ask folks to put away and they always do.

But invariably, just about the time the media shows up, there will appear two or three folks who do their damndest to get offensive signs in front of the TV cameras. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY in our group has ever seen these people before and nobody knows who they are. As soon as the TV trucks leave, so do the people with those signs.

And of course an unscrupulous and ideologically biased media will too often feature those ugly signs in their media coverage while ignoring hundreds of non offensive signs carried by most.

The dishonesty and hypocrisy of the left is why it is so easy to dislike liberals in general.

Dot Con, link to what, my article has a url or do you want a link to the salunsky rules...:eusa_whistle:
i suppose because of crap like this

USPS to Destroy ‘Just Move’ Stamp Series Over Safety Concerns

With the Just Move! stamp issuance the U.S. Postal Service hoped to raise awareness about the importance of physical activity in achieving a healthy lifestyle. However, according to Linns Stamp News, the USPS will be destroying the entire press run after receiving concerns from the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition over alleged “unsafe” acts depicted on three of the stamps (cannonball dive, skateboarding without kneepads and a headstand without a helmet). (There’s also a batter without a batting helmet, a girl balancing on a slippery rock, and a soccer player without kneepads or shin pads.)

USPS to Destroy ?Just Move? Stamp Series Over Safety Concerns | Postal Blog
i suppose because of crap like this

USPS to Destroy ‘Just Move’ Stamp Series Over Safety Concerns

With the Just Move! stamp issuance the U.S. Postal Service hoped to raise awareness about the importance of physical activity in achieving a healthy lifestyle. However, according to Linns Stamp News, the USPS will be destroying the entire press run after receiving concerns from the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition over alleged “unsafe” acts depicted on three of the stamps (cannonball dive, skateboarding without kneepads and a headstand without a helmet). (There’s also a batter without a batting helmet, a girl balancing on a slippery rock, and a soccer player without kneepads or shin pads.)

USPS to Destroy ?Just Move? Stamp Series Over Safety Concerns | Postal Blog

What in the Wide World of Blue Fuck does any of that have to do with Liberalism?
I hate liberals because they are arrogant. Liberals tend to believe they’re brilliant, compassionate, moral, enlightened, perceptive, and courageous, not because of anything they’ve actually done, but just because they’re liberal. :cuckoo:

I also hate liberals because they see anyone who disagrees with them about anything as evil. :cuckoo:

I also hate liberals because they tend to spew lie after lie after lie, all from the crap that they were gullible enough to believe in the first place. :cuckoo:

This would be my descriptions of many of the conservatives on this board, especially spewing lie after lie as promulgated by Faux News.

Since you didn't dispute it, you admit that liberals, just like the Democraps & Progressives, tend to blame everyone else of why things don't work out, or why things are fucked up. They will always blame everyone else for their failures. :cuckoo:

Whine, whine, whine.
I hate liberals because they are arrogant. Liberals tend to believe they’re brilliant, compassionate, moral, enlightened, perceptive, and courageous, not because of anything they’ve actually done, but just because they’re liberal. :cuckoo:

I also hate liberals because they see anyone who disagrees with them about anything as evil. :cuckoo:

I also hate liberals because they tend to spew lie after lie after lie, all from the crap that they were gullible enough to believe in the first place. :cuckoo:

This would be my descriptions of many of the conservatives on this board, especially spewing lie after lie as promulgated by Faux News.

Since you didn't dispute it, you admit that liberals, just like the Democraps & Progressives, tend to blame everyone else of why things don't work out, or why things are fucked up. They will always blame everyone else for their failures. :cuckoo:

Whine, whine, whine.

Every blanket statement about "all X people do Y" is the statement of an asshole.
Except this one.
I hate liberals because they are arrogant. Liberals tend to believe they’re brilliant, compassionate, moral, enlightened, perceptive, and courageous, not because of anything they’ve actually done, but just because they’re liberal. :cuckoo:

I also hate liberals because they see anyone who disagrees with them about anything as evil. :cuckoo:

I also hate liberals because they tend to spew lie after lie after lie, all from the crap that they were gullible enough to believe in the first place. :cuckoo:

This would be my descriptions of many of the conservatives on this board, especially spewing lie after lie as promulgated by Faux News.

Since you didn't dispute it, you admit that liberals, just like the Democraps & Progressives, tend to blame everyone else of why things don't work out, or why things are fucked up. They will always blame everyone else for their failures. :cuckoo:

Whine, whine, whine.

Why should they take the blame for anything? We are responsible for everything our wards do, we are their duly elected wet nurse. Welcome to the tyranny of a democracy gone awry, the rowers are now outnumbered, all the checks on tyranny gone.
because the council is chuck full of em

the President's Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition (Council).
The Council shall be composed of up to 25 members appointed by the President.

Executive Order - President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition

I would agree that costing the taxpayer tens of thousands if not millions of dollars because a postage stamp isn't PC is NOT a conservative concept but smacks of pure liberal nonsense. The conservative might agree that we would be better served by sports figures wearing reasonable protecive gear, but the conservative trusts the individual to have the common sense not to read postage stamps for instructions on what to do.

It's just like conservatives trusting the people to choose what size of soft drink they want and that not being the prerogative of government to dictate to them.
because the council is chuck full of em

the President's Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition (Council).
The Council shall be composed of up to 25 members appointed by the President.

Executive Order - President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition

I would agree that costing the taxpayer tens of thousands if not millions of dollars because a postage stamp isn't PC is NOT a conservative concept but smacks of pure liberal nonsense. The conservative might agree that we would be better served by sports figures wearing reasonable protecive gear, but the conservative trusts the individual to have the common sense not to read postage stamps for instructions on what to do.

It's just like conservatives trusting the people to choose what size of soft drink they want and that not being the prerogative of government to dictate to them.

Again, choosing this or that postage stamp has zero to do with either "liberal" or "conservative" principles. And I fail to see how not printing a certain postage stamp is going to cost the taxpayers "millions".

This point is baseless. It would appear Jon_Berzerk is under the impression that liberalism is a social movement, while conservatism is political. He wants to compare two different things and then complain that his apples don't taste like oranges.
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because the council is chuck full of em

the President's Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition (Council).
The Council shall be composed of up to 25 members appointed by the President.

Executive Order - President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition

I would agree that costing the taxpayer tens of thousands if not millions of dollars because a postage stamp isn't PC is NOT a conservative concept but smacks of pure liberal nonsense. The conservative might agree that we would be better served by sports figures wearing reasonable protecive gear, but the conservative trusts the individual to have the common sense not to read postage stamps for instructions on what to do.

It's just like conservatives trusting the people to choose what size of soft drink they want and that not being the prerogative of government to dictate to them.

Again, choosing this or that postage stamp has zero to do with either "liberal" or "conservative" principles. And I fail to see how not printing a certain postage stamp is going to cost the taxpayers "millions".

This point is baseless. It would appear Jon_Berzerk is under the impression that liberalism is a social movement, while conservatism is political. He wants to compare two different things and then complain that his apples don't taste like oranges.

The postage stamps had already been designed and printed Pogo. And they will be trashed because of the idiotic concept that a few of them are politically incorrect and therefore will corrupt the poor innocent helpless people out there. That is purely a liberal concept--no conservative would lack common sense to that degree.

Here are the stamps that were to be released:


And because they are printed as a group, ALL of them will be trashed. And if you think that doesn't cost a huge amount of money not even counting the mega thousands or more that are no doubt being paid to Obama's very large sports and fitness council. . . . And you want to make a bet on how many conservatives he appointed to that?
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I would agree that costing the taxpayer tens of thousands if not millions of dollars because a postage stamp isn't PC is NOT a conservative concept but smacks of pure liberal nonsense. The conservative might agree that we would be better served by sports figures wearing reasonable protecive gear, but the conservative trusts the individual to have the common sense not to read postage stamps for instructions on what to do.

It's just like conservatives trusting the people to choose what size of soft drink they want and that not being the prerogative of government to dictate to them.

Again, choosing this or that postage stamp has zero to do with either "liberal" or "conservative" principles. And I fail to see how not printing a certain postage stamp is going to cost the taxpayers "millions".

This point is baseless. It would appear Jon_Berzerk is under the impression that liberalism is a social movement, while conservatism is political. He wants to compare two different things and then complain that his apples don't taste like oranges.

The postage stamps had already been designed and printed Pogo. And they will be trashed because of the idiotic concept that a few of them are politically incorrect and therefore will corrupt the poor innocent helpless people out there. That is purely a liberal concept--no conservative would lack common sense to that degree.

Here are the stamps that were to be released:


And because they are printed as a group, ALL of them will be trashed. And if you think that doesn't cost a huge amount of money. . . . .

What you have there is bad management. Still has nothing to do with "liberalism".
Again, choosing this or that postage stamp has zero to do with either "liberal" or "conservative" principles. And I fail to see how not printing a certain postage stamp is going to cost the taxpayers "millions".

This point is baseless. It would appear Jon_Berzerk is under the impression that liberalism is a social movement, while conservatism is political. He wants to compare two different things and then complain that his apples don't taste like oranges.

The postage stamps had already been designed and printed Pogo. And they will be trashed because of the idiotic concept that a few of them are politically incorrect and therefore will corrupt the poor innocent helpless people out there. That is purely a liberal concept--no conservative would lack common sense to that degree.

Here are the stamps that were to be released:


And because they are printed as a group, ALL of them will be trashed. And if you think that doesn't cost a huge amount of money. . . . .

What you have there is bad management. Still has nothing to do with "liberalism".

In this case it was the liberal notion that government cannot take the risk that somebody might actually read postage stamps for instructions on fitness that led to a bad management decision. It has EVERYTHING to do with liberalism. No conservative would have deemed the people that stupid and that much in need of of government hovering. No conservative would have made that bad management decision in this case. It was a bunch of liberal pointy heads who ordered the post office to trash those stamps.
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The postage stamps had already been designed and printed Pogo. And they will be trashed because of the idiotic concept that a few of them are politically incorrect and therefore will corrupt the poor innocent helpless people out there. That is purely a liberal concept--no conservative would lack common sense to that degree.

Here are the stamps that were to be released:


And because they are printed as a group, ALL of them will be trashed. And if you think that doesn't cost a huge amount of money. . . . .

What you have there is bad management. Still has nothing to do with "liberalism".

In this case it was the liberal notion that government cannot take the risk that somebody might actually read postage stamps for instructions on fitness that led to a bad management decision. It has EVERYTHING to do with liberalism. No conservative would have deemed the people that stupid and that much in need of of government hovering. No conservative would have made that bad management decision in this case.

That's not a liberal tenet.

Some of y'all are still bent on conflating liberalism with leftism, and I really don't want to hear any more of this "classical liberalism" canard y'all keep trying to use as a pretext for this conflation. Jonah Goldberg is a discredited hack; get over it. Liberal isn't left or right. It's antagonistic to the fringes of both.

The left (as a philosophy) wants to control how big a soda you can buy and how many minorities a business has to hire.

The right (as a philosophy) wants to control what people do in their bedroom and whether a schoolteacher who once posed nude can keep her job.

The Liberal doesn't want to control anything except what the State must to keep order.

Again, what you have here is bad management. Those stamps look like a stupid idea anyway. But they're not political.
Okay Pogo, I'm not going to get into your corruption of common usage of the terms again. You know damn well that the dictionary or classic definitions don't apply in this case. So I'll acknoweldge your post as argumentative but won't get into that yet again and thereby derail the thread. Thanks for understanding. :)
Okay Pogo, I'm not going to get into your corruption of common usage of the terms again. You know damn well that the dictionary or classic definitions don't apply in this case. So I'll acknoweldge your post as argumentative but won't get into that yet again and thereby derail the thread. Thanks for understanding. :)

No, I know no such thing. Far as I'm concerned the derailment came in with that deliberate obfuscation, and the echo chamber keeps stoking it for fear it will burn itself out (and rightly so).

But I do know this: as long as nobody here can define what they're talking about with this new-and-disproved misdefinition, there's no point being made in this endless and pointless bash-thread. It amounts to a gaggle of whiners going "That indistinct group over there (that we can't define but we know who they are) are bad people". Not impressive on any level.
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Okay Pogo, I'm not going to get into your corruption of common usage of the terms again. You know damn well that the dictionary or classic definitions don't apply in this case. So I'll acknoweldge your post as argumentative but won't get into that yet again and thereby derail the thread. Thanks for understanding. :)
What's up with all this MaBelle pink shit?

She is kinda cute with the sunglasses.

I think I wanna fuck her?
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We've defined it ad nauseum, Pogo. So I won't bother again. But here's a start for you:

Edit (to fix link)

Modern liberalism in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wrong page Foxy. The definition of the topic here, from the same site, is here.

Again that is, if we want a finite and specific definition. If OTOH what we want is a vague wispy idea of "them"ness, well have fun in the echo chamber because that's all it is.

I gave you the proper link. And I won't comment further on it out of respect for the integrity of the thread and because of my experience that I can give you a dozen authorities who will concur that modern American social liberalism bears no resemblance to classical liberalism, and you have refused to even read the commentaries, much less acknowledge them. And I really try to resist in engaging in exercises of futility. :).
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