Why do people hate Liberals?

Average mortgage interest rates generally follow the treasury bond rate and are generally 1.5 to 1.7% higher than the treasury bond rate.

However, for a good sense of what the mortgage interest rates have been from 1993 to present, you'll find it month by month at this location:
National Monthly Average Mortgage Rates * 2013

And for the federal discount rates, those for the last decade or so are shown here:
Historical Changes of the Target Federal Funds and Discount Rates - Federal Reserve Bank of New York
John B. Taylor, Economics Professor at Stanford University says that one of the causes of the Housing Bubble was that the Federal Reserve, after 2001, artificially kept the interest rates far too low for too long....

The Housing Bubble burst in 2006 when rates went from 1% post 9/11 to 5.5%.
emphasis added
RKMBrown said:
Why make up so many lies when the facts are so easy to look up?

Tex, you posted a chart of treasury bond rates.

However, our esteemed Dragonlady was referring to the Federal Reserve Discount Rate :


I will charitably ascribe your error to inadvertance, rather than to fundamental ignorance of the basics of economics.

However, I cannot be so charitable to the other excessively opinionated commentators on this thread. They deserve deep oprobrium for missing this basic point, leaving it to an amateur like little ol' me to correct your whopping floater !!

Thx for the... clarification.
The stimulus is in that chart.
OFF budget? You mean the War in Iraq which will end up costing us 3 trillion dollars?

Here is some wisdom that flies in the face of your lying Heritage Foundation. And it is not from a liberal.

"The debt explosion has resulted not from big spending by the Democrats, but instead the Republican Party's embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that deficits don't matter if they result from tax cuts."
David Stockman - Director of the Office of Management and Budget for U.S. President Ronald Reagan.

Here are some other truths and charts you right winger who are NOT liberals in any way, shape or form don't want to confront.

“Ronald Reagan changed the trajectory of America in a way that Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not. Reagan was an ideological inflection point, ending a 50-year liberal ascendancy and beginning a 30-year conservative ascendancy."
Charles Krauthammer

What does that 30-year conservative ascendancy look like?


Reagan switched the federal government from what he critically called, a “tax and spend” policy, to a “borrow and spend” policy, where the government continued its heavy spending, but used borrowed money instead of tax revenue to pay the bills. The results were catastrophic. Although it had taken the United States more than 200 years to accumulate the first $1 trillion of national debt, it took only five years under Reagan to add the second one trillion dollars to the debt. By the end of the 12 years of the Reagan-Bush administrations, the national debt had quadrupled to $4 trillion!

More 30-year conservative ascendancy...


You mean the War in Iraq which will end up costing us 3 trillion dollars?

end up? that means what exactly?

and you know, this debt issue is not a card you should be playing, I mean seriously, unless you want to here and now take obama to task for his deficit spending and adding to the debt. Well, maybe you do, do you?

It means the cost has not ended, and it will not end in our lifetime. The costs will continue as we are forced to replace equipment lost or worn out, provide lifetime medical care for the injured and other expenses that continue...The $3 Trillion War

Our debt was created by Republicans. If Obama spent nothing, the debt would continue to grow. He inherited an economy that was moribund.

Republicans controlled both houses of Congress for 12 years, and the White House for 8 years...we had ZERO job growth in the 2000's...


Obama and Democrats controlled both houses of Congress for 2 years. What did they do?

Obama and Democrats put us on The Extended-Baseline Scenario trajectory. If Congress does nothing the Extended-Baseline Scenario is already in place.

IF the Bush tax cuts don't expire and the AHA is not fully implemented or repealed the The Alternative Fiscal Scenario is the trajectory Teapublicans will take us if they gain enough power.

the CBO lays it out perfectly clear...CRYSTAL.

Federal Debt Held by the Public Under CBO’s Long-Term Budget Scenarios
(Percentage of gross domestic product)

The chart shows 2 scenarios. For all practical purposes, you can call the Extended-Baseline Scenario the Democrat scenario and the Alternative Fiscal Scenario the Teapublican scenario.

The Extended-Baseline Scenario adheres closely to current law. Under this scenario, the expiration of the tax cuts enacted since 2001 and most recently extended in 2010, the growing reach of the alternative minimum tax, the tax provisions of the recent health care legislation, and the way in which the tax system interacts with economic growth would result in steadily higher revenues relative to GDP.

The Alternative Fiscal Scenario
The budget outlook is much bleaker under the alternative fiscal scenario, which incorporates several changes to current law that are widely expected to occur or that would modify some provisions of law that might be difficult to sustain for a long period. Most important are the assumptions about revenues: that the tax cuts enacted since 2001 and extended most recently in 2010 will be extended; that the reach of the alternative minimum tax will be restrained to stay close to its historical extent; and that over the longer run, tax law will evolve further so that revenues remain near their historical average of 18 percent of GDP. This scenario also incorporates assumptions that Medicare’s payment rates for physicians will remain at current levels (rather than declining by about a third, as under current law) and that some policies enacted in the March 2010 health care legislation to restrain growth in federal health care spending will not continue in effect after 2021.

"Grover Norquist has no plan to pay this debt down. His plan says you continue to add to the debt..."
Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.)

Uh huh, so you're introducing future possible costs as costs now?as an excuse for... :eusa_eh:anyway, if you want to play that game, its a dead end, so how much for the costs incurred by Vietnam?

3,403,100 (Including 514,300 Offshore) Personnel served in the Southeast Asia Theater (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Flight Crews based in Thailand, and sailors in adjacent South China Sea Waters.)

Another 50,000 men served in Vietnam between 1960 and 1964.

Peak troop strength in Vietnam: 543,482 (April 30, 1969)


now that we have dispensed with that smoke screen, lets move on.

Go back and answer my post regards schip please, I answered your argument directly in the quoted portion.

You're packing posts, switching or adding arguments to avoid direct remarks and comments and answers, thats the way it looks, one thing at a time please. I will respond in kind. thank you in advance.
Regardless of which rate you're talking about, the problem with the housing bubble had nothing to due with affordability. People are approved for loans they couldn't pay period. That was due to changes in approval procedures backed by Barney Franks and company. The deflection to rates is no more than deflection.
Regardless of which rate you're talking about, the problem with the housing bubble had nothing to due with affordability. People are approved for loans they couldn't pay period. That was due to changes in approval procedures backed by Barney Franks and company. The deflection to rates is no more than deflection.

Yes. Carter's CRA started the snowball rolling on that, but during his and Reagan's terms, both operating under the decades long-standing regulation and controls of Glass-Steagall, there was no push to make irresponsible loans. The purpose was to make affordable loans available to more people of more limited means, but sound lending practices were in place and there were no serious problems.

It was during the Clinton Administration that provisions of Glass-Steagall were ignored or circumvented and a push began to bribe, coerce, and threaten lending institutions to make more risky loans to low income people with Freddie and Fannie standing by as the 'protection' for those loans. And because the economy was good and unemployment relatively low, nobody sounded the alarm for some time. By the late 1990's, Clinton himself declared Glass-Steagall irrelevent and essentially dead, and it was repealed in 1999. So the irresonsible practices continued into the Bush administration.

To his credit, President Bush's economic advisors saw the problems developing and he petitioned Congress some 23 times to deal with the growing danger. But Congress, didn't act, with Barney Frank and Chris Dodd and a few others going before the microphones on a regular basis to assure everybody that Fannie and Freddie were just fine and there was no reason to do anything about it.

But when things get tighter, people with poor credit don't really care if they don't pay their bills, and the cumulative effect of 9/11 and Katrina pushed the defaults into the red zone. And as more of those bad risk homes were put back on the market, housing prices began to fall and unemployment began to rise as a result. And that led to more defaults until the whole house of cards came tumbling down. Millions of homeowners found themselves under water, the economy crashed under the combined weight of a collapsed housing market and unemployment skyrocketed.

And we have a current administration that goes out of its way to ensure that the economy remains sick and sluggish and that no real recovery can happen.

Making risky loans to low income people is not a modern American conservative concept. It is pure liberalism and one more reason to hold modern American liberalism in disdain. It hurts many people and, in this case, a whole lot of people it was intended to help.
Regardless of which rate you're talking about, the problem with the housing bubble had nothing to due with affordability. People are approved for loans they couldn't pay period. That was due to changes in approval procedures backed by Barney Franks and company. The deflection to rates is no more than deflection.

Yes. Carter's CRA started the snowball rolling on that, but during his and Reagan's terms, both operating under the decades long-standing regulation and controls of Glass-Steagall, there was no push to make irresponsible loans. The purpose was to make affordable loans available to more people of more limited means, but sound lending practices were in place and there were no serious problems.

It was during the Clinton Administration that provisions of Glass-Steagall were ignored or circumvented and a push began to bribe, coerce, and threaten lending institutions to make more risky loans to low income people with Freddie and Fannie standing by as the 'protection' for those loans. And because the economy was good and unemployment relatively low, nobody sounded the alarm for some time. By the late 1990's, Clinton himself declared Glass-Steagall irrelevent and essentially dead, and it was repealed in 1999. So the irresonsible practices continued into the Bush administration.

To his credit, President Bush's economic advisors saw the problems developing and he petitioned Congress some 23 times to deal with the growing danger. But Congress, didn't act, with Barney Frank and Chris Dodd and a few others going before the microphones on a regular basis to assure everybody that Fannie and Freddie were just fine and there was no reason to do anything about it.

But when things get tighter, people with poor credit don't really care if they don't pay their bills, and the cumulative effect of 9/11 and Katrina pushed the defaults into the red zone. And as more of those bad risk homes were put back on the market, housing prices began to fall and unemployment began to rise as a result. And that led to more defaults until the whole house of cards came tumbling down. Millions of homeowners found themselves under water, the economy crashed under the combined weight of a collapsed housing market and unemployment skyrocketed.

And we have a current administration that goes out of its way to ensure that the economy remains sick and sluggish and that no real recovery can happen.

Making risky loans to low income people is not a modern American conservative concept. It is pure liberalism and one more reason to hold modern American liberalism in disdain. It hurts many people and, in this case, a whole lot of people it was intended to help.

America has no chance of fixing our problems when the right believes fairy tales. Your fairy tale capsulizes just how you folks have been brainwashed. And of course it fits your world view that poor people are the evil in this world.

The housing bubble and bust was not because of the CRA. It was not because lower income people bought a homestead. There wouldn't be a bust or mass rupture if that were the case. It was mostly wealthy speculators who weren't buying a homestead, they were making an investment. And when the investment went sour, they dumped that investment. They NEVER viewed it as buying a home.
you seem incapable of managing a conversation minus demeaning language....lets try to be civil, I think we are trying to be civil...eh?

For him that IS civil. :)

Full of straw men and non sequitur and really faulty logic, but relatively civil. :)

PLEASE point out the 'non sequitur and really faulty logic' part so I can dismantle your little right wing fairy tale.
I hate liberals because they are arrogant. Liberals tend to believe they’re brilliant, compassionate, moral, enlightened, perceptive, and courageous, not because of anything they’ve actually done, but just because they’re liberal. :cuckoo:

I also hate liberals because they see anyone who disagrees with them about anything as evil. :cuckoo:

I also hate liberals because they tend to spew lie after lie after lie, all from the crap that they were gullible enough to believe in the first place. :cuckoo:

I also hate liberals because just like the Democraps & Progressives, they tend to blame everyone else of why things don't work out, or why things are fucked up. :cuckoo: Whine, whine,whine.

There is nothing great or special about liberals
I hate liberals because they are arrogant. Liberals tend to believe they’re brilliant, compassionate, moral, enlightened, perceptive, and courageous, not because of anything they’ve actually done, but just because they’re liberal. :cuckoo:

I also hate liberals because they see anyone who disagrees with them about anything as evil. :cuckoo:

I also hate liberals because they tend to spew lie after lie after lie, all from the crap that they were gullible enough to believe in the first place. :cuckoo:

This would be my descriptions of many of the conservatives on this board, especially spewing lie after lie as promulgated by Faux News.
I hate liberals because they are arrogant. Liberals tend to believe they’re brilliant, compassionate, moral, enlightened, perceptive, and courageous, not because of anything they’ve actually done, but just because they’re liberal. :cuckoo:

I also hate liberals because they see anyone who disagrees with them about anything as evil. :cuckoo:

I also hate liberals because they tend to spew lie after lie after lie, all from the crap that they were gullible enough to believe in the first place. :cuckoo:

This would be my descriptions of many of the conservatives on this board, especially spewing lie after lie as promulgated by Faux News.

It's a good example of the dyfunctional partisanship coming from both sides.
Hate Messages at Oberlin Revealed to be Hoax by Obama-Supporting Leftist

August 30, 2013 By Sara Dogan


The perpetrators of a series of alleged bias incidents at Oberlin College have been caught—and one of them is a fervent leftist who helped organize a voting drive for President Obama and is a member of a group called Ithaca White Allies Against Structural Racism. The incidents, which included posting racist, anti-Semitic and antigay messages and graffiti around the campus and harassing a female student, sparked a one-day cancellation of classes so that students could attend a teach-in on the evils of racism and homophobia.


Hate Messages at Oberlin Revealed to be Hoax by Obama-Supporting Leftist | FrontPage Magazine
Hate Messages at Oberlin Revealed to be Hoax by Obama-Supporting Leftist

August 30, 2013 By Sara Dogan


The perpetrators of a series of alleged bias incidents at Oberlin College have been caught—and one of them is a fervent leftist who helped organize a voting drive for President Obama and is a member of a group called Ithaca White Allies Against Structural Racism. The incidents, which included posting racist, anti-Semitic and antigay messages and graffiti around the campus and harassing a female student, sparked a one-day cancellation of classes so that students could attend a teach-in on the evils of racism and homophobia.


Hate Messages at Oberlin Revealed to be Hoax by Obama-Supporting Leftist | FrontPage Magazine

It is a favorite tactic of the seedier and most dishonest sector of the Left actually. When we have had Tea Party rallies here, we meet with everybody ahead of time, admonish everybody to be polite, pleasant, obey the laws, properly dispose of any trash, and be good Americans in every regard so as not to bring criticism down on our efforts. The very few who bring signs that we think overly antagonistic or hateful, we ask folks to put away and they always do.

But invariably, just about the time the media shows up, there will appear two or three folks who do their damndest to get offensive signs in front of the TV cameras. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY in our group has ever seen these people before and nobody knows who they are. As soon as the TV trucks leave, so do the people with those signs.

And of course an unscrupulous and ideologically biased media will too often feature those ugly signs in their media coverage while ignoring hundreds of non offensive signs carried by most.

The dishonesty and hypocrisy of the left is why it is so easy to dislike liberals in general.
Hate Messages at Oberlin Revealed to be Hoax by Obama-Supporting Leftist

August 30, 2013 By Sara Dogan


The perpetrators of a series of alleged bias incidents at Oberlin College have been caught—and one of them is a fervent leftist who helped organize a voting drive for President Obama and is a member of a group called Ithaca White Allies Against Structural Racism. The incidents, which included posting racist, anti-Semitic and antigay messages and graffiti around the campus and harassing a female student, sparked a one-day cancellation of classes so that students could attend a teach-in on the evils of racism and homophobia.


Hate Messages at Oberlin Revealed to be Hoax by Obama-Supporting Leftist | FrontPage Magazine

It is a favorite tactic of the seedier and most dishonest sector of the Left actually. When we have had Tea Party rallies here, we meet with everybody ahead of time, admonish everybody to be polite, pleasant, obey the laws, properly dispose of any trash, and be good Americans in every regard so as not to bring criticism down on our efforts. The very few who bring signs that we think overly antagonistic or hateful, we ask folks to put away and they always do.

But invariably, just about the time the media shows up, there will appear two or three folks who do their damndest to get offensive signs in front of the TV cameras. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY in our group has ever seen these people before and nobody knows who they are. As soon as the TV trucks leave, so do the people with those signs.

And of course an unscrupulous and ideologically biased media will too often feature those ugly signs in their media coverage while ignoring hundreds of non offensive signs carried by most.

The dishonesty and hypocrisy of the left is why it is so easy to dislike liberals in general.

Ends justify the means. Liberals.
Hate Messages at Oberlin Revealed to be Hoax by Obama-Supporting Leftist

August 30, 2013 By Sara Dogan


The perpetrators of a series of alleged bias incidents at Oberlin College have been caught—and one of them is a fervent leftist who helped organize a voting drive for President Obama and is a member of a group called Ithaca White Allies Against Structural Racism. The incidents, which included posting racist, anti-Semitic and antigay messages and graffiti around the campus and harassing a female student, sparked a one-day cancellation of classes so that students could attend a teach-in on the evils of racism and homophobia.


Hate Messages at Oberlin Revealed to be Hoax by Obama-Supporting Leftist | FrontPage Magazine

It is a favorite tactic of the seedier and most dishonest sector of the Left actually. When we have had Tea Party rallies here, we meet with everybody ahead of time, admonish everybody to be polite, pleasant, obey the laws, properly dispose of any trash, and be good Americans in every regard so as not to bring criticism down on our efforts. The very few who bring signs that we think overly antagonistic or hateful, we ask folks to put away and they always do.

But invariably, just about the time the media shows up, there will appear two or three folks who do their damndest to get offensive signs in front of the TV cameras. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY in our group has ever seen these people before and nobody knows who they are. As soon as the TV trucks leave, so do the people with those signs.

And of course an unscrupulous and ideologically biased media will too often feature those ugly signs in their media coverage while ignoring hundreds of non offensive signs carried by most.

The dishonesty and hypocrisy of the left is why it is so easy to dislike liberals in general.

There are people during the Presidential election that went to Obama rallies and Romney rallies with the sole purpose of getting on camera and causing problems. If you think it's limited to one side, you are blind. It's a tactic used on both sides.
Hate Messages at Oberlin Revealed to be Hoax by Obama-Supporting Leftist

August 30, 2013 By Sara Dogan


The perpetrators of a series of alleged bias incidents at Oberlin College have been caught—and one of them is a fervent leftist who helped organize a voting drive for President Obama and is a member of a group called Ithaca White Allies Against Structural Racism. The incidents, which included posting racist, anti-Semitic and antigay messages and graffiti around the campus and harassing a female student, sparked a one-day cancellation of classes so that students could attend a teach-in on the evils of racism and homophobia.


Hate Messages at Oberlin Revealed to be Hoax by Obama-Supporting Leftist | FrontPage Magazine

It is a favorite tactic of the seedier and most dishonest sector of the Left actually. When we have had Tea Party rallies here, we meet with everybody ahead of time, admonish everybody to be polite, pleasant, obey the laws, properly dispose of any trash, and be good Americans in every regard so as not to bring criticism down on our efforts. The very few who bring signs that we think overly antagonistic or hateful, we ask folks to put away and they always do.

But invariably, just about the time the media shows up, there will appear two or three folks who do their damndest to get offensive signs in front of the TV cameras. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY in our group has ever seen these people before and nobody knows who they are. As soon as the TV trucks leave, so do the people with those signs.

And of course an unscrupulous and ideologically biased media will too often feature those ugly signs in their media coverage while ignoring hundreds of non offensive signs carried by most.

The dishonesty and hypocrisy of the left is why it is so easy to dislike liberals in general.

There are people during the Presidential election that went to Obama rallies and Romney rallies with the sole purpose of getting on camera and causing problems. If you think it's limited to one side, you are blind. It's a tactic used on both sides.

You may be right. But I can honestly say I've been to many political rallies, campaign stops, etc. and I have NEVER witnessed intentional, planned, and organized disruption from anybody on the right. I'm not saying it never happens, but I have not personally seen it. I have seen it many times here from the left.
The problem is, these hoaxes are done with the complicity of the DNC media.

Anyone remember this one?


It was a hoax as well - a fully documented hoax with other signs reading "Please send my child to die in Iraq" and "Dead babies support Bush."

But the leftists use it all the time as if it were real.

This is how the little Goebbels of the left work, they stage a hoax, and the corrupt media perpetrates it as if it were real.
I hate liberals because they are arrogant. Liberals tend to believe they’re brilliant, compassionate, moral, enlightened, perceptive, and courageous, not because of anything they’ve actually done, but just because they’re liberal. :cuckoo:

I also hate liberals because they see anyone who disagrees with them about anything as evil. :cuckoo:

I also hate liberals because they tend to spew lie after lie after lie, all from the crap that they were gullible enough to believe in the first place. :cuckoo:

I also hate liberals because just like the Democraps & Progressives, they tend to blame everyone else of why things don't work out, or why things are fucked up. :cuckoo: Whine, whine,whine.

There is nothing great or special about liberals

I don't hate liberals. The liberals in my family, among my friends, neighbors, and associates, including several here at USMB, are intelligent, warm, funny, caring people. I like them very much. I don't hate them. I don't hate anybody actually.

But I do hate liberalism. I hate it because I believe it weakens, erodes, attacks, and decimates basic principles and values that are good for people and substitutes blame, victimization, proactive judgment, intimidation, and coercion. And because it does, it hurts people. It really does see itself as more noble, more virtuous, more compassionate, more caring--just nicer people--than the rest of us and it will tolerate no argument that challenges its concepts.

That makes it very difficult to love; very easy to hate.
link? :eusa_whistle: you sayin' you're a t-partier as well :eusa_eh:
Hate Messages at Oberlin Revealed to be Hoax by Obama-Supporting Leftist

August 30, 2013 By Sara Dogan


The perpetrators of a series of alleged bias incidents at Oberlin College have been caught—and one of them is a fervent leftist who helped organize a voting drive for President Obama and is a member of a group called Ithaca White Allies Against Structural Racism. The incidents, which included posting racist, anti-Semitic and antigay messages and graffiti around the campus and harassing a female student, sparked a one-day cancellation of classes so that students could attend a teach-in on the evils of racism and homophobia.


Hate Messages at Oberlin Revealed to be Hoax by Obama-Supporting Leftist | FrontPage Magazine

It is a favorite tactic of the seedier and most dishonest sector of the Left actually. When we have had Tea Party rallies here, we meet with everybody ahead of time, admonish everybody to be polite, pleasant, obey the laws, properly dispose of any trash, and be good Americans in every regard so as not to bring criticism down on our efforts. The very few who bring signs that we think overly antagonistic or hateful, we ask folks to put away and they always do.

But invariably, just about the time the media shows up, there will appear two or three folks who do their damndest to get offensive signs in front of the TV cameras. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY in our group has ever seen these people before and nobody knows who they are. As soon as the TV trucks leave, so do the people with those signs.

And of course an unscrupulous and ideologically biased media will too often feature those ugly signs in their media coverage while ignoring hundreds of non offensive signs carried by most.

The dishonesty and hypocrisy of the left is why it is so easy to dislike liberals in general.
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