Why do people hate Liberals?

The Republican leadership sees corporations as people. They see their base as someplace to wipe their shoes. Corporations don't hate liberals. But the Republican leadership has only contempt for their base.
I love the blanket statements and generalizations on both sides-NOT.

Since this is about Liberals, let me suggest those of you stating things about Liberals as if they were fact, really don't have a clue. You say as though it were the truth just because you say so, that Liberals hate this country, hate the constitution, hate themselves, hate those that disagree with them, think those that disagree with them are hateful, believe in Socialism, believe that the Government should give handouts, believe they are stupid, can't debate because they choose not to debate on your terms, think you win just because you say things and get support from others with like minded beliefs.....etc. etc. etc.

Let me repeat-you don't have a clue. Instead of coming here telling us all how Liberals and Liberalism stinks according to you, how about you do some research on the subject or better yet-ask a Liberal what they think or several Liberals, not only here but everywhere you encounter them.

I make it a habit not to respond to the vile things some of you say about Liberals but it doesn't mean I don't want to debate or agree. I just don't respond. And yes, there are some here that do the same to Conservatives and I don't like that either.

Rant over.


Too many Americans are feeble-minded, uneducated, paranoid, emotionally-unstable, hysteria-prone Nazoids.

Surely any sensible person would want to keep these sub-standard human products from getting their hands on guns.


Too many Americans are feeble-minded, uneducated, paranoid, emotionally-unstable, hysteria-prone Nazoids.

Surely any sensible person would want to keep these sub-standard human products from getting their hands on guns.

That pic looks old enough for most of those people to be dead.
It looks like a peaceful gathering that was disrupted by union thugs to me.

I hate progressives because they embrace a culture of death, they see no value in the human race, and they seek to destroy humanity.

Anything else?

Oh yeah. Plus they're liars.
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It looks like a peaceful gathering that was disrupted by union thugs to me.
No, it was the 1970 New York Hard-Hat Riot instigated by Nixon against peaceful people demonstrating in protest of the Kent State Murders.

Pretty typical in Nazoid America.
The Republican leadership sees corporations as people. They see their base as someplace to wipe their shoes. Corporations don't hate liberals. But the Republican leadership has only contempt for their base.

If you do not see corporations as "people", there is no one to hold accountable for the problems that corporation causes. If corporations are not considered people then pollution would be done by the inanimate object (corporation) which would be impossible to hold responsible, as it is an object.....
I love the blanket statements and generalizations on both sides-NOT.

Since this is about Liberals, let me suggest those of you stating things about Liberals as if they were fact, really don't have a clue. You say as though it were the truth just because you say so, that Liberals hate this country, hate the constitution, hate themselves, hate those that disagree with them, think those that disagree with them are hateful, believe in Socialism, believe that the Government should give handouts, believe they are stupid, can't debate because they choose not to debate on your terms, think you win just because you say things and get support from others with like minded beliefs.....etc. etc. etc.

Let me repeat-you don't have a clue. Instead of coming here telling us all how Liberals and Liberalism stinks according to you, how about you do some research on the subject or better yet-ask a Liberal what they think or several Liberals, not only here but everywhere you encounter them.

I make it a habit not to respond to the vile things some of you say about Liberals but it doesn't mean I don't want to debate or agree. I just don't respond. And yes, there are some here that do the same to Conservatives and I don't like that either.

Rant over.

Okay, I'll ask a liberal. What values do you think are worth fighting for? What would you consider so valuable that you would put your own life on the line? What are liberal values? Is there a right and wrong, or is it subjective to who is doing it? Let's start there and see how you answer....
See the following
Article 15
Twat com
Plasma Ball
Black Label
George Costanza
Feel free to add any other I have missed.

That's not saying much. My list of libertarians and right wingers is a least that long. :doubt:

BUT nowhere near as disreputable.

I'm just sayin....

dis·rep·u·ta·ble (ds-rpy-t-bl)
Lacking respectability, as in character, behavior, or appearance.

I disagree. They can be and are just as nasty.
If you do not see corporations as "people", there is no one to hold accountable for the problems that corporation causes. If corporations are not considered people then pollution would be done by the inanimate object (corporation) which would be impossible to hold responsible, as it is an object.....
That is the silliest defense of the "personhood" of corporations that I have ever seen !!

· · · "Logical"? !! What a misnomer!
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That's not saying much. My list of libertarians and right wingers is a least that long. :doubt:

BUT nowhere near as disreputable.

I'm just sayin....

dis·rep·u·ta·ble (ds-rpy-t-bl)
Lacking respectability, as in character, behavior, or appearance.

I disagree. They can be and are just as nasty.

You are either lying or are simply ignorant.

Show me one conservative college that has employed as a faculty member a known conservative terrorists who has been convicted of killing a public official like libtards have.

Till then you shouldnt repeat things you have no inkling about.
BUT nowhere near as disreputable.

I'm just sayin....

dis·rep·u·ta·ble (ds-rpy-t-bl)
Lacking respectability, as in character, behavior, or appearance.

I disagree. They can be and are just as nasty.

Dang, I didn't make the grade!!!!

Old Rocks, you have said some things that I have totally disagreed with, but I have never caught you in a lie. You seem to be an honest person with some integrity.

You are no libtard; you are what liberals should be like, IMO.

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