Why do people hate Liberals?

HAHAHA YOU'RE SUCH A FAILURE AND NOW IT IS EVER SO EVIDENT!!! Good luck in your future endeavors, for I am sure that the simple task of walking and chewing gum poses a threat to your intelligence. I will say a prayer for ya

Well, that'll work... :cuckoo::doubt::cuckoo:

Say stupid, did you notice your own links refuted you?

You're not stupid because you're a leftist: You're a leftist because you're stupid. :thup:

Question fuckwad, do you view every live birth as a tragic failure to abort?
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Leninism is a revolutionary doctrine that sanctifies political violence and....
...and blah blah blah....

Man, are you ever an out-dated back number!! Are you also terrified that the worship of Zeus and Osiris are going to make a comeback?

I'd urge you to join the rest of us here in the 21st century, but I honestly don't think you will ever make it here.

Said the moron with five jewish red stars, what a num/nut...:razz:
I don't hate my Liberal friends, I just don't understand them.

They are much better off than me financially, yet they brow beat me because of how I derive my income. I live much more modestly than they but that matters not. They are covered by public pension while I cover my ass privately. They have the convenience of retiring early while I can never retire. Yet my private employment places me below them.

It's like they feed off my loss to support their gain. And they put me down for it.

And that... is fucked up.
Why do people hate Liberals?
See the following
Article 15
Twat com
Plasma Ball
Black Label
George Costanza
Feel free to add any other I have missed.

That's not saying much. My list of libertarians and right wingers is a least that long. :doubt:
I don't hate my Liberal friends, I just don't understand them.
They are much better off than me financially, yet they brow beat me because of how I derive my income. I live much more modestly than they but that matters not. They are covered by public pension while I cover my ass privately. They have the convenience of retiring early while I can never retire. Yet my private employment places me below them.

It's like they feed off my loss to support their gain. And they put me down for it.

And that... is fucked up.

You and me both mr. h. Be proud.
Why do people hate Liberals?
See the following
Article 15
Twat com
Plasma Ball
Black Label
George Costanza
Feel free to add any other I have missed.

That's not saying much. My list of libertarians and right wingers is a least that long. :doubt:

BUT nowhere near as disreputable.

I'm just sayin....
The one thing about this board that most baffles me is the incredible depth of hatred and contempt for liberals.

The amount of comments from people suggesting all liberals are stupid, anti-patriotic, dumb...you name it. One even suggested liberals don't know what paragraphs are.

I don't get it. And I don't see anything the like the contempt expressed by liberals towards conservatives.

Firstly, the term "liberal" could be used to describe about half of the planet. Like "leftist", it's a fairly cliched catch-all adjective that have little real meaning. It's just too general to be much use.

Secondly, I've met extremely intelligent people from right across the political spectrum - and as many idiots. I've talked to brilliant facists, idiotic conservatives, intelligent communists and brain-dead centrists. I don't see a pattern there at all.

And lastly, why hate liberals when many of the most successful and celebrated administrations have been liberal ones? Were the governments if Clinton, Wilson, FDR, JFK and Truman really so much worse than conservative governments of similar eras?

The constant attacks on liberals seems to me (as an outsider) just a sign of incredible arrogance and conceit - and I would consider attacks on conservatives the same way.

If there is a REAL reason, with facts, for hating liberals - let's hear about it.

Libs love to throw the "H" word around. It seems like liberals hate themselves and their Country so their bi-polar condition causes them to lash out at Christians and Jews and the Constitution.
The one thing about this board that most baffles me is the incredible depth of hatred and contempt for liberals.

The amount of comments from people suggesting all liberals are stupid, anti-patriotic, dumb...you name it. One even suggested liberals don't know what paragraphs are.

I don't get it. And I don't see anything the like the contempt expressed by liberals towards conservatives.

Firstly, the term "liberal" could be used to describe about half of the planet. Like "leftist", it's a fairly cliched catch-all adjective that have little real meaning. It's just too general to be much use.

Secondly, I've met extremely intelligent people from right across the political spectrum - and as many idiots. I've talked to brilliant facists, idiotic conservatives, intelligent communists and brain-dead centrists. I don't see a pattern there at all.

And lastly, why hate liberals when many of the most successful and celebrated administrations have been liberal ones? Were the governments if Clinton, Wilson, FDR, JFK and Truman really so much worse than conservative governments of similar eras?

The constant attacks on liberals seems to me (as an outsider) just a sign of incredible arrogance and conceit - and I would consider attacks on conservatives the same way.

If there is a REAL reason, with facts, for hating liberals - let's hear about it.

Libs love to throw the "H" word around. It seems like liberals hate themselves and their Country so their bi-polar condition causes them to lash out at Christians and Jews and the Constitution.

In liberalspeak, anybody who criticzes a leftist/liberal/progressive/democrat is speaking hate.

In liberalspeak, anybody who objects to a tyranny of poliical correctness is somebody who hates, is prejudiced, is extreme, who wants everything evil and nothing that is good, yadda yadda.

In liberalspeak, anybody who holds beliefs or opinions contrary to the prevailing liberal talking points is extremist, fanatical, stupid, ignorant, and yes, hateful.

So the premise of the OP from the get go is flawed in that it asks a question based on a false assumption.

The better question is why do some oppose liberals and/or liberalism?

But then since I have never found a liberal willing to even try to articulate a defense of liberalism that does not hold up some other country or entity as better than the USA or that does not base their entire belief system on 'hating' conservatives and conservative values, it is very difficult to have a comprehensive discussion.

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