Why do people hate Liberals?

So 3 days later, and still no rebuttal on how I was wrong :eusa_whistle:... so either you can't find it, or you are still trying LOL.... either way, YOU GOT OWNED!!!

First off fucktard, if you want to play kewl, you would say "you got pwned."

Beyond that, you mindless monkey, shrieking that others must prove that the idiocy you cut and paste from the hate sites is wrong merely illustrates what an intellectual midget you are.
First of all I do not hate Sowell, I don't know him....but the video has Sowell speaking on education.

Yes, but smart people don't go to a heavily edited attack video to get quotations to accuse people. Smart people go to the source itself and see what the person said in context. Sowell has done exhaustive research, commentary, and lecturing on education. He may be more knowledgeable on the subject than anybody living these days and he documents his facts and figures very very well.

I have read much, if not most, that he has offered on the subject and he documents his facts and figures very very well.

Have you? Are you smart?

It wasn't an attack or edited. And he gave facts to dispute Sowell. How do feel he misrepresented Sowell's comments? I agree the headline is a little rhetorical.

The video was an attack on Thomas Sowell's point of view and so tightly edited that it showed only two or three sentences of Sowell's commentary out of much broader perspective that he applied. You can probably make a video of the Pope declaring the world is flat if you ignore all the qualifications and other points he makes in a prolonged commentary.

Thomas Sowell is a PhD economist, and he does his homework. He has also been an educator and again, has done exhaustive research and has written extensively on the subject. Of course he is human and he could be wrong about any given detail. But I would certainly hear him out over some liberal who loves big government and thinks it can do no wrong in education or anything else.

Sowell, a committed libertarian, is also as critical of the Republicans as he is the Democrats when they get it wrong and/or pass indefensible policy or that with unacceptable unintended consequences.

Sowell's sin, in the eyes of liberals, is that he exposes the folly of liberal thnk and the liberal mindset and the negatives we suffer as a result of liberal policy.

Smart people want to know the truth rather than to exhonerate an ideology.
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I don't hate liberals, I hate liberalism. I feel sorry for liberals because their defective gene keeps them from thinking rationally.
I don't hate liberals, I hate liberalism. I feel sorry for liberals because their defective gene keeps them from thinking rationally.

I don't hate liberals or liberalism--I know many who are good, sensitive, caring, creative, intelligent people--but I too believe most liberals are unable or unwilling to think objectively and that does sometimes seem to produce an irrationality born out of mostly ignorance.

Those 'shades of gray' mentioned in the opening posts are something like a fog that prevents many liberals, even some conservatives, from being able to see clearly what the actual affects and consequences that something creates are. And in both it can create prejudices making people see only the negative--or make it up--while ignoring or denying any good.

In my opinion, any value or concept or consequence can be expressed without referencing or trashing a single other person, group, demographic, etc. For a conservative, certain principles and/or the results or effect of policy is discernable and describable. Whether or not they DO describe them without showing personal prejudices and being insulting, it has been my experience that most conservatives CAN describe principles, concept, and effects without even referencing other people or concepts.

It has been my experience that most liberals cannot.

And so far not a single self-professed liberal in my life has been willing to accept my challenge to test my theory about that. And I have offered. On this thread and many others and in real life.
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How about this. Why don't you take my post, research what I cited, and then prove my statements wrong.

Ah, the refrain of the mindless; "prove me wrong."

Not the way it works, sparky. YOU must prove your assertions have merit. The onus is upon the claimant to prove his claim.

Unless you do so, then you are a simpleton, who is blinded by stupidity. Until you prove absolutely that what I said what "spewing hate" you willbe regarded as a useless troll

Proving that you are spewing hate is simple, I merely point up the fact that you use the leftist hate sites as your source.

You lack the wits to offer a cogent argument - you are but another leftist monkey throwing feces at passers by - you are a feral baboon.

I stated the truth, and it is your job to prove me wrong, if you disagree, or think I am lying or spewing hate, and blah blah blah.. until you prove me wrong, like I said, you= FAIL
So 3 days later, and still no rebuttal on how I was wrong :eusa_whistle:... so either you can't find it, or you are still trying LOL.... either way, YOU GOT OWNED!!!

First off fucktard, if you want to play kewl, you would say "you got pwned."

Beyond that, you mindless monkey, shrieking that others must prove that the idiocy you cut and paste from the hate sites is wrong merely illustrates what an intellectual midget you are.

Didn't use pwned because we aren't playing a video game, idiot. And if I am copying and pasting lies, feel free to prove me wrong... until then, you got OWNED!!
The one thing about this board that most baffles me is the incredible depth of hatred and contempt for liberals.

The amount of comments from people suggesting all liberals are stupid, anti-patriotic, dumb...you name it. One even suggested liberals don't know what paragraphs are.

I don't get it. And I don't see anything the like the contempt expressed by liberals towards conservatives.

Firstly, the term "liberal" could be used to describe about half of the planet. Like "leftist", it's a fairly cliched catch-all adjective that have little real meaning. It's just too general to be much use.

Secondly, I've met extremely intelligent people from right across the political spectrum - and as many idiots. I've talked to brilliant facists, idiotic conservatives, intelligent communists and brain-dead centrists. I don't see a pattern there at all.

And lastly, why hate liberals when many of the most successful and celebrated administrations have been liberal ones? Were the governments if Clinton, Wilson, FDR, JFK and Truman really so much worse than conservative governments of similar eras?

The constant attacks on liberals seems to me (as an outsider) just a sign of incredible arrogance and conceit - and I would consider attacks on conservatives the same way.

If there is a REAL reason, with facts, for hating liberals - let's hear about it.

I think your statement "And I don't see anything the like the contempt expressed by liberals towards conservatives." is disengenious. I can't say what you have or what you haven't seen, but I've seen those attacks go both ways. Granted, you'll see more right on left "violence" on the boards than visa - versa, but I believe that's just because there are more extreme righties on these boards than extreme lefties.

I also believe that right-wing opinion leaders tend to resort to personal attack when (as so often happens) their reason proves inadequate. Most on these boards are just parroting those slogans, because they too find their ability to reason inadequate.
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Oh good grief, there's plenty of hatred spewed here by both ends of the political spectrum. The only way a person wouldn't realize that is if they're blinded by their own partisan ideology.

I try to look at the bright side and hope that the anger provides a catharsis so that the hate won't be used by these people in "real life".

It will, though, IMO ---- the reason there is so much hate here is that this is the normal process of revving up for civil war. Half the country hates and wants defeated the other half, and to fight and win humans HAVE to depersonalize and demonize the enemy so they can fight them effectively.

The depersonalization and dehumanizing is going on now as we all get ready to fight each other. Say, any older posters think they've ever seen American-American hatred this virulent before? No, I didn't think so, me neither.

? they used to duel remember? and we had that little thing called the civil war, if thats not hate I dont know what is. it has been going on forever.
I stated the truth, and it is your job to prove me wrong, if you disagree, or think I am lying or spewing hate, and blah blah blah.. until you prove me wrong, like I said, you= FAIL

Is that right sparky?

You stated "DA TROOOFFFF."

Well let's look, you shit eating moron.

Hmmm, what does your hate site have to offer?

{1) Republicans not only want to reduce women's access to abortion care, they're actually trying to redefine rape. After a major backlash, they promised to stop. But they haven't yet. Shocker. }

Bold assertion, no wonder the Soros group offers solid evidence.

Oh wait - they offer no evidence at all - they simply slander their opponents loosely based on the misreporting of a candidate in the last election.

But to a mindless fuckwad like you, it's "DA TROOOFFFF." After all, your party said it - and you believe EVERYTHING your party tells you - thinking is hard, or at least you heard it was. You don't know for sure, but you're not willing to chance it.

Next we have the doozy that REPUBLICANS LEGALIZE KILLING ABORTIONISTS. And you puke out that it's "DA TROOOFFFF."

Now the fuckwads at the hate site MoveOn use another hate site, Salon to base their slander and libel on. Goddamn, almost like the Aryan Brotherhood citing the KKK to prove their claims.

But let's look into the shit stains at Salon - what is their claim?

Oh wait - those fucks pass on to ANOTHER hate site, Mother Jones.

By the time we get to the Mother Jones hate site, the original fabrication is deflated to;

{The bill, sponsored by state Rep. Phil Jensen, a committed foe of abortion rights, alters the state’s legal definition of justifiable homicide by adding language stating that a homicide is permissible if committed by a person “while resisting an attempt to harm” that person’s unborn child or the unborn child of that person’s spouse, partner, parent, or child.}

Even this is a fabrication;

"If you look at the code, these codes are dealing with illegal acts. Now, abortion is a legal act. So this has got nothing to do with abortion."

BUT since you are a mindless drone, spewing hate, which no ability to formulate a thought, it's "DA TROOOFFFF."

You're dismissed, moron.
It will, though, IMO ---- the reason there is so much hate here is that this is the normal process of revving up for civil war. Half the country hates and wants defeated the other half, and to fight and win humans HAVE to depersonalize and demonize the enemy so they can fight them effectively.

The depersonalization and dehumanizing is going on now as we all get ready to fight each other. Say, any older posters think they've ever seen American-American hatred this virulent before? No, I didn't think so, me neither.
? they used to duel remember? and we had that little thing called the civil war, if thats not hate I dont know what is.
That's true, but that wasn't the question. I don't think anyone here is old enough to have seen the hatred of the 1850's and 60's (though the 1960's were getting close).

It is quite obvious that America's rulers are using their well-honed Brainwashing Machine to get Americans hating and fighting each other, so that they may be looted and controlled even more expertly than they already are.
Their economic theory's are destructive.

I don't see there is any evidence of that at a theoertical level.

Some of the world's most succesful governments have been liberal.

In fact, I think you'd struggle to mount a case that conservatives have a better economi record in government that liberals. In any country.

yea but there is plenty on a practical level. just take a look at the state of our economy.
I stated the truth, and it is your job to prove me wrong, if you disagree, or think I am lying or spewing hate, and blah blah blah.. until you prove me wrong, like I said, you= FAIL

Is that right sparky?

You stated "DA TROOOFFFF."

Well let's look, you shit eating moron.

Hmmm, what does your hate site have to offer?

{1) Republicans not only want to reduce women's access to abortion care, they're actually trying to redefine rape. After a major backlash, they promised to stop. But they haven't yet. Shocker. }

Bold assertion, no wonder the Soros group offers solid evidence.

Oh wait - they offer no evidence at all - they simply slander their opponents loosely based on the misreporting of a candidate in the last election.

But to a mindless fuckwad like you, it's "DA TROOOFFFF." After all, your party said it - and you believe EVERYTHING your party tells you - thinking is hard, or at least you heard it was. You don't know for sure, but you're not willing to chance it.

Next we have the doozy that REPUBLICANS LEGALIZE KILLING ABORTIONISTS. And you puke out that it's "DA TROOOFFFF."

Now the fuckwads at the hate site MoveOn use another hate site, Salon to base their slander and libel on. Goddamn, almost like the Aryan Brotherhood citing the KKK to prove their claims.

But let's look into the shit stains at Salon - what is their claim?

Oh wait - those fucks pass on to ANOTHER hate site, Mother Jones.

By the time we get to the Mother Jones hate site, the original fabrication is deflated to;

{The bill, sponsored by state Rep. Phil Jensen, a committed foe of abortion rights, alters the state’s legal definition of justifiable homicide by adding language stating that a homicide is permissible if committed by a person “while resisting an attempt to harm” that person’s unborn child or the unborn child of that person’s spouse, partner, parent, or child.}

Even this is a fabrication;

"If you look at the code, these codes are dealing with illegal acts. Now, abortion is a legal act. So this has got nothing to do with abortion."

BUT since you are a mindless drone, spewing hate, which no ability to formulate a thought, it's "DA TROOOFFFF."

You're dismissed, moron.

Like I said before, TAKE MY ORIGINAL STATEMENTS, AND THEN PROVE EXACTLY WHAT I SAID WAS WRONG (that actually means finding evidence to the contrary of what I said, not just your insignificant OPINION). That would require that you take my original statements, and then individually proving each statement I said was wrong. Until you do, you still FAIL!! And you can name-call all you want. Doesn't change the fact conservatives ARE TRYING TO MAKE ABORTION ILLEGAL!! I have seen you say what you think, however offer NO factual evidence to support your argument (that means citing references). And just a fyi, the name-calling only makes you look like an ignorant child. But I guess you conservatives are used to that haha. And I never said REPUBLICANS LEGALIZE KILLING ABORTIONISTS. If you actually could read, I said that a bill was introduced.... NEVER said it passed, or was legal. Gosh, if you are that thick, and reading comprehension is low on your list of intellectual traits, I am done talking.
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Oh good grief, there's plenty of hatred spewed here by both ends of the political spectrum. The only way a person wouldn't realize that is if they're blinded by their own partisan ideology.

I try to look at the bright side and hope that the anger provides a catharsis so that the hate won't be used by these people in "real life".

It will, though, IMO ---- the reason there is so much hate here is that this is the normal process of revving up for civil war. Half the country hates and wants defeated the other half, and to fight and win humans HAVE to depersonalize and demonize the enemy so they can fight them effectively.

The depersonalization and dehumanizing is going on now as we all get ready to fight each other. Say, any older posters think they've ever seen American-American hatred this virulent before? No, I didn't think so, me neither.

It's always been like this. We are a contentious people. We're meant to be. Ease off the fucking drama queen bullshit.
Back to Lenin? Bolshevism as Barbarism

May 7, 2013 By Vladimir Tismaneanu


It has become fashionable among leftist circles to invoke a return to Lenin, to radicalism, to utopia. Among those who advocate such imperative to “retest the communist hypothesis” one can count French philosopher Alain Badiou, a former admirer of the Khmer Rouges, and Slovene thinker, Slavoj Zizek, the new idol of Western university campuses, subject of documentary hagiographic movies, and prophet of a new phantasmagoric world revolution. Did the partisans of such positions ever stop to think how it would sound a call for “retesting the Nazi hypothesis”? One must be totally oblivious to history, an incurable cynic, in order to ignore the fact that Leninism, just like National-Socialism, means political terrorism, the apotheosis of fanatical partisanship, the boundless cult of violence and nihilism, etc. In short, Leninism presupposes all of what Polish poet Aleksander Wat called the destruction of the inner man. Leninism is theoretical and practical anti-humanism.

There have been conferences and symposia where Lenin is presented, in an academic context and without any trace of compassion for the millions of victims of “the great experiment,” as the philosopher of the break with an order putatively condemned by history. All in all, it is unsurprising that the prophets of violence worship Lenin. What is surprising is that intellectuals, who should have learnt from the catastrophes of the 20th century, are engaged in an endeavor driven by n programmatic irresponsibility. It is simply shocking that in countries where the Leninist model was implemented, one can still read and hear hymns honoring the architect of a criminal system.


Leninism is a revolutionary doctrine that sanctifies political violence and condemns entire social categories to state-engineered extinction. It is a secular demonology constructing a cosmogony of exclusion rooted in the visceral contempt for the rule of law, legality, and the universality of human rights. “Back to Lenin” means a return to barbarism, blindness, and murder.

Back to Lenin? Bolshevism as Barbarism | FrontPage Magazine
Like I said before, TAKE MY ORIGINAL STATEMENTS, AND THEN PROVE EXACTLY WHAT I SAID WAS WRONG (that actually means finding evidence to the contrary of what I said, not just your insignificant OPINION).

You've been beaten, then dismissed.

Crawl off to the gutter and lick your wounds.

That would require that you take my original statements, and then individually proving each statement I said was wrong. Until you do, you still FAIL!! And you can name-call all you want. Doesn't change the fact conservatives ARE TRYING TO MAKE ABORTION ILLEGAL!!

The only fact present is that you're a lying fuckwad.

You "think" that because you are promoting abortion, and because abortion is the singular purpose of all life, if you need to lie to promote it, well then, lying is the greatest good.

I have seen you say what you think, however offer NO factual evidence to support your argument (that means citing references).

You moronic fuckwad, I used YOUR sources against you. It was simple to do, because you rely on hate sites. Hate sites can never provide a cogent or consistent argument.

And just a fyi, the name-calling only makes you look like an ignorant child. But I guess you conservatives are used to that haha. And I never said REPUBLICANS LEGALIZE KILLING ABORTIONISTS.

In fact you did - you lied - got busted, now seek to backtrack.

If you actually could read, I said that a bill was introduced....

Which of course it wasn't - the hate site doing your thinking for you hyped and stretched facts to create a story that would excite the drones - the mindless fools like you.

NEVER said it passed, or was legal. Gosh, if you are that thick, and reading comprehension is low on your list of intellectual traits, I am done talking.

It never existed - you lied, you lied in hopes of smearing your political opponents.

Yeah, that does reveal you as a scumbag.
Leninism is a revolutionary doctrine that sanctifies political violence and....
...and blah blah blah....

Man, are you ever an out-dated back number!! Are you also terrified that the worship of Zeus and Osiris are going to make a comeback?

I'd urge you to join the rest of us here in the 21st century, but I honestly don't think you will ever make it here.
You've been beaten, then dismissed.

Crawl off to the gutter and lick your wounds.

It never existed - you lied, you lied in hopes of smearing your political opponents.

Yeah, that does reveal you as a scumbag.

Yeeaaaaa, right, so it doesn't exist eh? I got beaten huh (lmao)? Well here you go buddy. If I made it up, I guess I got ALL of these sources to make it up too huh? Your level of intelligence must be almost non-existent. TRY to READ these, and see if you can get out of the fantasy world you live in. Then you might realize you are the one who is lying through their teeth.

Nebraska Bill Could Legalize Killing Abortion Doctors

South Dakota bill would legalize killing abortion doctors - Salon.com

The Plum Line - South Dakota legislator defends bill to make killing to defend fetuses a "justifiable homicide"

South Dakota: Defending a 'Justifiable Homicide' Bill. Does it Include Abortion Doctors? - ABC News

There are just a few sources. I know reading, and comprehending must be hard for you, but do try. The you might wrap your simple little brain around the concept that conservatives are trying to make abortion ILLEGAL! So if anything, your unintelligent ranting and raving has done nothing but prove just how much of a scumbag you really are! Good job buddy
Yeeaaaaa, right, so it doesn't exist eh? I got beaten huh (lmao)? Well here you go buddy. If I made it up, I guess I got ALL of these sources to make it up too huh? Your level of intelligence must be almost non-existent. TRY to READ these, and see if you can get out of the fantasy world you live in. Then you might realize you are the one who is lying through their teeth.

"If you look at the code, these codes are dealing with illegal acts. Now, abortion is a legal act. So this has got nothing to do with abortion."

Obamunists - stupid as sand...
Yeeaaaaa, right, so it doesn't exist eh? I got beaten huh (lmao)? Well here you go buddy. If I made it up, I guess I got ALL of these sources to make it up too huh? Your level of intelligence must be almost non-existent. TRY to READ these, and see if you can get out of the fantasy world you live in. Then you might realize you are the one who is lying through their teeth.

"If you look at the code, these codes are dealing with illegal acts. Now, abortion is a legal act. So this has got nothing to do with abortion."

Obamunists - stupid as sand...

HAHAHA YOU'RE SUCH A FAILURE AND NOW IT IS EVER SO EVIDENT!!! Good luck in your future endeavors, for I am sure that the simple task of walking and chewing gum poses a threat to your intelligence. I will say a prayer for ya
Why do people hate Liberals?
See the following
Article 15
Twat com
Plasma Ball
Black Label
George Costanza
Feel free to add any other I have missed.
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